1、ADB Resident Mission in the PRC亚行驻中国代表处,Bid Evaluation and Award of Contract 评标与授予合同,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Public Opening of Bids 公开开标,A principal feature of the ICB, LIB and NCB methods ICB,LIB 和NCB 的一个基本特征Intended to give bidders assurance that all bids are treated fairly and impartially 向投标人保证公正和公
2、平Opened publicly by EA at time and place indicated in the bidding documents, or posted online for e-bidding 执行机构在招标文件中规定的时间和地点公开开标, 或者如使用电子采购,可以在网上投递Representatives of bidders normally attend and are asked to sign a register indicating their name and the firm they represent 投标人的代表应参加并代表公司签字Informati
3、on to be Read Out: name of the bidder, total bid price, discounts offered, amount of bid security and any other information 开标时读出的资料:投标人名称,投标总价,折扣,投标保函金额和其他信息,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Public Opening of Bids the Record 开标记录,Determination of the Lowest Evaluated Substantially Responsive Bid决定具有最低评标价格且实质性响应
4、的投标,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Purpose 目的,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Time Frame 时间要求The evaluation of bids and the award of contract should be completed before the expiration of the bid validity period stipulated in the bid documents 评标和授予合同应在标书规定的投标有效期内完成Confidentiality of Procedures 保密性After opening
5、 of bids no information to non-authorized persons on: 开标后不能将如下信息透露给无关人员: Substance of bid 投标的实质内容 Preliminary examination results and status 初步的评审结果和评审状态 Evaluation results and status 投标结果和状态 Recommendation for award 授标建议,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Clarification and modification of bids 标书的澄清与修
6、改Only clarifications not changing the substance or the price of the bid may be requested or accepted by the Borrower (Single-Stage) 借款人只可以要求或接受不改动该标的实质或价格的澄清Arithmetical Errors: No cause for bid rejection, and can be corrected 算数错误:不会造成拒标的可纠正Discrepancy between Unit Price and Total Price 单价与总价的差异Uni
7、t Price will prevail 单价有效Discrepancy between Total Bid Amount and Sum of Total Prices 投标总价和各总价的合计的差异Sum of Total Prices will prevail 各总价的合计有效Words vs figures 文字表达与数字表达Words prevail 文字表达有效,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Compliance with Bid Documents 遵守招标文件Bids should be rejected if they: 拒标,如果:Do no
8、t substantially conform to Specifications 未实质性遵守规格的要求Contain inadmissible reservations to bid documents 包含不能允许的对招标文件的保留意见/限制Do not substantially respond to requirements 未实质性响应招标文件的要求Prompt Notification of ADB 迅速通知亚行EA should inform ADB early of unusual or difficult problems: 执行机构应将非正常情况或困难问题尽早通知亚行,比
9、如:Small number of bids received 只收到很少数量的投标书High proportion of non-responsive bids 非响应性标书比例太高All bid prices substantially higher than cost estimates 所有投标人的标价都相当大地高于估算,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Extension of Bid Validity 投标有效期的延长Considered in exceptional cases 只在特别情况下考虑When considered, all bidder
10、s should be asked 考虑延长时,所有的投标人都要被要求Bidders willing to extend bid validity 投标人愿意延长投标有效期cannot modify substance of bid 不可改变投标的实质must extend validity of bid security 必须延长投标保函有效期No negotiation with Bidders, except 不可与投标人谈判,除非:with the Lowest Evaluated Bidder whose price still substantially exceeds cost
11、estimate, 具最低评标价的投标人的价格仍然相当大地超过了估算considered only as last resort instead of rebidding, and after obtaining ADB approval 在获得亚行的批准之后, 仅仅作为代替重新招标的最后的手段,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Rejection of All Bids when 拒绝所有投标:Not substantially responsive 均无实质性响应Evidence of lack of competition exists 具有缺乏竞争性的证据
12、All prices substantially exceed cost estimate 所有投标价格均相当大地超过了估算Rebidding with new invitations, as consulted with ADB, when all bids rejected 拒绝所有投标时,在咨询亚行后进行重新招标:Examine reasons for failure to attract adequate number of responsive bids 检查未能吸引足够数量响应性投标的原因Revise Specifications, Scope of Supply, or bidd
