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1、Lesson One,Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Aims,To know the writing technique of a narrative.To be acquainted with some literary termsTo learn to use words to describe disasters and violenceTo appreciate the language featuresTo learn to write a story about disasters.,Teaching Contents,1. The lit

2、erary style 2. Detailed study of the text3. Organizational pattern4. Language features5. Exercises,Time allocation,1. The literary style (narration) (15 min.)2. Detailed study of the text (120 min.)3. Structure analysis (15 min.)4. Language appreciation (15 min.)5. Exercises (15 min),Lesson One,Them

3、e - man vs nature,The literary style,A piece of narration is mainly developed in the actual time sequence. The writer tells the readers what happens first , what next. chronological development,The Literary terms,narration - story tellingextended narration - novels histories biographies autobiograph

4、ies travelogues,The Literary terms,The essentials of narration:1. characters2. plotA good story has a beginning, a middle, an end, even though it may start in the middle or at some other point in the action and move backward to the earlier happenings.,The Literary terms,Narration is concerned with a

5、ction. It goes around people called characters in some kind of struggle or conflict against other people, nature, society or themselves.,The Literary terms,protagonist - leading character antagonist - the people or forces protagonist fights against suspense - a state of uncertainty,The Literary term

6、s,interposition - a passage which is put between the action The purpose is to add more information to create suspense,The Literary terms,flashback - interruption of chronological sequence by interjection of event of earlier occurrenceclimax - the most exciting, important interesting part on the stor

7、y, denouement - the ending of a story,climax falling action denouementrising action conflict beginning suspense ending,Hurricane: a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater the 75 miles per hour. The term is often restricted to those storms occurring over the North Atlantic Ocean. Incipie

8、nt hurricanes usually form over the tropical N Atlantic Ocean and mature as they drift westward. Hurricanes also occasionally form off the west coast of Mexico and move northeastward from that area. An average of 3.5 tropical storms per year eventually mature into hurricanes along the east coast of

9、North America, usually over the Caribbean Sea or Gulf of Mexico. Similar storms occurring over the west Pacific Ocean and China Seas are called typhoons and those over the Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones 飓风气旋. Hurricanes are given girls names and typhoon are given serial numbers.,The detai

10、led study of the text,hurricane -1. strong tropical storm2. strong fast wind which speeds more than 75 mph 120 kilometers/h3. western Atlantic Ocean4. given a girls name; named alphabetically / ordered according to the initial letter,The detailed study of the text,typhoon -1. Western Pacific Ocean o

11、r China Sea2. numbered,hurricane,whirlwind - a general term/ circular windtornado -visible as a tube-shaped cloud of dust which moves in a relatively narrow path can be devastating in its destructiveness.cyclone - a vortex, usually hundreds of miles in diameter,gale,- a general term for a very stron

12、g wind capable of doing considerable damage to property,wind,the Beaufort scale,蒲福风力等级(英国海军将领Francis Beaufort1774-1857拟订,分0-12级), defines wind as:0 clam breeze 01 light breeze 1-3 mph2 slight breeze 4-73 gentle breeze 8-12moderate breeze 1318fresh breeze 1924,the Beaufort scale,6 strong breeze 25-31

13、7 moderate gale 32-388 fresh gale 39-469 strong gale 47-5410 whole gale 55-6311 storm 64-7512 hurricane over 75,the Beaufort scale,The Beaufort Scale defines a storm as a wind having velocity of between 64 and 75 miles an hour.,weather forecast,The weather forecast says cloudy today, with a strong w

14、ind from the northwest, grade five to six on the Beaufort Scale. The lowest temperature during the daytime will be eight degrees centigrade below zero.,The detailed study of the text,August 17 Hurricane devastated the area for 2 daysbad - destructive /devastating / terribly forceful,lash -,to strike

15、 with great force to move violently or suddenlyThe waves lashed the racksThe rain was lashing against the windows.,pummel,pummel - spelled pommel to beat suddenly or attack vigorously to hit with repeated blows,reasons to stay,1. He is a self-employed businessman Magna product - the name of his comp

16、any2. His present house was in a better condition than his former house. implication: How great the loss it would be if the house was destroyed.3.250 yards away from sea 4. The house has been there since 1915,batten down,batten - a strip of wood used in construction and oft. used in the old days in

17、ship building.to batten down - metaphor to secure with battens The elder Koshak is talking about preparing and securing the house for the storm to come.,We can batten down and ride it out: a metaphor, comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea. We can make the necessary pre

18、parations and survive the hurricane without much damage.Ride it out: to stay afloat during a storm without too much damageMain: a large pipe or wire carrying the public supply of water, electricity or gas.,Blends, portmanteau word混成词compound word 合成词,motel (motor+hotel) boatel (boat+hotel) 水上旅馆 brun

