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1、1,ManagementYesterdayand Today管理的昨天与今天,Chapter,2,Exhibit 21Development of Major Management Theories 图2-1 主要管理理论的发展 P. 31 (10e 修改),2,Management Theories管理理论的流派,Scientific Manage-ment科学管理PP. 32-33,General Adminis-trative Theorists一般行政管理 P. 34,Quanti-tative Approach计量方法P. 36,Organiza-tional Behavior组织行

2、为方法PP. 37-39,Early Advocates早期倡导者,Hawthorne Studies 霍桑实验,Early Examples of Management,Adam Smith亚当 史密斯,Industrial Revolution,Historical Back-ground历史背景1911年以前,Systems Approach系统方法PP.13-14第1章,Contin-gency Approach权变方法 P.15第1章,Contemporary Approach 当代方法,Classical Approach古典学派,Learning Outcomes 学习成果阅读及

3、学习完本章后要求掌握以下6点,并能回答其中的有关问题:,LO 2.1 管理的历史背景LO 2.2 两个古典管理学派LO 2.3 计量管理学派LO 2.4 行为学派LO 2.5 当代的管理学派LO 2.6 当前的问题和趋势,3,Historical Background Of Management,管理的历史背景,Learning Outcome 2.1,Describe some early evidences of management practice. 描述早期管理存在的史实Describe two important historical events that are signifi

4、cant to the study of management. 描述对管理研究非常重要的两个历史事件,4,Historical Background of Management PP. 30-31,Ancient Management 古代的管理Egypt (pyramids) and China (Great Wall)Venetians 威尼斯的 (floating warship assembly lines),5,Historical Background of Management PP. 30-31,管理史上的两大事件:Adam Smith (重大历史事件1)Published

5、“The Wealth of Nations” in 1776Advocated the division of labor (job specialization) to increase the productivity of workers Industrial Revolution (重大历史事件2)Substituted machine power for human laborCreated large organizations in need of management,6,Scientific Management 科学管理学派General Administrative T

6、heory 一般行政管理理论学派Quantitative Management 计量方法管理学派Organizational Behavior 组织行为学派Systems Approach 系统论方法Contingency Approach 权变方法,Major Approaches to Management 6大管理流派,Classical Approach,古典管理学派,Learning Outcome 2.2,Describe the important contributions made by Frederick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gi

7、lbreth. 描述泰勒及加尔布雷斯夫妇的重要贡献Discuss Fayols and Webers contributions to management theory. 讨论法约尔和韦伯对一般管理理论的贡献Explain how todays managers use scientific management and general administrative theory. 解释今天的管理者如何应用科学管理和一般行政管理理论。,8,古典管理学派之一,Scientific Management 科学管理,10,Scientific Management 科学管理 P.32,The “f

8、ather” of scientific management科学管理之父 1856 1915Published Principles of Scientific Management科学管理原理(1911),Fredrick Winslow Taylor佛雷德里克 泰罗 1856 1915,11,Scientific Management 科学管理 P.32,The theory of scientific management: Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done 用科学方法来

9、确定完成一项工作的最佳方法:Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.Having a standardized method of doing the job.Providing an economic incentive to the worker.泰罗的科学管理主要是致力于提高工作效率,12,表 21Taylors Four Principles of Management 4项管理原则 P.32,Develop a science for each element of an ind

10、ividuals work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumb method.Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed. Divide work and respo

11、nsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than the workers.,13,Scientific Management (contd),Focused on increasing worker productivity through the reduction of wasted motionDeveloped the microchronometer (精密计时器) to time work

12、er motions and optimize work performance通过时间动作优化来提高工作效率,Frank 佛兰克 (1868-1924); Lillian 莉莲 (1878-1972) Gilbreth 加尔布雷思夫妇,14,Scientific Management (contd),How Do Todays Managers Use Scientific Management? Use time and motion studies to increase productivity 使用时间动作研究来提高工作效率Hire the best qualified employ

