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1、Chapter 1 The Nature of Strategic Management,If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. He who will not worry about what is far off will soon find something worse than worry.Confucius,STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: Concepts and Cases,Chapter Objectives,1.Describe the s

2、trategic management process.2.Explain the need for integrating analysis and intuition in strategic management.3.Define and give examples of key terms in strategic management.4.Describe the benefits of good strategic management.,What is Strategic Management?,Defining Strategic Management “the art and

3、 science of formulating, implementing, and eva-luating cross-functional decisions that enable an organiza- tion to achieve its objectives”What is strategy? (theoretical review of definition of strategy)Chandler(1962): strategy is the determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise, the a

4、doption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.,Mintzberg(1979):Strategy is a mediating force between the organization and its environment: consistent patterns in stre-ams of organizational decisions to deal with the environment.Quinn(1980): a str

5、ategy is the pattern or plan that integrate an organizations major goals, policies, and action sequence into a cohesive wholePrahalad(1993): strategy is more than just fit and allocation of resources. It is stretch and leveraging of resources.Teece(1994): the essence of strategy is the search for re

6、nts. Strategic, management is or can and should be the study of rent-seeking by the enterprise.,Definition of Strategy,明茨伯格(Mintzberg) 的整合观:战略是计划 plan;战略是计谋 ploy;战略是模式 pattern;战略是定位 position;战略是观念 perspective;,Definition of Strategy,Strategies are the means by whichlong-term objectives will be achie

7、ved.,Definition of Strategy,example: table 1-1,Definition of Strategy,How to make a precise and inspiring corporate strategic statement for a particular company?,讨论题(评价该战略表述),发展目标雅戈尔的目标是“创国际品牌,铸百年企业”,目前雅戈尔的主导产品衬衫、西服已连续多年稳居全国市场综合占有率榜首,产品系列不断丰富,各板块的发展齐头并进。未来几年里,雅戈尔将着手做好以下工作:加快产业结构调整,形成以纺织服装、房产、国际贸易为核心


9、极拓展海内外市场,将公司建设成为国内规模最大、实力最强的高科技兽药生产企业和国内一流的农药生产基地。,Definition of Strategy,企业战略的现实表述要素:时间:从*年-*年;途径:业务定位和组合;企业愿景或使命;目标(长期目标:领导任期):定性:含有强烈的价值观(产业报国、民族振兴等)和企业成长意识的非财务指标定量:市场占有率、产值、销售额、利润等财务指标,Dimensions of corporate strategic statement:Horizontal ( at least five years);Approach: business positioning an

10、d business portfolio;Business vision and mission;Long-term objectives:4.1 Qualitative measurements4.2 Quantitative measurements,Question:whats the relationship between strategy and plan?,Definition of Strategy,Definition of Strategy,Definition of Strategy,Definition of Strategy,Definition of Strateg

11、y,Definition of Strategy,The kind of strategy (level)Corporate-level strategyFunctional-level strategyCompetitive-level strategy,Definition of Strategy,Corporate-level strategy,Competitive-level strategy,Functional-level strategy,Definition of Strategy,Definition of Strategy,现实中有些企业,对企业战略趋之若骛,喜欢在一些名

12、词后面加上“战略”二字,如人才战略、广告战略、营销战略,等等。如何冷静地看待这些热点现象?企业是否都同时具备这三种战略呢?如果具备,需要哪些条件?如果不具备,那是怎样的表现形式?原因何在?,Stages of Strategic Management,Process view of Strategic ManagementStrategic formulation includes developing a vision and mission; SWOT ; establishing long-term objectives; generating alternative strategie

13、s; choosing particular strategies to pursueThe differences with strategic formationStrategic implementation includes organizational design and resources allocation Characteristic: integration; the most difficult stage Strategic evaluation: reviewing, measuring, correctingThree fundamental activities

14、: corporate, division or stra-tegic business unit, functional,Stages of Strategic Management,The strategic management model,The strategic process is dynamic and continuousComplexity in practiceSome factors affecting this models formality:Scale and history;Environment;Business scope.Case: Intel SLRP:

15、 Strategic Long-range Planning , (1987),The strategic management model,The strategic management process is not cleanly divided and neatly performed in practice as the strategic management model suggests.Application of the strategic management process is typically more formal in larger and well-estab

16、lished organizations.,Integrating Intuition and Analysis,To deal with condition of uncertaintyEnvironmental uncertainty: dynamic, complex, unpredictableMintzberg & Waters(1985): Types of strategy: planned, entrepreneurial, ideological, umbrella, process, unconnected, consensus, imposedThe fundamenta

