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1、托福写作五段式介绍 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,今天给大家带来了托福写作五段式介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作五段式介绍1.托福写作就是英文的“八股”,有套路,所以模板用得上。2.词汇和固定短语要识记,主要是3类: 环境的,经济的,社会进步等题目经常涉及的名词或者名词短语;表示程度等的形容词和能够恰当修饰动词的副词;起承转合作用的连接词和短语。3.在正确,易懂的基础上,力求句型的变化多端,插入语,从句,倒装,虚拟等。4.看清题目要求写什么,有比较的,要写出两者的不同,不要只说你支持的。5.不同的reason不要糅合到一块去,每段中心要明确,且reason段落,要

2、用英文写作的方式,开门见山的在段落开头指出;既然要成段,那么你所选择的reason一定要能扩展,也就是有东西好写,不要为赋新辞强说愁;所以虽然一个论点你可能有N个理由,但那些很有道理,但是你用英文无法表达清楚的,就不用写了,这不是上万字的论文。6.reason一出就要有example,两三个case足以,并且事例逻辑上能够支持原因。7.整篇*不要出现第二人称you,your,这是enjoy life等前辈的指点(指点了pumpkin,然后她又“数落”我的),多用people;你想,you就是阅卷人,你凭什么张口就用人家的书面语言教导人家呢?8.个人的观点:尽可能的避免单独使用he/she,考虑

3、到性别歧视问题。但是,如果你要顶字数的话,也请用 he or she.9.口语化是初级者的大问题之一,写作文的时候往往是先想中文改怎么说,然后做个翻译工作;本来对非母语就很能驾驭,这样一来,说大白话,就直接导致句式的单一;所以还是要看看真题阅读*的文法。*的套路,我推荐“五段锦”。第一段,对题目改写,再用模板的套话扯一下,常用的手法是正反一提。第二段,最大的reason,事例论据支持。第三段,次大的reason,事例论据支持。第四段,一个小的reason,外加一个不碍大事的however的对立。第五段,对各段reason改写总结,也可以再加展望,但是不要号召托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:

4、名人的看法值得注意吗?托福写作难点话题一览Should we pay attention to the opinions of famous people?When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分

5、析观点:大多数时候,没必要听这些人的话。因为他们往往不是专家。然而也不能走向绝对,这些人的意见在某些时候也是对的,或者值得关注的。比如在一些场合中:慈善演出(charities; charitable institution;charitable performance)。本话题高分范文赏析It is only in the last hundred years that the star phenomenon was born. Prior to 1900, there were no famous entertainers in todays sense. Fame was held fo

6、r political officers. However, today, the people who appear before us either on a court, a stage, a field or a screen, are in fact more famous than many political officers. Many people listen to these famous people and act as if their word was gospel. However, I do not think this is correct behavior

7、. Stars should be treated with respect, but their opinions should not count for any more than a regular persons opinion. Becoming a star does not automatically endow a person with limitless knowledge. Stars must do research to form their opinions, just like the rest of us. It is no more or less like

8、ly that a star will have a valid opinion on a subject than a friend from school.In many cases, when stars state their opinions, they are not telling the world how they truly feel. Many famous people will only make announcements that their publicists have approved. Therefore, in many cases, it is not

9、 the stars opinions that we are hearing at all, but in fact, that of the corporations that they work for. I believe that the only time that we should really value the opinion of what a star has to say more than we value others opinions is when the star is talking about a subject that he/she speciali

10、zes in. For example, if a basketball player is giving his/her opinion on how his/her team will do in the play-offs, then one should probably take the opinion to heart. Everyone has his/her own field of expertise. If stars, or regular persons for that matter, are talking about their professions, they

11、 are bound to have extensive knowledge on the subject.In conclusion, I do not think that we should listen to the opinions of stars unless they are speaking on a matter that they specialize in. Regular people have just as well thought out knowledgeable opinions as the stars, sometimes even more so. U

12、nfortunately, many young adults idolize these stars and believe everything they say.Because of this, it is important for stars to be careful about passing on inaccurate information.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:写信投诉还是当面反馈?托福写作难点话题一览complain in writing or in person?When people need to complain about a product or

13、 poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析可以采取it depends的策略,要看是什么样的问题。也可以先比较,后选择。书信投诉:有条理;避免冲动、更加理性;可以直接与高层沟通;也可以向媒体投诉;但是可能石沉大海(like a stone dropped sank into

14、the sea no echo);当面投诉:可能是最快解决问题的方式;相比文字,有更多的表达方式,比如appeal to emotion; appeal to pity等等;但是如果缺乏控制,可能会引起争吵,反倒使情况恶化。本话题高分范文赏析When we finally find out a service or a product that failed to satisfy us, we have to complain. Occasionally, we can choose whether to make an argument face-to-face or in writing,

15、 but usually we have no choice. We have to make our case in person if we need a personal touch or have no time to write; we have to write if we cant meet the right person to complain.Writing has its advantages: when we write, we can better control the flow of our ideas, explain complex issues patien

16、tly, and convey our feeling of troubles that the poor products have brought explicitly and accurately. On the other hand, writing also has disadvantages: we may lack of a sense of what the readers are likeamiable or prickly, generous or difficultand we cant respond immediately to their doubts, quest

17、ions, or misunderstandings.When we write, we also lose one way to get the reader to take our argument seriously: face-to-face, we can draw others into it with our body language, the passion in our voice, even the look in our eyes. If, for example, I ran into a dean after a bad experience at the stud

18、ent health service, I could visibly communicate my frustration right there, and the dean would probably respond more intently than if he/she were in his/her office reading an angry letter.For common trivial problems, Id prefer to complain in person, which is more direct than in writing. To a large e

19、xtent, to complain in a right way is a pure skill, if properly handled, problems can be solved without any quarrel, because appropriate courtesy is always appreciated. On the contrary, if the problem or issue is fairly critical, Id prefer write a specific piece to complain, for complex issues often deserve careful thinking.托福写作五段式介绍


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