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1、必修,话题1,一、单词拼写,1. _ n.黄昏2. _ adj.不安的 vt.使不安3. _ v.(使)平静 adj.平静的4. _ vi.打雷 n.雷; 雷声5. _ n.提示; 技巧 vt.倾斜,dusk,upset,calm,thunder,tip,6. _ vi. 安家, 定居7. _ n.项目; 条款8. _ n.窗帘; 幕布9. _ n.伙伴; 合作者10._ adj.松的,settle,item,curtain,partner,loose,11. _ adj.感激的12. _ vt. 担忧; 涉及到13. _ n.公路; 大路14. _ n.手提箱; 衣箱15. _ n. 十几岁

2、的青少年,grateful,concern,highway,suitcase,teenager,1. _ n. 力量; 权力 _ adj.强有力的,二、单词拓展,(A)单词派生,2. _ n.灰尘 _ adj.积满灰尘的,dusty,power,powerful,dust,3. _ v.遭受; 忍受; 经历 _ n.患病者; 受苦者 _ n.痛苦; 折磨,suffer,sufferer,suffering,4. _ adj.准确的; 精确的 _ adv.确切地; 恰恰,exactly,exact,5. _ vi.同意 _ vi.不同意,agree,disagree,6. _ vt. 不理睬;

3、忽视 _ n. 无知; 愚昧 _ adj.无知的,ignore,ignorance,ignorant,1. _ 合计2. _ (使)平静; (使)镇定3. _ 遭受; 患病4. _ 经历; 经受,三、短语翻译,add up,calm down,suffer from,go through,5. _ 关心; 挂念6. _对十分狂热/痴迷7. _ 对厌烦8. _ 与相处; 进展,be concerned about,be crazy about,get tired of,get along with,9. _与无关10. _ 故意11. _在黄昏时刻12. _ 记下; 放下; 登记,set dow

4、n,have nothing to do with,on purpose,at dusk,写作句型仿写,原句: I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得非常清楚, 以前, 湛蓝的天空, 鸟儿的歌唱, 月光和鲜花, 从未令我心迷神往过。(B1 P2),1. There was a time when. 曾经有段时间,例句: There was

5、a time when my son was crazy about computer games. 曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。, 曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。_ I _.,仿写:,There was a time when,was very tired of study, 我弟弟曾一度痴迷于网络小说。_ my brother _.,There was a time when,was crazy about reading online novels,原句: I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. 黄昏时刻

6、我碰巧在楼上, 窗户是开着的。(B1 P2),2. happen to do .when . 当的时候碰巧,例句: I happened to be cooking when the telephone rang. 电话铃响时我正好在做饭。,仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 昨天我去找他的时候,碰巧他父母都在家。_his parents _ _.,It happened that, 一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上了王飞。One day I _ Wang Fei _ .,when I was shopping,happened to meet,例句: Peter didnt go home unti

7、l the boss allowed him to leave. 没有老板允许Peter一直没有回家。,3. not. until 直到才,原句: I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关窗时, 我才下楼。(B1 P2),Not until the boss allowed him to leave did Peter go home.,说明 :1.倒装式: not until放在句首, 主句要半倒装; 2. 强调式:It is not until. that. 上述例句可改为:,It was not until

8、the boss allowed him to leave that Peter went home., 直到你帮我指出来, 我才意识到我的错误。_ I realize my mistakes., 昨晚直到写完作业我才去睡觉。I _ until I had finished my homework last night.,didnt go to bed,Not until you pointed out my mistakes,仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子,原句: It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the nig

9、ht face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(B1 P2),4. It is the first time that.have/has done这是某人第一次做某事,例句: This is the second time that I have come to Dongguan. 这是我第二次来东莞。,说明: 本句型中的it可用this或that替代; first可改为second, third.等; 当is改为was时, 从句中的have改为had。比较: It is time that sb. did sth.是某人该做某事的时候了(=Its time for sb.