13、ing conditions as necessary 修改技术规范/规格,供货范围或必要的投标条件Re-advertise, or request new bids from those who submitted bids earlier or from all invited 重新刊登广告,或邀请先前递交标书的投标人重新投标,或邀请所有曾被邀请过的投标人重新投标,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Basics 基本介绍,Commercial Aspects: Exercise flexibility in evaluating commercial aspects such as:
14、商务因素:检查评估商务因素的适应性,如:Delivery Schedule 供货计划Terms of Payment 支付条款Mode of Payments 支付方式Duties and Taxes in Base Price for Comparison 评估中基本价格的关税问题for Goods from outside 进口货物 (到岸价)Include cost of insurance and freight (CIF or CIP) 包括保险与运费Exclude custom duties or other taxes levied on goods 不包括海关税或其他税项for
15、 Goods from inside 国内货物(出厂价)Include ex-factory price (EXW) Exclude any sales or similar taxes levied on finished goods 不包括对成品货物征收的任何销售税或类似税项,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Evaluation Sequence 评标程序,Step 3 : Prepare Table of Bid Prices第三步:准备投标报价表,Table of Bid Prices,Step 4 : Examine Responsiveness第四步:响应性检查,Purp
16、ose 目的Elimination of bids which are not responsive to important requirements of bidding documents 去除对标书文件中的重要要求无响应的投标Examples 例子Failure to: 未能: satisfy eligibility requirements 满足基本资格的要求 submit bid security 呈交投标保函 satisfy bidders qualification criteria 满足投标人的资审条件 bid for required scope of work 对规定的工
17、程范围进行投标 meet major technical requirements 满足主要技术要求 meet critical delivery schedule 满足关键的供货计划安排,Step 4 : Examine Responsiveness第四步:响应性检查,Postqualification 资格后审Identifies qualified bidders during initial examination of opened bids 在对投标的初始检查中确定具有资格的投标人Spares borrowers/EA from detailed evaluation of bid
18、s of unqualified bidders 免去借款人/执行机构对无资格的投标人的投标进行详细评标Typical Criteria 典型条件Experience 以往经验Financial position 财务状况Technical capability 技术能力Past performance 以往业绩,Step 4 : Examine Responsiveness第四步:响应性检查,Major Deviations 重大偏差Has an effect on the validity of the bid; or 对投标的有效性有影响Has been specified in the
19、 bid document as grounds for rejection; or 标书中规定的作为拒标的因素Deviation from the provisions of the bidding document with effect on the bid price, but cannot be given a monetary value; or 对投标价有影响,但无法计算出价格Deviation from the minimum experience qualifications specified in the bidding document; or 偏离标书中规定的最低经验
20、要求Unacceptable deviation from the specifications 技术规范规定的不可接受的偏差Conditional bid 有条件投标,Step 4 : Examine Responsiveness第四步:响应性检查,Minor Deviations 微小偏差Has no effect on the validity of the bid; or 对投标的有效性无影响Has no effect on the price, quality or delivery of the goods or services offered; or 对货物或提供的服务的价格,
21、质量或方式无影响Has such effect, but the difference from commercial terms and technical specifications can be given a monetary value; or 有上面的影响,但与商务条款和技术规范的差异可以用金额表达Has not been specified in the bid document as grounds for rejection, provided total amount of deviations does not exceed a previously determine
22、d percentage of the bid price (usually 15 percent) 未在标书中规定的作为拒标的因素,但偏差的总金额未超过已确定的标价的百分比 (通常 15),Step 5 : Identify Bids to be Evaluated 第五步:选择进入详细评审的投标,Objective 目标To determine how many of the remaining substantially responsive bid should be evaluated in detail in order to identify the lowest evaluat
23、ed bid 决定多少具有实质性响应的投标进入详细评审Consideration 基本考量Detailed evaluation should include all substantially responsive bids that have the potential to become the lowest evaluated bid. 详细评审应包括所有可能成为最低评标价的实质性响应的投标No bid shall be excluded from the detailed evaluation if there exists a possibility that, as a resu
24、lt of various price adjustments, it could become the lowest evaluated bid. 如果存在通过调价会成为最低评标价的可能,所有投标都必须进入详细评审,Step 5 : Identify Bids to be Evaluated 第五步:选择进入详细评审的投标,If there is no cluster of lower priced bids 如果没有一组低标Three lowest priced substantially responsive bids 则选择实质性响应的3家最低标If there is a cluste
