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1、托福作文写得慢怎么破 托福作文写得慢怎么破?今天给大家带来了托福作文写得慢怎么破,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福作文写得慢怎么破“写作文”这三个字不知道为什么,给我们带来的都是噩梦一般的感受。好像从我们小学一年级开始,就常常被布置要写作文,结果到了考托福考试的时候,还是要继续写作文。而且非常讨厌的是,这个托福作文跟高考作文一样,还是一个限时作文!现在想想,小时候写作业还真是幸福,虽然也是要写作文,但是毕竟没有人给我们限定在多少分钟内写完。现在的托福考试还真是万恶啊。一旦当我们开始写作文的时候,我们一下就被托福作文这个东西给镇住了!别说写出一篇高质量作文了,哪怕就是写出



4、观赏价值。这就言之有物了!这是,减少构思的过程的时间,靠细分领域。表达过程接下来就是表达的过程。其实对于表达的过程来说,我们也知道一句话,叫做日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。应该是熟读唐诗三百首,不辞长作岭南人。应该是不会作来,也会吟。换句话说,也就是要熟悉这门语言,然后多使用这门语言。这其实就可以靠多做中译英的翻译,就会有所改进,并且将我们自己的作文按照对方地道的原文进行修改,这样的方法,通过大量的进行中译英的转换,来增加我们的熟练度,这样就可以逐步削减我们的思考怎样表达的时间。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:21世纪的进步和改变托福写作难点话题一览What changes the 21

5、st century will bring?The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题目属于对未来的展望,而说到展望一般大家最容易想到的可能都是科技上的一些进步和发展,以及这些进步发展可能给人们生活健康带来的各种便利和帮助。所以建议大家不妨从这个角度去展开写作,也会有比较多的点可以拓展开来。本话题高分范文赏析Technology is being developed

6、at an unprecedented speed. The 21st century is bound to be very different from the previous one, as we can expect that the speed at which new technologies are invented and expanded upon will continue to increase. I believe that the major changes that we will see in this century will be found in envi

7、ronmental issues, health issues and knowledge access. The situation of the environment in todays society is precarious at best. The world is continuing to build new and more wasteful production plants, filling the atmosphere with poisonous gases. There are many environmental scientists working to cr

8、eate new ways of cleaning our air. I believe that these technologies will apex in the 21st century, thus solving the worlds pollution problem. In addition to this, I also believe that we will come up with new, less dangerous methods of producing the goods we have come to depend on. Many new diseases

9、 have been discovered in the last fifty years. AIDS and SARS are excellent examples of this terrible fact, and alone, these two viruses have killed a large number of people.Cancer and heart disease have also become much more widespread in the last hundred years, shortening the lifespan of millions o

10、f people. Doctors are working all over the world in hopes of eradicating these diseases. Every day they come one step closer to finding cures to all of the above-mentioned ailments, and many others.Moreover, our ability to access knowledge will become much more advanced in this century. More and mor

11、e countries are getting plugged in to the Internet, and are adding their information to the vast collection of knowledge already found on this medium. The sharing of knowledge will also help to increase literacy around the world. People will be more interested in having this skill if it means they c

12、an have better, more efficient means of communicating.In conclusion, I am very optimistic about the changes that will come during this century. Environmental issues will cease to be a problem, people will be able to live longer, richer lives with the eradication of diseases, and more people will be

13、able to share knowledge due to the advancement of the Internet. Everyone has good reason to be excited in this fast-paced, evolving time.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:学习方式的探讨托福写作难点话题一览Study alone or with a group of students?Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Wh

14、ich do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题其实无论怎么选都可以,但比较建议大家it depends的策略,按照要学的不同科目来进行决定。比如有的科目,自己有足够的自学能力,就可以单独学,进一步提高自己的学习能力;而有些刚刚入门的科目,往往需要别人的帮助,所以跟同学们一起学习会更有效率一些。当然大家也可以采取先比较,后选择的方法。两种方式的优缺点对比如下:自己学习:安静;有效率;制定计划更容易;提高自学能力;本质上,学习靠自己;但是有时自己可能解决不了问题;也可

15、能使自己变得孤立。与大家一起学:可以向更优秀的学生求助;帮助别人解答问题也会使自己对问题的了解更深刻;与同学们保持良好的关系;但是也可能因为某些人浪费时间,缺乏效率。本话题高分范文赏析Each and every student has his/her own preference for study. Some prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Both methods have their own relative merits.While alone, the foc

16、us of study can be easily kept, with little distraction which always accompanies a group of students. And at the same time, while references are adequate, to study alone is not only possible but it is also helpful to cultivate the ability to solve problems, and furthermore enhance ones independence.

17、 Moreover, by keeping focus and developing independence, students become more and more competitive, which is often deemed as a necessary quality.When learning with a group, discussing and debating become possible, which usually develop a perfect environment to develop critical thinking skills, and w

18、here many problems can even be solved unconsciously. While references are not easily accessible, and students knowledge varies from one to another, they can complement each other, and therefore save much time and energy. Furthermore, learning with a group simultaneously cultivates students good sens

19、e of cooperation, which is usually considered as an essential virtue.As of me, my preference depends on what subject I am learning or the phase in which I am. Different subjects may bring different choices. For example, if I was practicing piano, Id better practice alone. If I was doing physical exp

20、eriments, team work is always needed. Different phases also make choices different. Suppose I was learning a foreign language. If I was practicing my basic pronunciation, Id better learn by myself. For an adult learner, a tape recorder is fairly adequate. But if I were to practice my spoken skills, to study alone would be a poor choice. I should look for or create an opportunity to learn with a group, therefore learn more effectively.托福作文写得慢怎么破


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