10、to do sth.)。,仿写: 我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。_. 这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中, 所以我们一定要掌握它。_, so we must master it.,I told the guide that it was the first time that I had travelled in Taiwan,Its the third time that the phrase has appeared in our exercises,5. find it +adj.+ to do sth.觉得做某事是的说明: 本句型中的形容词可以用hard, difficult,

11、easy, interesting, possible等。,原句: Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. 虽然我努力去跟我的同学交谈, 但我依然觉得跟他们成为好朋友是很困难的。(B1 P7),例句: I find it difficult to learn physics well. 我认为学好物理很难。,仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我发现写一篇好文章不容易。I find_. 我认为学会开车是非常有用的。I think _.,it use

12、ful to learn to drive,话题2:语言学习,一、单词拼写,1. _ n.电梯,升降机2. _ n.汽油3. _ n.航海;航行4. _ n.公寓住宅5. _ n.卡车,lorry,elevator,petrol,voyage,apartment,6. _ n.本身; 身份7. _ n.口音; 重音8. _ n.街区; 块9. _ n.用法; 词语惯用法10. _ n.词汇(表),vocabulary,identity,accent,block,usage,11. _ vt.辨认出;承认12. _ n.& vt.命令;掌握13. _ n.& vt.请求;要求14. _ adj.

13、本地的 n.本地人15. _ adv.直接 adj.笔直的,straight,recognize,command,request,native,1. _ adj.实在的;真实的 _ adv.实际上;事实上2. _ n. 办公室 _ adj.官方的;正式的 _ n. 军官,二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,officer,actual,actually,office,official,3. _ adj.流利的;流畅的 _ adv.流利地;流畅地. _ n. 流利;流畅4. _ adj.频繁的;常见的 _ adv.常常;频繁地 _ n. 频繁;频率,frequency,fluent,fluently,

14、fluency,frequent,frequently,5. _ v.表示; 表达 _ n.词语; 表示; 表达6. _ n.东方 _ adj.东方的; 东部的 _ adv.向东,eastward,express,expression,east,eastern,1. _ 因为; 由于2. _ 走近; 上来; 提出3. _ 与交流4. _ 利用;使用,三、短语翻译,make use of,because of,come up,communicate with,5. _ 扮演角色; 参与6. _以为基础7. _现在;目前8. _例如; 像这种的,such as,play a part(in),be

15、 based on,at present,9. _ 比以往任何时候10. _信不信由你11. _ 的数量12. _ 与不同,be different from,than ever before,believe it or not,the number of,写作句型仿写,1. even if=even though 即使(引导让步状语从句),原句: Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语为母语的人, 即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,

16、也可以相互交流。(B1P10),例句: Ill keep my business going even if I have to sell my house.即使卖掉房子我也要继续做生意。, 即使下雨我也要去看你。I will call on you even if _. 即使困难重重,你也应该坚持干下去。Even if there are many difficulties, you _.,仿写,should insist on doing that,it rains,2. morethan 比更;与其说不如说,原句: It was based more on German than the

17、 English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础的, 而现代英语不是。(B1P10),例句 : He was more sad than angry when his son lied again. 当他儿子再次撒谎时他感到更多的是伤心而不是生气。, 与其说他是个老师不如说他是个学者。He is more a _ than a _. 幸运的是, 他受的伤不重, 只是受惊了。Luckily, he was more _ than _.,仿写,hurt,scholar,teacher,frightened,3. This/It is because (+原因

18、) 这是因为,原句: This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.这是因为在早期的电台节目里, 人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。(B1P13),例句: He didnt pass the entrance examination. This is because he didnt make good use of his time in studying. 他高考没通过主要是他在学习上没有充分利用好时间。

19、,比较 :This/It is why.(+结果)这就是的原因。, 他没出席会议的原因是因为他突然病了。He was absent from the meeting, and this was _. 这就是我们不相信他的原因。This is the reason _.,仿写,because he fell ill suddenly,话题3:旅游交通,一、单词拼写,1. _ n. 日记;杂志2. _ n. 庙宇;寺庙3. _ n. 洞穴;地窖4. _ n. 枕头;枕垫5. _ n. 小包;包裹,parcel,journal,temple,cave,pillow,6. _ n. 态度; 看法7.

20、_ n. 海拔高度; 高处8. _ n. 旅行; 旅程9. _ vi. (指液体)沸腾; (水)开10. _ vi. 骑自行车,cycle,attitude,altitude,journey,boil,11. _ adj. 顽固的; 固执的12. _ adv. 最后; 终于13. _ n. 时间表; 进度表14. _ n. 弯 vt.使弯曲 vi. 弯身15. _ n. 风景; 观点 vt. 观看,view,stubborn,finally,schedule,bend,1. _ n. 有利条件; 优点 _ n. 不利条件; 不便之处2. _ vi. 毕业 n. 大学毕业生 _ n. 毕业,二、

