1、Lets play!,We enjoy English.,Tongue Twister,绕口令,A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.,Tongue Twister One,bug:臭虫 bear:熊Bleed:使出血 blood:血,How many saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws?,Tongue Twister Two,see-saw :跷跷板saw:锯子,She sells sea shells on
2、 the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.,Tongue Twister Three,看图猜词,每组的组长上来猜题,背对黑板,轮到自己的组长答题时,其他组员用英语描述,(如果组员说出了图画里的单词或用中文描述扣10分。)由组长用英语答,答对一道得10分,答错或说中文得0分。,职业,oliceman 警察,Pilot 飞行员,Model 模特,Fireman/firefighter 消防员,Teacher,actor 演员,doctor 医生,Dance 舞蹈演员,solder 士兵,Driver 司机,Po
3、stman 邮递员,Waitress 女服务员,Cook 厨师,Farmer 农民,Writer 作家,Saleswoman 女售货员,动物,turtle 海龟,sea-star海星,dolphin 海豚,shark 鲨鱼,OLD TOMTHE KILLER WHALE,whale 鲸,Wolf 狼,Fox,Sheep,Giraffe,giraffe,Tiger,1.How many sides does a house have?,Two - inside and outside,2. What is yours, but is used more by others than by you
4、?,your name,猜谜语,3.What bank has no money?,4. What can go around the earth without rockets?,5.What goes up and never comes down?,your age,the river bank,the moon,6.What kind of dog never bite?,7.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?,8. Whats the poorest bank in the world?,The river bank,A hot dog.,Because it cant sit down.,silence,9. 1. What will you break once you say it?,10.What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?,11. What month do soldiers hate?,A map.,March,Thank you!,