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1、全肠道灌洗治疗急性中毒,全肠道灌洗whole bowel irrigation,定义:通过胃管内注入大量的等渗聚乙二醇电解质溶液(PEG-ES)来诱导中毒患者排出液态粪便,目的在于清除胃肠道内未被吸收的毒物,主要内容,中毒流行病学,荟萃分析,1994.12007.9,24篇,27908例毒物分类:药物26.5,乙醇22.8,CO 14.9,食物10.9,农药10.7,杀鼠剂4.2,亚硝酸盐2.5%自杀最常见(57.9),80.8为口服中毒医学综述,2008,14(15):2374-2376,洗胃的实验研究,被忽视的肠道毒物,普罗帕酮自杀中毒38例 导泻仅4例(10.5%)氯氮平中毒的临床特征和

2、诊疗现状 成人组60例,导泻10例(16.7) 中国急救医学,2011,31(3):244-246 中华急诊医学杂志,2007,16(7):773-774,影响毒物吸收的因素,Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (11): 897-939,清除肠道毒物的必要性,大部分经肠道吸收中毒洗胃对毒物的清除有限毒物的延迟吸收(缓释/控释、肠溶、转运蛋白、肠蠕动减弱、肠道低灌注/缺氧),主要内容,适应症,经口大量摄入缓释药物或肠溶药物口服大量铁(吸收依赖转运蛋白)消除非法药物摄入包 American Academy of Clinical Toxicology & European A

3、ssociation of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologist Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,潜在致命的毒物,控释片/胶囊:氯化钾(补达秀)、硝苯地平(拜新同)、格列吡嗪(瑞易宁)、吗啡(美施康定)、卡左双多巴(息宁)、沙丁胺醇、扑尔敏、茶碱、尼莫地平、 吲哚美辛缓释片/胶囊:茶碱(舒弗美)、非洛地平(波依定)、格列齐特(达美康)、双氯芬酸(扶他林)、布洛芬(芬必得)、二甲双胍、硝苯地平,潜在致命的毒物,肠溶片/胶囊:阿司匹林、双氯芬酸、雷贝拉唑、奥美拉唑铁剂: 琥珀酸亚铁(速力菲)、硫酸亚铁、

4、枸橼酸铁铵、乳酸亚铁,禁忌症,无气道保护能力且未实施气道保护者肠穿孔肠梗阻胃肠道出血血流动力学不稳定无法控制的顽固性呕吐 American Academy of Clinical Toxicology & European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologist Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,剂量推荐,a recommended dosing schedule : Children 9 months to 6 years: 500 mL/h Children 612 y

5、ears: 1000 mL/h Adolescents and adults: 15002000 mL/h American Academy of Clinical Toxicology & European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologist Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,WBI的实施,鼻胃管、容器坐位或床头抬高至少45度粪便接受容器胃复安、新斯的明如果出现呕吐,将输注速度减半,3060分钟后恢复初始速度终止:至少至结肠排出清亮液体 American Academ

6、y of Clinical Toxicology & European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologist Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,聚乙二醇电解质散剂(舒泰清),成分:A 剂含聚乙二醇4000 13.125g;B 剂含碳酸氢钠0.1785g,氯化钠0.3507g,氯化钾0.0466g配制:取本品A、B 两剂各一包,同溶于125l 温水中成溶液不良反应:腹泻,阵发性腹痛,大量服用可能出现恶心、腹胀,偶有腹部痉挛、呕吐和肛门不适,并发症,恶心呕吐腹痛腹胀吸入性肺炎

7、,主要内容,动物研究,dog, WBI with PEG-ES 50 mL/kg/h was begun 1 hour after paraquat administration and continued for 5 hoursAfter the 5-hour,WBI and control plasma paraquat concentrations were 5.61.8 and 33.010.2 mg/Lthis procedure removed 68.9% of the ingested dose Human Exp Toxicol 1992;11:495504,志愿者研究,Thr

8、ee studies involving dosing with ampicillin, delayed-release aspirin and sustained-release lithium showed significant reduction in bioavailability of 67%, 73%, and 67% Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,临床研究,Iron, lead, arsenic, mercury, potassiumsustained-release verapamil, delayed-release fe

9、nfluraminealmodipinebody packing: cocaine or herin Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854,主要内容,Case 1,女 28岁 既往安装心脏起搏器,边缘人格 Episode 1. 2年前口服KCl缓释胶囊100片(75克)3h后至ED,血钾7.2mmol/L,很快心脏骤停 ,CPR时静注肾上腺素后室颤,除颤后气管插管收入ICU,查血钾9.2mmol/L ,起搏心律,血压90/35 mmHg. 静注钙、碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素,胃管内注入聚苯乙烯磺酸钠树脂8h内血钾 9.2 6.9 7.5 9.5 mmol/L

10、血透4h,血钾恢复正常,2d后转心理科 No GI decontamination was performedClinical Toxicology 2008,46 :1102-1103,Case 1,Episode 2. 4.5 months later口服KCl缓释胶囊100片(75克)1h后至ED ,查血钾5.1mmol/L收入ICU时起搏心律、血压140/60 mmHg,麻醉后气管插管,洗胃,入ICU2h后血钾6.9 mmol/L ,静注钙、碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素,口服聚苯乙烯磺酸钠树脂X线发现胃内大量胶囊, WBI ,12h内10 L PEG-ES (胃管),排泄物中大量胶囊碎片和一些完

11、整胶囊 血钾6.2 6.8 5.7 5.3 4.4mmol/L,24h后脱机拔管转心理科 Clinical Toxicology 2008,46 :1102-1103,Case 1,Episode 3. 70粒,2.5h至ED,血钾 7.1 mmol/L ,窦律 70次/分 ,T波髙尖,呕吐1次 (呕吐物中见4粒氯化钾),麻醉后气管插管,静注碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素X线发现胃内大量胶囊,WBI ,6 h内4 L PEG-ES ,排泄物中大量胶囊碎片和一些完整胶囊 血钾 6.5 3.9 4.9 5.5 4.4 11h后腹部X线证实胃肠内无胶囊 Clinical Toxicology 2008,46 :

12、1102-1103,Case 2,A 41-year-old man ingested an arsenic-containing herbicideAt 2 hours he had several bouts of emesis and diffuse abdominalpainAt 4 hours, an abdominal radiograph showed radiopaque material in the small bowelWBI 2 L over 3 hours, resulted in rectal effluent with the characteristic garlic odor of arsenic and a clear radiograph Am J Emerg Med, 1995, 13:244245,展望,临床研究急性农药中毒大量药物中毒耐受性和安全性研究基础研究与导泻的比较联合活性炭后毒物的清除,釜底抽薪-中毒治疗成功的关键,


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