21、单词拓展,(A)单词派生,graduation,advantage,disadvantage,graduate,3. _ v. 决心; 决定 _ adj. 坚决的; 有决心的 _ n. 决心3. _ vt. 说服; 劝说 _ n. 说服; 劝说 _ adj. 有说服力的; 劝说的,persuasive,determine,determined,determination,persuade,persuasion,5. _ n. 勇气, 精神 _ v. 鼓励, 鼓舞 _adj. 令人鼓舞的,encouraging,courage,encourage,6. _ v. 依赖, 信赖 _ adj. 可信

22、赖的, 可靠的 _ adv. 可靠地,reliably,rely,reliable,1. _ 在午夜2. _ 喜爱;喜欢3. _ 关心;忧虑;惦念4. _改变主意,三、短语翻译,change ones mind,at midnight,be fond of,care about,5. _下决心; 决定6. _ 投降; 屈服; 让步7. _ 照常8. _ 从那以后,ever since,make up ones mind,give in,as usual,9. _充分利用10. _ 坚持11. _ 梦想12. _ 搭起, 建起,put up,make use of,insist on,dream

23、 about/of,原句 :It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到要沿着湄公河源头到终点进行骑自行车旅行的。(B1P18),1. 强调句式:It is+被强调部分+that/ who+句子剩余部分,说明: 此句型用于强调句子的主语、宾语、状语, 不能强调谓语;,例句: It was my father who taught me how to play the piano.教我学钢琴的

24、人是我爸爸。, 与一般时有关时it后用is, 与过去时有关时it后用was;, 强调not.until结构时是It is/ was not untilthat。, 无论强调什么成分都用that, 强调人时还可用who;, 强调主语时谓语动词的数要与之一致;, 昨天我在街上碰见的就是他。It was _.,仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。, 昨天是我让他回家的。It was _.,(3) 昨晚妈妈直到深夜才睡觉。,(3) It was far in to the night that my mother went to bed./ My mother didnt go to bed till f

25、ar into the night.,原句: Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚, 她还是坚持要把这次行程安排得尽善尽美。(B1P18),2. insist thatsb.(should) do 坚持,说明: insist表示坚持要某人做某事时,宾语从句要用should加动词原形, 其中的should 可以省略。,例句: Though the little boy is youn

26、g, he insisted that he wash his clothes by himself.这个孩子虽然小但他坚持自己洗衣服。, 我坚持要他学习弹钢琴而不要弹吉它。I insisted that he _ to play the piano instead of guitar.,(should)learn,仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。, 医生坚持这个病人得马上做手术。The doctor insisted that the patient _ at once. 他坚持要我接受他的邀请。_his invitation.,He insisted that I accept,(shou

27、ld)be operated on,原句: When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.当我告诉她那儿空气稀薄, 呼吸困难, 而且天气很冷时, 她却说那将是一次有趣的体验。(B1P18),3. sth.+be+adj.+to do 很难/易/适合做,例句:The students think the problem would be difficult to solve.学生们认为这个问题很难解

28、决。,说明: 此句型中, 不定式与主语是动宾关系, 但不定式却用主动形式表被动意义。, 这本书不适合小孩子看。The book is not fit for children _.,仿写 说起来容易做起来难。 _.,to read,Its easy to say but difficult to do, 经过几天的相处, 我发现他很容易相处。After days of staying with him, _.,话题4:自然灾害,1. _ n. 地震2. _ n. 管;导管3. _ n. 事件;大事4. _ n. 运河;水道5. _ n. 砖;砖块,brick,earthquake,pipe,e

29、vent,canal,6. _ n. 掩蔽处;避身处7. _ n. 要点;大纲;轮廓8. _ n. 灾难;灾祸9. _ vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏10. _ vi. (burst, burst)爆发,burst,shelter,outline,disaster,bury,11. _ adj. 极度的12. _ adv. 真诚地; 真挚地13. _ n. 废墟 vt.毁灭14. _ vt. 表示; 表达 n.快车15. _ n. 裁判员; vt.断定,judge,extreme,sincerely,ruin,express,(A)单词派生,二、单词拓展,1. _ n.矿,矿山 _ n. 矿工2.

