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1、托福口语提升速记能力这些信息符号和单词缩写要掌握 想要提升速记能力大家需要掌握一些具有特定含义的替代符号和单词缩写,今天给大家带来托福口语提升速记能力这些信息符号和单词缩写要掌握,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语提升速记能力这些信息符号和单词缩写要掌握托福口语信息速记替代符号一览 increase,develop, improvedecrease, reduce, worsen since, so that, cause effect agree, right, reasonable,good, excellent, positive wrong, incorrec

2、t,disagree, negativeabout, approximately,around= just like, similar to, thesame as different from, not thesame as$ dollar feeor+/and, add, plus,whats more% percent:/- explain, mean, saymore than, more托福口语速记如何进行单词缩写?单词缩写的原则上是前面2-3个字母,加上尾缀如:governmentgovm, educationedut,exercise-ex, teacher-t, geograp

3、hy-geoy, psychology-psy, excited-excd etc.托福口语答题质量提升策略托福ibt考试已将口语能力的考核加入,而且分值和阅读、听力、写作对等。这就使得以前只关注读写听的考生不得不花时间和精力来准备托福口语考试。据调查统计,考生各部分的成绩排列从阅读、听力、写作到口语依次降低,口语的分数在各部分中通常是最低的。这个现象在考生中引起的巨大的恐慌。另一种状况是,即便是平时自认为口语能力不错,听力能力也很好的同学,也会对自己最后较低的口语成绩感到不解。于是口语部分的考核就变得更加令人琢磨不透了。Ets 对口语部分的评判标准定得也相对模糊,从某种意义说,不能提供给考生


5、分数评估的,所以,“说得快”未必是件好事,说得清楚才是重点。考虑到评卷者的“听觉疲劳”,说话的“断句”和重点词汇在重音和语调上的突出,则是有效传达信息的关键。所以同学们不要一味求快,而要注意断句,语调和重音。看看下面的例子: The Great Wall was the greatest man-made military defense structure in ancient China.这是一个在口语表述当中很上档次的句子,但如果大家一口气读完的话,这个句子的美感就体现不出来了,而且在录音的情况下很可能还会让评卷者无法听清楚。于是我们需要借助短句和重音来表达,下面我用/作为断句的标志,用

6、来点明重音,于是我们可以这样来处理这个句子:The Great Wall/was the greatest /man-made military defense structure/in ancient China.大家可以试着读一读这个句子。断句并可以是稍稍停顿,或者是拉长词的读音,我们在wall 的时候拉长读音,在greatest和structure后稍作停顿,于是这个句子听起来就更加容易理解,因为我们把句子的意群The Great Wall、was the greatest、man-made military defense structure、in ancient China划开了。补

7、充一点,这样的口语听来更上档次。所以在这里,笔者想提醒大家是,为了使表达效果更好,是语言听起来更加悦耳,我们不但要注意发音,还要注意说话时的断句和重音。这是语言的外包装,但做好了这一切是绝对不够的。正如每个人在打开美丽的包装盒时所期待的是盒子里面更加诱人的礼物一样,每个考官在悦耳的声音背后更想想吸纳入耳的绝对是有组织,有意义的词句。所以另一重对语言的要求也接踵而至,即说话的 “实效性”:思维逻辑,语言组织和词句质量。在第一和第二题的独立口语任务中,大家需要作的是就自己的经历或向法来回答一些问题。题目主要涉及日常生活和一些社会现象,准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒。这类型考试的形式和面试很相似。1

8、5 的准备时间形如虚设,根本无法让考生绘制一个好的答案。大家都知道,要想在面试中表现得好,事先必须有所准备,同理,要想在这两个题目上得高分,预先的素材准备时必不可少的。正所谓:有备无患,胸有成竹。信心百倍,微笑说话。我们先来看看关于如下题目的两种答案:What is you favorite place for reading?Answer 1:I think my favorite place for reading is the library. First because in the library, many students are reading and you will rea

9、d with them. Second because in the library, you can get many books easily, so you can get to the information quickly. En so I like to read in the library.Answer 2:Unlike many people, my favorite place for reading is the park. I just like the atmosphere. Reading is tiring, and when I feel tired, I ca

10、n look up from the book and see people jogging on the path and boating on the lake. Then I feel relaxed. Still, when your eyes feel tired, there are many green trees and lawns to give them a good rest. In the park, you can see many old people taking their beloved birds and dogs for a walk. This give

