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1、sinopecsubconscioussubwayaudiencepolice substationsubmarinesubtitlesemi-manufacturedbimonthlytricycle,trianglesuburbanauditoriumtransfertransformtransmittransplantthermometerthermosautomatically,默写,Summary Samples阅读材料若是记叙文体裁 This story is about +名词词组 e.g This story is about a father with noble-minde

2、d ethics. The father would rather spend more money than tell a lie that his son is less than six. ,如果给定的阅读材料是一则故事,应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。比如说,This story tells how a teachers word saved a shy and unconfident child and helped him find himself and hold on to his dreams.(故事讲述

3、了什么)It tells us that teachers words can make difference to a childs life.(故事给你的启示或道理),记叙文体裁 归纳1. This story is mainly about +名词词组 .+其他细节2. This short passage tells us a story that (故事的主要内容)3.This passage mainly describes /concerns(谈及) ;(例如:the interpersonal relationships in our society.)+具体细节,例证法1 W

4、hen the student was upset, the teacher told him about his own attitudetowards life and encouraged him to facebravely pains and gains in life, which helped him finally defeat his depression.,例证法2 The writer tells us that after his fatherdied, his single mother gave a lot of helpto him, which led to h

5、is great success in spite of a lot of hardships and failuresin his life.,1. Title 2. Summary About the original passage ( About 30words)3. A transitional sentence4. An opinion (表达观点只需用两句话左右)5. An example ( a narrative to support the above opinion ) (本部分为主体,应占body部分的60%以上)6. An ending paragraph (emph

6、asis the opinion) (本部分为附属,只需用2-3句话即可),例证类文章写作模板:,例证类文章的写作注意事项:,审题就“ ”主题发表你的看法,根据你的亲身经历,简述通过你的经历/一两个例子来说明功能例证类作文属于议论文,举的例子应为论点服务。例证的类型具体的一件事情。一种经历(广泛的)。不要忘了举例完后,要点题,再次点明论点。,例证类body部分的写作框架:Summary和body部分衔接语: 1 We often in our daily life. 2 Unfortunately this is just what I used to do.3 I quite support

7、 what the boy thought. 4 I used to 5.There was once a time when I 6.The simple but instructive story reminds me of my own experience. 7.After reading this short story, I have learned that .Therefore.,8. After reading the story/ passage, I am /was deeply impressed/ moved/ inspired/ encouraged / depre

8、ssed (by) 9. I cant help complaining / regretting /10. Its a fact / its true that ,4 结尾点题句 Only with courage/ interest/ confidence/bravery / perseverance can / will we overcome difficulties/ face challenges Well / get over obstacles / achieve ouraim/ realize our dream/ fight against misfortune/creat

9、e miracles/ succeed/feel happy, Only by keeping trying / working hard can we Only when can we Only if can we It is / was that results in / leads to ,The writer lists the best qualities of a good teacher, including love of students, a good knowledge of his subject, devotion to the job, and skills in

10、helping students learning. He also points out that being well-balanced is also important.,就“我心目中的好老师”这主题发表你的看法,包括以下要点:1 你对好老师的看法是什么?2 结合自己的经历,介绍你的一位好老师。,The Good Teacher In My Eye,The writer lists the best qualities of a good teacher, including love of students, a good knowledge of his subject, devo

11、tion to the job, and skills in helping students learning. He also points out that being well-balanced is also important. I quite agree with what the author says. In my opinion, besides what the author mentions above, there are two things that I think can be added to the best qualities of a good teac

12、her. One is that he or she should treat the students fairly. The other thing is that he or she should be able to make the class lively and interesting.,The teacher who impressed me most was my maths teacher. Compared with other teachers, he was careful in choosing his way of teaching. He tried vario

13、us ways to make his classes lively and interesting. Instead of giving us answers immediately, he encouraged us to think by ourselves whenever he put forward questions. Besides, he also paid equal attention to all the students, whether they had good marks or not. Although I did poorly in maths, I nev

14、er felt ignored because he always gave as much guidance as he could to students like me. Never will I forget my maths teacher and his lively classes. From my experience, I firmly believe that a qualified teacher should be one like him.,Outline: (From this story we can learn how important ) As far as

15、 Im concerned, a good teacher has a positive influence on his students while _ _,例证法1:I will Never Forget My Teacher,Im a lucky one to have such a good teacher _. There was a time when I _. From my experience, I firmly believe that _.,具体一两点“好”,such,选取恰当事例证明你的观点,叙述过程,重复观点,而不是借机表达感激,注意文体和写作目的!,读写任务,-叙

16、事类文章的概括,叙事类文章的主要信息点 叙事类文章的内容包括“主题、情节和主旨”三个方面,其中情节是主要部分,“主题”和“主旨”有时藏于“情节”之中。但在写摘要时,不能仅仅描写情节,必要时要点出“主题”和“主旨”。,A summary of an event Who : _ What: _ When: _ Where: _ How:_ The result: _ The writers comments on the story/news: _,阅读材料若是记叙文体裁,如何写概括?,A boy complained about difficulties in life. His grandma

17、, who showed that the materials of cakes tasted awful(terrible) but the cake itself tasted delicious after putting them together, taught him the trials of life make people stronger.(37 words),读写任务范文: The writer nearly joined his fellows in overcharging passengers when he worked as a baggage boy at 1

18、4. But his dads words made him hold firmly to the quality of being honest.,Summary Samples阅读材料若是记叙文体裁 This story is about +名词词组 e.g This story is about a father with noble-minded ethics. The father would rather spend more money than tell a lie that his son is less than six. ,如果给定的阅读材料是一则故事,应该用最简练的语言

19、来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。比如说,This story tells how a teachers word saved a shy and unconfident child and helped him find himself and hold on to his dreams.(故事讲述了什么)It tells us that teachers words can make difference to a childs life.(故事给你的启示或道理),记叙文体裁 归纳1. This story is mainly about

20、 +名词词组 .+其他细节2. This short passage tells us a story that (故事的主要内容)3.This passage mainly describes /concerns(谈及) ;(例如:the interpersonal relationships in our society.)+具体细节,Brainstorming:,How to make a summary,Find key words,Find key sentences,Find the main idea,How to write a summary Before you begin

21、 your summary, you should identify the main points of the text. 2. Underline/highlight and/or take notes on the text. 3. Then Write a summary which includes the authors main idea or purpose for writing the text, the topic and then what the author says about the topic. Omitting specific details, exam

22、ples, description, and unnecessary explanations. 4. Try to use your own words. 5. Dont put your opinion in the summary6. Be concise and coherent,Dont copy the sentences in the text.Use another word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning.Use different sentence structures to express the same idea.,Attention,


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