30、_ v. 判断, _ n. 判断力,judgment,mine,miner,judge,3. _ vt. 损害; 伤害 _ n. 损害; 伤害 _ adj.受伤的4. _ v. 祝贺; 恭喜 _ n. 祝贺; (复数)贺词,congratulation,injure,injury,injured,congratulate,5. _ adj. 电的; 导电的 _ n. 电; 电流; 电学 _ adj.与电有关的6. _ v. (使)惊吓 _ adj. 受惊的; 受恐吓的 _ adj. 令人恐惧的,frightening,electric,electricity,electrical,fright

31、en,frightened,1. _ 立刻; 马上2. _ 许多; 大量的3. _ 结束; 终结4. _ 严重受损; 成为废墟,三、短语翻译,in ruins,right away,a(great)number of,at an end,5. _ 掘出; 发现6. _ 仿佛; 好像7. _ 代替8. _ 像往常一样,as usual,dig out,as if,instead of,9. _ 被困住, 被套住10. _ 横切11. _ 三分之二12. _ 灾害侵袭的地区,disaster-hit area,be trapped,cut across,two thirds,写作句型仿写,原句:

32、It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!(B1P26),1. It seemed as if 看上去好像 ; 似乎,例句: It seemed as if the sky would fall down. 似乎天要塌下来了。,仿写 根据汉语意思, 完成英语句子。 看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。_ except me.,说明: 其中as if 可用as though替代; 也可说It seems that.,It seems as if everybody knows it, 听她说话的口气她好像去过美国。_. 好像这个问题没有解决的办

33、法。_ no solution to this problem.,It seemed as if she had been to America from her words,It seems as if there is,原句:Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看, 那里的一切都几乎被毁了。(B1P26),2. Everywhere. 无论哪里(引导状语从句),例句: Everywhere she goes, she will receive warm welcome.无论她走到哪, 她都会受到热烈欢迎

34、。,说明: everywhere引导一个状语从句时, 相当于wherever。, 无论他走到哪儿, 我都会找到他。_, I will find him., 他们不论出现在哪儿, 都会遇到强烈的抗议。_, they would meet with strong protests.,Everywhere he goes,仿写: 根据汉语意思, 完成英语句子。,Everywhere they appeared,例句: All students can not go to key university after they graduate from middle school.不是所有的学生中学毕业

35、后都能上重点大学。,3. all. not=not all.并非都,原句: All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。(B1P26),仿写: 不是所有的学生都通过了考试。_ have passed the exam.,说明: all, both, each, always, every及every的合成词与not 连用时表部分否定。,Not all the students, 并不是每个人都像你那么自私。_ is as selfish as you. 不是你们两个都有机会去美国。_have the opportunity to go to America.,Both

36、 of you cant,Not everyone,原句: The chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.鸡甚至猪也太紧张了以至于不吃东西了。,4. too+ adj/ adv. +(for sb.) to do sth. 太以至于不,例句: The man is too honest to play a trick like that. 这个人很诚实, 不会搞那样的恶作剧的。,说明: 在以下三种情况下, 此结构是肯定意义:(1) 当形容词是表心情的ready, glad, happy, eager, willing等时, 表肯定

37、;(2) 和never, not 连用时, 意为“非常, 怎么做也不过分”。(3) 在too前加上only, but, all, simply 或just时,表肯定, 且带有一定的感情色彩。,(2) 这个箱子太重了, 我搬不动。The box is _ for me _ it.,仿写,(1) 过马路时再小心都不为过。You can not be _ when crossing the road.,(3) 我十分渴望见到你。Im _ to _ you.,see,too careful,too heavy,to carry,too eager,话题5:崇拜偶像,一、单词拼写,1. _ n. 质量;

38、 品质; 性质2. _ n. 法则; 原则; 原理3. _ n. 律师4. _ n. 青年; 青年时期5. _ n. 总统; 校长,president,quality,principle,lawyer,youth,6. _ n. 意见;看法;主张7. _ n. 毛毯;毯子8. _ n. 舞台;阶段;时期9. _ vt. 建立;建设10. _ vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露,escape,opinion,blanket,stage,found,11. _ vt. 进攻; 攻击; 抨击12. _ adj. 乐意的; 自愿的13. _ adj. 法律的14. _ v. 投票 n. 投票; 表决15. _

39、adj. 和平的; 平静的,peaceful,attack,willing,legal,vote,1. _ vt. 献身;专心于 _ n. 忠实;忠诚 _ adj. 忠实的;深爱的,devoted,devote,devotion,二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,2. _ vt. 带领;引导 _ n. 指导;领导,导游,guide,guidance,3. _ adj.平等的 _ n.平等 _ adv.平等地4. _ adj.慷慨的;大方的 _ n. 慷慨;大方,generosity,equal,equality,equally,generous,5. _adj.有活力的 _n.行动 _ n.活动6

