英语语法week 14 第五章4定语从句的译法课件.ppt

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1、第五章,第四节 定语从句的译法,英语定语从句在句法结构上虽属次要部分,在语言作用上却占有重要的地位,应用极广。英语定语从句的结构有简有繁,对先行词的限制性有强有弱,翻译时需分别灵活处理。汉语里没有类似英语中定语从句的结构,一般说来,定语放在它所修饰的词的之前,往往只起修饰或限定的作用,而英语定语从句的功能却不止于此。另外,英语从句可以写得很长,可以由几个从句并列同时修饰一个名词,可以借助关系代词由一个从句套出另一个从句,而汉语名词前一般少用结构复杂、描写性的长定语。因此,翻译英语定语从句时不能一律把它提前译作定语。常用的定语从句译法有:,一、限定性定语从句的翻译1. 译成前置定语,一般说来,限

2、制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还有一些定语从句,虽然不明显地带有限定性质,但本身较短,和被修饰语关系紧密,也可译为前置定语。如:,例1To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. 诚然,一个宏伟的重建计划也许能为许多需要工作的人提供就业机会。例2. The moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails. 月亮是一个声断音绝的世界,是一个万籁俱寂的世界。,

3、例3There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of the steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits. 在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦,沿着陡峭的山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。,例4. In recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where ther

4、e is a concentration of problems. 可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是问题成堆的地方。,如以上例句所示,这种译法最适于翻译较短的限定性定语从句。有时较长的也可采用这种译法,以使修饰关系清晰,句子结构紧凑。如:,例1This practice book is intended for foreign engineers or students of engineering who have already mastered the elements of English, and who now want to use their knowledge of th

5、e language to read books on their subjects. 这本练习课本是给那些已经掌握了英语基础知识而现在要利用学到的语言知识来阅读专业书籍的外国工程师或学习工程学的学生用的。,例2He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情活泼的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。,1. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive

6、 it. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。2. Scientists believe that there must be hundreds of heavenly bodies in the universe where human beings or something like human beings may exist. 科学家们认为,人或类似人的生物能够生存的天体,在宇宙中可能有几百个。,课堂练习:把原文中的定语从句译为前置定语,2 译成后置的并列分句,一些结构较复杂,或者意思上又较强的独立性的限定性定语从句,通常可译为后置的并列分句。采取这种译法往往要重复关系代词所代替的词,有时

7、可在这词之前加指示词“这”、“这些”等,以使译文明确。如:,例1But world attention also is focusing on another step, which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit. 同时,人们也正把注意力集中在另一项措施上,这项措施将使吸烟者越来越意识到自己的不良习惯并为之感到不安。,例2In 1883, an American physician, A. King, listed twenty observations, w

8、hich pointed to mosquitoes as factor in malaria. 1883年,美国医生A金列举了二十个观察报告,这些报告表明蚊子是引起疟疾的一个因素。,例3This volume is prepared as examples for writing compositions which has been taken as a difficult task. 本书旨在为写作提供范例,一直以来写作都是一个难题。,例4I was endeavoring to put off one sort of life for another sort of life, whi

9、ch was not better than the life I had known. 我一直在竭力摆脱一种生活,改换另一种生活,但是我所改换的生活并不见得比我原先的生活好。,课堂练习:把原文中的定语从句译为后置的并列分句,1. Shakespeare was a great English dramatist and poet whose name was known all over the world. 莎士比亚是英国伟大的戏剧家和诗人,他的名字全世界都知道。2. Small wonder then that more scientists are visiting the regio

10、n to acquire new knowledge which will help us to have a better understanding of the earth as a whole. 难怪现在越来越来的科学家前往该地区以获得新知识,这些知识将有助于我们更好地了解整个世界。,二、非限定性定语从句的翻译,非限定性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词加以说明,描述或解释,或对整个语句所陈述的事实或现象加以总结概括、补充说明。在汉译时,一般译为后置的并列分句。如:,例1In English, attributive clauses are used extensively

11、, some of which are very long and complicated in structure. 在英语中,定语从句的运用极为广泛,有的从句很长而且结构复杂。例2These books, which are only a small part of my collection, were picked up in America. 这些书是我在美国买的,它们在我的藏书中只占一小部分。,例3He gave in his resignation, which was the best thing he could do in the circumstance. 他提出了辞职,

12、这在当时的情况下是最佳选择。例4He blamed me for everything, which I thought very unfair. 他把一切错误都归罪于我,我认为这很不公平。,例5She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was. 她对孩子们很耐心,她的丈夫却很少这样。例6A friend is someone who draws out your best qualities, with whom you sparkle and become more knowledgeable.

