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1、,Dear Mum, I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write a letter soon. I hope you are all well. Love, Jimmy,引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家的原话,叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,叫做间接引语。例如: John says, “Im tired.” (引号内是直接引语) John says that he is tired. (宾语从句是间接引语),直接引语转换为间接引语,When will you

2、have exams? Do you always pass them? Among all the subjects, which ones are you good at? Are you sure about English? Mathematics? Gary and Richard are talking about their exams. Lets watch and listen.,Lesson 103 The French test,Watch the video and try to understand the main idea .,The French test,Li

3、sten again, then answer the questions.1.How was Richards exam?2. How long did the exam last?,Not too bad.,Three hours,exam n. 考试pass ps v. 及格,通过mathematics ,mmtks n. (Maths ms是缩写)数学 question kwest()n n. (具体的某一个)问题easy iz adj. 容易的enough nf adv. 足够的paper pep n. 考卷fail fel v. 未及格,失败answerns v. 问答mark m

4、k n. 分数rest rest n. 其他的东西difficult dfklt adj. 困难的hate het v. 讨厌low l adj. 低的cheer t v. 振作,振奋guy ga n. 家伙,人top tp n. 上方,顶部,gzm,看音读词注意: 1.每个单词有多少个音节(syllable) 2. 重读(stress)在哪个音节,zm :ns(r)p:s m:k,mmtks rest kwestn dfklti:z hetnf lpep(r) ti fel a tp,exam n. 考试pass v. 及格,通过mathematics n. (Maths是缩写)数学 que

5、stion n. (具体的某一个)问题easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 足够的paper n. 考卷fail v. 未及格,失败,看词读音注意每个词的词性(the part of speech),answer v. 问答mark n. 分数rest n. 其他的东西difficult adj. 困难的hate v. 讨厌low adj. 低的cheer v. 振作,振奋guy n. 家伙,人top n. 上方,顶部,EX:正反义词对对碰1.pass A.answer2.ask B.fail 3.easy C.low 4.high D.bottom5.top E.difficul

6、t,up,down,New words and expressionexam igzm n. 考试 (examination较为正式一些)pass an exam 通过考试fail an exam 考试失败 a midterm exam 期中考试a final exam期末考试,ass pa:s v. 及格,通过 e.g. 只有十名学生通过了考试。Only ten students passed the exam. pass in + 具体学科pass in English / Chinesee.g. 只有十名学生通过了英语考试。Only ten students passed in Engl

7、ish.,传给某人某物,把某物递给某人pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.Please pass me the paper.= Please pass the paper to me.,mathematics mmtiksn. 数学(缩写maths) e.g. 她数学不好。She is poor at mathematics.你数学好吗?Are you good at mathematics?我通过了数学考试。I passed in mathematics.,Chinese 汉语;中文English 英语; 英文history 历史biology baildi生物g

8、eography dirfi地理chemistry kemistri化学physics fiziks物理,question 1) n. 问题我能问你个问题吗?May I ask you a question? 最后两个问题 我回答不上来。I cant answer the last two questions.,(2) 安逸的,舒适的Lead an easy life.过安逸的生活Make yourself easy. 请放心。,enough inf adv. 足够地足够好 good enough足够大 big enough结构: adj. + enough 足够,足够小 small enou

9、gh 足够漂亮 pretty enough,e.g. 这个房间我们住足够大了。This room is big enough to live in.e.g.你还太小,不能做这件事。You are not old enough to do it.,adj. 足够的足够的时间足够的钱结构: e. g. 你有足够的时间吗?Do you have enough time?e.g. 你有足够的椅子给每个人吗?Do you have enough chair for everyone?,enough time,enough money,enough + n.,aper n. 1) n. 考卷(可数名词)五

10、十份考卷不够学生考试。Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam. 2)报纸(可数名词)相当于newspapera daily paper 日报 an evening paper 晚报那一定会上报的。That will certainly get into the papers.,3) 纸(不可数名词)一张纸a piece of paper three pieces of paper,fail feilv. 未及格fail the exam 考试不及格(2) v. 失败(反义词 succeed)e.g. 我失败了。

11、 I failed. 计划失败了。 The plan failed.,(反义词pass),*fail to do 未能做成某事e.g. I failed to pass the exam.我没有通过考试。I failed to see him this afternoon.我今天下午没有见到他。,mark1) n. 分数school marks 学校的成绩他在英语考试中得了高分He got a high mark in English.我数学得了80 分I got 80 marks in mathematics.2) n. 记号,印,标记 make a mark 做记号在船上上标上记号。Ple

