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1、show的用法总结大全 show有给看,表现出,显露出,上演的意思。那你们想知道show的用法吗?今天给大家带来show的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。show的用法总结大全show的意思vt. vi. 给看,表现出,显露出,上演vt. 说明,指示,表明,演示n. 展览,显示,外观,表演vi. 被人看见,显现,显而易见变形:过去式: showed; 现在分词:showing; 过去分词:shown showed;show用法show可以用作动词show的基本意思是“给看”,可指有意或无意地将某物置于他人视野内,也可指将他人带到能看到该物的地方。show也可作“上演、展出”; “为带路

2、”,“带到某处”解,引申还可表示“表现出”“显露出”“流露出”; “说明”“表明”; “呈现”等。show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。show的过去式是showed,过去分词可以是shown,也可以是showed。用于被动结构中只能用shown,不能用showed,用于主动结构中shown和

3、showed均可,但showed用得较少。show用作动词的用法例句The study shows an increase in the disease among the elderly.这项研究证明这种疾病在老年人群中的发病率呈上升趋势。Her laziness showed in her exam results.她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。Lets show a picture to our audience.要给大家展示一幅画卷啊。show可以用作名词show是可数名词,基本意思是“表演”“演出”,尤指戏院、夜总会、广播或电视上的节目,引申可表示“展览,展览物,展览会”,多

4、指小型展览会。show还可作“显示,展示”解,常用作单数,可用不定冠词修饰,且常与of连用。show用作名词的用法例句Diana is modeling for a fashion show.戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。All the new products were on show at the exhibition.展览会上陈列著所有的新产品。He clenched his fist to make a show of strength.他握紧拳头来显示自己的力量。show用法例句1、Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.廖什克

5、恼火地挥手让他离开。2、The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.晚上的演出很糟,所有人都缩手缩脚,显得很不自信。3、This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。词汇精选:show的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj.用于展览的例句:He is given a free ticket to the show exhibition.有人给他一张免费参观展览的票。例句:The show

6、paintings are not for sale.展览的绘画作品是不出售的。戏剧演出的例句:May I clip out the show report on my performance?我可以剪下这篇关于我演出的报道吗?例句:Everyone was something of a show man.人人都是主持演出的人。n.展览会;展览品例句:And the show will help promote it.而这次展览会有利于促销它。例句:The Motor Show is usually held in October.汽车展览会通常在10月举行。炫耀;卖弄例句:I do not

7、like to make a show of myself before strangers.我不喜欢在陌生人面前炫耀自己。例句:The imperialists have tended more and more to make a show of force.帝国主义越来越喜欢炫耀武力。演出;节目;电影;电影院,剧团例句:I generally try to take in a show when Im in New York on business.我到纽约公干时常顺便看场演出。例句:The success of the show bears witness to our good pl

8、anning.演出的成功证明我们计划周全。外观;表面;印象例句:We want solid results, not show.我们要的是具体成果,而不是表面*。例句:I made a show of interest, but I really couldnt have cared less.我表面上装作很感兴趣,但实际上我根本不太在乎。(地下有石油等的)迹象例句:I noted it without any show of interest.我注意到了这一点,但未露出感兴趣的任何迹象。例句:The calm sea gave no show of the storm that was co

9、ming.平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即将来临。假象;托辞例句:He may seem charming, but its all show!他看起来可能惹人喜爱,但那都是假象!例句:She pretends to be interested to opera, but its only for show.他看起来对歌剧感兴趣,但这不过是装门面而已。景象;奇观例句:A show of prosperity spreads out before us.一幅欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。洋相;出丑的人例句:I cannot carry a tune. Dont make a show of m

10、yself before the class.我五音不全,可不想在全班同学面前唱歌出洋相。例句:Bill made a show of himself at the party.比尔在聚会上出了洋相。显示威力例句:His every gesture came upon him with great show.他的一举一动都显示出巨大的威力。例句:His face was sternly set with all its old show and strength.他的面容坚定,显示出来的威力和韧性不减当初。【口】(用作单数)表白机会例句:Lucy told me it really offer

11、ed me a good show to express my feelings to her.露西告诉我说,这是一个表白的好机会。例句:He lost no show to rub it in that he knew how to use talented men better than I.他利用一切机会极力表白,说他比我更会使用人材。【英口】事业;活动,组织例句:He runs the show on the island.他主持这小岛上的表演活动。例句:What kind of documents do I need to present at the road show to pl

12、ace an order?我需要携同哪些证明文件以于推广活动中选购产品?【美】第三名例句:Her show horses were kept on the garden.获得第三名的赛马被圈养在院子里。例句:He placed show in the mens singles event.在男子单打中他得了第三名。【医】现血,见红例句:He coughed out show.他咳出血来了。例句:He was spit show after being hit in the mouth.他嘴上挨了打之后,吐出血来。【军】交战,战斗例句:Those two countries have been

13、at show for a long time.那两个国家已交战很久了。the Show【口】棒球联合总会例句:This is the Show.这是棒球联合总会。v.出示 T例句:I had to show my pass to the man at the door.我不得不向门口的那个人出示证件。例句:We must show our passports at the frontier.在边境我们必须出示护照。陈列;展出;展销 T例句:She plans to show her paintings early next year.他计划明年初展出自己的绘画作品。例句:The artist

