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1、Chapter 3 被动与主动,3.1英汉两种语言中主动与被动的应用比较 汉语中有一种倾向,就是尽量避免使用“被”字,在行文中尽量选择能从主动角度恰当表达其被动含义的词语。如:我也许是太自私了,也许是被别的东西迷 住了眼睛。 我也许太自私了,也许是别的东西迷住了 我的眼睛。 上身的衣服完全被打湿了 上身的衣服完全打湿了。,Chapter 3 被动与主动,英语被动结构使用非常广泛,绝大多数及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语动词(phrasal verbs)都有被动式。另外,被动语态的广泛应用在科技英语中反映更为突出,因为被动语态把所要论证的、说明的科技信息放在主语的位置上,以便使叙述更加开门见山,简

2、短明快,引起读者注意。此外,被动语态比主动语态更少主观色彩,更能体现科技语体的习惯特征。,3.2 英译汉中语态的转换3.2.1 保留原主语,被动转换为主动例1. the president was assassinated in a theatre last night.总统昨晚在一家剧院遇刺。例2. many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earths crust.许多盆地都是因地壳陷落而形成的。例3. the speed of the molecules is increased when they are heated.,当分子受

3、热时,分子的速度就增加。例4. bearing must be lubricated. 轴承必须上油。3.2.2 无施动者的被动句转换为汉语句中具有主动形式的简化被动态。汉语中简化被动语态是由主语和谓语配合起来,自然表示被动意义,句中不要任何被动的词语。这种被动态的特点是:不带表示被动态的词语;不带施动者;受动者多为物,间或也可以是人或物,主动形式而具有被动意义。英语中无施动者的被动句一般可以译成汉语的简化被动态。如:,例1. he was scared out of his wits.他吓得魂飞魄散。例2. the movie will be shown again tomorrow. 这部

4、电影明天还要放映。例3. the novel has already been translated into many languages.这本小说已译成好几种语言。例4. some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.,书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。3.2.3 转化为汉语无主句汉语中只有谓语而无主语的句子比比皆是。如:“几年前发现了一种新的彗星”,“市郊建了许多别墅”等等。英语中不带施动者的被动句可译为汉语的无主句。如:例1. the ma

5、tter was never mentioned again.后来()再也没提这件事。例2. tremendous research work has been done to bring about such fantastic speeds.,为了达到这样神奇的速度,()进行了大量的研究工作。例3. some pictures were hung on the wall.墙上()挂了一些画。例4. A considerable investment has been made in the exploration of the sea depths.在海底勘探方面() 进行了巨额投资。3.

6、2.4 转化为汉语的“施动者+主动式谓语+受动者“等句式把英语被动句的主语改作为宾语,以原句中的施动者作主语。这种译法,就是把英语的,被动句转换成汉语的如下句式:句式一:施动者+主动式谓语+受动者例1. yet, only a part of this energy is used by man.然而,人类只利用了这种能源的一部分。例2. he is revered and admired by all of us. 我们大家都敬仰他,钦佩他。如原句未说出施动者,可以补上 “大家、人们、有人”之类的泛称词作为主语。如:例3. Mr.Li is considered to be a good t

7、eacher. 大家认为李先生是位好老师。,例4. he is believed to be deeply interested in the subject.人们认为他对这一学科十分感兴趣。句式二: 施动者+“把、给”等+受动者+主动式谓语例1. rivers are controlled by dams.拦河坝把河流控制住了。例2. the famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire.大火把这家著名的旅馆几乎完全毁掉了。,例3. we are brought freedom and happiness by soc

8、ialism.社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福。3.2.5 有些应用被动句可译为汉语的判断句,即用汉语的“是.的”表示。例1. this pamphlet of technical glossary is redacted by an engineer.这本技术词汇小册子是一位工程师编写的。例2. my first thirty years were spent in Western America.我的前30年是在美国西部度过的。,3.2.6 用汉语“被”,“受”等词表示被动着重被动动作的英语被动句,可译成汉语的完全被动态,用表示被动的助词”被“或跟 “被”意义相同的“受、给、挨、叫、让、由、

9、使”等构成,或用“加以”、“予以”等后加谓语动词表示被动。如:例1. his argument was refuted down to the last point.他的言论被驳得体无完肤。例2. the education of the young is seen to be of primary importance.,教育青少年被视为头等重要的大事。例3. they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and particularly, by the manufacture himself.他们

10、每日每时都受到机器、受监工尤其是受厂主本人的奴役。例4. they were hit by a natural calamity last year.他们去年遭灾了。,例5. the boy was beaten black and blue.那孩子给打得青一块紫一块。例6. she was caught in the downpour.她让大雨淋着了。例7. our policy must be made known not only to the leaders and to the cadres but also to the broad masses.我们的政策不光是要使领导者知道,干