12、ase make a mark on the boat.,rest restn. pl.其他的事物e.g. 第一个问题很困难,但其他的都很简单。 The first question is difficult, but the rest are pretty easy.,(2) n. 休息休息一下吧。Take / Have a rest.,difficult difikltadj. 困难的反义词 easydifficult to do 做是困难的e.g. 这个问题很难回答。The question is difficult to answer.,like doing(习惯性动作)like to

13、 do(一次性动作)I like playing football on Sundays.I like to play football this Sunday.,low luadj.低的a low walla low roofa low pricea low temperature,矮墙,低屋顶,低价格,低温,(2) (声音)低的in a low voicelow season high season,小声地,淡季,旺季,cheer ti v. 振作,振奋 e.g.那个消息使那家人振奋不已。The news cheered the family.Cheer up! 打起精神! cheerle

14、ader 啦啦队长,guy gai n. 家伙,人pl. guys他是个好人He is a nice guy.大伙,振作起来!Hey, guys! Cheer up!,top tp n. 上方,顶部反义词 bottom前十top ten在山顶at the top of the mountain在纸的上方on the top of the paper,GARY: How was the exam, Richard?,How + be + sb. /sth. ? 怎么样?用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或生活情况。e.g. 你爸爸怎么样? How is your father?,Not too b

15、ad. 不算太坏too 程度副词,“太”表示过于,具有否定含义。修饰形容词,放在形容词之前这个房间太小了。The room is too small.too+形容词+for sb. to do sth.对某人来说太以致不能这个考试太难,以致她不能通过。The exam is too difficult for her to pass.,I think I passed in English and Mathematics. I think 后面接宾语从句pass +考试pass in + 科目,找动词?,怎么解决的?,表示学科的专有名词。,传给某人某物,把某物递给某人pass sb. sth.

16、 = pass sth. to sb.Please pass me the paper.= Please pass the paper to me.,The questions were very easy.,easy i:zi adj. (1)容易的反义词difficulte.g. 这是一个容易的问题。 This is an easy question.,对某人来说做某事容易It is easy for sb. to do sth.e.g. 对他来说,学习英语很容易。It is easy for him to learn English.e.g.对Lucy 来说学数学不容易。It is no

17、t easy for Lucy to learn mathematics.,The questions were very easy.,very “非常”,程度副词,修饰形容词,放在形容词之前,具有肯定意义。,How about you, Gary? How about?怎么样?= What about?,The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me. 英语和数学试卷the English and Maths papers paper 试卷(可数),paper还有纸的含义(不可数)enough ,程度副词,“足够地”一般放在所修饰

18、的形容词之后The room is big enough for us.这个房间对我们来说够大了。enough(for sb.) to 足够做某事,adj. 足够的足够的时间足够的钱,enough time,enough money,enough 放在所修饰名词之前,I hope I havent failed.,hope 动词,“希望”,后常接宾语从句。,fail v. 未及格,(反义词pass),找动词?,怎么解决的?,宾语从句,fail to do 未能做成某事e.g. I failed to pass the exam.我没有通过考试。,I think I failed the Fre

19、nch paper.,I think后常接宾语从句。,failed 为从句中的动词,当主句中的动词为一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态,找动词?,怎么解决的?,法语试卷,I could answer sixteen of the questions.,could用于陈述句为情态动词can的过去式,Could you help me ?,用于疑问句表达委婉语气。,answer-1) v. 回答 他不想回答我。He doesnt want to answer me. 2)v. 应答,回应 请接电话。Please answer the phone.answer the door 应门3) n. 答案 你

20、知道这道题的答案吗Do you know the answer to this question?,I could answer sixteen of the questions.,could用于陈述句为情态动词can的过去式,sixteen of the questions 试题中的16道。,Could you help me ?,用于疑问句表达委婉语气。,sixteen questions 16道题,They were very easy .,very程度副词“很,非常”具有肯定意义,放在形容词之前。,But I couldnt answer the rest.,couldnt=could

21、 not,其它的东西,在此指其它的试题,They were too difficult for me.,too和very 通常放在所修饰的形容词之前enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后,too程度副词“太”,具有否定意义,位于所修饰的形容词之前。,反义词easy,French tests are awful, arent they?反义疑问句:表示怀疑或没有把握,要求对方用yes,或no,来回答,有时也可用于加强语气。,肯定,否定,L101: He doesnt say very much,does he ?,否定,肯定,I hate them.hate v.反义词like,hate heit

