1、探讨未来 医院建筑 发展趋势Explore the future trends of hospital buildings,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainability,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程 References,5,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainabilit
2、y,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程References,5,可以说没有一个细分市场的建设项目会像医疗这么多种多样:各种建筑规格从手术室到重症监护病房,从实验室到办公场所,从病房到理疗室,方方面面都要纳入考虑。取代呆板的医院环境,我们应当营造令人愉悦的空间不论是对病人还是医护人员都一样。色彩元素从一方面来说对营造令人康复的环境至关重要,另一方面也起到指示、引导作用,并且可以划分区域。建筑必须有前瞻性,即能够灵活应变。设计一栋既要使用周期长,又要高负荷运转的医疗建筑,对规划、开发和投资方来说都是巨大的挑战。这意味着创造一座不会过时的建筑,它既要
3、满足现有的要求比如高防火安全性,持续的低维护成本等,又要能够满足未来使用上的需求、如新的环境标准或更严格的卫生要求。就这点而言,诺拉系统为创意空间设计提供了一体化的解决方案。诺拉专为医疗领域研发的地板和配件实现了现代化环境结合愉悦元素的高辨识度建筑。,医疗与诺拉 完美的组合 Health care and nora the perfect combination,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,医疗体系处于一个变化的过程中,设计要求也随之改变:宾馆式的医疗环境已经越来越向我们走近。医院正演变为患者的宾馆。同时,越发严格的卫生规范也要求更多的消毒措施。 创新的
4、医疗技术和极高的使用频率要求医疗用房最大化发挥功能日以继夜使用。人口老龄化发展意味着适应老年人需要变得愈发重要。密集型消费者的环境责任感越来越强,医疗机构不断发展可持续理念,提出如绿色医院等方案。,医疗前瞻性建筑 Health care forward-looking architecture,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,医院建筑包含广泛的建筑规格:要设计出众的医疗所意味着连最小的细节也不能放过:完善的功能是成功治疗的先决条件,而令人愉悦的氛围被公认是恢复健康的要素。最佳的工作路径、提高人体工学舒适性并且将科技整合其中。诺拉系统将实用功能、愉悦氛围和环境
5、保护完美结合。应用区域:实验室 手术室重症监护室走廊和逃生通道病房理疗室复苏室和门诊部,从“医院”转型为“医疗建筑” Moving away from hospitals to health care buildings”,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care |,医院 Hospitals,在营造舒适的居住环境外,为老年人设计适宜的居所以及满足居家老年人、痴呆症患者的需求也越发重要。诺拉地板致力于打造更安全的环境,并将舒适和经济性相结合。同样,应当用友好的举止接待病人。令人放松、没有压力的治疗环境是成功设计的标志。应用区域 :入口区域走廊和会议室住房理疗室餐厅行政
6、区域其他区域,适合老年人的安全环境 Atmosphere suitable for senior citizens with safe surroundings,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care |,老人院和疗养院 Retirement and nursing home,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainability,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程 References,5
7、,色彩是能够令人愉悦的元素系统概念是可靠的设计元素橡胶是环保、可持续的,以未来为导向的材料,地板作为重要的设计元素 The floor as an important design element,“建筑物的架构和人们的健康息息相关”“There is a significant correlation between a buildings architecture and peoples health.”R.瓦尔登,建筑心理学家,科布伦茨大学R. Walden, architectural psychologist, University of Koblenz,治愈环境 Healing e
8、nvironment,noraplan sentica signa eco 携手医疗领域的顶级设计师和使用方共同研发。全球建筑师研讨会的成果体现在出众的功能设计和丰富的色彩选择上。除了2毫米和3毫米厚度的卷材和块材,系统还包括了导静电地板和具有卓越吸收脚步声和减震性能的地板。 所有诺拉标准颜色均采用NCS色彩系统。,系统化设计以及实际知识 Systematic design with know-how,治愈环境 Healing Environment |,系统化设计 Systematic Design,为医疗领域度身定做的衍生配件让整个系统更加完善。特殊的卫生踢脚线配合一体成型的阴阳包角,带来
9、卓越的坚固、抗冲击性能。踢脚线楼梯配件楼梯包角,楼梯前缘,楼梯收饰条,系统化设计以及实际知识 Systematic design with know-how,治愈环境 Healing Environment |,系统化设计 Systematic Design,超精准的拼花生产工艺和超声波切割技术:在设计和准备方案时提供咨询服务能够制作任何格式:图片,图纸和图像文件,并制作成CAD兼容格式送达后可直接安装大型拼花,附详细的安装方案诺拉应用工程师提供现场支持,拼花镶嵌和组合安装 Inlays and combined installations,治愈环境 Healing Environment |
10、,系统化设计 Systematic Design,现今的室内空气污染程度达到新鲜空气的四倍。现代化、节能的楼房可以起到保护环境和气候的作用,但缺少了具有排放认证的建材、专业的设计师和技术人员,我们建造的就是受污染的牢笼!来源 Source: www.sentinel-haus.eu,在医疗领域里,好的室内空气质量对帮助病人康复尤为重要。,室内空气质量 Indoor air quality,治愈环境 Healing Environment |,室内空气质量 Indoor air quality,认识到地板是一个一体化系统 Consideration of the floor as an all-
