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1、托福写作获得高分的五个技巧 在托福考试中,托福作文不算是考生的弱项,但也不是考生的强项。今天给大家带来了托福写作获得高分的五个技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作获得高分的五个技巧方面:不要使用长句长句有两个问题,一是中国学生水平不够,很难写出语法没有错误、意思表达准确的长句,语法错误、几个逗号连用、倒装从句混合是经常的。二是看essay的人也是人,经常是那种大学生研究生,没人愿意看长句混在一起的*,短句更能让人看懂,并且表达意思更加清晰,准确。第二方面:细节要注意出现My brother, friend的时候加上名字,出现university的时候要给上名字,给


3、看就太假的感觉。第五方面:积累,积累,再积累没有积累和自己独立的想法,那你的托福作文分数也不会太高。 有了如上五方面的总结,相信你的托福作文有了初步定稿。作文不是一天两天就能练出来的。在这里再次强调平日积累的重要性。后祝考生们取得满意的托福成绩。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:学校应如何使用赠款?托福写作难点话题一览The best way the school spends a gift of moneyYour school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school t

4、o spend this money? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.写作思路展开结构分析大家要注意审题,站在学生和老师的不同立场上,对于学校做法怎样才是best肯定是有所区别的,一般来说选择增设或是改善学校的设施会是比较好的展开角度,比如新建或者扩建一下图书馆就是很不错的选择。本话题高分范文赏析It is a very fortunate occurrence when a school receives a sizable grant. School officials must make the diffi

5、cult decision of where to allocate the funds, and I want to propose that spending the money on computers would be the most utilitarian decision.Computers are rapidly growing in popularity, to such an extent that they affect all aspects of modern life. It is rare that one finds stimulating employment

6、 that does not require at least basic computer skills. If children are to become successful in todays society, they must have understanding in this field. As computers are the future, it is important for students to become adept users early in life. Not all children have equal opportunities to learn

7、 the important skills of using a computer. Many low-income families cannot afford to purchase such an expensive item, thus continuing a cycle of social immobility. Purchasing computers for public schools gives children from low-income families the opportunity to break out of this cycle.Finally compu

8、ters allow students to access a wealth of information that could not possibly be stored in a library, or efficiently be kept up to date. One of the most common activities on a computer is surfing the Internet. The Internet is updated by literally billions of people every day, and therefore offers up

9、 any information that one could dream of. The Internet is also an excellent source of inspiration, as so many people that update it have incredible ideas.In conclusion, I think that spending the grant money to buy new computers would be most beneficial for the entire school. With the addition of new

10、 computers, students will be able to get an edge on their peers at different schools, and be ready for university and the workforce. This is especially true for low-income students.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:儿童看电视的坏处托福写作难点话题一览Is watching television bad for children?Do you agree or disagree with the following

11、 statement? Watching television is bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析不能同意,儿童可以看电视,从中获取大量知识,但没有节制地看电视也是不利于儿童身心健康的,比如使儿童对文字失去耐心/孤僻/不喜欢活动/影响视力等等,另外也并非所有电视节目都适合儿童观看,需要有选择的给儿童观看电视节目。本话题高分范文赏析There is much conjecture over whether television is a positive

12、or negative influence on a young childs development. There is a good case to be made for either of these opinions; I believe that both could be true depending on the programming the children are absorbing.Nature programs, documentaries and educational programming can expose children to a wide variet

13、y of useful information. When children watch these types of programs, they are more likely to become concerned about the world around them, whether in terms of environmental issues, political issues, or cultural issues. Watching educational television is an excellent method of helping young people d

14、iscover where their interests lie. For example, if a child sees a documentary on space exploration, they might develop a passion for it and continue studying it later in life. A show that a person watched when they were a child could possibly have been a catalyst for choosing a career.On the other h

15、and, most cartoons, soap operas, or violent crime television shows are detrimental to a childs development. Cartoons offer no useful information to a young person, and usually do not succeed in getting the child interested in anything except fantasy. Adult television, such as soap operas, can introd

16、uce children to subject matter that is not appropriate for their innocent minds, and can often cause children to grow up too fast. Violent television is perhaps most damaging for a young child to watch. It has been proven that if children watch violence on television when they are young, they become

17、 desensitized to it, and sometimes end up becoming violent adults.In conclusion, I believe that the argument over whether watching TV is bad for children should definitely be swayed by what the children are viewing. Educational television can be very beneficial to a young person. When this medium is

18、 used in such a way, new thoughts and ideas can be opened up to the young person. However, watching the wrong television shows can be very dangerous. Children can desensitize themselves to the world around them, and become antisocial, violent adults. I think the best situation is to ensure that parents monitor their childrens television shows very carefully. By using this method, children will receive all of the benefits of good television, while avoiding all of its negative aspects.托福写作获得高分的五个技巧


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