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1、secure的用法总结大全 secure的意思想必你都有所了解。那你们想知道secure的用法吗?今天给大家带来了secure的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。secure的用法总结大全secure的意思adj. 安全的,牢固的,有把握的,安心的vt. 保护,(使)获得,使安全,担保vi. 获得安全,变得安全,安全,保险,承保,担保,航海学停止工作变形:副词:securely; 过去式: secured; 现在分词:securing; 过去分词:secured;secure用法secure可以用作动词secure的基本意思是“握紧”“关牢”,指关紧某物使其牢固,常用于某些可能丢失或逃

2、脱的人或物,引申可表示“使安全”,还可表示“(使)获得”“把搞到手”。secure只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。secure常与介词againstfrom连用表示“保护使免于”。secure用作动词的用法例句Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shift sand.需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭。There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.要获得正义的和平并非易事。We

3、must prepare our claim and send it to the insurance company to secure payment.我们得准备好索赔要求,并把它寄给保险公司以便获得赔偿。secure用法例句1、The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit.除非是直接被击中,否则这个地下掩体是非常安全的。2、He was indefatigable in his efforts to secure funding for new projects.他不知疲倦地努力为新项目寻求资金。3、I couldnt

4、 remember ever having felt so safe and secure.我从未有过如此安全的感觉。词汇精选:secure的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj.安全的,无危险的例句:Now my house is secure against burglary.现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。例句:This is a secure anchorage.这是个安全泊地。安心的,无顾虑的;有把握的例句:Figure to yourself a happy family, secure in your own home.你想像一个幸福的家庭,安心地生活在自己的家中。例句:You have

5、made me feel secure.你使我觉得放心。有把握的;确定无疑的例句:Our success is secure.我们的成功是有把握的。牢固的;稳当的;牢靠的例句:His place in history is now secure.他在历史上的地位现在已经稳固了。例句:Don t climb that ladder, it s not secure.别爬上那个梯子,梯子不牢靠。被妥善保管的;被拘留的【古】盲目信任的v.使安全;掩护,保卫 T例句:Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shifting san

6、d.需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭。例句:Can the town be secured against attack?能保护这个市镇不受攻击吗?保证;为作保 T例句:This is a load secured by mortgage.这是一笔以抵押作担保的贷款。例句:Even so, the proposal narrowly secured the necessary 60% of votes present.即使这样,这个提议仅仅能保证目前60%选票。关紧;把弄牢 T例句:He secured all the windows before he left.他走之前关紧了所有的窗户。获

7、得;弄到 T例句:He secured a position in a store at US$400 a week.他在一家商店获得了一份每周四百美元的工作。例句:He had at last secured the position for which he craved.他终于获得了他梦寐以求的职位。招致,促成 T例句:His words secured his fathers displeasure.他的话招致他父亲的不悦。例句:He secured the appointment in 2000 of a select committee.他于2000年促成设立一个特别委员会。获得安

8、全;变得安全 I例句:It is highly necessary to secure against the dangers of the coming typhoon.预防即将来临的台风的危险很有必要。例句:You must order your tickets early to secure against disappointment!你必须早点订票以免失望!拘留;监禁 T解除(海军人员)的执勤任务 T(海军人员)停止工作 I停靠码头;抛锚 I二、词义辨析:acquire,obtain,gain,get,win,earn,secure这些动词均含“获得、取得、得到”之意。 acquir

9、e强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。 obtain较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。 gain侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。 get普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。 win主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。 earn侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。 secure强调要通过努力或竞争,或需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东西。三、参考例句:Secure with bobby pins.用发夹固定。This is a secure anchorage.

10、这是个安全泊地。Secure order even sacrifice margin.即使牺牲利润,也须保住订单。The child felt secure near its parents.这个孩子在父母跟前感到很安全。Secure the micro sensor to the scalp.将微传感器缝到头皮。A secure channel reset will be attempted.将尝试安全通道重置。Now my house is secure against burglary.现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。A planned secure videoconference was also scrapped.原定的保密视频会议也被取消。Our house is secure against flood.我们的房子没有被淹的危险。Secure the anchor by lashing it to the rail.把锚系到栏杆上拴牢。secure的用法总结大全


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