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1、雅思写作中的“模糊”题目怎么办 在雅思考试当中,有一类题目最让考生摸不着头脑。这类“像雾像雨又像风”的题目总称抽象类题,话题主要集中在一些价值形态的考查上。下面就和大家分享碰到雅思写作中的“模糊”题目怎么办,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作中的“模糊”题目怎么办总的来说,抽象题也分两种,第一种是完全抽象。所谓“完全抽象”,即整个题目都看似飘渺,这种题目给人思维发散的空间比较大。如一道大作文题:Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her job,but other people think they should b

2、e realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.对于这道题,我们首先可以想一下“Free to chose”是指怎样随心所欲?这种选择往往是基于自己的兴趣爱好或是起薪,也或者是工作条件。那么第一个论点的解释就出来了:The youngsters occupational choice always lies in their own interest, initial payment or work conditions like company locati

3、ons.第二个论点说应该多考虑一下“future”,其中包括工作长久稳定或者是可以获得一个长远的自我提升:The permanence of career or the self-cultivation opportunity has also been taken into consideration by some job seekers. There is a case in China that working in the government means being a civil servant forever without worrying about losing job.

4、定义完了两种观点的明确意思,那么在分别的主体段就可以充分来论证这种选择对自己是不是更有利。第二种抽象题为暗藏抽象。典型例题是剑8当中test1的大作文题:Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.很多人可能忙着去讨论老师和家长的重要性

5、了,为何不停下笔来,来注意一下“good member of society” 这个暗藏的抽象名词呢?范文里考官的定义是:In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. 首先在主体段第一句话表明自己对社会好成员的三个特性的理解,接着可以很形象地来论述这些品德是如何在家庭或学校中学到的。类似的有一道真题:The qualities a person needs to become

6、 truly successful in todays world cannot be learned in university or similar academic institutions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?拿到这道题,先不要急着去辩证在学校里都获得了些什么。那么想一下成功需要的品质都包含什么。假如说我们也从三个方面来定义,那么可以说是勤奋,创新和竞争合作意识:The factors contributing to great achievement have never been associated with the

7、qualifications merely, what matters includes the virtue of diligence, creativeness and the sense of cooperation and competition.接下来就可以尽情讨论这些品质是否能从大学机构获得了。综上,“下定义”是为了大事化小,小事化为笔下生花。结构上可以使思路更清晰,语言上可以使*更立体丰满。所以,考生如果能巧妙使用定义法,那么变最难缠的题型为最喜欢的题型也就手到擒来了。雅思考试写作范文:快节奏社会的问题Task:The speeding up of life in areas s

8、uch as travel and communications is negatively affecting the society at every level - individual, national, and global. Do you agree or disagree?思路解析:同意,快节奏的生活方式同时给个人,国家和全球带来的负面影响。1. 个人层面:生活的加速会增大人们的压力,因为它破坏了生活的平衡。举例,飞机大大加速了人们的出行,但是也带来了更高的工作预期和更紧凑的时间计划。在太多例子中,企业员工被要求在早上乘坐飞机抵达另一个州,甚至是国家,来参加会议和谈判,然后又搭

9、乘午夜的航班飞回家,中间没有任何的休息时间。结果是,人们会感觉筋疲力尽,喘不过气。2. 国际层面:快速的运输和通讯系统的建立会进一步破坏环境。举例,飞机的频繁使用会排放大量的尾气。同样的,为了满足无线通讯的需求,如手机,数不清的基站被建立在山区和森林里,这破坏了生态圈。3. 国家层面:便利的旅游和通讯会破坏一个国家的文化。举例,飞机增强了国家之间的联系,如贸易和旅游,但这也把国外文化引进到国内,这会导致文化竞争,并很有可能杀死本土文化。同样的,互联网的兴旺也把人们暴露在一个全球的流行文化之下,如流行音乐,电影,游戏,这让年轻人失去对于本国文化的兴趣。参考范文:Nowadays, modern

10、technologies have sharply speeded up peoples traveling and communication. Some people argue that there are many negative results behind this fast-paced trend, personally, nationally, and globally. Personally, I strongly agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.Firstly, on the p

11、ersonal level, an accelerated life pace make individuals stressful, due to it breaks the balance between working and living. For example, airplanes, the fastest transportation nowadays, can largely shorten the time of peoples long-distant traveling, while its high efficiency also causes higher work

