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1、精选ppt,Lesson 55Not a gold mine 并非金矿,精选ppt,gold n. 金子sth. be made of gold 由金子做成的gold watch;gold ring; golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的golden sun 金色的太阳golden fish 金鱼golden opportunity 宝贵的机会(opportunity n. 机会, 时机)eg. I am glad to have the golden opportunity to study with you.Silence is golden. 沉默是金,精选ppt, mine (1)

2、 我的 eg. He is a friend of mine .(2) 矿 coal mine;gold-mine a mine worker a miner矿工 mineral adj. minrl矿物 矿石 矿的 矿泉的 mineral water 礦泉水,New words and expressions,精选ppt,treasure n. 财宝 (为总称, 没有复数)treasure island 金银岛jewel /du:l/ n. 宝石 珠宝, (可数)jewelry n. 珠宝, 珠宝类 珠宝(总称, 不可数)I have some jewels. = I have some j

3、ewelry.diamond /daimnd/ n. 钻石(可数),精选ppt, detect v. 探测eg. A machine was used to detect gold . detector n. 探测器 detective n. 侦探 bury v. 埋葬(buried buried burying)eg. He was buried with his wife . 他和他妻子葬在一起。,New words and expressions,精选ppt,New words and expressions, revealer n. 探测器reveal v. 透露 泄露 揭露revea

4、l sth to sbeg. She revealed the secret to her. boyfriend . 她把秘密向她的男朋友透露了。 invent v. 发明 创造eg:Bell invented the telephone. inventor发明家 ; invention n.发明 创造,精选ppt,New words and expressions, pirate (1) n. 海盗(可做定語) a pirate ship / flag 海盜船/旗帜(2) n. 盜印、盜版 (可做定語)a pirate video / tape 盜版视频 /磁帶 arm (1)n. 手臂ar

5、m in arm 臂挽着臂 shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩hand in hand 手拉手 (2) v. 武装 arm sb with 用.武裝某人 be armed with 用.来武装 eg. The youth should be armed with knowledge.,精选ppt,New words and expressions, soil n. 泥土、土壤 rich soil 沃土 poor soil 瘠土 区分:soil 土壤(能生长植物的土地) ground 地面 earth 地球 大地(相对于天空而言) land 陆地(与江河湖海相对) field 田地

6、田野 entrance n. 入口 entrance of/to. .的入口thoroughly adv. 彻底地 (completely/totally)eg:They searched the cave thoroughly .,精选ppt,detect v. 探测detective n. 侦探 detector n. 探测器,精选ppt,New words and expressions,confident adj. 有信心的 confidence n. 信心 be confident of n./doing sth. be confident that +从句 eg:He is con

7、fident of success . We are confident of studying English well. She is confident that she will win race .,精选ppt,irate n. 海盗,盗印者, 盗版者a pirate ship/ flag海盗船/ 旗帜 vt. 盗印, 盗版, 掠夺, 翻印,精选ppt,soil n. 泥土soil n. 土壤 (能生长植物的地方)earth n. 地球,大地(相对于天空而言)ground. 地面land 陆地(与江河湖海相对)field 田地,田野,精选ppt,entrance n. 入口entra

8、nce of/to 的入口entrance of the park = entrance to the park 公园的入口thoroughly adv. 彻底地completely/thoroughly/totallythorough adj彻底的; 完全的; 细致的; 深入的They searched the whole cave thoroughly.他们把整个洞彻底地搜寻了一遍。,Text,Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. dream n. 梦想dreams come true 梦想成真dreams e

9、nded 梦想破灭了, 梦断了 v. 做梦 dream of doing sth.eg. I dream of flying in the sky. come true 变成现实 实现 (无被动语态)eg. His dream came true .eg. He realized his dream .(his dream was realized.),精选ppt,A new machine called The Revealer hasbeen invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the

10、ground. n. +called 被称之为的use be used to do 被用于做某事 used to do 过去常常做某事be used to doing 习惯于做某事,Text,精选ppt,The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold. it is said是插入语,当“据说”讲。 where=in which “在那儿” ,修饰cave,是一个地点状语从句。eg. This is the river where I swim.,精选p