11、s me inspirations. Indeed, I like to read in parks rather than in libraries or classrooms.大家一比较就会觉得,前者了无生趣,机械死板,内容单薄;而后者新颖敌特,语言丰富,内容翔实。我要求学学员在学习完毕之后能答出类似后者质量的答案,但在15秒的时间内准备出后面的答案对大多数同学来说是不现实的,而如果提前有所准备,情况就大为不同。于是第一和第二题的信心来自提前的准备。但考生又会有疑问,题目范围如此之广,涉题领域如此之大,怎么下手去准备呢?题目有无数,准备题目自然不是上策,而准备“资料库”,学会“借题发挥”则



14、时候就要通过实践自我考察了。托福口语解题的六大原则INDEPENDENT SPEAKING TASKSIn the independent speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT test, you will give two short speeches on topics that are familiar to you. For the personal preference task, you will choose and support a preference from a particular category. For the personal c

15、hoice task, you will make and support a choice between two contrasting options.An effective speech begins with an introductory statement that tells the listener what the speech is about. The body of the speech is made up of explanations and details. A concluding statement completes the speech.1. Lis

16、ten carefully to the task and think about what you must do in your response.Ask yourself these questions:What is the topic of the task?What am I being asked to do?Then make a mental list of the answers to these questions. For example, look at the following task:Name a skill you have learned and expl

17、ain why it is important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.For this task, you would make a mental list like the following:The topic is about a skill I have learned. I need to:Name the skillDefine the skill if the listener might not know what it isExplain its importanceI

18、nclude details and examples2. Quickly decide on a topic.It is easy to run out of preparation time while trying to decide what topic within the given category you will discuss. Quickly choose a topic and start thinking about the examples and details you can include for that particular topic. Remember

19、, examiners are not interested in what the topic is but in how well you can express yourself.3. Restate the task to include the topic that you ate going to speak about.For the task in Strategy 1 above, you might choose to focus on the skill of touch-typing. Your restatement could be:have learned how

20、 to touch-type, and this has been very important during my studies.4. Work through your mental list of requirements.For the task in Strategy 1 above, your list might be:Name the skill. You have already named the skill in your restatement of the task statement.Define the skill. Ask yourself if you ne

21、ed to define your topic. Will the listener know about the topic you have chosen?Explain the importance to you of the topic you have chosen.Include details and examples from your own experience.5. Know your goal.When studying, record your speech and make a transcript, writing it exactly as you said i

22、t. Then make improvements to it: correct mistakes, eliminate long hesitations, and replace words or rephrase sentences to avoid repetition. Practice reading the corrected version aloud, and time yourself. Read it again while timing yourself, and stop reading at 45 seconds. How far did you get?You wi

23、ll find that 45 seconds is only enough time for you to restate the task with your topic and to give one or two examples and one or two details. Eliminate unnecessary examples and details from your transcript and read it again with a timer. Once you have eliminated enough to be able to read your resp

24、onse aloud in about 35-40 seconds, and the topic does not suffer from a lack of examples or detail, you know your goal. The remaining 5-10 seconds are for the natural hesitations and corrections a speaker generally makes when talking.6. Get ready for the next item.It is easy to get anxious if you ru

25、n out of time and have not finished what you intended to say, or if you finish what you want to say and there is still time left. Take a deep breath to help you relax and get ready for the next part of the test.托福口语task1-6答题注意点TASK 11.一个主题句, 三点理由, 其中一点举例2.举例越具体越好3.题目分话题准备, 每类话题准备一个45秒回答(录音)TASK 21.主

26、题句表明倾向性, 两点理由充分陈述2. 其中一点理由加上A/B的优缺点比较3.结尾的Conclusion sentence 不强求TASK 31. 针对问题活用三段式的模版, 可以从模版第二段开始2.阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:23. 半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落TASK 41.用两三句话概括阅读段落大意, 重点在听力段落描述2.阅读段落中有提到, 但没有在听力段落中提到的信息, 答题时可以不说3.半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落, 引用概念即可TASK 51.前半部分问题的描述尽量使用模版, 节约时间2. 前半部分陈述问题+描述方案时做到条理清晰, 描述准确3.描述个人倾向意见时不强求两条理由, 一条充分描述即可TASK 61. 描述清楚起因,结果和主要特征最重要2.两个例子或试验分别进行描述, 说完一个再说另一个3. 尽量不要遗漏重要信息, 同时注意不要张冠李戴提醒大家,在听到相关的考试题后,不要着急回答问题,平复一下自己的心情,找到主题,确立自己的观点,进行阐述,适当的时候也可以通过举例的方式,来让考官认可你的观点。如果说大家能够做到这几点,我想托福口语考试对大家而言就不再是什么难题了


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