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1、托福写作备考方法介绍 一起来看看托福写作备考方法?今天给大家带来了托福写作备考方法介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作备考方法介绍综合写作部分考试前1.熟悉指令。每场考试的指令都是相同的,因此考试时没有必要花时间仔细阅读指令。考试之前,你一定要对考试指令娴熟在心。2.迅速提高记笔记的能力。在托福写作综合部分中,考生必须能够准确复述Lecture中的主要信息以及它们间的逻辑联系,因此,速记的能力就很重要了。学习并熟悉一些简单的速记技巧会使考生在考场上获得更多的相对优势。不要尝试逐字逐句地记录,在不影响记忆情况下,单词可以采取缩写。用各种符号去表达*的逻辑关系。考试中



4、成绩稍微低一点,终的平均分也不会太低。如果考生想在部分获得高分,首先要做的就是熟悉作文考试可能涉及到的话题,反复阅读若干遍,以熟悉所有话题。考试中要求与综合写作一样。另补两点:1.仔细阅读问题,一定要答为所问。在开始写作之间,一定要花点时间理解问题,明确要求你做的是什么。2.写任何概括性句子,都要提供论据支持。对任何概括性句子,你都应举出例子、原因、事实或个人信息予以支持。附:托福写作的结构秘诀托福写作的*结构一般来说,是五段三点式,也就是考生所熟知的鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。这样的托福写作的*结构就是为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。考生们可不要小看这样的托福写作的*结构,

5、觉得它过于简单。实际上,托福写作考查的就是托福考生是否能熟练运用这样的托福写作的*结构来表达自己对一个观点的看法。因此,在准备托福写作的时候,托福考生们应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。 开头段首先,一个良好的开端是非常重要的,开头段主要用以下几种方法来组织,即背景法(Background), 争议法(Controversy),提问法(Question),故事法(Story)和引言法(Quotation)。以背景法为例。背景法一般会提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为背景或者是由远到近,由大到小地谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景。背景(1-3句)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过度+(正

6、方观点)+作者的观点+作者的理由以20XX年8月11日的独立写作试题为例:Technology makes peoples lives more complicated.题目涉及到了现今社会比较热门的话题-科技。这样,我们就可以以这种社会比较关注的现象作为我们作文的开头背景。因此这个题目的首段就可以这样开始:Technology has had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people are having conflicting opinions about whether it has made p

7、eoples lives more complicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives more convenient.句话就是一句紧贴社会的背景,这样写不但很容易打开考生自己的思路,抓住作文的焦点,还能引起考官的共鸣。 主体主体段落提供了论证观点的理由,是整个*的主体,在评分中占有很大的比重。一般来说,一篇议论文必须包含至少两个主体段。每个主体段都必须有明确的主题句“topic sentence”和若干支持句“supporting sentences”。他们共同组成*的理由段,对全文的论点提供理由支

8、持。托福君建议初学者在练习议论文写作时,必须遵循理由段发展的几个简单原则,这对迅速完成理由段、构建连贯和理由充分的议论文大有帮助。这几个简单原则包括:1.每个主体段都必须有一个明确的主题句;2.支持句必须围绕主题句展开;3.需要用多种方式提供细节展开段落。我们一起来看一下第二条原则:支持句必须围绕主题句展开,仔细看以下这个主体段:Hobbies are important for many reasons. First, a hobby can be educational. For example, if the hobby is stamp collecting, the person c

9、an learn about the countries of the world and even some of their history. Second, engaging in a hobby can lead to meeting other people with the same interests. A person can also meet other people by going to the school.Third, a persons free time is being used in a positive way. The person has no tim

10、e to be bored or get into mischief while engaged in the hobby. Finally, some hobbies can lead to a future job. A person who enjoys a hobby-related job is more satisfied with life.这段话的topic sentence很明显-“Hobbies are important for many reasons”,之后的支持句从三方面阐述hobby的重要性(first, second, third),但段中这句话A person

11、 can also meet other people by going the school与hobby重要的原因没有关系,因此削弱了整个段落的连贯性与统一性,应该被去掉。接下来我们再来看看第三条原则:需要用多种方式提供细节展开段落,同样的,请看以下主体段:The Smithsonian Institution is worth visiting for a number of reasons. The Smithsonian Institution comprises various museums that offer something for everyone. ?These mus

12、eums include the National Museum of History and Technology, the National Aeronautics and Space Museum, the National Collection of Fine Arts, the National Museum of Natural History, and several others. A person can do more than just look at the exhibits. For example,? in the insect zoo at the Nationa

