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1、PQ&PR分析,“精益”工具,PQ Analysis,PQ分析,P-Q Analysis,The best way to begin an effort to build a U-shaped “Flow” cell for wide variety small lot production is to study the current production conditions that exist in the factory. This is done through the use of a P-Q analysis. In a P-Q analysis, the P stands

2、for product and the Q stands for quantify (no consideration to dollar value).Step 1: Obtain at least 6 months of data on products made and production output quantities. (If known, future production quantities would be better.)Step 2: List the products in order of highest quantity output and their as

3、sociated percentage output of the total and tabulate on a P-Q list (see table 1).,P-Q Analysis List,No.,P/N,Quantity,Total,%,Cumulative %,ABBCCDEFEFFG,15,90012,50011,7009,4509,4009,000,15,90028,40040,10049.55058,95067,950,17.513.712.910.410.39.9,17.531.543.754.565.274.7,Table 1,PQ分析,-要组建一个多种类小批量生产的U

4、形“流动”工作站,首先要学习工厂内目前的生产条件.整个工作过程由PQ分析来贯穿.在PQ分析中,P代表产品, Q代表质量(不考虑货币价值) -第一步 :收集至少6个月的产品资料和产量数据.如果可以的话,最好可以收集到将来的产量数据. -第二步 :按照产品的产量和占总产量的百分比,由高到低给产品制PQ表.(见表1),P-Q Analysis,Step 3: Create a P-Q Analysis table (see table 2), with the left vertical axis representing the output quantity and the horizontal

5、 axis representing the product. The graph is a Pareto chart, listing the products and their quantities in descending order, and a cumulative percentage line (right vertical axis). Note: Technically, in a wide variety small lot production shop, 40% of the product accounts for approximately 60% of the

6、 volume (or less). In the above example 40% of 14 total part numbers is approximately. 6. Draw a vertical line through the 6th product until you hit the cumulative % line, and draw a horizontal line over until you intersect the right axis. In this example it intersects around 70%, and approximates a

7、 true wide variety small lot factory.,PQ分析,-第三步:制出PQ分析表(见图二),左边的纵数标表示产量,横数标表示产品. 此图是一幅排列图表, 产品按照产量由高到低排列,右边的纵数标是积累率. 注意: 从技术上来说, 在多种类小批量生产的车间里, 40%的产品种类应该占60%的生产总量.在上面的例子中,总共有14种零部件, 它的40%约等于6,于是就在第六个产品上面画上一条竖线与积累率线相交,然后在交叉点开始画一条水平线与右边的纵数标交叉. 在这个事例中,他们的交叉点为70%, 接近多种类小批量生产车间的生产实况.,P-Q Analysis,Step 4

8、: Design a line of processes based on the P-Q Analysis list. If the P-Q Analysis shows that 20% of the parts represent 80% of the volume; then each product should be investigated for a single product cell (the relative volume probably already requires dedicated equipment).,第四步: 根据PQ分析制作图表, 如果PQ分析显示2

9、0%的产品占有80%的生产总量, 那么每个产品都应该有单独的生产区(或许相对产量已经要求专门的设备).,PQ分析,P-Q Analysis,In a wide variety small lot factory depicted below (see table 3), Group Technology or families must be identified through the use of a Process-Route (PR) Analysis (described in the next section). In the diagram below of a wide var

10、iety factory, Group A parts typically represent about 70% of the volume and can warrant a specialized single product line.Products falling into groups B&C represent the remaining 30-39%, and will be reviewed for a group or family.,在多种类小批量生产的工厂里(如图3所示),通过对工艺路线的分析, 识别成组技术和产品系列(下部分会讲到). 在下面的图表里, A组部件占了

11、生产总量的70%.这就说明了需要一条单独的生产线.B组和C组的产品占了30%-39%, 我们将把他们作为一组或是一个系列.,PQ分析,PR Analysis,The next step is to analyze the flow of product in group A (as a starting point), to determine if other products follow a similar process path and could be considered a family. When considering families via a process-rout

12、e (PR) analysis, do not consider differences in product shape, size, or material as different varieties of parts, but rather parts that follow the same basic process flow sequence. Most factories have no more than 5 such process families. When grouping several different parts together into a family

13、(Group Technology), the key factor becomes changeover, which must be drastically reduced. Typically Group B & C parts fall into this category, comprising different products that have similar process paths and can therefore use the same line/cell configuration.,下一步就是分析A组产品的流程(作为起点), 然后再决定其他产品的流程是否与它相