12、expectancy and tighter work schedule. For example, in a single day, a manager of multi-national companies is asked to take plane to go for a meeting in another region and country far away in the morning, and fly back to the home at night. This fast and exhausting lifestyle not only damages peoples h

13、ealth, but also alienates them from families, because of the lack of time spent on exercise, rest, or dinners with spouse and children.In addition, on the international level, fast systems of global transportation and communication worse the environment. For one thing, an increasing number of cross-

14、border air flights mean more fossil oil is burned and more waste gas is emitted, such as smog. As a result, this kind of discharge further deteriorates the global warming. Similarly, for the purpose of building up a modern seamless communication system for cell phones and the Internet, new base stat

15、ions are installed in mountains and forests, new cable ropes are buried under the seabed. These constructions make an overall destruction to the global ecosystem, thus leading to the extinction of species.Finally, on the national level, the thriving of fast long-distant traveling and communication w

16、ould destroy cultural identities of a country. For example, fast airplanes bring more foreigners to a region or a country for cross-border meetings and tours. In order to meet the needs and tastes of these new comers, local old buildings are replaced by modern skyscrapers, and traditional cuisines a

17、re replaced by western fast food like McDonald. What is more, advertisements and videos of a pop culture on the Internet, from Hollywood movies to rock music, from Paris fashions to online games, draw all attention of the public in any local area. In other words, under the influence of the Internet

18、which plays a role of cultural invader, people will lose the interests and respects in their local culture.In conclusion, adverse consequences of a fast-paced world are undeniable, including an unbalanced lifestyle, environmental problems caused by airplanes and telecommunication, and the disappeara

19、nce of a local culture.雅思考试写作范文:长期离家工作的好坏Task:Today some person have to work away from his family, what are the advantages and disadvantages?思路解析:离家工作的好处1:培养了独立性。举例,这些人不得不依赖和挖掘自己的潜力和能力来应付一切生活中的挑战和困难。离家工作的好处2:培养了社交能力。举例,他们要面临一个完全陌生的社会,和不同肤色,生活习惯和宗教的人群打交道,这培养了跨文化理解力。离家工作的坏处1:家庭关系会崩塌。这些离开的人无力照顾自己的亲人和孩子

20、,让他们感觉到被抛弃。离家工作的坏处2:精神压力过大。长时间离家的人总是饱受思乡病,孤独和焦虑的折磨。参考范文:Nowadays, working in a new place or a foreign country distant from homes has been a heated trend in debate. In my view, this change simultaneously brings benefits and risks to these people leaving home, and my reasons would be explored as below

21、.The main relevant benefits are the improvement of independence and interpersonal skills. Firstly, being away from the comfortable and safe zone built up by parents and friends in homeland, people in a strange environment, especially the youngsters, have to take responsibility for daily affairs, tas

22、ks, behaviors, health care and schedules. These efforts can improve their self-care skills and decision-making ability. Moreover, living in a different cultural circumstance, frequently inevitable interactions with local peers and residents who have different skin colors, social manners, lifestyles

23、and religions serve as a catalyst for increased maturity. In other words, after encountering with cultural diversity, these outcomers would become more independent, flexible, patient and adaptable, and acquire proficient social skills as well. Lastly, for people who live and work abroad, they can st

24、ay a foreign language immersion for a long term, thus helping them to master how to speak a second language natively.However, the demerits associated with this kind of emigration should never be ignored. For one thing, as many people, especially young adults, leave hometowns for far-away places, the

25、y leave family behind. As a result, extended family systems begin to disintegrate. The result is often a lack of childcare and eldercare for family members. When a younger person leaves, marriage prospects for young adults who decide to stay sill decline.For another, the second demerit is about a ch

26、allenge on the spiritual level. Being isolated from family and motherland, an immigrator tends to be troubled in the mental stress. Specifically, the homesick, loneliness, frustration caused by cultural conflicts, and fear about the future always surround these helpless people, and give them psychol

27、ogical suffering all the time.In conclusion, it is very hard to decide that advantages of this issue outweigh the disadvantages, or the reverse is true. Although such experience is beneficial for the form of independent and social abilities, as well as mature mind, the absence from home is detrimental to the people and their families.雅思写作中的“模糊”题目怎么办


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