19、ch (breakfast + lunch)早午餐 chunnel (channel + tunnel) 水底隧道 slurbs (slum + suburbs)市郊贫民区 slanguage (slang + language)使用俚语德表现法,Blends,cafetorium (cafe + auditorium)talkthon ( talk + marathon)filmusical( film + musical)comsat (communications + satellite),Blends,sitcom (situatin + comedy )情景喜剧narcoklepto

20、cracy (narcotic麻醉剂的) + (kleptomania 偷窃癖+ cracy 统治阶层) 官贩毒magalog ( magazine + catalog) 杂志目录,Blends,comint ( communications + intelligence) 通讯情报sportscasters ( spots + broadcaster) 体育节目广播员masscult (mass + culture) 平民文化,scud,- move swiftly The speed of these clouds is an indication of the swiftness wit

21、h which the storm is approaching.The boat scudded before the strong west wind came.scud missilesSit out the storm: to stay until the end of the storm.,disintegrate 分解 碎裂,- collapse, crumble. fall apart break into many small pieces and is destroyedIs society beginning to ?Since the Soviet Union ed, t

22、he cold war came to an end.,blast,1. (an explosion) burst, explosion 2. ( a loud sound) roar, bang, noiseunexpected quick strong movement of wind or rain 一阵;一股a blast of windwintry blast,shove,- push with a quick, rather violent movementHe dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street.T

23、he car wont start. Can you give it a shove?,douse,- put out quickly by pouring water over it; immerse, soak, submerge, drenchHe doused the clothes in soapy water.The generator was doused, and the lights went out: water got into the generator and put it out.,Scramble:,To climb up or over something wi

24、th difficulty 爬;争夺,争抢; 忙乱,乱作一团;We scrambled up a rocky slope.He scrambled to his feet, blushing furiously.A scramble for the best seat, a scramble to ick up the scattered coinsPeople were scrambling madly for shelter.,The wind sounded like the roar of a train collapsed: 风声仿佛数码外呼啸而过的火车的轰鸣,整个房屋在不停地颤抖。

25、水缓缓的漫上来,而此时,一楼的外墙已经坍塌了。,on the verge of,- very near to the actionShe was so unhappy that she was on the verge of (committing) suicide.The country is on the verge of disaster.The child is on the verge of tears.To the verge of:The attack brought the country to the verge of war. The old man had been dr

26、iven to the verge of despair.,Be bound to 肯定会,to be very likely to doDont lie to her. Shes bound to find out about it. Be bound to do 理应做某事If hes acting as auditor, hes bound by law to report.Be bound by 负有义务We are bound by agreements made at the time of the treaty.Be bound by sth 具有同样的特点All the sto

27、ries are bound by a common theme.,Crushing 压倒的 使人受不了的,- devastating / defeating /people feel upset or shockedThe final lecture was interrupted by the crushing news of president Kennedys death.It was a crushing result for the Labor Party.Crutch n. 拐杖 -s,Why should he be guilty?,John watchedcrushing g

28、uilt: As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.,ferocity,- the quality of being violent / strength/ intensity 凶猛程度 u here: the destructive force and power of hurrican

29、eViolence broke out in greater amount and ferocity.He had never heard such ferocity in a mans voice.,Swipe: 猛击 重击Hit bang bash blow punch smash thump whack smite/smait/ bumpPoke jab 刺 戳slap 拍击 flip 轻击 弹Clonk 叮当声Smack 拍击 拍打 To bed now, or Ill smack your bottom.,Skim 1从液体表面撇去 2 浏览 3 飞速掠过 擦过,After simm

30、ering the meat and vegetables skim the fat from the surface. 撇去表面油脂。Just skim though the second section to save time. Seagulls skimming the waves 掠过浪尖的海鸥,maroon,- v. (uau. p.p.) to leave one or more people alone, with no means of getting away. If one is marooned, he is left in a place, which is diff

31、icult or impossible to escape from. Five fishermen were marooned on a rock in a gale.,The greatest recorded storm: 这是有史以来袭击西半球人口密集区域的最严重的风暴。 In its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles:在宽度为70 英里的飓风中心区域,风力时速达200 英里,飓风还掀起了30 英尺高的巨浪。Along the Gulf Coast it devastated everything in its swath.:在飓风经过的墨西哥

32、湾沿岸的狭长地带,一切都被夷为平地。,mph - mile per hour,rpm - revolutions per minutegpm - gallons per minutefps - feet per second,spectacular,- very impressive, dramatic, breathtaking 壮观的,引人注目的,激动人心The man gave a spectacular display of horse riding.He made a spectacular jump from the burning building.Some films pres

