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1、整理ppt,句子成分,My brother teaches English at a school.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,主语:一句话的主体,英语句子中不可 或缺的成分,是全句述说的对象 常由名词或相当于名词的词担任 位于句首,整理ppt,句子成分,My brother teaches English at a school.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,谓语:说出主语的动作或状态的 由动词担任 位于主语之后,整理ppt,句子成分,My brother teaches English at a school.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,宾语:及物动词的动作对象和介词所联系 的对象,常由名词或相当

2、于名词的 词担任,位于动词或介词之后,整理ppt,句子成分,My brother teaches English at a school.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,状语:修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句 常由副词或相当于副词的词组担任 可置于动词之前或之后 只能置于形容词或副词之前,整理ppt,句子成分,Brown is a teacher.It is fine today.,主语,谓语,表语,表语:表述主语的身份或特征的 常由名词或形容词担任 置于连系动词之后,状语,整理ppt,句子成分,定语:限定或修饰名词或相当于名词的词 常由形容词或相当于形容词的短语 或从句担任,形容词位于名词之前 短语

3、或从句置于名词之后,Jane is a beautiful girl.John had a great desire to travel.Children who live by the sea usually begin to swim at an early age.,整理ppt,句子成分,补语:用来补充主语和宾语的意义 一般都着重说明主语或宾语的身份 或特征,The parents named their baby Tony.,整理ppt,从句,1. 主语从句: How this happened is not clear. 2. 表语从句: The trouble is that I

4、have no money.3.宾语从句: He demanded that I should do it.4. 定语从句: A man who sells books is called a bookseller.5. 状语从句: If it rains, I will not go.,自己能想出5个包含以上从句的句子吗?,整理ppt,句子基本结构,1. Day dawns. 天亮了。,主语S,谓语V,2. Tom is a professor.,主语S,连系动词L,表语P,整理ppt,句子基本结构,3. Ruth understands French.,主语S,谓语V,4. He told

5、 us the whole story.,主语S,谓语V,直接宾语O,宾语O,间接宾语O,整理ppt,句子基本结构,5. He died a poor man.,主语S,谓语V,6. He found George intelligent.,主语S,谓语V,宾语补语C,补语C,宾语O,整理ppt,1. 简单句:含有一个主语(或并列主语)和谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。Carol came into the classroom and sat down.2. 并列句: 由连词把两个或两个以上的简单句(叫做分句)合成的句子I came home early, but she remained to t

6、he end of the concert.3. 复合句: 由一个主句和一个或一个以上从句合成的句子He said he would come in the evening.,整理ppt,2007-12-banked cloze,Step 1:确定备选词的词性,意义Step 2: 浏览全文,确定main ideaStep 3: 根据上下文的语法结构和意义确定所需单词的词性和词形,整理ppt,A)acting-名词- 行为,演出,演技 - 动词现在分词-行为,表演 -形容词-代理的B) assuming-动词现在分词-认为,假设C) comprehensive-形容词-综合的,理解的D) coo

7、perative-形容词-合作的E) entire 形容词-整个的,全部的F) especially 副词-尤其,特别地G) forward 副词-向前,整理ppt,H)images-名词复数- 形象I) information-名词-信息J) offers-动词第三人陈单数-提供K) projects-名词复数-工程,项目 -动词第三人陈单数-投影L) respectively 副词-分别地,各自地M) role 名词-角色,作用N) technology 名词-科技O) victims -名词复数-受害者,牺牲者,整理ppt,Step 2:main idea,由于受战争的影响,儿童也卷入其

8、中。所以出现了诸如“和平学校”的团体,旨在让受害者们感受到和平,而不是愤怒等消极心理。,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-11,谓语take part in的意思是“参与”,动词后接名词作为宾语可见空格处应填projects比较符合题意所以,答案是K.,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-12,The children, 主语after learning to resolve conflicts,时间状语took on the _ of peacemakers.,谓语,“承担”,空格处填一名词,根据前面的动词和后面的名词,role符合题意,所以,本题答案为M。,整理ppt,S

