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1、GRE阅读具体的复习计划 GRE阅读该如何复习呢?今天给大家带来了GRE阅读具体的复习计划,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读具体的复习计划1、掌握GRE阅读词汇很多考生在初学GRE的时候往往会觉得最大的障碍就是单词,一般来说,阅读需要掌握的单词比考GRE所需掌握的单词要少的多(四级以上词汇大约2000个),对词汇的掌握也没有模拟。反义对词汇的要求深(即只要看到这个词能知道其大意和褒贬态度就可以了)。这些词往往都是些GRE阅读专署词汇,且重复率很高,只需集中背记一下就可以解决基本问题。2、复习GRE阅读句子读句子,尤其是读长难句,比较容易入手的读法是先找句子的主、谓

2、、宾成分,尤其是谓语动词,很多句子结构复杂,由很多从句组成,一句读下来可能会不解其义,开始读的候侯,如果能句子的主干读起,就能相对容易地把握句子的大意。举个例子:After more than a century of investigation, the relation of these and other phenomena, known collectively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrestrial weather and climate remains unclear.试着以寻找句子主干为目的来读上面这句话,这就好比将主谓宾加粗,突出

3、了重点和层次,对句子领会起来就更容易些。另外,将简单句子复杂化通常有其固定的模式, 比如:1)合并简单句、变简单句为带有从句结构或并列从句结构或多层从句结构的句子;2)通过否定、双重甚至多重否定增加理解上的困难;3)将原本分开的句子组合、套用在某固定句式、词组里面;4)加入插入语来打断读句子的思路;5)通过将一些成分后置、倒装或者省略来增加难度。读者要想轻松的跳过这些难点,首先要对一些典型的句子进行结构分析,之后还需靠平时的阅读积累,通过一定量的练习熟悉这些句子的结构构成方式,当遇到难以理解的句子时及时总结,分析其结构,从根本上解决所遇障碍,长此以往,进步将不断。升级进攻GRE阅读高分策略:对


5、持下去,很短一段时间后,就会发现一些固定的原文出题点,日后再读原文的时候也就会自然而然地关注它们了。对GRE阅读错误题的总结分析分析错题,做错的题一定不能放过,看它们与正确答案之间的差别在哪里,在分析错题的同时更要关注正确答案与原文定位处的叙述之间的改写关系,尤其是词与词的对应系。当然除了这三点外还有很多可以总结的,比如词汇、难句等,总结是提高的关键,特别是在GRE的阅读中,只有多总结,从总结中不段进步,不段提高,这样我们的阅读水平才会得到提高。GRE阅读材料练习:时尚单品与科技的优雅融合Why Burberrys boss is a perfect fit for Apple.AMONG s

6、tewards of big luxury brands Angela Ahrendts, the boss of Burberry, is probably the geekiest.Her main achievement has been to make the 150-year-old British company the most technologically savvy of its peers.Burberry plans to be the first luxury company that is fully digital end to end, she boasts.B

7、ut what can she do for Apple, which on October 14th said it would poach her to run its retailing operations?Burberry老板与苹果如此合拍,秘密何在?Burberry的老板Angela Ahrendts可能是所有的大型奢侈品牌管理者中最不招人喜欢的。他的主要成就就是使这所150年历史的英国老牌企业成为同行中的技术型企业。她夸口说Burberry计划成为第一家完全数字化的奢侈品企业。但是苹果于10月14日宣称会插手她的零售业务,对此她又能有什么办法呢?Probably the oppo

8、site: revive a sense of style at a tech firm that has lately looked a bit dowdy.Many purveyors of luxury fret about cheapening their wares by selling them online.Of the 100 biggest luxury brands just 56 have transactional websites, according to Exane BNP Paribas, an investment bank.Ms Ahrendts, an A

9、merican who took over Burberry in 20XX, had no such hangups.也许相反,在一家科技公司恢复一种风格有点过时。很多奢侈品供应商担心在网上销售会降低商品价格。据Exane BNP Paribas ,一家投资银行称100家奢侈品牌中只有56家有网上交易平台。Ahrendts女士,这位于06年接管Burberry的美国人不这么认为。Not content with flogging calfskin trench coats online, she has deployed every platform, device or bit of so

10、ftware she could think of to romance customers and spark collaboration among employees and suppliers.iPad-wielding salespeople in Burberry stores can look up what customers have already bought, and suggest what might take their fancy next.不满足于仅在网上出售皮制品,她已在各个平台全面铺开,用所能想到的一切设备吸引顾客,希望与顾客擦出火花。Burberry的店

11、员手持IPAD随时记录顾客的购买信息,并预测他们的可能喜好。Ms Ahrendts should add pizzazz to Apples bricks-and-mortar shops, which are the most profitable in America measured by sales per square foot.But that seems a small job for a woman who last year was the highest-paid chief executive of a company in the FTSE 100 share inde

12、x.At Apple, from next spring, she will merely be a senior vice-president.Ahrendts。应该投入更多精力在美国每季度盈利最多的苹果实体店上。但对于一个进入去年福布斯百位收入企业高管的女士而言,这似乎是小事一桩。至于苹果,从下个春季开始她就仅仅是一个部门副主席。So the odds are that her brief will go well beyond managing Apples stores. She can help it crack the Chinese market, where its iPhon

13、es are also-rans in the race against cheaper smartphones from Samsung and local manufacturers.Burberry earns more than a third of its revenue in Asia compared with Apples 28%.A bigger job will be to ready Apple for the coming fusion of fashion and technology.所以很有可能她的表现会比在苹果时更好。她能帮助苹果打开竞争激烈的中国市场,这竞争来

14、自于三星和中国国产智能机对IPHONE的竞争。较苹果的28%,Burberry的亚洲市场盈利超过其总盈利的1/3。苹果已经准备好了面对即将到来的时尚与科技融合的浪潮。The most talked-about new devices are wearable.Googles Glass smuggles a smartphone into a pair of spectacles.Samsungs Galaxy Gear squeezes some smartphone functions into a wristwatch.Apple is also keen to surf the wea

15、rable wave.An iWatch, which Apple may launch next year, would pull it towards Ms Ahrendtss home turf, since it would compete with fashionable timepieces like Burberrys.现在被广泛谈及的新设备都是可戴式的。谷歌眼镜将智能机植入眼镜。三星是能表将智能手机与手表融合。苹果也想赶上这一穿戴式科技浪潮。苹果可能会明年推出iWatch,鉴于可能与时尚腕表比如Burberry展开竞争,他可能会推向Ahrendtss女士的主场。Apple ha

16、s long been something of a fashion house.Its product launches are choreographed like catwalk shows.But its glamour has faded since the death of Steve Jobs, its founder, in 20XX.His successor, Tim Cook, is striving to regain it.He recently hired Paul Deneve, the boss of Yves Saint Laurent, a French f

17、ashion house.Sir Jony Ive, Apples design guru, now oversees the look of software as well as hardware. Ms Ahrendts brings another eye for beauty, and a knack for seducing consumers.苹果现在已成为时尚工厂。他的项目都是精心设计的就像时装秀一样。但是自从创始人乔布斯在20XX年死后他的魅力正在逐渐削减。而继任者Tim Cook则在努力重获魅力。最近他雇了法国时尚工厂Yves Saint Laurent的老板Paul Deneve。Jony Ive苹果首席设计师如今不仅要负责软件也要负责硬件外观。Ms Ahrendts则从另一个角度带来美,吸引顾客。GRE阅读具体的复习计划


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