33、ent spectacular scenes like battles, processions, storms, races etc,vantage point(s),point of vantage - a good position from which you can see a lot of thingsThe TV tower will provide a vantage point from which we can have a birds eye view of the city.They fired upon the enemy from behind trees, wal

34、ls and any other point of vantage they could find.,Demolish destroy raze annihilate damage,Destroy is a general word with few overtones beyond its emphasis on force and thoroughness.Demolish and raze are generally applied to big or substantial things, such as buildings or other edifices. A building

35、is demolished if smashed to pieces and razed if leveled to the ground. demolish, unlike raze, is often used figuratively of the reduction of any complex whole to ruins,( to demolish a theory with a few incisive comments.),Raze is used almost invariably of buildings and their remains.Annihilate is th

36、e most extreme word in this list, and literally means to reduce to nothingness. As more commonly used, however, it denotes a severe degree of damage to a thing or a person. An army may annihilate an enemy force by so damaging it so as to render it incapable of further offensive or defensive action,

37、but without literally removing all traces of its existence. Damage refers to physical harm caused to sth which make it less attractive, useful or valuable. It is not as strong in connotaionas the other words.,It is not as strong in connotation as the other words 破坏 损失 损伤Compare: The earthquake cause

38、d damage to property estimated at 6 million. I insist paying on the damage.Emotional damageThe building was completely destroyed by fire.,para 19 20,Two paras were put in to provide further official account to show how strong and forceful the hurricane was. They were convincing.,debris,All the piece

39、s that are left after sth has been destroyed in an accident 碎片 残骸Sanctuary: a peaceful place that is safe 庇护所 避难所,Dear Lord, give me.,Why no quotation marks? The writer wants to make his account smooth. He purposely omits quotation marks. The action is quickened and smooth.,It toppled on him: the br

40、icks and plasters fell on himMake it a lean-to against the wind: put up the mattress as a protection against the wind.Lean-to:a small, roughly made building that rests against the side of a large building.靠着大屋所建的单坡屋顶小屋,披棚Hinge: n. a metal part used to fasten a door to its frame v. 有赖于 取决于 Everything

41、 hinges on the outcome of these talks.,The main thrust of Camille has passed:,- The direct and forceful attack of the hurricane has passed thrust: 刺 戳 猛推 onslaught, attack, push, drive,strew 撒满,- spread, cover, scatter His clothes were strewn all over the room. The floor is strewn with broken glass.

42、 After the riot, the street was strewn with broken bottles and stones.,festoon 结彩于,- decorate The garden was festooned with colored lights.,National Guard,Each state has its own organization of the National Guard. It is composed of ordinary citizens who may be called to duty at any time. 国民警卫队,Civil

43、 Defense Unit - 民防队,play much the same role, but are not military in nature,The Salvation Army救世军,A world-wide Christian organization founded by William Booth in White Chapel, London in 1865. The Salvation Army is concerned with spreading the Christian message and with social reform. Its officers ha

44、ve military titles and members wear uniforms.,Red Cross,An international organization concerned with the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of public health. A red cross on a white background is the symbol.,rake its way,- metaphor. If raking a surface, you move a rake across it in orde

45、r to make it smooth and level- to attack and devastate as it swept along,rampaging: If people or animal rampage, they rush about in a wild or violent way, often causing damages or destruction.The elephants are rampaging through the bush. ( hard to control/ mad/ violent / raging)breaking up over the

46、Atlantic Ocean: the storm clouds finally dispersing as the hurricane reached the Atlantic Ocean.,He pitched in with the Seabees,-he set to work energetically with the Seabees- C.B. members of the construction Battalions of the Civil Engineer corps of the US navy, that build harbor facilities, airfie

47、lds etc 海军工程队,assume/ presume,The meaning of these words are quite closeassume - to come to a conclusion on the basis of what is known or felt to be truepresume - to come to a conclusion by supposing / connotes an arrogation (claim) of boldness and of unwarranted inference ( which might well be unju

48、stified),assume/ presume,1. After talking with you yesterday, I assumed you were going to the party. 2. I saw them together and presumed they had reconciled their differences, but from what you tell me, I know I was wrong. assumption/ presumption,exterminate / extinguish,extinguish - destroy purpose

49、fullyexterminate - wipe out or kill in great numbers insects by spraying with DDTextinguish - put out as a fire, the word is also used metaphorically as a synonym for die, thus implying a comparison between life and a spark or flameHis life was finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia.,rot, de

50、cay, moulder, decompose, putrefy,antonyms- bloom, flourish, grow- refer to the breakdown of dead organic tissues by natural bacterial processes,rot,- the least formal, the most effective , forceful of these words , suggesting an advanced point in this process of breakdown 损坏过程中最深的一种状态The tissues at


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