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1、Speaking 1,Greetings,How to greet people (in informal contexts) There are all sorts of different ways to greet people. In this programme, we learn some of the most popular and useful expressions for greeting friends or other people in relaxed situations.,Saying hello Hey Jane!Hi Jane!Alright, Jane!A

2、lright, mate!,Asking someone how they are How are you? How you doing? How you going? Hows it going? You alright?,Saying you are well Good, thanks! Fine, thanks! Not bad, not bad! Alright, thanks! Im OK!,Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well And you? How about you? What about

3、you?,Formal greetings,Greetings Good morning sirmadamMr JonesMrs Smith afternoon evening,How are you? Its lovely to see you again!Its been a long time, hasnt it?How are things with you,Examples of situations where you might use formal greetings Working in the service industry, e.g. a restaurant, hot

4、el, travel agentGreeting someone older than youAt work, when speaking to your superiorsMeeting a VIP e.g. a politician Being polite to someone you dont know very well,Introduce people,Introducing someone else Id like to introduce you to Theres someone Id like you to meet, this is Have you met?,Expre

5、ssing pleasure to have met someonePleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Very nice to meet you.Its a pleasure to meet you.,Returning the compliment Likewise. And you.,Useful expressions,It is a small world.I didnt catch you.I didnt catch your first name.Please call me Bill.Shall we meet this evening

6、 if you are free?I will show you around.,Please make yourself at home.,Words,Fulfillment :完成Higher education : 高等教育Determine:决定Inappropriate:不恰当Predicament: awkward situation 困境,音标,推荐视频:音标单词对照,Unit 2,Dialogue 1How are you?How are you doing?Hows everything? (with you)Hows everything going/,Are you do

7、ing anything Saturday evening? Nothing special. Why? (Why do you ask?)Feeling like doing -I dont feel like eating anything.I feel like vomiting.我什么也不想吃,想吐。,What about How aboutWould you like to doWhy notWhy dont we,Dialogue 2Could we make it some other time?At eight sharp.So long for now.Lets call i

8、t a day.See you.,Part C,Invite someone to dinner.He didnt know what to take.Drink up/ eat up.Fill up填满Hastily: hurriedlyapron eiprnn.围裙,awkward :kwd difficult to deal with and embarrassingA.尴尬的,棘手的;难操纵的;笨拙的-She is still awkward with chopsticks. 她用筷子还不熟练。 -There was an awkwardly long silence.-Its a l

9、ittle awkward, because hes my friend but Im still his boss.,elbow elbun.肘,(衣服的)肘部 vt.用肘推,用肘挤-He elbowed his way over to where we stood. 他向我们站的地方挤了过来。,Table manners in different countries.American Table Manners,Table MannersChina vs. America,By Megan Tepper,Eating Habits in China,Sample every dish on

10、 tableWhen eating rice hold bowl close to mouthEat lightly at meals, could be up to 20 courses,Eating Habits in America,Food is passed to the rightTry little of everythingKeep table cloth cleanFood lifted to mouthRepulsive to talk with mouth fullNo elbows on table,Chinas Chopsticks,Chopsticks for ea

11、ting ricePolite if try to use chopsticksBad luck in set parallel on top of bowl, or dropped,Rude if chopsticks are stuck straight up in bowl,Americans Utensils,Start with the outer utensils(餐具), and work in towards your plateOnly spoon provided is soup spoonSalad fork has thicker tine at left,Fish f

12、ork and knife Most inner fork and knife are for meatIf tea or coffee or going to be served a teaspoon will be brought out with it,Chinese Hot Towel,Tot towel is provided at end of mealSo one can wipe hands and mouth at end of meal,American Napkin,Once seated put napkin on lapOnly meant to dabthe lip

13、s抹一下嘴唇and not get dirtyAfter meal place napkin loosely near plate,Napkin should not be crumpled or twistedAt informal occasion is used to clean up mess that occurred during meal,Chinese Table Manners,Not rude to reach in front of someone to grab somethingPolite to reach for food with chopsticksChine

14、se host like to put food on your plate for you,Place bones or seeds in different dishYour host will fill up your dish if it is emptyNever take the last bit from a serving dish,American Table Manners,Food is passed around the tableIf something is out of your reach, you ask politely for someone to pas

15、s it to you,Not rude to leave plate fullNot rude to leave your plate emptyNot rude to take last item off dish,Business Table Manners in China,Banquets start around 6:30-7:00 p.m.Last about 2 hoursArrive 30 minuets before you guests,Business is not always discussed during a mealNever eat before your

16、hostReturn the favor,Business Table Manners in America,Arrive early, especially if you are the hostPay for the meal in advance,Courteous to hold the door open for male and femaleBusiness is discussed during the meal,Special Occasions in China,Big elaborate mealsUsually held at restaurants that consi

17、st of 10 or more coursesRice is not served,Special Occasions in America,Usually only gather for special occasions or holidays Families travel across country for special mealsExtra cooking and preparing,Values in China,Still have customs and traditionsHave not let things become unimportantSignificanc

18、e into their mealsPersonal approach,Values in America,Manners surround being polite and properTraditions have become unimportant thus have forgotten about themNo customs in table manners, only what looks niceNo significance,Unit 3,1. money order 汇款单A money order is a piece of paper representing a su

19、m of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post.-Id like to cash this money order. 我想兑现这张汇款单。,2. at your service 听候吩咐3. 1) How are you getting on these days?2)How are you getting(on, along)with your work? Very(pretty, quite)well, thank you.3)

20、How are you getting along with your classmates?,美国的教育制度,美国高等教育简介:,美国现有的院校主要实行二年或四年的学制,二年制的多为技术专科学校和社区学院。近年来,这类院校在美国高等教育中发展得较快,截至1990年,二年制学院总数已达1230所,在校学生近600万,占全美大学生总数的47以上,其迅速发展的原因在于它是连接高中和正规四年制大学的一个桥梁,主要培养美国社会需求的技能和专业知识,而且学费低廉。,正规四年制的学校主要为文理学院、独立专业学院和综合性大学,代表着美国科研和教学的最高水平,培养大批高层次的专业技术人才;这些院校除教学外,还承担着美国政府的大量高精尖的科研任务。著名的高等学府有:哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、乔治华盛顿大学、加州大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、普林斯顿大学、乔治敦大学等。,


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