11、in-one system关键点在于从地板下面释放出什么 What is also crucial is what happens under the floor covering和谐,可持续的,并且获得认证的系统 A perfectly harmonised, sustainably oriented and certified system 低挥发性产品 Low emission system products 一体化的系统带来一体化的安全性,低挥发性带来良好的空气质量 Low emission levels for good indoor air,治愈环境 Healing Environ
12、ment |,nora system blue,nora system blue,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainability,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程 References,5,防火安全性 Fire safety 不含卤素,如氯 Free of halogens, e.g. chlorine不含增塑剂 ,如钛酸盐 Free of plasticizers, e.g. phthalates传染控制
13、Infection control光反射 Light reflection防滑 Slip resistance减少跌倒受到的损伤 Fewer after-effects of falls,关注柔弱人群的安全 Safety for the vulnerable,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality,防火级别达到B1或Cfl-s1,通过EN 13501-1标准不释放有毒的含氯气体不释放二恶英和呋喃火灾时,毒性释放为安全水平耐香烟灼烧(对精神病治疗区域尤为重要)逃生通道专用的地板= 诺拉地板做到不含卤素(氯)不含各种增塑剂 (钛酸盐)不含致癌物,诱变物等有毒物质,符合欧盟
14、标准,遇到紧急事故或火灾时 In the event of emergency or fire,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality,由于PVC中所含的氯与烟雾会产生不良反应,联邦环境局建议在以下区域使用无氯材料高人流量建筑(如百货店,医院等)存放极高价物品的建筑发生火灾时依然运作的区域如有不含PVC的替代产品,则不再提供含有塑化剂的PVC产品,积极鼓励对方调整公司的市场策略,倡导非PVC产品。,诺拉 地板能承受所有VAH / DGHM中列出的预防疾病的表面消毒剂,nora is resistant to all prophylactic surface disin
15、fections in accordance with theVAH / DGHM lists,也能承受浓度更高的表面消毒剂,符合RKI标准 as well as to surface disinfections in higher concentrations according to RKI (Robert-Koch-Institut). 耐血液及尿液 Resistant to blood and urine.承受含大量酒精的手部消毒剂(不会留下白渍)No problems with alcohol-based hand disinfectants (no white stains).,符
16、合最严格的卫生标准 For the most stringent hygiene standards,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,传染控制 Infection control,得益于它持久的弹性和减震特性,诺拉地板让您在行走和站立时都感到舒适。Thanks to their lifelong resilience and shock-absorbing characteristics, nora floor coverings contribute to walking and standing comfort.外科医生和护士尤其需要这样利用人体工学原
17、理带来的舒适感。Doctors (surgeons) and nursing staff in particular appreciate this ergonomic comfort.地板的高弹性特征也保护了医疗器械掉在地板上不会轻易损坏。The highly resilient characteristics of the covering also protect medical instruments from being damaged if they are dropped onto the floor.,人体工学舒适性 Ergonomic comfort,人体工学 Ergonom
18、ics,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,跌倒是老年人最常碰到的事故(不论是在老人院还是医院) Falls are the most frequent cause of accidents among older people (in both retirement and nursing homes as well as in hospitals)即使采取许多预防措施,也难以避免跌倒发生。Despite numerous preventative measures, falls cannot always be avoided.4毫米的noraplan a
19、coustic能大大缓和跌倒带来的冲击力。4-mm thick noraplan acoustic floor coverings cushion the impact force generated by a fall. 跌倒时的冲击力可以被大大减弱,从而把受伤(如骨折)的风险降到最低。The impact from a fall can be significantly diminished, minimizing injuries such as fractures of the femoral neck.,安全的环境减少跌倒受到的损伤 Safe surroundings protect
20、 against the after-effects of falls,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,人体工学 Ergonomics,“跌倒的后遗症占到家庭事故总数的90% “The after-effects of falls account for more than 90% of all accidents in homes. 每年在每两个居民中至少发生一次跌倒 ”Every second home resident has a fall at least once a year.” 来源 Source: German Society for th