13、l Museum of Natural History, anyone who so desires can handle some of the exhibits.The museums provide unforgettable experiences. In climbing through the Skylab exhibit at the National Aeronautics and Space Museum, I was able to imagine what it would be like to be an astronaut in space. Movies shown

14、 at regular intervals aid in building an appreciation of our world. In the National Aeronautics and Space Museum, there is a theater that has a large screen. When the movie is shown, it gives the viewer the feeling that he or she is in the movie itself, either floating above the Earth in a hot-air b

15、alloon or hang gliding over cliffs.这是一个成功的主题段,请注意这段话段落细节展开的几种形式-提供事实、举例、个人经历和描述。 结尾*结尾段落虽然并不像开头和中间段落那样重要,然而没有结尾的*是不完整的,不符合基本写作要求。所以考生在考场上一定要在结尾处再次声明自己观点, 或者提出新的希望,或者提出解决问题的方案,从而让考官有一种善始善终的良好印象。如果考生能做到以上几点,那么我们的作文构思就是比较成功了。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:从玩游戏中学到什么?托福写作难点话题一览Does playing games teach us about life?D

16、o you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析玩游戏的好坏处讨论算是比较热门的话题之一,但这道题目转了个弯,问能不能教会我们生活中的事情。大家如果支持的话可以说玩游戏的过程也能学到很多道理,比如团队合作的重要性,或是持之以恒的毅力等等。不支持可以说游戏就只是放松娱乐的方式,并没有太多深刻的含义。当然也可以用it depends的

17、思路来说,比如玩什么游戏,怎么玩才能学到东西等等,不同情况要分开来看等等。本话题高分范文赏析Across the world many cultures have their own favored games. While most of these cultures created the games themselves, many of these games have similar attributes. One reason for this is that people everywhere find games entertaining. More importantly,

18、however, games teach us about life, socialization, and about how to work as a team, and how to win and lose gracefully.One of the most important developments one can make in his personality is the ability to socialize well with others. Having a charismatic personality will take a person far in any f

19、ield. Almost all games have socialization aspect deeply ingrained in them. Football and basketball both encourage a person to treat others with respect. This is known as having good sportsmanship. Of course respecting others is a social skill that we all must learn if we are to succeed in life.Many

20、popular sports involve a group of people, ranging from two people to twenty people working together as a team. In these situations it is always of utmost importance to be a team player. Of course in the business world being a team player has become a buzzword in most offices. Being a team player mea

21、ns that one should work well with others in the face of adversity. Team sports are full of challenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together.Finally most sports teach a person the value of winning and loosing gracefully. In sports etiquette it would be incredibly uncouth to start crying or

22、 throw a tantrum if one were to lose a game. Likewise if one wins a game and gloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it is equally looked down upon. The same goes in real life. One must learn the subtleties of defeat and victory and learn to minimize their outward emotions.In conclusion,

23、I posit that games have much to teach us about life. To sum up they teach us how to work well with others. On a lighter note they also teach us how to have fun, which is an important life lesson in and of itself.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:带给学校的改变托福写作难点话题一览What change do you want to make in a school you atten

24、ded?If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题目本质上是希望考生给自己上过的学校提提意见,因此大家需要注意两点,一个是要切合实际,不要提一些不可能实现的改变,另一点是最好能够联系自身的经历来说,比如自己上过的学校有哪个地方不太好等等。相信大家对于自己的学校都是存在一些不满意的地方的,从这个出发点来思考

25、比较容易找到展开的方向。本话题高分范文赏析While the school system in China is generally quite good, there is one problem that I have found prevalent through all of my years of education. The problem is that the teacher to student ratio is too small. This situation was of no benefit to anyone: the teachers, or the studen

26、ts. If there were more teachers in each school, class sizes would be smaller, there would be a greater diversity of knowledge and information, and teachers would be less tired, and would therefore give better classes. Class sizes are overwhelmingly large in China. In many of the courses offered in e

27、lementary school and high school, there are over forty students in a class. It is very difficult to learn in this type of situation. The teacher has no time to spend with individual students who need extra help, and students are often embarrassed to ask questions in front of so many other students.

28、If class sizes could be shrunk, the learning curve in most courses would rise dramatically. With more teachers at every school, the collective mass of knowledge and information would rise. Everyone in the world has his/her own very particular set of information. People are like snowflakes; each pers

29、on is different and has varied experiences from the next person. With more people at a school, there is a wider knowledge base to draw from. This would obviously be an advantage to students, as schools could offer a wider range of courses in a variety of fields of study. Therefore, if I was given the opportunity to change one thing in the high school that I once attended, I would like to try to recruit more qualified teachers and give them more decent pays. This would benefit everyone. It is an unfortunate fact that most school districts cannot afford to make this happen.托福写作备考方法介绍


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