13、朋友就是能使你表现出自己最佳品质的人,与他在一起你就会精神焕发,更有见识。,3. Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. He used to spend hours playing with his children. They remember to this day the sea fights in a large basin of water with fleets of paper boats, which he made for them and which be would then set on fire to th

14、eir great joy. 马克思是位慈祥和蔼、体贴子女的父亲。他常常同孩子们玩上几个小时。孩子们至今仍然记得在大盆中进行纸船舰队大海战,那些纸船是他为孩子们做的,而后他又点火把纸船烧掉,使孩子们非常高兴。,课堂练习:把原文中的定语从句译为后置的并列分句,三、 融合译法,融合译法是指把主句与定语从句结合起来译,使之融合成一个独立的句子。例1You are the only person who could do it. 只有你才能做这事。例2This was the first time I had serious trouble with my boss. 这是我第一次和老板发生严重纠葛。

15、,例3Our team, who are in good form, will do well in the coming matches. 我队竞赛状态良好,将在未来的比赛中取得好成绩。例4He has a son of twenty who is now at the high school. 他有一个二十岁的儿子,现在正在上中学。,英语中含有 “there be.” 结构的定语从句,汉译时常常使用融合译法。如:例5There was no one who did not praise them for their great accomplishments. 没有人不称赞他们取得的巨大成

16、就。例6There is nothing that does not contain contradiction. 没有什么事是不包含矛盾的。,四、译成状语,英语中有些定语从句在内容上含有时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等状语意思,翻译时往往可以加上相应的词语,以表达出其相应的状语意义。,1.表示原因,例1Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap. 我们威尔士人有许多去北卡罗来纳定居,因为那里的土地便宜。例2We can read of things that hap

17、pened 5000 years ago in the Middle East, where people first learned to write. (因为)在中东,人们最早使用文字记事,所以,即使追溯到五千年前那里发生的事情,我们也能知道。,例3Wilson, who had spent years studying science, used to consider the future of man in the light of scientific knowledge. (由于)威尔逊花了多年时间研究科学,因而他经常根据科学知识考虑人类的未来。,2. 表示时间,例1A sail

18、or who was fixing a rope lost balance and tumbled overboard. 一个水手正在系绳子的时候,失去平衡,掉到水里去了。例2I had the honor of seeing Chairman Mao, who was visiting the Jinggang Mountain in 1965. 毛泽东1965年重访井冈山时,我曾荣幸地见到他。,3. 表示目的,例1He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. 他正在收集确凿的材料以证明他的论点。例2Chinese

19、 trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.中国派了贸易代表团前往非洲各国,以便与各国政府商谈贸易协定。,例3The imperialist states maintain enormous armies and gigantic navies which are used for oppressing and exploiting the people in distant land. 帝国

20、主义国家维持庞大的陆海军,用以压迫和剥削远地的人民。,4. 表示结果,例1He ate a fungus, which made him ill. 他吃了一个蘑菇,结果病倒了。例2The rain washed away the track, which prevented the train from running. 大雨冲走了铁轨,因而火车无法行使。,5. 表示条件,例1A person is an idealist who thinks that rational knowledge need not to be derived from perceptual knowledge. 如

21、果认为理性知识可以不从感性知识得来,他就是一个唯心主义者。,例2The difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who attempted to explore the Moon would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Qomolangma. 任何人如果打算登上月球探险的话,他必然遭遇的种种困难。困难之大,是攀登珠穆朗玛峰时所面临的困难无法比拟的.

22、,6. 表示让步,例1My grandfather, who is now in his eighties, is still a keen cyclist. 我爷爷虽然八十多岁了,可还是顶喜欢骑自行车。例2Electronic computer, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 电子计算机虽然有许多优点,却不能进行创造性的工作,代替不了人。,例3Glass, which breaks at a blow, is nevertheless capable of withsta

23、nding great pressure. 玻璃虽然一击即碎,却能承受巨大的压力。例4Even the pine log which burned all day in the fireplace couldnt keep my little house warm and dry. 尽管壁炉里成天烧着松柴,也不能使我的小屋温暖干燥。,课堂练习:把下列定语从句译成表示原因、时间、目的、结果、条件、让步等的句子,1. The door of which you lost the key cannot be opened. 原因 这个门打不开,因为你丢了钥匙。2. He always makes f

24、un of anyone with whom he chats.时间 他老是一面和人聊天,一面跟人家开玩笑。,课堂练习:把下列定语从句译成表示原因、时间、目的、结果、条件、让步等的句子,3. He decided not to complete his university course, which was a great disappointment to his parents.结果 他决定不等大学毕业即行退学,这使他的父母大为失望。4. There occurred the Great Earthquakes of 1923 in Japan, which caused a serio

25、us damage of property and a great loss of lives. 日本于1923年发生大地震,结果造成了重大的财产和生命损失。,课堂练习:把下列定语从句译成表示原因、时间、目的、结果、条件、让步等的句子,5. He wished to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.目的 他想写篇文章,以能引起公众对这件事的注意。6. One will surely succeed who perseveres to the end. 条件 只要坚持到底,就必然获得成功。,课堂练

26、习:把下列定语从句译成表示原因、时间、目的、结果、条件、让步等的句子,7. The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis. 让步 肝炎患者虽然痊愈,但仍须对其进行定期的健康检查。8. He wanted changes, and those changes would benefit not the rich to whose schools he had gone and in whose circles he had moved, but the oppressed.让步 他要进行变革,尽管他本人就读贵族学校,跻身上层社会,但那些变革却不会使富人获益,而要使被压迫者得福。,


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