13、ees 雇用最好的合格员工Design incentive systems based on output 设计根据产出的激励机制(如:计件工资),古典管理学派之二,General Administrative Theory 一般行政管理理论,16,General Administrative Theory 一般行政管理理论 PP. 34-35,主要贡献Believed that the practice of management was distinct from other organizational functions 管理是一项独立工作提出5大管理职能(第1章)Developed

14、fourteen principles of management that applied to all organizational situations 提出14项管理原则,Henri Fayol 1841-1925亨利 法约尔现代管理理论之父,17,表 22 法约尔14项管理原则 14 Principles of Management P.34,Division of work.Authority.Discipline.Unity of command.Unity of direction.Subordination of individual interests to the gen

15、eral interest.Remuneration.,Centralization.Scalar chain.Order.Equity.Stability of tenure of personnel.Initiative.Esprit de corps.,General Administrative Theory 一般行政管理理论 PP. 34-35,主要贡献:bureaucracy organization 官僚制/科层制组织Emphasized rationality 理性, predictability 守规矩, impersonality 不讲私人情面, technical com

16、petence 技术素质, and authoritarianism 威权,18,德国社会学家Max Weber 马克斯 韦伯 1864-1920,19,图 22 韦伯的理想的官僚制/科层制组织原则 P.35,不讲个人情面,管理职业化,正式规章制度,正规化选拔,权力等级化,劳动分工,Quantitative Approach,计量(定量)管理方法,Learning Outcome 2.3,Explain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management. 解释哪些数量方法在管理领域做出贡献Disc

17、uss how todays managers use the quantitative approach. 讨论今天的管理者如何运用计量方法,20,21,Quantitative Approach to Management 管理中的计量方法,Also called operations research or management science 又叫运筹学,或管理科学Evolved from mathematical and statistical methods developed to solve WWII military logistics and quality control

18、 problems 来源于二次大战中军事后勤和质量控制的数学和统计方法。Focuses on improving managerial decision making by applying:Statistics 统计学, optimization models 优化模型, information models 信息模型, and computer simulations 计算机模拟,Behavioral approach,行为方法,Learning Outcome 2.4,Describe the contributions of the early advocates of OB. 描述组

19、织行为早期倡导者的贡献Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the field of management. 解释霍桑实验在管理上的贡献Discuss how todays managers use the behavioral approach. 今天的管理者如何运用行为方法,22,23,Understanding Organizational Behavior 了解组织行为,Organizational Behavior (OB)The study of the actions of people at work; 对人

20、们在工作中的行为的研究people are the most important asset of an organization 人是组织最重要的资产,组织行为学派的4位早期倡导者 Early Advocates,Robert Owen 罗伯特 欧文,Hugo Munsterberg 雨果 芒斯特博格,Mary Parker Follett 玛丽 福莱特,Chester Barnard 切斯特 巴纳德,25,图 23 组织行为的早期贡献 Early Advocates of OB,26,A series of productivity experiments conducted at Wes

21、tern ElectricExperimental findingsProductivity unexpectedly increased under imposed adverse working conditions.The effect of incentive plans was less than expected.,The Hawthorne Studies 霍桑实验1924年-1932年 P.38,梅奥(Elton Mayo)的一些结论:人的行为和情绪是密切相关的,领导方式要注重提高职工的满意度组织中存在非正式组织,群体对个人的行为有巨大的影响群体规范决定了单个工人的工作产量生产

22、效率主要取决于工人的工作态度以及他和周围人的关系,金钱因素比群体规范、群体情绪和安全感这些因素的作用要小,27,The Hawthorne Studies 霍桑实验1924年-1932年 P.38,Contemporary Approach,两种当代的管理方法(第1章),Learning Outcome 2.5,Describe an organization using the systems approach. 能用系统论方法来描述一个组织Discuss how the systems approach helps us understand management. 系统论方法如何帮助我们

23、理解管理 Explain how the contingency approach is appropriate for studying management. 解释如何用权变方法来研究管理,28,当代管理方法之一,systems approach 系统论方法,30,The Systems Approach 系统论方法PP. 13-14,System Defined 系统的定义A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. 一组相互关联和依存的