11、部知道,还要使广大的群众知道。,例8. problems should be resolved in good time.问题要及时加以解决。例9. the law of motion will be discussed in the next article.运动定律将在下一篇论文中予以讨论。3.3 汉译英语态的转换汉语中的简化被动语态是由主语和谓语配合起来,自然表示被动意义,句中不要任何表示被动的词语。这种被动态的特点是:,不带施动者;受动者多为物,间或也可以是人或动物;主动形式而具有被动意义。这类句子英译时一般要用被动语态来处理。如:例1. 物质既不能创造又不能消灭。Matter can

12、 neither be created nor be destroyed.例2. 锻炼身体的重要性无论怎样估价也不过分。The importance of physical training cannot be overestimated.,例3. 收音机的成本降低了80%。The cost of radio sets was reduced by 80%.例4. 所有努力工作的人都应得到鼓励。All those who work hard should be encouraged.例5. 国家不能以大小判断,如同个人不能以大小判断一样。Nations are not to be judged

13、 by their sizes any more than individuals.,3.3.2 汉语中某些解释性句子转化为英语被动语态汉语和英语在主语的应用上很不同。英语语法通则要求每一个句子有一个主语。汉语语法的通则是:在语言环境下能暗示或说话人双方能意会时,就不必说出主语。这种无主句虽然没有形式上的主语,但却能表现出完整而明确的语义。例1. 一开始(.)只能学习少数句型。At first only a few sentence patterns can be learned.,例2. (.)要把必要的资料收集起来,加以分析。The necessary quantity of data s

14、hould be collected and analyzed.例3. 最后(.) 达成了协议。At last an agreement was arrived at.例4. 我们提议对计划做修改。We propose that some changes should be made in the plan.例5. 昨天(.)捉到了凶手。That murderer was caught yesterday.,例6. 必须保证每天8小时的睡眠。Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.例7. 门外堆了许多钢板。A number of pla

15、tes was stored outside of the door.3.3.4汉语泛称句转化为英语习惯被动句汉语中有许多泛称句,其中有的是用“有人、人们、大家”等做主语,有的看来是无主句,有的则是句中的独立结构,如“据悉、应该说、这说明、必须承认、由此可见”等等。从语态,上来说,汉语中这类习惯用语是主动式,英译时则用英译的习惯被动式。在表达方式上,通常利用以it作形式主语的句型。如:例1. 曾经有人提出立即设计和生产这种装置。It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay.例2.

16、 已经指出,他们的建议在某种程度上是合理的。It has been pointed out that their suggestions is reasonable to a certain degree.,例3. 据说,她能讲几种外国语。It is said that she can speak several foreign languages. (or she is said to be able to speak several foreign language.)例4. 大家知道,宇宙万物都在不断的运动和变化。It is known to all that everything in

17、 the universe is in constant motion and constant change.例5. 还不知道今天下午是否要开会。It is not yet know whether there will be a meeting this afternoon.,汉语中这类习惯用语及其译法如下:1)据悉(闻).it is learned that.2)据推测(有人猜测)It is supposed that.3)据估计(预计)it is estimated (predicated, calculated) that.4) 必须承认(勿容置疑)it must be admitt

18、ed that.5) 人们有时问 it is sometimes asked that.6)据报道it is reported that .7)无可否认 it cannot be denied that.,8) 有人宣布 it is declared that .9) 有人主张 it is asserted that .10) 可以有把握的说. It may be safely said that .3.3.5 汉语完全被动态转化为英语被动句。汉语中的完全被动态用表示被动的助词“被”或跟“被”意义相同的“受、由、遭、给、挨、叫、让、为.所.”等构成。汉语用完全被动态的句子一般要相应的译成英语的

19、被动句子。例1. 他仅有的一点钱也被抢去了。,He was robbed of what little money he had.例2. 他受人尊敬。He is respected )honored, esteemed) by all.例3. 这些小孩每天早晨由母亲替他们穿衣服。These children are dressed by their mother every morning.例4. 他遭到了邻居们的嘲笑。He was laughed at by his neighbors.,例5. 这组织已给不良分子破坏了。The organization has been destroyed by undesirable elements.例6.这孩子将挨母亲责罚了。The boy will be punished by his mother.例7. 这个问题必须以适当的方式予以处理。The problem must be dealt with appropriate means.例10. 该计划将由一个特别委员会加以审查。The plan will be examined by a special committee.,


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