21、e Aged,事故 Accidents,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,弹性 Resilience,疗养院中发生的髋骨折比家中更多 More hip fractures occur in nursing care homes than in the private home,住在疗养院中的女性遭遇髋骨折的风险远远高于总人口中的同龄女性 Female residents of nursing care homes are at significantly higher risk of suffering hip fractures than women of
22、 the same age in the total population. “Gesundheit und Gesellschaft”, issue 6/2009, p. 25,noraplan acoustic 吸收冲击力的效果远远高于其他类型的地材。noraplan acoustic absorbs impact forces significantly better than other kinds of floor covering. (髋骨着地时,不同的地板减缓冲击力的百分比),诺拉 acoustic地板带来更安全的环境 Safe surroundings with nora ac
23、oustic,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,弹性 Resilience,无需焊接 Joint-free installation卫生的踢脚线 Hygienic skirting board base需要导静电的区域 Areas with electrostatic discharge requirements 耐污渍 Resistance to stains耐尿液 Resistance to urine无人驾驶的运输系统 Driverless transport systems高动态压力负荷,如C型臂 High dynamic pressure load
24、, e.g. C-arms,为您的需求定制解决方案 Made-to-measure solutions for your requirements,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,定制解决方案 Individual solutions,成本优势:无需额外花费 (焊条2-4欧元/ 米)Cost benefits: no additional joint-related costs ( 2-4/m joint)时间优势:无需额外时间 Time benefits: no additional time involved卫生优势:没有滋生细菌的缝隙 Hygiene
25、 benefits: no cracks or swellings where germs could breed视觉优势:Visual benefits:没有肮脏的接缝 no dirty joints地面完整,无视觉断点 no visual disruptions in the appearance of the floor covering无焊接的拼花使设计更自由 greater scope for design with joint-free inlay installations,无焊安装的优势 Benefits of joint-free installations,安全性及功能性
26、Safety and functionality |,无焊安装 Joint-free installation,由于尺寸稳定,诺拉地板无需焊接。nora floor coverings do not have to be joint-sealed due to their dimensional stability. 其他类型的地材通常需要焊接,原因是:Other kinds of floor covering usually have to be joint-sealed: PVC由于增塑剂挥发造成材料缩小,而亚麻对湿度敏感性高 PVC due to material shrinkage c
27、aused by plasticizer loss, or linoleum because of its sensitivity to moisture.接缝的劣势 Disadvantages of joints不利于美观 disrupt the optical appearance非常容易变脏 get dirty very easily 容易裂开,造成不利卫生的裂缝 frequently crack, causing unhygienic tears焊缝花费大量的时间和金钱 Joint sealing is very time-consuming and cost-intensive,需要
28、“维护”的拼缝 Joints are always maintenance joints,PVC,Linoleum,norament,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,无焊安装 Joint-free installation,CT设备下的滚轮虽然较病床滚轮小了很多,但是地板承受的压力依然巨大。The rollers on the CT devices are a lot smaller than those fitted to hospital beds. They are also very heavy. 这造成了极高的集中载荷。This results
29、in very high concentrated loads.这样的动态压力负荷对地板和填充料都提出了相当高的要求。The dynamic pressure load places considerable demands on both the floor covering and the filler. 更厚的地板如norament 928 grano ed 和3毫米的noraplan signa将集中负荷扩散到周边区域,从而保护了地板表面。A thicker covering such as norament 928 grano ed or noraplan signa 3 mm di
30、stributes these concentrated loads evenly over a larger area, protecting the subsurface.,高动态压力负荷 For high dynamic pressure loads,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,特殊区域解决方案 Solutions for special areas,有轨运输系统对地板提出极高要求。Track-guided transport systems place extreme demands on the floor covering.高动态压力负荷使