22、 v. 讨厌e.g. 我讨厌猫。I hate cats. hate doing 不喜欢做(指习惯性行为)e.g. 她不喜欢做饭。She hates cooking.hate to do 不愿意,不想做(指一次性行为)I hate to say, but you are wrong.,Im sure Ive got a low mark. Ive got = I have got = I haveIm sure + 宾语从句“我相信.”low mark 低分,找动词?,怎么解决的?,Cheer up!,别灰心come on !,Perhaps we didnt do too badly .,to

23、o,副词“太”,具有否定意义,放在它所修饰的词前,erhaps 可能 = maybe,badly adv.修饰动词do,The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. next to = beside 在旁边。介词短语作定语修饰the guyat the top of. 在顶端,在上方 (在某物体本身的上方),on the top of .在某物体之外的上方,Yes?,Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! For + 时间段:持续了多长时间。 I have l

24、ived here for ten years.,and连接两个动词,并列谓语。“然后”,找动词?,怎么解决,He didnt write a word .,not too bad pass in English fail the French test4. maths paper5. the rest6. cheer up 7. a low mark get a low mark8. next to9. at the top of,不算太坏,通过英语考试 / 英语考试及格,法语考试不及格,数学考试卷,其余的 / 剩余的,振作起来 / 别灰心,一个低分,在上方 / 在顶部,挨着/ 在旁边,得一

25、个低分,adv.too 太 very 非常 enough 足够(1)与形容词连用时位置不同 too和very 通常放在所修饰的形容词前 too 否定意义 very 肯定意义 enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后,(2)enough 和too 可以与介词to 搭配使用, 但意义不同The questions were easy enough (for me) to answer.回答这个问题对我来说足够容易。The questions were too difficult (for me) to answer.这个问题对我来说太难,回答不出。enough to 足够做某事tooto 太而不能,I

26、 think I passed in English and Mathematics .I hope I havent failed .I think I failed the French paper .Im sure Ive got a low mark .,主句是一般现在时,从句可以是:1、一般现在时2、现在进行时3、现在完成时4、一般将来时5、一般过去时,宾语从句,He doesnt say very much , does he ? French tests are awful , arent they ?,1. 一般疑问句 Is this case yours ? 2. 特殊疑问句

27、 Whose case is this ? 3.选择疑问句 Is this case yours or mine ? 4.反意疑问句,前否后肯,前肯后否,He doesnt say very much, does he? 反意疑问句:定义:表示提问人的看法,但没有把握,需要对方的证实。结构:陈述句+简短疑问句。前肯后否,前否后肯。 两部分的人称和时态要保持一致。 You are Jimmy, arent you? They wont leave, will they? 回答时要根据事实,Yes/No也要与后面一致: No, he doesnt. 是,他没写多少。 Yes, he does. 不

28、,他写了很多。-,Its cold ,_?,isnt it,Yes, it is.,They are playing football, ?,arent they,Yes, they are.,Lily was ill in bed, _?,Yes, she was.,wasnt she,1. 前肯,+ 后否 be 动词: 1. You are an actor, _ _ ? 2. He is a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It was fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night,

29、_ _ ? 5. She is going to visit me, _ _? 6. I am Chinese, _ _?,arent you,isnt he,wasnt it,werent you,isnt she,arent I,陈述部分是Iam反义疑问句arent I?,2. 前否,+ 后肯 1. You arent an actor, _ _ ? 2. He isnt a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. It doesnt rain here, _ _ ? 5. His sister doesnt have a

30、headache, _ _ ? 6. You didnt call me yesterday, _ _?,are you,is he,does it,does she,was it,did you,1. Tom does his homework every day, ?2. Hes swimming now, ?3. She doesnt like maths, ?4. They went to the beach yesterday, ?5. They werent in Hangzhou last week, ?6. He can speak a little French, ?7. H

31、e can speak little French, ?8. She never went to Shanghai, ?,doesnt he,isnt he,does she,didnt they,were they,cant he,cant he,did she,Not too bad .They were too difficult for me .Perhaps we didnt do too badly .They were very easy .The questions were very easy .The English and maths papers werent easy

32、 enough for me .,too 太(否定) very非常enough 足够,too + adj. very + adj.adj. + enough,用too, very , enough填空。1.The book is _easy for her 2.The question is _difficult for her to answer.3.The boy is not tall _to carry the box.4-Are you happy ?-No,not _.5.They couldnt see that film .They were _young.6.I could

33、answer all the questions.They were_easy.,very,too,enough,very,too,very,copperative work,Suppose you have just finished the final examination.After the text you cant wait to talk about it with your friend Bobby and are windering hoe you did in the test .Bobby thinks the geography and chemistry tests were very easy while you dont think so .You think that the chemistry text was awful.But you think perhaps you didnt do too badly because the guy next to you didnt write a word! Please work with your mate and write an appropriate dialogue in this situation.,


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