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1、The wrong 12-year-old!,Unit14,不该遇上的,12,岁少年,What,do,you,do,in,your,free,time?,Do,you,do,anything,like,karate?,Why?/why,not?,What,sports,are,popular?,子页,ka,ra,te,空手道,子页,taekwondo,跆拳道,子页,道服的差异,空手道道服一般为纯白,,左胸绣有道场组织名,,下摆处有时会出现一些诸如所有者姓名的小字。,衣形为开衫,左侧衣襟压右侧衣襟,由腰带系紧。,袖长一般在手肘附近,不同会馆会出现一定的差异。,跆拳道(,WTF,)道服一般为白色,


3、一边,blood,血,hold,握住,fight,打架,打斗,shoot,开枪射击,bl,?,d,h,?,ld,fait,?,u:t,listen and answer,The first time,1.,What,are,they,talking,about?,2.,How,old,is,the,boy?,his,3.,Would,sister?,Robert,like,his,dad,to,ask,The second time,4.,What,did,the,guy,want,Jake,to,do?,5.,What,does,Robert,want,to,learn,now?,6.,Wh

4、at,would,Robert,like,his,father,to,do?,the,third/fourth,time,-,Dictation,the,fifth,time,-,retell,underline,hear,about,come,first,in,live,in,way,on,his/her/my,last,year,听说,得第一名,住在,在,他,/,她,/,我,的,途中,去年,underline,hand,over,be,able,to,want,sb.,to,do,try,to,do,交出,能够,想,要,某,人,物,做,某事,尽力做,1. hear about sth.,R

5、obert:,Did,you,hear,about,e first in,听说某事,=come top in,在,.,得第一,Jake,Oliver,Dad?,William:,Jake,Oliver,?,Robert:,the,first,world,You,karate.,know.,He,He,s,year.,in,his,age-group,came,last,William:,only12,isn,Oh,t,he?,yes.,He,s,1. on ones way,Robert: That,s right.,表示“前往,.,时”,He lives in Bristol. He,2.

6、want sb. to do.,表示“想让,.,做,.,”,was on his way home,3. hand over+,名词,from a practice session,hand +,代词,+over,last week, and a tall guy,with,a hood grabbed,him.This guy wanted him,to hand over his mobile,phone.,1. work hard to,努力,去,2. be able to,可能,会,3. obviously,观点副词,4. He wouldn,t,would,表示可能性,Robert:

7、 Jake said to,himself,I earned,this phone! I worked,really hard to be,able to buy it!,William: Obviously,he wouldn,t want a,thief to take it like,that!,1. try to do sth.,尽,try doing sth.,力去做某事,尝试,2. in the face,做某事,作为,地点状语, in +,身体,部位,guy,Robert: Right! So the,Jake,tried,to punch him.,and,stepped,si

8、deways,face. It,gave,him one in the,guy,blood everywhere. The,s nose. There,broke,the,was,thief,ran,!,held,his nose and,1. pick,接;捡;遇到,2. What a great story,(it is)!,感叹句,what +,名词,,how+,形,容词,How great a story is!,3. don,t want to (,否,定的表达方式,),get into,卷进,.,William: He picked the,wrong wrong 12-year-

9、old!,What a great story!,Robert: Yeah, well, Dad. I,want to learn karate now.,William: I can,understand,that, Robert. but I don,t,want you to get into,fights. What will your,mother say?,Robert: That,s the,question ,Dad. Id like you to,ask her.,Would like+,宾语,+,动词,不定式,(would like sb. to do),表示希望,.,做,

10、.,Pattern Practice,1.What do his parents want,him to do?,They_.,want him to study Art,2.What would your parents,like you to do?,They_.,Art,d like me to study,study,Art,Pattern Practice,1.What do his parents want him,to do?,want him to study Medicine,They_.,2.What would your parents like,you to do?,T

11、hey_.,d like me to study Medicine,study,Medicine,Pattern Practice,1.What do her parents want her,to do?,want her to study Science,They_.,2.What would your parents like,you to do?,They_.,d like me to study Science,study,Science,Pattern Practice,1.What do you want me to do?,want you to work on a farm,

12、I _.,2.What would you like me to do?,d like you to work on a farm,I _.,work,on,a,farm,Pattern Practice,What would you like me to do?,want you to become a farmer,I _.,you like me to become a farmer,Would _?,Yes, I would.,become,a,farmer,1,),P109 Guided Conversation Part,A,C,2,),P113 Match the Q and A/,Multiple choice,


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