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1、掌握这些备考技巧托福口语才能突破25 托福口语25分是口语分数的分水岭,突破25分就跨入了口语高分行列。今天给大家带来了掌握这些备考技巧托福口语才能突破25,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。掌握这些备考技巧托福口语才能突破25托福口语技巧一 复杂句和简单句结合使用在4分的评分标准中,语言运用需要到达一个新的高度,只是没有语法错误的话是没有办法满足评分人的要求的,如果只是一味的使用简单句,那么也只能拿到23分的评分。想要跨过3分这道坎,考生需要多运用一些高级的句型。而在托福口语中,what引导的名词性从句就是一个非常不错的选择,尤其是在表达个人想法的时候。例如,在Task 5

2、中,表达自己的偏好时可以用:What I think the man should do is考生可以看出此句型并不难,但是自己运用进去之后,可以得到事半功倍的效果。托福口语技巧二 巧用连词既然评分中要求考生要有较好的连贯性,那么提升连贯性的法宝之一就是连接词。但是很多考生都会有一个误区,那就是过于频繁的使用and。须知and置于句首的用意很朦胧,考生需要依据自身的表达选取最适合的连接词。由于第一题和第二题为独立型题目,更多情况下是需要考生阐述自身理由,而这些理由的关系则为并列递进,那么考生需多加使用除了and之外的并列递进连词,如:also、in addition及on top of tha

3、t等。此外,如两个观点间为对比关系,考生可多加对比结构,如:in contrast等。托福口语技巧三 综合口语中要学会替换词汇在一定程度上来说,在满足了其他评分准则,如:语言的准确运用及逻辑清晰准确后,词汇和句型的替换是考生突破25分的关键。如果从第三题开始,考生只是一味的重复阅读和听力里面的原文的话,最多只能拿到3分,即Fair的评分。要知道,如果三分之二的评分只能在Fair档内,总分是很难突破25分的。因此,考生需要在总结出中心句的同时,对中心句进行一定的paraphrase。例如,听力原文的对话为:“They come toclass prepared and rested and th

4、ey can concentrate.” 此句中,对话者用了过去分词做状语,而在高分例文中,此句被转化为:“They all come to seminars with good rests and preparation.” 由答案句可以看出,过去分词的形式被替换成了with结构,而此结构也是语法中比较容易拿高分的句型。托福口语和托福写作一样,备考中既需要实力也需要技巧,口语的基础需要大家刻苦努力去提升,但是技巧的学习不仅需要努力,还需要大家结合口语题目多加练习。上文中为大家总结了三个托福口语备考技巧,希望大家能应用在口语备考中。托福口语范文:朋友失望时你如何回应Describe a tim

5、e when a friend disappointed you and how did you respond to that?20XX年10月22日托福口语真题TASK1Talk about a period of time when one of your friends disappointed you.20XX年10月22日托福口语真题Task 1Describe the event that disappointed you and how you reacted to it.托福口语范文一:Well, frankly, people get disappointed since

6、we all have expectation for our friends. I usually use my emotional intelligence to analyze the situation, and solve the conflict accordingly. For example, I once argued about which movie to watch with my friend, and I wanted to watch action movie, however, my friend preferred comedy. After that, I

7、get angry and really disappointed, but later, I realized the real cause of my anger was not about which movie to watch, and the real cause was that I have lots assignment due next week, and I couldnt stand that pressure, so I apologized to my friend, and we are still friends now托福口语范文二:Its when I wa

8、s in my childhood when I lived with my Grandma and one of my cousins called Kang. We were like a pair of shoe. We go everywhere together before I turned 16. One day we had an argument about who to get in to house from the tiny gap in between the front door since that our grandma was out in the cente

9、r of the town playing card games and we were looking for extra glass balls to play with our friends. I was persuades by him to do the task which turned to be an extremely difficult thing to do. I freaked out when stuck in the gap. And we were scolded by doing that. I was treating him as a big brothe

10、r and was disappointed by him that he chose me to do this and though it seems stupid to keep that in mind.托福口语范文三:Well I would like to talk about one experience happened last week. My friend Daniel invited me to dinner together in a new restaurant. After we sat down, he kept answering phone calls an

11、d was busy sending numerous text messages for like 40 minute. I felt irritated, sitting there like an idiot! So I told him how I felt, totally ignored, disrespected and belittled. He apologized to me and said there were some emergent situations popping up in his company. He was obviously distracted

12、and absent-minded. We finished our dinner in silence; that was a really unpleasant memory.托福口语范文四:Talking about a disappointing experience, one gloomy story came to my mind. It was in my junior school years. You know, I finished my primary school in Beijing, and continued my study back in my hometow

13、n, Inner Mongolia, which locates in northern China. I have always felt lucky to have 4 besties by then. But it was not until graduation did I find out one of these friends had never stopped speaking ill of me! She would call me a “city slicker” and managed to keep my other friends from getting too c

14、lose to me. Surely, I felt really upset when I found out about this back-stabbing, but I told myself it was not up to me to decide what people can tell. So I never tried to explain.托福口语范文:影响学生生活的三种物品11月5号独立口语部分T1:which of the following has the greatestimpact on students life, 1. electronic books 2 s

15、mart phones 3 online courses1TASK 120XX年11月5日托福口语真题Task1Which of the following influences students lives the most?A: Online coursesB: Smart phoneC: e-bookTask 1Which of the following three do you think is most important to you in your daily life?A. Cell phone 2. E-books 3. On-line course托福口语模板及参考答案:

16、托福口语参考答案一:20XX年11月5日托福口语Task 1参考答案:Personally speaking, I think that the smartphone has the greatest impact on students life. First, it helps us to learn muchmore efficiently; smart phones are kind of indispensable, like very time when Icome across a new word or terminology, I always take out my pho

17、ne to look it upfrom e-dictionary or get connected online to search for its backgroundinformation; second, it helps us to unwind in a better way, like after longclasses, we always take out our phones to listen to some music or watch someinteresting video clips to have fun and blow off steam, so when

18、 we get back tostudy, we could have much higher efficiency.托福口语参考答案二:From my point of view, I think smart phones influence our lives the most.For the starter, I use my phone so often that I would even assume that I couldnt live without it for a day. I use it to call for a taxi, order food on line du

19、ring the breaks and entertain myself with music and video players.Besides, I have to contact my friends and colleagues on my phone in Wechat and other social apps, so I actually cannot live without it concerning the possibilities that we may miss something to talk.托福口语参考答案三:Well, I think cell phone

20、is most important to me among these three items. I actually depend on cell phone to connect with my friends. You know, I use lots of social network apps like wechat, twitter, and facebook to update what is going on with my life and send messages to my friends. These social networks bring me and my friends closer. Additionally, without a cell phone, I cannot get hold of my friends and families in case of an emergency and that can be disastrous. So I guess it will be a lot inconvenient without cell phone.


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