17、l difference between deliberate and emergent strategy is the former focuses on direction and controlget desired things done the latter opens up this processNotion of “strategic learning”.Strategy formation walks on two feet. That is to say, strategic formulation is based on integrating intuition and

18、 analysis.,Integrating Intuition and Analysis,Question: Intuition Inspiration Imagination,撞大运(serendipity)与战略,偶然性和必然性,Integrating Intuition and Analysis,材料1:20世纪60年代,3M公司正在生产和销售用作空调冷却液的碳氟化合物。有一次,一位研究人员一不小心把这种把这种化合物弄脏了鞋子,后来她又将咖啡洒到鞋子上,令她吃惊的是咖啡在鞋面上形成小水珠后滑了下去,没有像往常那样玷污鞋面。由此她想到,碳氟化合物可能有助于保护织物不受玷污,这就是Scot

19、ch Guard的来历,这个产品曾经成为3M公司最赚钱的产品,并把3M公司带入织物保护行业。材料2: 1959年,一批本田公司的经理来到美国洛杉矶,其目标是销售排气量为250cc和350cc的摩托车,而不是风靡日本的50cc摩托车,因为他们认为美国市场的产品普遍比日本市场的体型更大、更加豪华。但是,最终的事实是美国市场更加青睐50cc摩托车。材料3:曾经的中央电视台黄金时间段广告播放的“标王”:山东秦池(姬长孔:1995年,我们每天向中央电视台开进一辆桑塔纳,开出的是一辆豪华奥迪;今年(指1996年),我们每天要开进一辆豪华奔驰,争取开出一辆加长林肯(投标金额是3.2亿):广东爱多VCD,In

20、tegrating Intuition and Analysis,比尔盖茨的幸运突变把微软公司带入软件产业领导地位的产品是MS-DOS,它是IBM电脑和IBM兼容机的操作系统。然而DOS软件最初不是微软开发的,它的开发商是西雅图电脑公司(Seattle Computer),那时的名字叫Q-DOS(代表快速而粗糙的操作系统)。当时IBM正着手寻找一种操作系统来支持最初的PC电脑,其中包括微软公司。盖茨当时已经是西雅图计算机界的圈内人,他知道西雅图电脑公司的DOS软件和IBM的购买计划后,立刻采取行动:向他的父亲借款5万美元。然后向西雅图电脑公司提出购买Q-DOS的意向,该公司恰好缺少现金,很快同

21、意了这桩交易。盖茨把这套系统改名为MS-DOS,进行了一些修改,将其授权给IBM公司使用。此后的一切,用他们的话来说,就是历史本身了。盖茨是幸运儿吗?在微软日后的发展中,他一直如此幸运吗?,Integrating Intuition and Analysis,工作越努力,运气就越好,Adapting to change,The strategic management process is dynamic.Itami(1992): dynamic strategic fitPorter(1996): selection and transformationStrategic change,Co

22、mpetitive advantageDefinition: anything that a firm does especially well compared to rival firms.IO and RBVTwo effective measures:Firstly, continually adapting to changes;Secondly, capitalize changes in external trends and events and internal capabilities, competencies, and resources.,Key terms in s

23、trategic management,StrategistDefinition of strategist (perspective of authorities): they are individuals who are most responsible for the success or failure of organization.Perspective of capabilities: strategic thinking and strategic implementationArtful exploiter.,Key terms in strategic managemen

24、t,Key terms in strategic management,Are you a strategist or just a manager? Written by H. H. Hinterhuber & Wolfgang Popp,HBR,1992,1. Q 1: Do I have an entrepreneurial vision? Q 2: Do I have a corporate philosophy ? Q 3: Do I have competitive advantage? Q 4: Do my employees use their ability to act f

25、reely in the interest of the company? Q 5: Have I built an organization that implements my vision? Q 6: Are the line managers involved in strategic planning? Q 7: Is the corporate culture in harmony with the strategy? Q 8: Do I point out directions and take new approaches Q 9: Have I been lucky in m

26、y life so far? Q10: Do I make a contribution to the development of society?,M. Hitt, et al.(2001): strategic entrepreneurship大前研一:企业家的战略头脑(The Mind of Strategist)项保华:SM商数测试(链接),供学员自我测验。,Strategist,从相关的调查数据中可以发现,企业经营者对自己决策能力的自信,存在着高估的可能性。调查显示,大多数企业经营者的决策能力需要提升。在现实中,经常有企业家因为决策失误而事业失败。2002年的调查中,对于“企业经营