24、部分组成的一个整体Basic Types of Systems 两种基本系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统,31,图 15 The Organization as an Open System组织是开放系统 P.14,32,Implications of the Systems Approach 系统方法对管理的意义 P.14,Coordination of the organizations parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization. 组织各部分的协调是整

25、个组织正常运作所必不可少的。Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization. 在组织中某一方面采取的决策和行动会对组织的其他部分产生影响。Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their external environment. 组织不是独立自足的,所以必须要应对外部的环境。,当代管理方法之二,c

26、ontingency approach 权变方法,34,The Contingency Approach权变方法 P. 15,Contingency Approach Defined(Also sometimes called the situational approach. 又叫情境方法)There is no one universally applicable set of management principles (rules) by which to manage organizations. 不存在一套普遍适用的管理原则Organizations are individuall

27、y different, face different situations (contingency variables), and require different ways of managing. 组织各不相同,面临不同的情境(称为权变变量),从而需要不同的管理方法。,35,表 13 Popular Contingency Variables 常见的权变变量,Organization sizeAs size increases, so do the problems of coordination.Routineness of task technologyRoutine techn

28、ologies require organizational structures, leadership styles, and control systems that differ from those required by customized or non-routine technologies.Environmental uncertaintyWhat works best in a stable and predictable environment may be totally inappropriate in a rapidly changing and unpredic

29、table environment.Individual differencesIndividuals differ in terms of their desire for growth, autonomy, tolerance of ambiguity, and expectations.,Current Issues and Trends,当前管理方面的问题题和趋势,Learning Outcome 2.6,Explain why we need to look at the current trends and issues facing managers. 解释我们为什么要关注当前管

30、理者面临的趋势和问题。Describe the current trends and issues facing managers. 描述当前管理者面临的趋势和问题。,36,37,Current Trends and Issues 当前的一些趋势和热点问题 PP. 39-48,Globalization 全球化Ethics 道德伦理Workforce Diversity 劳动队伍多元化Entrepreneurship 企业家精神E-Business 电子企业,38,培养一种知识共享的文化,让组织成员可以有系统地获得知识,并愿与他人分享,从而提高整个组织的绩效。,知识管理,一个能够不断学习,适应

31、与改变的组织。,学习型组织,39,Current Trends and Issues 当前的一些趋势和热点问题 PP. 39-48,Globalization 全球化Ethics 道德伦理Workforce Diversity 劳动队伍多元化Entrepreneurship 企业家精神E-Business 电子企业Knowledge Management 知识管理Learning Organizations 学习型组织Quality Management 质量管理 TQM,40,Terms to Know,division of labor (or job specialization)Ind

32、ustrial Revolutionscientific managementgeneral administrative theoryprinciples of managementbureaucracyquantitative approachorganizational behavior (OB)Hawthorne Studiessystem,closed systemsopen systemscontingency approachworkforce diversityentrepreneurshipe-business (electronic business)learning or

33、ganizationknowledge managementquality management,41,Review Questions,1. What are the two important historical events that are significant to the study of management? 对管理研究非常重要的两个历史事件是什么?2. What are the 6 management theories? 6种管理理论流派是什么?,42,Review Questions,3. Who are the most important contributors

34、 to scientific management theory? 科学管理理论的杰出贡献者是谁?4. How do todays managers use scientific management? 今天的管理者如何运用科学管理原理?,43,Review Questions,5. What are the 14 management principles of Fayol? 法约尔的14项管理原则是什么?6. What are the 6 features of Webers ideal bureaucratic organization structure? 韦伯的理想官僚(层级)组织结

35、构的6个特征是什么?,44,Review Questions,7. What is organization behavior (OB)? 组织行为是什么?8. What are the most important contributions of Hawthorne Studies to the field of management? 霍桑实验对管理最重要的贡献是什么?,45,Review Questions,9. What are the implications of the Systems Approach to managers? 系统方法对管理者的意义是什么?10. How does the contingency approach differ from the early management theories? 权变方法和之前的管理理论有什么不同?,46,Review Questions,11 What are the 4 popular contingency variables? 4个常见的权变变量是什么?12. What are the current trends and issues facing managers? 当前管理者面临一些什么趋势和问题?,


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