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1、1,Chapter 3,The Marketing Environment,2,Marketing Environment,Marketing Environment- consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers.Includes:Microenvironment - forces close to th

2、e company that affect its ability to serve its customers.Macroenvironment - larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment.,3,Microenvironment企业company供应商suppliers营销中间商Marketing Intermediaries 顾客customer竞争者competitors公众public,4,The Companys Microenvironment,Companys Internal Environment- fu

3、nctional areas inside a company that have an impact on the marketing departments plans.Suppliers - provide the resources needed to produce goods and services and are an important link in the “value delivery system”.Marketing Intermediaries - help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its good

4、s to final buyers. i.e. resellers.,5,Companys Internal Environment (Fig. 3.1),6,Suppliers,成本质量控制,7,Marketing Intermediaries,营销中间商(Marketing Intermediaries): 帮助公司促销、销售和分销产品到最终用户的公司,包括批发零售企业(reselling firms)、物流企业 (physical distribution firms)、营销服务代理机构 (marketing services agencies)(如广告企业,咨询机构,律师会计事务所等)

5、和金融中间机构 (financial intermediaries)(银行,信贷机构,保险机构等)。,8,The Companys Microenvironment,Customers - five types of markets that purchase a companys goods and services.Competitors - those who serve a target market with similar products and services against whom a company must gain strategic advantage.Publi

6、cs - any group that perceives itself having an interest in a companys ability to achieve its objectives.,9,Types of Customer Markets (Fig. 3.2),Government Markets,International Markets,ResellerMarkets,BusinessMarkets,Consumer Markets,Company,10,Types of Publics (Fig. 3.3),Company,CitizenActionPublic

7、s,LocalPublics,GeneralPublic,Internal Publics,GovernmentPublics,MediaPublics,FinancialPublics,11,公众(Public):任何对组织有实际或潜在兴趣、或对组织实现 目标的能力有影响的群体。(1)金融公众(financial publics):指银行,投资公司,股东等,他们影响企业的获得资金的能力。(2)媒体公众(media publics):指电视,报纸,杂志,广播等传递信息的大众媒体。(3)政府公众(government publics) :指对企业的经营活动有相当影响的有关政府机构。这些机构就产品

8、的安全性,广告的真实性等方面进行监督。,12,(4)市民团体(citizen-action publics):指消费者组织,环境保护组织,少数民族团体等市民团 (5)地方公众(local publics):指企业当地的居民和社区团体和地方政府。 (6)一般公众(general publics):企业需要知道一般公众对其产品和活动的态度,企业在一般公众中的形象直接影响到他们是否购买本企业的产品。 (7)内部公众(internal publics):包括企业内部的所有员工。因为在许多情况下企业的形象是靠企业的员工传达给外部顾客的。特别是在服务性企业,13,Macroenvironment宏观环境(

9、Microenvironment)是指那些较大的、影响整个微观环境的因素,包括人口统计的、经济的、自然的、技术的、政治的和文化的因素,14,Major Forces in the Companys Macroenvironment (Fig. 3.4),15,The Companys Macroenvironment,Demographic人口统计环境- studies populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation and other statistics.Economic - fa

10、ctors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns.Natural - natural resources needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.,16,Demographic,一。人口统计环境:1。人口数量与增长速度;2。人口的地理分布及地区间流动;3。家庭组合;4。年龄与性别结构;,17,经济环境,国民收入水平:一个国家物质生产部门的劳动者在一定时期内所创造的价值总和。2。经济结构;各产业的结构与国民

11、经济结构。3。个人收入:个人总收入;个人可支配收入;个人可任意支配收入;,18,4。消费者的储蓄与信贷;5。消费者支出模式的变化;恩格尔系数=食物支出变动的百分比/收入变动的百比 或 =食品支出比例/生活消费总支出,19,Natural,1。资源状况:2。生态环境;3。环境污染与保护;4。可持续发展战略,20,Key U.S.Demographic Trends,Changing Age StructurePopulation is aging; many divisions,Changing American FamilyLater marriage, fewer children, wor

12、kingwomen, and nontraditional households,Geographic ShiftsMoving to the Sunbelt, suburbs, “micropolitan areas”,Better-Educated & More White-Collar Increased college attendanceand white-collar workers,Increasing Diversity72% Caucasian, 13% African-American, 11% Hispanic & 3% Asian,21,Age Distribution

13、 of the U.S. Population,(78 million people born 1946-1964) One of the most powerful forces shaping the marketing environment, 30% of population,(45 million people born 1965-1976) More skeptical, cynical of frivolous marketing pitches promising easy success,(72 million people born 1977-1994) Fluent a

14、nd comfortable with computer, digital, and Internet technology (Net-Gens),Baby Boomer Generation,Generation X,Echo Boomer Generation,22,Economic Environment,23,Natural Environment,Factors Affectingthe NaturalEnvironment,Shortages of Raw Materials,Increased Pollution,GovernmentalIntervention,Environm

15、entally SustainableStrategies,24,The CompanysMacroenvironment,Technological - forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities.Political - laws, agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit organizations and individuals in a given society.Cultural - institu

16、tions and other forces that affect a societys basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors.,25,Technological Environment,Faster pace of technological change; products are outdated at a rapid pace.Almost unlimited opportunities being developed daily in health care, space industry, robotics,

17、and bio-genetic field.Challenge is not only technical, but also commercial make practical, affordable versions of products.Increased regulation concerning product safety, individual privacy, and other areas that affect technological changes.,26,Increasing Legislation,Changing GovernmentAgencyEnforce

18、ment,Includes Laws, Government Agencies, Etc. that Influence & Limit Organizations/ Individuals in a Given Society,IncreasedEmphasis onEthics &SociallyResponsibleActions,Political Environment,27,Cultural Environment,Peoples View of Organizations,Peoples View of Nature,Peoples View of Themselves,Peop

19、les View of Society,Peoples View ofthe Universe,Peoples View of Others,Cultural Valuesof a Society,28,1、环境威胁与市场机会,环境威胁是指环境中不利于企业营销的因素的发展趋势。市场机会指对企业营销活动富有利益空间和吸引力的领域。,29,3、机会威胁的综合分析与对策,威胁水平大小,大小机 会 水 平,扬长避短,抓住机会,作为常规,转移/减少,30,Review of Concept Connections,Describe the environmental forces that affect

20、 the companys ability to serve its customers.Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions.Identify the major trends in the firms natural and technological environments.Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments.Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment.,


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