27、者最容易出现的问题”,57.7%的人选择“决策失误”。有关研究表明,决策失误是中国企业家最容易犯的错误之一。在改革初期,企业经营者的决策方式大多属于粗放型,但是,随着市场越来越复杂,竞争越来越激烈,很多企业的决策形式需要变革。2007 年的调查显示,对于“目前企业家最需要提升的方面”,“决策能力”排在第1 位。这表明企业经营者对提高决策能力有一定的紧迫感。 调查还显示,我国多数企业对于制定企业长远的发展战略,包括创新战略重视不够。2004 年的调查中了解了企业是否有成文的企业战略发展规划,结果显示,没有战略规划的占6.4%,有1 年以内计划的占15%,3 年以内规划的占35.1%,5 年以内规

28、划的占30.4%,10 年以内规划的占9.3%,10 年以上规划的占3.8%。这表明,超过半数的企业只有三年以内的规划。,Strategist,举出具体的中外企业家的典型案例国外:松下幸之助国内:柳传志、张瑞敏浙商:鲁冠球、马云,Strategist,Strategist,CSO (Chief Strategy Officer)如果某企业没有设置战略管理部或者CSO职位,那么是否可以说这家企业没有战略管理活动?为什么?,Vision and mission statements,Vision statement: what do we want to become?Mission statem

29、ent: what is our business?Collins and Porras(1996): HBR,Key terms in strategic management,External opportunities and threats: OT Internal strengths and weakness: SWLong-term objectives (goals)Strategies Annual objectivesPolicies,Benefits of Strategic Management,Benefits: strategic management allows

30、organization to be more proactive than reactive in shaping its own future.Strategic management provide the opportunity of empowering individuals to decentralize the strategic management process.,Communication is a key to successful strategic management.Decentralizing (empower) the strategic manageme

31、nt process( Gary Hamel: Strategy as evolutionary.HBR,1996)Financial benefits and its relationship with firm growth.Nonfinancial benefits.,重视战略的企业绩效一定优于不重视战略的企业吗?,Why some firms do no strategic planning,Poor reward structuresFire-fighting (crisis management)Waster of timeToo expensiveLazinessContent

32、with success: path-dependence ; lock inFear of failureOverconfidencePrior bad experienceSelf-interestFear of the unknownHonest difference of opinionSuspicion,Why some firms do no strategic planning,中国企业战略管理的现状一、真正执行战略管理的前提二、中国企业战略管理的误区,1、重视战术运用 忽视战略研究2、没有远期规划 追逐短期利益3、脱离外部环境 战略不切实际4、自我认识不足 目标欲速不达5、盲目

33、多元经营 丧失核心能力6、规模扩张冲动 管理工作滞后7、孤立看待战略 忽视组织配套8、战略实施到位 企业文化滞后9、战略实施僵化 缺乏动态调整10、力求战略创新 创新脱离市场,Pitfalls in strategic management(p17),Communication is insufficientKey employees are exclusive in strategic management.Change climate is weak.Flexibility and creativity are stifled.,Guidelines for effective strat

34、egic management,Self-reflective learning process is critical. Therefore, a key role of strategist is to facilitate continuous organizational learning and change.Open-mindedness.Trade-off: long-range vs. short-range consideration.,Business ethics and strategic management,Definition: principles of con

35、duct within organizations that guide decision making and behavior.Internet and business ethicsBusiness ethics need to permeate organizationBusiness ethics create strategic advantageBusiness ethics and top managementRelationship with trust, culture, vision,Comparing business and military strategy,Dif

36、ference: competition and conflictSimilarity: adapt to change and constantly improve to be successful,The nature of global competition,Strategic management process speciality,Advantages and disadvantages of international operation,作业题,1.参考杭州市软件行业、电子商务行业、金融行业等企业的公司年报、新闻报道和公司网站等,说明该企业的战略演变历程,确定这些战略在多大程

37、度上是“深思熟虑”或者“随机应变”的结果。2.选择你熟悉或青睐的一家企业,用关于企业战略的关键术语介绍其战略。3.重视战略的企业绩效一定优于不重视战略的企业吗?为什么?请举例分析。,My suggestions,This is a team work, all of members should participate in discussion proactively and raise proposals.One presenter is recommended by one team and team leader wouldnt act as the presenter to the full extent. 10 mins/ presenter.Slides are necessary and full English presentation is expected eagerly.Audiences should ask two questions based on presentation, and Q & A is necessary.,Lets try bravely!,


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