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1、gre考试填空部分怎么做 gre考试的重要性大家都很清楚,那么gre考试填空部分怎么做?下面就给大家带来gre考试填空部分怎么做,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。gre考试填空部分怎么做?gre填空机经1. Paintings created in India during the Mughal dynasty were _ in ambition but ornamental in presentation: in one direction they have an affinity with newspaper photographs, while in the other they

2、have the intricacy of jewels.A. metaphoricalB. documentaryC. aestheticD. sectarianE. Baroque答案:Bgre考试逻辑关系提示词:but,取反填空对应:ornamental词汇:metaphorical 比喻性的Documentary 纪实的Aesthetic 美学的Sectarian 宗派的Baroque 复杂的2. It remains a mystery how Theobroma cacao, which scholars believe originated in lowland Amazonia

3、, was introduced to tropical Mesoamerica. It must have been a (i)_ process: cacao trees do not easily sprout from seed, need years to mature, and grow only in humid lowland forest. Moreover, in a tropical climate, cacao pods spoil quickly, rendering their transport from lowland Amazonia tropical Mes

4、oamerica in a single journey by foot or canoe (ii)_.A. clandestine D. unlikelyB. protracted E. redundantC. spontaneous F. expeditious答案:BD逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同gre填空考试对应:need years to mature - blank i; spoil quickly - blank ii;词汇:clandestine 秘密的Protracted 拖延的Spontaneous 自发的Unlikely 不可能的Redundant 多余的Expediti

5、ous 迅速的3. To the avid reader of E.O. Wilson, much of his most recent book Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge will be (i)_, as the book represents the culmination of a life spent thinking about everything from the social lives of ants to the social lives of people. Nonetheless, new thoughts have bee

6、n mixed in with the old to produce a book remarkable for its (ii)_ and ambition.A. predictable D. purviewB. discounted E. overreachingC. startling F. contingency答案:AD逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同解释:根据二句可知,新书是新旧观点混合在一起的,包含了旧观点,因此选出一空A;二空与ambition并列,结合前面新旧都有的这种说法,可以选出purview 范围。词汇:predictable 可预料的Discounted 打折的Start

7、ling 震惊的Purview 范围Overreaching 试图做力不能及的事Contingency 意外4. Until the advent of film, commercial entertainment in England occurred only where concentrated urban populations provided audiences large enough to make it remunerative: theaters and music halls were (i)_ in rural villages. But village cinemas

8、 quickly become (ii)_, even though they were ramshackle affairs in comparison to the urban picture palaces.A. spartan D. commonplaceB. unconceivable E. sophisticatedC. profitable F. unfashionable答案:BD逻辑关系提示词:“:”,取同;填空对应:only urban .large enough - blank i?词汇:spartan 简朴的Unconveivable 不可想象的Profitable 有

9、利可图的Commonplace 普通的Sophisticated 复杂的Unfashionable 过时的5. His new role gives the normally clownish actor a chance to impress audiences with his (i)_. He is among the most uninhibited comic performers around, but here he buttons his lip and stares straight ahead. Perhaps without quite knowing it, the a

10、udience waits for a wink, a hint that some of the (ii)_ spirit that animated his previous movies might be lurking inside the (iii)_ manner he presents in this film.A. raillery D. madcap G. facetiousB. effusiveness E. lugubrious H. reservedC. forbearance F. edifying I. beguiling答案:CDH逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同解释

11、:隐含了过去和现在的时间对比,演员在这部剧中的特点是一三空,之前是二空,根据normally clownish和二句可以选出三个空。词汇:raillery 逗趣Effusiveness 热情洋溢Forbearance 克制Madcap 鲁莽的人Lugubrious 悲哀的Edifying 启迪的Facetious 诙谐的Reserved 冷淡的Beguiling 欺骗的6. Some climatologists dismiss as (i)_ the debate among geophysicists over the role of carbon dioxide in global cl

12、imate change across many millions of years. These climatologists say the evidence of a tie between carbon dioxide and planetary warming over the last few centuries is so (ii)_ that any longer-term evidence against such a link must somehow be (iii)_.A. unavoidable D. unlikely G. taintedB. irrelevant

13、E. controversial H. accommodatedC. undecidable F. compelling I. reinforced答案:BFG逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同解释:一句中出现了dismiss,说明对争论整体是负面评价,一空可以选出B;看二三空,二三空联动取反,表达二氧化碳和全球变暖之间是有关系的,换言之,争论是没有意义的。词汇:unavoidable 不可避免的Irrelevant 无关紧要的Undecidable 没有定论的Unlikely 不可能的Controversial 有争议的Compelling 令人信服的Tainted 污染Accommodate 适

14、应;容纳Reinforce 加强7. A priori mathematics, according to Galileo, does not _ the need for observation, but mathematics does allow us to deduce unobservable properties and thus to penetrate further into the structure of nature than observation does.A. addressB. acknowledgeC. obviateD. diminishE. displac

15、eF. Appreciate答案:CE逻辑关系提示词:but,取反解释:but句说数学允许我们对不能观察的特点进行推理,也就是说可以不进行观察;but前后句取反,要表达对观察的正向含义;前面有not取反,因此选出CE,词汇:address 解决Acknowledge 承认Obviate 排除Diminish 减少Displace 替代Appreciate 欣赏8. One of the peculiarities of humans is that we irrationally gravitate to the predictable and avoid risk, whatever the

16、 reasons for this _, it is hardly a sound basis for dealing with complex, long- term problems.A. eccentricityB. predilectionC. vacillationD. proclivityE. waveringF. Cowardice答案:BD逻辑关系提示词:this,取同填空对应:peculiarity词汇:eccentricity 古怪Predilection - proclivity 偏向Vacillation - wavering 犹豫Cowardice 胆小9. An a

17、bundance of nutrient-rich pollution in estuaries causes algae to _, much as houseplants grow better when their soil contains added fertilizer.A. aboundB. proliferateC. stagnateD. coalesceE. collectF. Diversify答案:AB逻辑关系提示词:cause,取同;as,取同填空对应:abundance of nutrient-rick/grow better词汇:abound - prolifera

18、te 增值Stagnate 停滞Coalesce 合并Collect 收集Diversify 多样化10. The stories of silent drama may often have been _; yet, within those broad outlines, the true artists among silent-film actors could express shadings that had no immediate analogue in language.A. implausibleB. incredibleC. conventionalD. elementa

19、lE. rudimentaryF. Confusing答案:DE逻辑关系提示词:those,取同填空对应:broad outlines词汇:implausible - incredible难以置信的Conventional 传统的Elemental - rudimentary基础的Confusing 令人困惑的GRE填空高频词汇:危险类词汇不安全类,危险类词汇vulnerability 易受攻击性breach 破坏 frail 脆弱的insecurity 不安全phobia 恐惧症trepidation 恐惧fear of 恐怖的trepidation 惊恐side effect 副作用injury 伤害deterrent 威慑uncertainty 不确定的adversity 不幸,灾难danger 危险的 risk 风险deleterious 有害的GRE填空高频词汇:服从类词汇compliance 服从tacit 默许deign 屈尊scruple 有顾虑的unctuous 假意殷勤acquiescent 勉强顺从obsequious 阿谀奉承submission 屈服gre考试填空部分怎么做


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