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1、-,歌曲歌谣在英语教学中的应用 -波力教育春季教研项目,培训师:冯肖男,-,英语有一句谚语:“Education must be fun.”(教育必须是有趣的。)在小学英语教学中,让课堂“活”起来,使学生的主观能动性得到充分发挥,在有节奏的歌谣中体验英语,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入英语,在唱中学、玩中学、做中学,才能激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣,取得更好的英语学习效果。,-,1. 英语歌曲和英语教学的完美结合,1.1 授课与歌曲结合,化难为易 1.2 歌唱与表演结合,化抽象为具体1.3 反复练听,培养学生的听力1.4 灵活练唱,培养良好的语音语调1.5 因势利导,发散学生的创新思维,-,Sea

2、sons,seasons,do you know them?Yes, I do . Yes, I do .How many seasons in a year?Four seasons,four seasons in a year.Spring,summer,fall and winter.,-,又如在教Weather天气情况的词时教这首歌曲Sunny day,sunny day,hot,hot,hot.Rainy day,rainy day,rain,rain,rain.Windy day,windy day,blow,blow,blow.Cloudy day,cloudy day,clou

3、ds,clouds,clouds.,-,1.2 歌唱与表演结合,化抽象为具体,-,Stand up 1=C 2/4,5 3 | 5 3 |5 5 | 3 -| Stand up Stand up Stand stand up4 2 | 4 2 | 4 4 | 2 - |Come here Come here Come come here5 3 | 5 3 | 5 5 | 3 -|Go back Go back Go go back4 2 | 4 2 | 3 2 | 1 - |Sit down Sit down Sit sit down,-,1.3 反复练听,培养学生的听力,-,Who is t

4、he man?,Whos the man? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? Hes my father,my father.Hes my father. Whos the woman? Who is she? Who is she? Who is she? Shes my mother,my mother.Shes my mother.,-,Where is my hat ?,where is my hat ? where is my hat ?It is on the bed . It is on the bed where is my cap ? wher

5、e is my cap ?It is in the bag . It is in the bag .where is my ball ? where is my ball ?It is under the chair , under the chair.,-,1.4 灵活练唱,培养良好的语音语调,-,Are You Hungry ?,1=E 2/41 2 3 1 | 1 2 3 1 |Are you hungry? Are you hungry?3 4 5 | 3 4 5 |Yes , I am Yes , I am 5 6 5 4 3 1 | 5 6 5 4 3 1 |Do you want

6、 a cookie ? Do you want a cookie?2 5 1 | 2 5 1 |Yes , I do Yes , I do.,-,Are you sleeping?,Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?Brother John. Brother John.Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing.Dingdingdong. Dingdingdong.,-,Walking,walking, walking, walking.Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump,

7、jump.Running,running, running,running, running,running.Hand in hand,hand in hand.,-,Walking, Walking(两只老虎曲调),Walking, walking, walking, walking,(把食指和中指放在另一只手背上,象走路一样地一前一后移动两个手指)Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,(两个手指同时跳起来再落回到手背)Running, running, running,(快速地移动两个手指,做跑状)Running, running, running,Now, lets

8、stop,(停住不动)Up and down.(两只手指指天空,再指指地面)要是你们活动的地方稍大一点,可以不用手指来示意这些动作了。up的时候就把双手高高举到空中,down的时候蹲下来,双手触摸地面。,-,1.5 因势利导,发散学生的创新思维,-,2. 英文歌曲在英语教学中的作用,2.1 激发学生的兴趣,渲染课堂气氛。2.2 强化记忆 2.3 学习背景知识 2.4 在歌曲中学生无意识地学习了语音,语法与一些基本句型。2.5 学唱英文歌曲可让学生得到美的熏陶。,-,Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head and shoulde