31、运输路径上出现痕迹。High dynamic pressure loads are always exerted along the same drive paths. 我们带静电耗散功能的地板, norament 928 grano ed, 这些年来已被安装在不计其数的医院中。Our electrostatically dissipative floor coverings, norament 928 grano ed, have been installed in numerous hospitals for many years.,无人驾驶的运输系统 Driverless transpo
32、rt systems,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,特殊区域解决方案 Solutions for special areas,特殊的卫生踢脚线配合一体成型的阴阳包角,带来卓越的坚固、抗震性能。Special hygiene skirting boards with prefabricated, single-piece inward and outward facing corners are robust and extremely shock-proof.,最严格的卫生标准 For the most stringent hygiene standar
33、ds,安全性及功能性 Safety and functionality |,特殊区域解决方案 Solutions for special areas,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainability,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程 References,5,易于清洁-无需打蜡 easy cleaning without a coating 寿命超长的地板系统-全天候不间断使用 long-lasting flo
34、or covering system - around the clock ready for use: 24 hours / 7 days a week长期的高性价比之选 long-term economic efficiency/LCC与环境相容-荣获多个奖项 environmental compatibility numerous awards环保产品声明 Environmental Product Declarations绿色医院 Green Hospitals,请您深思熟虑 Think it through ,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral
35、 consideration,橡胶 Rubber 1:500,亚麻油毡 Linoleum 1:500,PVC 1:500,来源 Source: Dr. J. Schmiegel, Piepenbrock, Osnabrck/Germany, April, 2011,表面比较:诺拉地板表面最密实 Basic differences in the surface: nora rubber floor has the densest surface,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,弹性地材的材料及抗菌性能测试 Material
36、and bacteriological examination of resilient floor coverings 时间段:Period: 05.05.2011 29.2.2012Kurt Schilcher 博士 Prof. Kurt Schilcher et al.作者 Author: DI (FH) Markus Hochleitner,材料性能测试 Material tests at the KNK Clinic in Linz,在奥地利林兹LNK(州立精神病诊所)测试地板性能Test flooring at the LNK (State Psychiatric Clinic)
37、in Linz/Austria.,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,亚麻地板,表面为PU涂层 Linoleum coverings with PU surfaces (UV-cured):视使用频率,PU表面产生不同程度的开裂,刮痕和脱色。PU surfaces split, get scratched and discolour depending on the traffic frequency.上新图层前,还要花大量时间金钱去除老涂层。New coatings involve expensive and time-co
38、nsuming basic cleaning to remove the old coatings. 基础清洁完成后多余清洁剂的处理问题。Disposal problems for cleaners after basic cleaning no longer arise.,表面涂层的地板实例 Practical examples of coated coverings,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,PVC地板,表面为PU涂层 PVC coverings with PU surfaces (UV-cured):视使用频率
39、,地面出现路径痕迹,涂层逐渐脱色。Pathways develop and the coating becomes discoloured depending upon the traffic frequency.上新图层前,还要花大量时间金钱去除老涂层。New coatings involve expensive and time-consuming basic cleaning to remove the old coatings. 基础清洁完成后多余清洁剂的处理问题。Disposal problems for cleaners after basic cleaning no longer
40、 arise.,表面涂层的地板实例 Practical examples of coated coverings,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,白色污点如何产生 What causes the white stains?手部清洁剂(含酒精)和水基的PU涂层不相容。Hand disinfectants (containing alcohol) and water-based PU coatings are incompatible. 涂层部分溶解,也会留下白点。Partial dissolving of the coati
