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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单词讲解,1.prefer,to choose sth because you like it better. v. 更喜欢 like sth better prefer prefers- preferring-preferred,Section A - Words,prefer sth,I prefer bananas!,prefer A to B,I prefer bananas to oranges!,Which one do you like better, bananas or oranges?,I l

2、ike bananas better!,我更喜欢咖啡,I prefer coffee.,比起糖果,我更喜欢水果,I prefer fruits to candies.,exercises,He prefers swimming.He prefers to swim.,refer doing sth 更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事, 强调特定情况或具体动作,I prefer walking.I prefer to walk.,VS,prefer doing sth to doing sth,I prefer playing basketball to playing f

3、ootball!,prefer,prefer sth,Prefer sth to sth,prefer doing sthprefer to do sth,Prefer doing sth to doing sth,Noun,Verb,prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth to (doing) sth = would rather do sth than do sth,All students prefer to take the bus rather than walk. = All students prefer ta

4、king the bus to walking. =All students would rather take the bus than walk.,1. Not all the tourists from Japan _ Western food to Chinese food. A. like B. prefer C. enjoy D. love 2. I prefer skiing to _. The snow makes me excited. A. cycles B. cycling C. cycled,B,B,3. Some of my classmates _ cartoons

5、 _ documentaries. A. prefer . to B. would rather . than C. like . better D. like . less4. She prefers to eat outside rather than _ at home. A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooks,A,A,2. lyrics n. 歌词 I prefer music that has great lyrics.3. Australian n. 澳大利亚人 adj. 澳大利亚(人)的 他是一位澳大利亚的男孩。 He is an Austr

6、alian boy.,4. electronic adj. 电子的,电子设备的 electricity n. 电,电能 电子音乐 electronic music,5. suppose v. 推断,料想 suppose sb to do sth. suppose + 从句eg. 1.They suppose him to know the truth. 2. -Where is Jenny? - I dont know. I suppose she is still at work. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 = should do sth. eg. I am

7、supposed to leave now. suppose + n./sb + (to be ) + adj. 原以为 She had supposed him (to be ) very rich.,6. smooth adj. 悦耳的,平滑的 1) The girl likes smooth music. 2)The water was as smooth as glass. 水平如镜。 3) The surface of the ice is so smooth. smoothly adv. 平稳地,平静地,7. spare adj. 空闲的,不用的 v. 抽出,留出 in ones

8、spare time = in ones free time 在某人的空闲时间 eg. 1) What do you do in your spare time? 2) You can stay with us tonight. We have a spare room. spare sb sth = spare sth for sb 把某物分给某人 eg. Can you share me a cup of water? spare the time to do sth. 抽出时间做某事 eg. I cant spare the time to help you today.,8. dire

9、ctor n. 导演,部门负责人 direct adj. 直接的,直率的 directly adv. 直接地,坦率地 eg. Zhang Yimou is a film director.,9. case n. 情况,实情 1)This is not the case in China. 在中国事实并非如此。 in that case 既然那样,假使那样的话 eg. 1)In that case , call the police. 2) - There is no coffee. - In that case well have tea.,10. war n. 战争,战争状态 1)在那场战争

10、中死了多少人? How many people died in that war? The First / Second World War 反义词 peace,11. stick v. 粘贴,将刺入 stick stuck - stuck eg. They stuck the map on the wall. stick to 坚持,固守 eg. 1)Its right to stick to the rules. 2) If you stick to studying hard, you will get good scores. stick into 把插进 eg. Dont stick

11、 your chopsticks into your food.,12. down adj. 悲哀,沮丧 be down / feel down eg. I feel down about the trouble. let down 使失望 I wont let you down. 同义词 sad,13. dialog = dialogue n. 对话,对白 同义词 conversation Can you hear the dialog? make a dialog,14. ending n. 结尾,结局 反义词 beginning n. A good beginning makes a g

12、ood ending. 善始者善终。15. documentary n. I dont like documentaries, but I like sitcoms.,15. drama n. 戏, 剧 TV drama modern drama eg. 当我难过时,我不看记录片和戏剧。 When I am down, I dont watch documentaries or dramas.,16. plenty pron. 大量,众多 plenty of 大量,充足 1)plenty of +可数名词复数 2)plenty of + 不可数名词,17. shut v. 关闭,关上 shut

13、 shut shut shut the door / window shut off 关闭,停止运转 shut up 闭嘴 eg. Shut off the TV when you are studying.18. superhero n. 超级英雄 superheroes,19. once in a while 偶尔地,间或 同义词 = sometimes = from time to time = now and then intelligent adj.有才智的,聪明的 同义词 = wise = clever eg. She is an intelligent girl.,Thank you!,Bye-bye,


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