1、Side Branch Protection: Jailed Balloon Technique“拘禁”球囊分支保护技术,Luo Jianfang Guangdong General Hospital,1,Do not loss SB !?,2,Your Strategy?,Two-stent T stent V stent Crush cullote dedicated stent?Provisional stenting ?Cross over and final kissing?Too small vessel !,3,Provisional stenting,Stenting of t
2、he SB may be required in up to 51%.MB stenting can cause plaque shift, spasm, protrusion of the stent struts into the SBChanges in the bifurcation angle,The jailed balloon technique(JBT) is a novel modified provisional stenting technique that aims to maintain SB patency and improve SB access.,4,Jail
3、ed Balloon Technique,Both limbs of the bifurcation are accessed with 0.014“ wirePredilatation of the MB with a standard semicompliant balloon,Step 1,Step 2,5,3. A monorail balloon that is sized to approximate the SB vessel diameter (generally 1.52.0 mm and of adequate length) The proximal marker of
4、the SB balloon is positioned approximately (0- 2 mm) proximal to the stent,Step 3,Jailed Balloon Technique,6,4.The MB stent is deployed to nominal pressures, jailing the SB wire and balloon,Step 4,Jailed Balloon Technique,7,5. If the SB has not been compromised (i.e., TIMI 3 flow), then the trapped
5、SB balloon is inflated to low pressure( 6 ATMs) If there is less than TIMI 3 flow in the SB, routine balloon angioplasty is performed before the balloon and wire are removed,Jailed Balloon Technique,Step 5,Keep stent balloon initial position!,8,6. The MB stent balloons position is maintained careful
6、ly during SB balloon removal,Jailed Balloon Technique,Step 6,9,7. The stent balloon is then fully expanded to moderate or high pressure, optimization of MB stent apposition, and to correct any stent deformation as a result of the jailed-balloon inflation,Jailed Balloon Technique,Step 7,10,8. Final a
7、ngiography will then reveal whether or not recrossing through the stent struts into the SB is necessary for provisional angioplasty and/or stenting.,Jailed Balloon Technique,Step 8,11,12,Long Term Outcome,13,Some Findings,The SB jailed balloon was removed in all patients without damage or entrapment
8、 of the balloon. JBT did not lead to any MB stent strut fractures Only one patient had stent deformation (IVUS)Reexpansion of the MB stent balloon after removing the jailed-balloon did not cause significant plaque shift.,14,Flow model finding,JBT,KB,15,The case,JBT 2.0*20,pre dalitation 2.0*20,stent
9、 3.0*33,16,LCX-Result,17,JBT 2.0*20,Stent 3.0*18,18,LAD-Result,19,Take Home Message,JBT has high rate of procedural success and SB patency in dealing with bifurcation lesions It simplifies the procedure , save time and may improve the long-term outcomeJBT may be a optimal option for protecting the lower size SB especially,20,Thank you!,21,Thank you!,22,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,23,