9、rs,knees and toes,knees and toes.eyes and ears and mouth and nose.,-,Hands up,up,up,up.Lets wave ha,ha,ha.Hands down,down, down,down.Lets shake la,la,la.,-,例如,在学习elephant, frog, fish, egg几个单词和它们的活动状态时,一首韵律十足的歌谣使学生们至今难忘。歌谣是这样说的: An elephant can walk,walk ,walk,walk. A frog can jump, jump,jump,jump. A

10、 fish can swim,swim,swim,swim. An egg can roll,roll,roll,roll.,-,2.2 强化记忆,-,如在教学中加上歌曲,就可以减轻句子记忆难的心理负担,而实际当他们能唱这些歌曲时,他们的无意识记忆已把句子记牢了。所有事物都不可能一成不变的,一首英语歌曲也是如此。当孩子们学会唱一首歌曲时,我们应当鼓励他们大胆地用过去已学的相关词来替换原有的歌词。,-,Whats this?Whats this? Its a book.Whats that? Its a pencil.Whats this? Its a ruler.Whats that? Its

11、 a pen.,-,2.3 学习背景知识,-,2.4 在歌曲中学生无意识地学习了语音,语法与一些基本句型。,-,语音方面。在“Mary Has a Little Lamb”一歌中着重训练了 这个音素,Mary、has、lamb都含有 音。中间又反复出现so、know发u 音。语法方面。The More We Get Together”一歌中,出现The more we get together, the happier we will be. 这又是一个典型的句型。,-,基本句型方面。歌曲里的句子,一般要求相对稳定,这样也便于吟唱。英文歌曲中所涉及到的句型是很多的,同时也是很典型的。如在“We

12、 Wish You a Merry Christmas”中就多次出现We wish you a Merry Christmas. 这一句型。,-,2.5 学唱英文歌曲可让学生得到美的熏陶。,-,使用歌谣应注意什么,1. 不选用晦涩难懂的英语歌谣2. 不滥用英语歌谣3. 不采用节奏难掌握的英语歌谣4. 不使用不符合儿童心理特点的歌谣,-,三、英语歌曲教学的方法教师在利用英语歌曲培养学生的听力时设置的听力训练应以获取、处理和加工信息以及运用信息为具体目标。目标是有层次的,目标不同,训练听力的方法也不同,以下是几种常用的利用歌曲训练学生听力的方法。,-,1 听歌曲,理解歌曲大意在学生学完Colors

13、这个话题的知识后,教师可适时地选教一首与课文知识相关的又贴近学生的生活实际的Colors这首歌曲。教师可在学生听前设计如下两个问题,要求学生尝试在听过歌曲后,在理解歌词大意的同时,回答教师提出的问题。 1)The song is about _.A. colors B. animals C. bodies2)How many colors can you hear in the song?A. 8 B.9 C. 10接着,教师播放 Colors整首歌曲,学生带着教师的问题,在欣赏富有节奏的歌曲后,回答教师的问题。,-,2 歌词填空学生在听完一首完整的歌曲后,为检测学生对该歌曲的理解程度,教师可

14、将歌曲改编成完形填空练习,要求学生补全歌词。Whats this?Whats this? Its a book.Whats that? Its a pencil.Whats this? Its a ruler.Whats that? Its a pen.,-,3 听歌曲,将歌词重新排序听歌曲前,教师将顺序打乱的歌词分别写在纸条上,然后将他们分发给小组的成员。学生以小组为单位,在听一至两遍后,将歌词按听到的顺序重新排序,看看哪组完成排序的时间用得最少。,-,Who is wearing yellow today,yellow today,yellow today? Who is wearing yellow today,yellow today?Who is wearing red today,red today,red today? Who is wearing red today,red today? Who is wearing green today,green today,green today? Who is wearing green today,green today?blue,black,white.,-,学习一下,Vivi Jenny 朗文新派少儿英语启蒙Candance Dina 朗文新派少儿英语一级,二级Selina 朗文新派少儿英语三级,


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