1、中考英语写作的布局和写作技巧,优秀的文章,布局,层次,过渡,文采,Steps of writing,2. An outline drawing (列) List key points(列要点) (列出想要使用的重点单词或短语) Divide into paragraphs(分出段落),据文章要点及中心思想,列出主要句型,关键词,加上收尾,形成提纲。,Steps of writing,3. Make the sentences and try to use Authentic English。(写句子,尽量用地道的英语,不要用汉语思维),不要用这样的句子:I very like my Engli
2、sh teacher.,I like my English teacher very much.,Steps of writing,4. Sentence connection (连),根据写作提纲和要点,按步骤写出每一部分的具体内容,用关联词把文章各部分连起来成文。,sentences,passage,Linking words,(连接词),Steps of writing,5. Checking (查) Spelling(拼写,包括大小写) Tense(时态) Grammar(语法) Handwriting(书写) Punctuation marks(标点符号),检查时要认真,细心,Ste
3、ps of writing,如何避免写作中的低级错误? 一人 两态 一单 一复 两写,检查时要认真,细心,写作后,(人称),(时态/语态),(三单),(名词复数),(书写/拼写),英语写作技巧,方法四:妙用关联词,使行文连贯 流畅,使文章富有层次感。,连,并列关系,条件,转折,因果关系,目的,but ; however , , luckily,and ;not only.but also; neither nor ; both and;,If ; unless; though as long as;,Because; so ; for,so that ; in order to,关联词(con
4、nection words),并列: and, as well as, not onlybut also, bothand, neithernor.2. 递进: besides, whats more/ worse.3. 转折: but, however, although/though, after all, anyway.4. 因果: because, since, for, so, therefore, as a result.5. 条件: if, unless, as long as.,2022/12/4,11,可编辑,关联词(connection words),6. 对比: inst
5、ead, notbut, while, on the one handon the other hand7. 解释举例: for example, such as, that is to say, in other words, to tell the truth8. 顺序: to begin with, first (of all), firstly, second(ly), finally, in the end, next, later, since then9. 强调: also, besides, especially, in fact10. 结论: in a word, all i
6、n all, in general,美,高级词汇,名言,谚语,高级句型,感叹句,倒装句,宾语从句、条件状语从句,形式主语,查,分段,信息点,卷面书写,语法&表达,评分标准(满分15分):1. 语言激励的经历。 7分(经过5分,影响2分)2. 呼吁大家。 4分3. 卷面、书写及字数。 2分4. 好词好句 2分,Practice makes perfect!,常言道:“良言一句暖三冬,恶语伤人六月寒”。假设你是李雷,你将要参加学校的英语演讲比赛,主题是“语言的力量”,请你写一篇英文演讲稿,内容包括:1.你的一次受老师或同学语言激励的经历(事情的经过以及对你的影响);2.呼吁同学们要注意自身语言对他
7、人的影响。Ladies and gentlemen, How will words influence others? Let me tell you one of my experiences._,Last week, I failed my English exam. I felt unhappy because my English was always good. So I looked at my test paper with tears. Luckily, my English teacher came and made me happy. I felt happy by her
8、 words. Her words touched my heart and gave me lots of confidence to face any difficulties. As a result, I overcame my failure and kept working hard. The words are powerful! Lets pay attention to our words. We say more carefully, we will make more positive influence.,美,upset,I always did a good job
9、in English.,cheered me,Her words not only touched my heart,but also gave me lots of confidence to face any difficulties.,up,How powerful the words are!,The more carefully we say, the more positive influence we will have.,1. Cross-question (审)2. An outline drawing (列)3. Sentence connection(连)4. Check
10、ing (查),necessary,If possible,美,善用丰富词汇,活用多种句型,妙用格言和谚语,How to write a good composition?,Nowadays many people prefer_because they have many advantages in our daily life.First,_Besides,(Whats more)_(现状的分析),As /With the development of technology in China,more and more products made in China are getting
11、popular around the world.Forexample,_(目前变化并举例说明),In my opinion,I hope that in the future_(对前景的展望),In my opinion, some facilities(设施)and equipment(设备)in our school are quite good. For example, there is a smart whiteboard in each classroom now. I like it because it makes our classes more lively and in
12、teresting. However, we only have two electric fans in the dinning hall, so we feel uncomfortable to have meals there in summer. I think more electric fans should be fixed. Besides, there are not enough toilets for girls in the teaching building. As a result, many girls are often late for class after waiting for a long time in the toilets during the breaks. Why not build more toilets for girl students?,2022/12/4,21,可编辑,