25、r of lower priced bids 如果有一组低标All lower priced bids to be evaluated irrespective of number 则选择所有低标,无论多少,Step 6 : Detailed Evaluation of Bids第六步:详细评标,Step 6 : Detailed Evaluation of Bids第六步:详细评标,Step 7 : Financial Adjustments of Bids 调整投标价,Step 8 : Other Adjustments 其它调整,Discounts 折扣Application of di
26、scounts where bids are sub-divided into several bid packages 当标被划分成几个投标包时:,Step 8 : Other Adjustments 其它调整,Domestic Preference 国内优惠Based on Per Capita GNP, reviewed by ADB annually 基于人均GNP,亚行每年审查公布To provide margin of preference to domestically manufactured goods or domestic contractors for ADB-fina
27、nced projects 对于国内生产的货物或者国内承包商提供优惠To allow domestic firms to compete with foreign firms on more equal footing 允许国内公司与外国公司在更加平等的基础上竞争Conditions 条件Granting of preference subject to condition 有条件地给予优惠Applies only to ICB 仅适用于ICBSubject to approval by government 须获得政府的批准To be specified in Loan Agreement
28、if scheme is applied 如果采用优惠方案应在贷款协议中说明,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Recommendation for Award 授标建议,Determine lowest evaluated substantially responsive bid 确定最低评标价格且具有实质性响应的投标Check whether the lowest evaluated substantially responsive bidder has the financial and technical capability (postqualification) 检查该投标人
29、是否具有财务和技术能力 (资格后审)Recommend bidder for award of contract 推荐该投标人中标Prepare Bid Evaluation Report 准备评标报告Submit 3 copies of bid evaluation report to the Bank at least 30 days prior to expiration of bid validity 在投标有效期到期之前至少30天提交3份评标报告到亚行批准,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Recommendation for Award 授标建议,Basic Data She
30、et 基本数据表Evidence of proper Advertising and Publication 刊登广告和出版物的证明Record of Bid Opening including Bidders Attendance Sheet 开标记录Tables of Bidders and Bid Prices including corrections 投标人及投标价格表(含更正),Table of Substantive Responsiveness 实质响应性表Commercial 商务Technical 技术Detailed Evaluation of Bids 详细评标Comm
31、ercial 商务Technical 技术Table of bid price comparison 标价对比表Clarifications and other Attachments 澄清及其它附件Recommendation for Award of Contract 授标建议,Contents of Bid Evaluation Report 评标报告内容,7. Bid Evaluation 评标Publication of Award of Contract 公开授标情况,Within two weeks of receiving ADBs no objection, the borr
32、ower shall publish in an English language newspaper or well-known and freely accessible website the results 在收到亚行不反对意见的两周内,借款人必须在英文报纸或者互联网上公布以下信息:name of each bidder who submitted a bid; 每个递交了标书的投标人bid prices as read out at bid opening; 在开标时读出的标价name and evaluated prices of each bid that was evaluat
33、ed; 参加评标的投标人的名字及评标价name of bidders whose bids were rejected and the reasons for their rejection; and 被拒标的投标人的名字及原因name of the winning bidder, and the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary scope of the contract awarded. 中标人名字,价格,工期和所授予的合同的概要For contracts subject to post review, the bo
34、rrower shall publish the results no later than the date of contract award. 对于后审查的合同,借款人要在授标日期之前公布以上结果。,8. ADBs Review of Procurement 亚行对采购的审查程序,Scheduling of Procurement 采购安排Prior Review 前审查Post Review 后审查,8. ADBs Review of Procurement 采购审查 Prior Review 前审查,With Prequalification: 有资格预审的情况:Draft preq
35、ualification documents 资审文件草案Evaluation Report 资审评比报告Pre-bid stage: 招标前:Draft bidding documents 招标文件草案Advertising procedures 广告程序Post-bid stage: 招标后Bid evaluation report and recommendation of award评标报告和授标建议Extension of bid validity required: 如果投标有效期需要延期:First request if longer than 4 weeks 第一次延期(如果多