40、._ adj.暴力的 _ n.暴力,暴行,violence,active,action,activity,violent,三、短语翻译,1. _ 被判处(徒刑)2. _ 事实上3. _ 失业4. _ 设立;建立,set up,be sentenced to,as a matter of fact,out of work,5. _ 当权;上台6. _ 丧失勇气或信心7. _ 求助于;致力于8. _ 在困境中,in trouble,come to power,lose heart,turn to,9. _ 同斗争到底10._为而死11._ 炸毁;给充气12._ 把投入监狱,fight agains

41、t,diefor,blow up,putin prison,原句: He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.他是1969年7月登上月球的第一人。(B1P33),1. the first (+名词) to do sth 第一个做某事的,例句: Everyday Mr. Zhang was the first to come to the office.每天张先生都是第一个来办公室的人。, 他总是第一个来而且是最后一个离开教室的。He _ to come and the last to leave the classroom.,仿

42、写: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。, 奥巴马是第一个当选为美国总统的黑人。Obama is the first black person _ _ president of the US.,is always the first,原句: Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.只有到了那时我们才决定以暴力对抗暴力。(B1P34),2. Only+状语(副词/介词短语/从句)+部分倒装,例句: Only by studying hard can you make progress.只有努力学习你才能取得进步。, 只有在那时我才

43、明白学习英语的重要性。Only then _ the importance of learning English.,仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。,did I realize,(2) 只有当你对未来充满信念时, 你就会忘记困难和挫折。Only _ _ all the hardships and setbacks.,例句 I liked Dongguan the first time I came to the city.我第一次来东莞就喜欢上了这个城市。,3. the first time 第一次(引导时间状语从句),原句 I felt bad the first time I talk

44、ed to a group.第一次给旅行团作讲解时, 我的心情很不好。(B1P38),仿写 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我第一次见到他, 就不得不为他的敬业精神所震撼。_, I was amazed at his devotion to his career.,比较: for the first time 第一次(作状语); This/That/It is/was the first time that.sb. has / had done 这/那是第一次某人做某事,The first time I saw him,(3) 她第一次在竞赛中获一等奖。He _ in the competitio

45、n _.,(2) 我第一次和她交谈我就知道她很诚实。_, I found she was honest.,(4)那是我第一次参加比赛。It was the first time that _ _.,The first time I talked to her,won first prize,for the first time,Book2 unit 1,一、单词识记,1. _ n.风格;风度;类型2. _ n.珠宝;宝石3. _ n.城堡4. _ n.群;组;军队5. _ n.花瓶;瓶,vase,style,jewel,castle,troop,6. _ vt. 移动;搬开7. _ v.下沉;

46、 沉下8. _ adj.稀罕的;稀有的9. _ adj.本地的;当地的10. _ adj.以前的;从前的,former,remove,sink (sank, sunk),rare,local,11. _ n.设计 vt.设计12. _ adj.奇特的 vt.设想13. _ n.怀疑 vt.怀疑14. _ vt.挑选; 选择15. _ n.& vi.争论;辩论,debate,design,fancy,doubt,select,1. _ n. 价值 _ adj. 贵重的;有价值2. _ vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 _ n. 幸免;幸存 _ n. 幸存者,二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,survivor

47、,value,valuable,survive,survival,3. _ vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 _ adj. 令人吃惊的 _ adj. 感到吃惊的 _ n. 惊讶;惊奇,4. _ n. 艺术 _ n. 艺术家,amaze,amazing,amazed,amazement,art,artist,5. _ v. 绘画;油漆 _ n. 绘画;画 _ n. 画家;油漆匠,paint,painting,painter,6. _ adj. 正式的 _adj. 非正式的,informal,formal,1. _ 寻找2. _ 以的风格3. _ 属于4. _ 作为报答;回报,三、短语翻译,in return

48、,in search of,in .style,belong to,5. _ 处于交战状态6. _ 少于7. _ 拆开8. _ 赞赏; 高度评价,think highly of,at war,less than,take apart,9. _ 被用来做10. _ 四米长11. _ 增加12. _ 能够做,be able to do,be used to do,four metres long,addto,原句: Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift t

49、o the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世从来也不会想到他赠送给俄国人民的伟大礼物会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。(B2P1),1. could not/never have done 不可能干了某事,例句: We could never have imagined that the lazy boy would have passed the final exam. 我们从来也不会想到那个懒惰的男孩会通过期末考试。,说明: 对过去所发生事情的否定推测。, We _ (不可能赢得) the game if

50、 we didnt try our best., Tom _ (不可能完成) his homework without your help.,仿写 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。,could not have finished,could not have won,原句: In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年这屋子就按照她的要求完成了。(B2 P2),2. the way+定语从句,例句: Last year, the movie was completed the way the author wanted. 去年那部


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