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1、shade的用法总结大全 shade有遮阳,遮棚,挡风物,玻璃罩,(画的)阴暗部分的意思。那你们想知道shade的用法吗?今天给大家带来了shade的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。shade的用法总结大全shade的意思n. 遮阳,遮棚,挡风物,玻璃罩,(画的)阴暗部分vt. 遮蔽,险胜,加灯罩,画阴影于之上vi. 逐渐变化变形:过去式: shaded; 现在分词:shading; 过去分词:shaded;shade用法shade可以用作名词shade的基本意思是指阳光照不到的“阴凉处”,常跟定冠词the连用; 也可指照片、油画等的“阴影,阴暗部分”,用作不可数名词。shade可指能

2、带来阴凉或遮盖较强光线的事物,即“遮光物”,常与其他名词构成复合词; 也可作“色调,色彩的浓淡”解; 作“细微的差别”解,常与介词of连用,用作可数名词。shade用在文学语言中,还可作“鬼魂,虚幻的事物”解,用作可数名词; 作“昏暗的暮色”解时,常用复数形式。shade用作名词的用法例句This artist uses shade to good effect.这位画家有效地利用阴影。There are no trees or bushes to give shade.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。Something,such as a window shade or a Venetian bl

3、ind,that hinders vision or shuts out light.遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体。shade可以用作动词shade的基本意思是“遮蔽”,多指遮蔽光亮、炎热,也可指一物体处在另一物体的某一方位而使后者不显露出来; 还可指画阴影于图画上,以增加图画颜色的深度。shade既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,意为“色调逐渐变化,产生细微差别”,常接介词into。shade用作动词的用法例句He tried to shade his house with thick trees.他想让这些大

4、树把房子遮住。He tried to shade in one side of his drawing.他想把他那幅画的一边涂成阴影。Is it possible to shade the prices a little?有没有可能降一点价格?shade用作动词的用法例句The colors of the light shaded from blue into purple.光线的颜色由蓝逐渐变紫。shade用法例句1、His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.他的写作得益于他感到已故的林

5、肯一直在他身后激励着他。2、In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray.清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。3、The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade.阴凉处的温度骤升至100多度。“影子”是“shade”还是“shadow”?看了你就懂了Shade /?e?d/n. 阴凉处;背阴;(树)荫It refers to an area or a part of a place that is protected from the heat of th

6、e sun and so is darker and cooler.它指的是没有阳光照射的,较暗、较凉爽的地方。(在表示这个意思时,shade是不可数的)She likes sitting in the shade to stare things blankly.她喜欢坐在阴凉处发呆。Its so hot outside, and theres even no shade.外面好热,甚至都没有一点阴凉处。Shadow /?d?/n. 阴影;影子It refers to the dark shape made when a light shines on a person or an objec

7、t, or an area of darkness in which it is difficult to distinguish things easily.它指的是光线照射在人身上或物体之上(也就是影子,表示这个意思时,是可数的);或是指让人难以辨别事物的光线暗的区域(也就是阴影,这时是不可数名词)。The tree cast a shadow on the water.树在水面上投下了影子。That man is standing in shadow, so I cant tell who he is.那个人站在暗处,我认不出他是谁。英文天天写:Shade话题:Writing: imag

8、ine a scenario or express your opinionShadeShade is an area of relative darkness, created by shielding light. What is the shade? How is it being used? Who or what is in the shade?This weeks topic: They looked for a shaded area. (90-110 words)Suggestions:1) resting under the shade of a tree2) wearing

9、 shades to protect the eyes3) adding different shades of color to the painting4) the shade shifted5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.范例1:Wolfe took pictures of both the painting and the sculpture, not for art appreciation, but for observation and reporting. Wel

10、l, the painting (some abstract painting of various shades purple and white light?) might still be hanging on the wall in the office, but for sure the sculpture would no longer be sitting on the small side table, Wolfe was sure of that. Unless he bought another one which looks the same, Wolfe thought, though he doubted that as that sculpture looked like a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind art piece instead of ones mass-produced at factories.shade的用法总结大全


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