9、tep 3: 确定词性,词形-13,Groups of children 主语_ as peacemakers , 后置定语修饰主语studied human rights and.谓语,Groups of children=peacemaker,固定搭配:act as,现在分词可以用来做后置定语所以,本题答案为A。,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-14,The classroom 主语_ , 谓语动词opportunities for .宾语,固定搭配:提供机会 offer opportunities,所以,本题答案为J。,缺谓语动词,主语为单数,动词应以s结尾,整理ppt,St

10、ep 3: 确定词性,词形-15,to replace angry, violent behaviors with _ , peaceful ones (=behaviors).,所以,本题答案为D。,缺形容词,语义应与peaceful一致与angry, violent相对,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-16,to take a step _ toward becoming.,所以,本题答案为G。,比较三个副词,forward 符合题意“超前迈了一步”,有动词和宾语缺副词,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-17,that are _ useful when,所以,本题答

11、案为F。,be动词和形容词useful之间需要一个副词especially? respectively?,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-18,provides a Website with resources for teachers and _ on starting,所以,本题答案为I。,根据句子结构,and后的部分是与resources并列的同类名词,information符合题意,整理ppt,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-19,to help the _ of war,所以,本题答案为O。,首先确定是表示人“的名词of war可以选出victims比较符合题意,整理pp

12、t,Step 3: 确定词性,词形-20,and ideally affect the culture of the _ school.,所以,本题答案为E。,首先确定空格需要一个形容词修饰school从前面一句one class could spread to other classrooms可以推断是“整个学校”,整理ppt,扩展,1-1. actingbrilliant /excellent/ good 精彩的演出bad / poor/ wooden 拙劣/呆板的表演do a lot of 参加很多表演 career/ profession 演艺事业/表演专业,整理ppt,1-2. ac

13、t at once/immediately, promptly, quickly/ swiftly 马上行动,立即行动 correctly/legally/ properly illegally 非法行事 improperly 做事不当 unconstitutionally 不依宪法行事 unlawfully 不依法行事 wrongly 错误行事,扩展,整理ppt,1-2. act unreasonably 做事荒唐 oddly/ strangely/ suspiciously 行事可疑 bravely / decisively/ effectively in good faith 出于善意做

14、事 in self-defense 自卫 accordingly 采取相应行动,扩展,整理ppt,1-2. act against 采取行动对付 like 表现像一样 for / on behalf of sb. 代表某人 on 对起作用 out of 出于而行动 in sbs best interests 为了某人的最大利益而行事 brilliantly/ well/ badly,扩展,整理ppt,1-3. action 名词,行动,做事的过程decisive/effective/firm/strong/vigorous immediate/prompt/swift/urgent drast

15、ic 断然行动emergency 紧急行动collective 集体行动joint 联合行动united 统一行动,扩展,整理ppt,1-3. action 名词,行动,做事的过程take /carry out/ perform 采取行动,行动起来call for 号召行动put sth into 将付诸实施in 在运转out of ,扩展,整理ppt,1-4. active 形容词,活跃be / keep / remain extremely / highly/ very increasingly 越来越活跃mentally 思维敏捷physically 身手敏捷,扩展,整理ppt,1-5.

16、 activity 名词,活动1-6. actor, actress,扩展,整理ppt,2. assume 动词 “认为,假设” automatically/naturally 里所当然地认为 reasonably safely 有把握的认为can / might 能够假设,可以假设tend to 倾向于认为be fair/reasonable/safe/wrong/easy/be a mistake to Let us 让我们假设,扩展,整理ppt,2-1. assumption 名词 “假设”basic / fundamental/ hidden/implicit tacit/underl

17、ying/unspoken common /conventional/ general / shared/ wide-spread correct/ reasonable/ validfalse/ flawed, incorrect/ mistake/questionable/wrong ,扩展,整理ppt,2-1. assumption 名词 “假设”make /acceptchallenge/disprove/question /test on the that 根据的假定,扩展,整理ppt,3. comprehensive 形容词 “全面的” extremely / very 非常全面的fully /totally 无所不包的,面面俱到 increasingly 越来越详细3.2 comprehend 动词 “理解” fully 完全理解 be able/ unable to / fail to 无法理解3.3 comprehensible 形容词 “可理解的”be /become make sth. to 对来说可理解,扩展,


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