14、 showed his works at the gallery.那位画家在美术馆展出了他的作品。显示;表现,露出 T例句:Normal cells show a finite life span.正常细胞显示有限的生命期。例句:The companys results show a huge jump in profits.公司的结算显示利润大增。演出;放映 T例句:It be impossible to stay awake when they show slides.当他们在放映幻灯片时,要我保持清醒是不可能的。例句:My dad showed us some color slides

15、of us when we were children.我父亲给我们放映了一些我们童年时的彩色幻灯片。指出,指示 T例句:Can you show me the position of the school on this map?你能在这张地图上给我指出学校的位置吗?例句:This floor map doesnt show any fire exit.这个地图没有指出紧急出口。带领 T例句:She showed a party of tourists round the imperial palace.她带领旅游团参观故宫 。例句:We engaged a guide to show us

16、 the way across the mountians.我们雇了个向导带领我们翻山越岭。阐述,说明;解释 T例句:He used all that was happening to show the truth of Marxism.他利用发生着的一切来说明马克思主义的真理。例句:Permit us to show them that they have no power over any men.请允许我们对他们说明,他们没有优于别人的权力。(图片等的)描述 T例句:The film flashed forward to show the deaths of the wolves.电影镜

17、头超前描述了狼群死亡的情况。例句:Show a series of pictures of Toms activities at different times yesterday quickly.以竞赛的形式用过去进行时描述汤姆在不同时间所做的事。证明,证实 T例句:Let me give some facts to show how important the work is.略举几件事实,借以证明这项工作的重要性。例句:This is sufficient to show that his argument is false.这足以证明他的论点是错的。给予,赐予 T例句:We shoul

18、d show concern, and provide more help to those who have just moved to the city.对于初来乍到的外乡人,我们要多给予关心帮助。例句:Show a little kindness to the poor girl.赐予这个可怜的小女孩一点儿慈爱。(通过示范)教,告知 T例句:Well show you how to put a condom on properly.我们会教你如何正确佩戴避孕套。例句:Now, Ill show you how to trounce your husband.现在,我要教你怎样打败你的丈夫

19、。【律】陈述;辩护 T例句:Show your cause.陈述你的原因。例句:He showed his case before a judge.他在法官面前陈述了自己的案情。显出,显露;显而易见 I例句:She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.她戴了一顶保暖呢帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。例句:Its in the hard times that the differences in underlying allegiances really show up.在困难的时候,原来并不明显的忠诚态度就

20、显露出差别来了。显得 I例句:The lines on her face show up in the pale spring light.她脸上的皱纹在春天惨淡的阳光下显得格外明显。【口】展出商品 I例句:The shop is showing.店里在展出商品。例句:Not for sale will be showing.非卖品都将展出。【口】演出,上演 I例句:The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters.这部影片目前正在各大影院上映。例句:The movie is showing now.这部电影正在上演。【口】如约而来,露面

21、 I例句:Perhaps theyll show up.也许他们会露面。例句:Most parents dont worry about a daughter till she ails to show up for breakfast, and then its too late.许多父母,直到女儿到早饭时也不露面为止,都不关心妇女儿的事情,到其时,已经为时过晚矣。(表决时)举手 I例句:Show up your hand.举手。【美】(在赛马等中)得第三名 I例句:He show in the horse game.他在赛马比赛得了第三名。二、词义辨析:exhibition,exhibit

22、,show,exposition,fair,display这些名词都可表示“展览”或“展览会”之意。 exhibition一般指较正规的展览会。 exhibit多指个人或团体陈列的展览品,规模可大可小。 show指艺术品、农产品、工业品或商品等的任何形式的公开展览。 exposition多指大型博览会或国际博览会。 fair侧重指为促销商品而举办的展览会或商品交易会。 display指展销会,商店橱窗或柜台上的陈列品。三、词义辨析:appear,emerge,show,loom这些动词均有“出现”之意。 appear强调公开露面,被看见。 emerge侧重缓缓出现的过程。 show语气较强,强

23、调“露出来”。 loom指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。四、相关短语:chat show电视采访节目floor shown. 夜总会节目表演galanty shown. 影子戏ice shown. 冰上表演puppet shown. 木偶剧show bill广告,海报,招贴show businessn.娱乐性行业show offv. 炫耀,卖弄,使显眼show the door让离开show upv. 1.如约赶到,出现,露面 2.使看得见,变得明显,显现出来 show sb up 1.(因举止不妥而)使人难堪,使人尴尬,使人丢脸 2.(做得比别人好而)使人难堪,使人尴尬,使人丢脸show

24、 window装饰橱窗商店橱窗talk shown.谈话节目 现场访谈一、参考例句:Show results.拿出成果。Show a little decorum.请文明点。Did my slip show?我的衬裙露出来了吗?Show up your hand.举手。Show me the letter.把信给我看看。Please show them around.请带他们参观。Show your cause.陈述你的原因。Show me your tongue.让我看看你的舌头。Show me your passport.出示您的护照。Please show me around.请带我四处看看吧。


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