11、pt,Text,Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. armed with 过去分词短语作状语,表伴随状态。 过去分词-表被动,已经完成。eg. The professor came of the classroom , followed by his students . hoping to find 现在分词短语作状语,表伴随状态。现在分词-表主动,正在进行。eg. Some left the hall still weeping .,精选p

12、pt,表示过去习惯性动作:used to 与 would,would 常和often , always, sometimes等时间频度副词及具体时间连用,而used to 则不必。,would不可用于一个故事或叙述开始,used to 可用于开始,然后在用would来描述习惯性动作。,在强调与现在的对比时,用used to 合适. uesd to 表示过去的状态和情况,would 只表示过去的习惯和行为。,精选ppt,Exercises,He work sixteen hours a day .We live in the city. 3. He always scented soap(香皂)

13、.4. He buy two bars of chocolate a day .5. I couldnt stand the noise at first but I it now.6. I swimming in cold water .7. This tool cut .,used to,used to,uses,used to,am used to,am used to,is used to,精选ppt,2. A new machine calledThe Revealerhas been invented and it has been used to detect gold whic

14、h has been buried in the ground. n. +called 被称之为的be used to do sth. 被用来做某事used to do 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事in the ground (更习惯于用“under the ground” ),精选ppt,3. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.it is said 是插入语,当“据说”讲。where = in which

15、翻译时译为“在那儿”,修饰cave;是一个地点状语从句This is the river where I swim.,精选ppt,4.The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. would表示过去的习惯性动作, 它后面跟动词原形(bury和fail)。fail to do sth. 未能、不能、忘记做某事项(fail 后面接动词不定式表示否定)He failed to see the reason why they sent him away.collect的含义之一为“(去)取,接”Do

16、nt fail to collect me before you go to the party.,精选ppt,Very excited, 形容词短语做状语(位于句首,多用于说明原因或说明动作发生时主语的状态)two feet deep“数词+量词+形容词”可以做定语; 也可以做表语I am five years old.The street is five meters wide.long/wide/high/deep,人有多高用“tall”,.5.Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a s

17、mall gold coin which was almost worthless.,精选ppt,6. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.,but 与 although/though,不连用so 与because 也不连用eccept 与 besides, except for eg. All of us will go except Tom. eg. All of us will go besides Tom. eg. Th

18、e composition is good except for some gramma mistakes. except表示“除了没有”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”besides表示“除了还有”,强调所排除的“包括在内”except for表示“除之外 ”后接的词同句子中的整体词不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面。,精选ppt,7. In spite of this, many people are confident thatThe Revealermay reveal something of value fairly soon.,despite/in spite of / t

19、hough / even if 尽管something of value= something valuable有价值的东西of表示其所修饰的名词具有某种性质、状况。of valuevaluable 有价值的形容词要放在不定代词的后边something important =something of importance,精选ppt,Exercise 1. He _ smoke a lot , but now he has give up .2. The pirates _ often bury gold here .3. The river _ be clean .4. When I was

20、 a boy ,we _ spent our holidays on a farm ,we _ get up at 5 and we _ help milk the cows .,used to,would,used to,used to,would,would,精选ppt,Review:1. Key structures:分词用法以及 used to do / would do 分词:现在分词表主动、正在进行;过去分词表被动、已经完成。used to do过去经常做某事,暗含现在已经不这样做了。would do 有明确的过去时间,表示过去这个动作经常重复跟现在不存在比较关系2. Main P

21、oints:eg. All that glitters is not gold . 發光的不一定是金子eg. Silence is golden . 沉默是金reveal sth to sb 透露 揭露invent sth 发明某物 arm sb with 用.武装某人 ; be armed with entrance to/of . 的入口be confident of sth 对某事有信心; be confident that 对有信心be used to do 被用来做; used to do 过去常常做某事; be used to doing 习惯于做某事in spite of 不顾 不管 despite prep.不管 尽管,


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