1、,Welcome to The UK,How much do you know about the uk?Can you talk something about it?,国名全称,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,National flag of UK- 英国国旗,Union jack米字旗,Stars and Stripes星条旗,mapleleaf枫叶旗,The National Emblem国徽,The National flower 国花,The capital首都,National anthem 国歌,God Save the Queen( the King) 神佑女王(吾王) God
2、save our gracious Queen (King), Long live our noble Queen (King), God save the Queen (King): Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And give us ever cause To
3、sing with heart and voice 大意: 上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,神佑女王。常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;神佑女王!扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;让我们齐仰望,神佑女王!愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,神佑女王!,London,the capital of England the commercial and financial center商业金融中心the political and cultural center政治文化中心,The famous attra
4、ctions in london 伦敦有名的游览圣地,Westminister Abbey,威思敏思特教堂,Coronation加冕礼,Henry I Elizabeth II,Royal Wedding皇室婚礼,Burials and memorials葬礼和纪念碑,Buckingham Palace白金汉宫,In 1837, Britain from within all Kings living here. Queen Victoria is living here first monarch 国王王后居住场所,Big Ben,the largest four- faced chimin
5、g clock世界上最大的四面报时钟,St. Paul Cathedral圣保罗大教堂,保罗大教堂(St.Pauls Cathedral)是世界著名的宗教圣地,世界第五大教堂,英国第一大教堂。,The London Eye伦敦眼,a height of 135metres (443ft), the largest Ferris wheel in Europe欧洲最大的摩天轮the most popular paid tourist attraction in the uk,The Tower Bridge塔桥,symbol of London 英国的象征,Number10 Downing st
6、reet 唐宁街10号,It is an office for the Prime Minster,a meeting place for the cabinet,a venue for state events and the home for the Prime Minsters family,唐宁街10号是首相办公场所,也是内阁会议场所,同时还是国家大事聚集地和首相的家,The famous universities,Oxford University牛津大学,Oxford University,the oldest English-speaking university in the world.位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的大学 。有“天才与首相的摇篮”之称的美名。虽然牛津大学的确切创立日期仍不清楚,但其有记录的授课历史可大约追溯到1096年,迄今已有9个世纪。,剑桥大学,Cambridge University,位于英国剑桥郡的剑桥市,是英语世界里成立的第二所大学,也是世界上现存第四古老的大学。,牛津大学校徽,剑桥大学校徽,英剧Sherlock 神探夏洛克,唐顿庄园Downton Abbey,