41、ng results in white stains.,白色污点:一个常见现象 White stains: a familiar phenomenon,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,诺拉地板全部由橡胶组成 - 没有涂层nora floor coverings are rubber through and through with no coating whatsoever密实,封闭的表面 Dense, closed surface. 出厂时,表面已经过“诺拉保洁工艺”技术处理。Treated with nora clea
42、nguard, post-curing of the surface at the factory.创新的材料构成结合最先进的生产工艺。Innovative composition and state-of-the-art production technologies.不会轻易磨损或留下刮痕。Cannot wear down or be scratched as is the case with a thin layer of varnish or film coating.没有因为PU涂层部分分解而造成的白点。No white stains caused by partially diss
43、olved PU coatings.,最佳选择 无涂层 The best option - no coating,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,由于诺拉地板封闭、无涂层的表面结构,诺拉清洁垫和地板配合的天衣无缝。The combination of Pad and nora rubber floor coverings functions outstandingly well on account of the closed uncoated surface structure.让地板保值的一种维护和清洁方式。Maint
44、enance and cleaning system for preserving the value of the floor coverings. 大大减少化学清洁剂的使用。Significant reduction in cleaning chemicals.大大减少室内空气中的挥发物。Drastic reduction in emissions into the indoor air.适用于已有的清洁设备。Can be used with existing cleaning equipment. 在美国,已有2年多的成功经验。并且在中国也已有许多成功的应用案例。Very positiv
45、e experiences in the USA for over 2 years and now have many applications in China.,创新的清洁系统 Innovative cleaning systems,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,现代的医疗建筑更注重可持续性,使用环保的材料。除了帮助病人康复,员工本身的积极性也需要考虑。这就意味着产品需要符合国际环保标准。不仅如此,地面系统的其他材料(如胶水、基层等)都要对人体健康负责。,“绿”不仅仅是一种颜色!对诺拉来说,绿色更是一种责任,一种义务
46、。GREEN is not just a colour!,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,它的目标是解决与未来需求相关的因素,如不断减少的自然资源,不断上升的医疗成本和老龄化社会。诺拉橡胶地板和革命性的诺拉垫清洁方式是这个工程的关键组成部分。,诺拉地板采用橡胶制造-不含PVC,增塑剂(钛酸盐)和含氯化合物。环保的生产方式。安装时使用环保、可持续性的辅材。低挥发性-更健康的室内空气。nora system blue 与环境相容。诺拉 地板是第一个获得蓝天使认证的弹性地板。,多项环保标注 Many awards for env
47、ironmental sustainability,可持续性及整体考虑 Sustainability and integral consideration,目录 Agenda,治愈环境 Healing Environment,2,安全性及功能性 Safety and Functionality,3,可持续性 Sustainability,4,1,医疗细分市场 Market Segment Health Care,样板工程 References,5,北京协和医院 Peking Union Medical College Hospital,样本工程 References,四川大学华西医院 West
48、 China Medical School, West China Hospital, Sichuan University,样本工程 References,首都医科大学宣武医院 Xuanwu Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences,样本工程 References,北京嫣然天使儿童医院 Beijing Smile Angel Childrens Hospital,样本工程 References,山西大医院 Shanxi Great Hospital,样本工程 References,杭州市红十字会医院 Hangzhou Red-cro
49、ss Hospital,样本工程 References,湖北省人民医院 Hubei General Hospital,样本工程 References,北京大学第一医院 Peking University First Hospital,样本工程 References,包头医学院第二附属医院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou University of Medical Sciences,样本工程 References,解放军301医院海南分院 301 Military Hospital, Hainan Branch,样本工程 References,U
50、KBB大学儿童医院,瑞士 UKBB University Childrens Hospital, Basel, Switzerland,样本工程 References,FNKZ儿童肿瘤中心,俄罗斯 FNKZ Pediatric Oncology Centre, Moscow, Russia,样本工程 References,密歇根大学 C.S. Mott儿童医院,美国 C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital University of Michigan / USA,样本工程 References,德国Murnau创伤医院理疗室 Physiotherapy room at Mur