36、于4周)All subsequent requests 以后的每次延期After award of contract: 授予合同之后3 copies of contract awarded 3份合同The proposed changes 对合同的修改建议Complaints from bidders 投标人的不同意见,ADBs review no later than 6 months after receipt of the documents 亚行的审查必须在收到文件后的6个月内完成Borrower shall retain all documentation in print form
37、 with signatures or stamps up to two years after project closing 借款人必须保留所有相关文件项目至结束后两年,打印的文件方式,具有相关的签字和印章If misprocurement is declared after disbursement, the borrower shall refund the corresponding amount to ADB 如果亚行在审查后宣布错误采购,但是已经进行的支付,借款人必须退回相关部分的金额给亚行,8. ADBs Review of Procurement 采购审查 Post Revi
38、ew 后审查,Summary:Highlights of the Guidelines,Streamlining 简化以提高效率Reduce the mandatory minimum periods for bidding and prequalification under ICB, from 60 to 42 days ICB的招标和资格预审的最低要求时间从60天减少到42天Deemphasize the standard use of prequalification - only for large or complex contracts 不再强调标准资格预审的使用,只用于大型或复
39、杂的项目Encourage the use of advance procurement action 鼓励施行提前采购Clarify direct contracting as an acceptable method in special circumstances 明示在特殊情况下直接签订合同是可以接受的Provide borrowers the option to seek ADB review and approval after issued (such postreview provisions agreed to during loan processing taking in
40、to account the capacity of the EA) 提供执行机构可选择在文件发出之后再经亚行审查和批准(须在贷款协议中写明,并考虑执行机构的能力),Summary: Highlights of the Guidelines,Harmonization 与其它MDB协调一直Introducing the term misprocurement, and changing LCB to national competitive bidding and IS to limited international bidding 引进“采购失误”的概念,LCB改称NCB,IS(国际采购)
41、改称LIB (有限国际招标)Introduce new modes for commodity procurement and shopping 对日用品的采购引进新的方式Modify currency provisions (maximum of three currencies); remove specified values for bid securities; and align time periods and procedural requirements 修改货币条款(最多三种货币),去除投标保函的特定金额,调整时间周期和程序的要求使其协调一致Allowing the use
42、 of procurement agents and inspection agents 允许使用采购代理和监理代理Modify contract terms for performance securities and liquidated damages, and clarify price adjustment provisions 修改履约保函和违约金的合同条款,明确调价条款Eligiblity: introduce conflict of interest as a cause for ineligibility, list eligibility conditions for go
43、vernment-owned entities, and make entities ineligible if subject to sanction by the UNSC 基本资格:引入利益冲突为取消资格的原因之一,规定政府所有的企业和资格条件,规定受到联合国安理会惩罚的企业将被取消资格Change the basis for domestic preference, from country classification to per capita GNP, and simplify the calculation 改变国内优惠的基本条件,采用人均GNP做基础,简化计算,Summary
44、: Highlights of the Guidelines,Transparency 透明性Extend coverage of the Guidelines to the contracts financed from grants and ADB-administered funds 扩大指南的适用范围,包括亚行赠款和亚行管理资金的项目Introduce a new appendix on guidance providing procedures for debriefing 引进新的附件以提供未中标者征询意见的程序Make dissemination of contract awar
45、d information mandatory, and specifically require publication of the general procurement notice 公布授标信息为强制性行为,特别要求公布采购通知Emphasize greater use of websites and the internet to advertise and publish procurement-related information 强调使用网站和互联网来刊登广告和采购相关的信息,Summary: Highlights of the Guidelines,Innovation
46、and Efficiency 创新性和效率性Require EAs to submit, prior to loan negotiation, a procurement plan detailing the contracts to be bid, methods of procurement and review procedures 要求执行机构在贷款谈判之前递交采购计划,明确将招标的合同,采购方法和审查程序Allow the use of electronic media for advertising, distributing documents, and receiving bi
47、ds or prequalification applications 允许使用电子媒介来刊登广告,分发文件,接收招标或资审申请Clarify that bid securities are optional and other remedies such as the use of sanctions can be applied 明确投标保函是可选项,可以使用其它方式如罚款Introduce performance-based contracting, and deliverables are measured by functional outputs 引进依据成果的合同方式,依据最终成果的功能性产出来衡量Permit direct purchase from specialized agencies, where their expertise and purchase agreements offer advantages 允许向在专业技能和购买协议上具有优势的专业代理直接采购,Thank You! 谢谢,Enquiry made to PRCM: 咨询亚行中国代表处,