14、似以及是否能够归为同一系列. -通过工艺流程分析考虑成组时, 不要认为产品形状,尺寸,或是材料的不同就是产品种类的不同,事实上它们的基本流程顺序都是一样的. 大多数工厂最多有5个不同的工艺系列.当把几种不同的部件归组为一系列(成组技术)时,主要因素就会发生改变, 我们应该尽量减少变化. - B和C组部件通常归为一组, 其中包括有着类似流程途经和能够使用相同生产线/工作站生产的产品.,PR分析,PR Analysis,To fill out the PR Analysis form, list the operations of the highest volume part from the

15、proposed family across the top of the form. List the operations in sequential order, noting each machine and workstation needed to perform that operation. If there is one piece of equipment that the part must return to several times, show that by drawing a line back to that first location.Process ro

16、ute tables help us to see what machines are needed and the path that the parts take. These tables are key in helping create families for Group Technology lines. Once the machines and flow is established, we can more easily identify other parts that can fit into this line/cell.Note: Efforts should be

17、 made to simplify and standardize the flow/sequence of the parts in the family; trying to eliminate any backtracking in the flow and establishing a 1:1:1 relationship of 1 operation, 1 workstation/process, and 1 part.,PR分析,-填写PR(工艺路线)表,在表格的顶部列出产量最大的零件作业.把这些作业按顺序排列, 要注意每台机器和工作站都要做些作业.如果一台设备需要多次加工同一部件

18、, ?工艺路线表帮助我们看清楚我们需要什么机器以及加工部件需要哪些途经. 这些表格对成组技术中的系列归类帮助很大.一旦确立机器和流程,我们就可以轻易的识别适合这条生产线或是工作站的其他零部件.注意: 我们应该努力使系列产品的流程/顺序简单化.致力于消除各种流程倒退,并且在作业,工作站/流程和零部件上建立1:1:1的比例关系.,PR Analysis,After identifying families of parts, a model line/cell should be selected for implementation. In deciding on which family to

19、 start, several factors should be considered: Enthusiastic leaders Select an area that has strong leadership (Foreman), who is willing to accept and champion the Change Process The family of parts has a clear process flow path, dedicated machines which can be moved to demonstrate the philosophy .The

20、 important thing is to establish a model line/cell that clearly shows to everyone in the company how flow production works in a line/cell and what kind of effort it involves. This will make it easier to do more difficult projects.,PR分析,在认清零部件归类后, 应该选择一个模范生产线或者是工作站进行实施. 在决定哪个系列产品开始实施时, 应该考虑以下几个因素: -工

21、作热情的领导-选择一个具有较好领导能力的工作区, 这工作区的领导易于接受和支持流程的变化 -这一系列零部件具备清楚的流动途径, 并且有专门的机器来证明这个道理.重点是建立一个模范生产线/工作站,它能够清楚的说明流动生产在生产线/工作站是怎么工作的以及其效果如何. 这样可以把难度较大的项目变地简单.,PR Analysis,Data Gathering (Preliminary)Once the model line has been selected; additional information is needed to assist and expedite the flow proces

22、s via the Action Workout (Kaizen) week. What is the output requirements of the line/cell? How many total pieces ship from this cell per day/week/month? What is the breakdown of output requirements by part number?Which machines identified in the analysis are dedicated to this family? Estimate the Tak

23、t Time from the information provided.,数据的收集(初步)一旦选好模范生产线,我们就可以通过ACITON WORKOUT周,利用附加信息来辅助和流畅流程生产线/工作站的产量要求是多少?每天/每星期/每月从这个工作站运走多少工件?在分析中识别哪些机器是专门用于这个产品系列的?从以获信息中估计TAKT时间,PR分析,PR Analysis,For example: If the table below represents a one month schedule of output requirements, and the area which manufa

24、ctures the hardware works 7.5 hrs/day, 5 days/week, 2 shifts/day; Takt Time would be: :Available production/demand = 8.5 minutes (7.5 hrs/day X 2 shift/day X 5 days/week X 4 weeks/month)2100Note Takt Times can vary by process, depending on the number of parts processed across that operation. The pre

25、paration steps previously outlined are necessary to understand the current situation of the factory, and more importantly to establish a course of action for the implementation of flow manufacturing via Action Workout. The information requested above is just the preliminary information needed to began establish a “flow” line.,PR分析,比如:下表是某生产区一个月的产量计划,这个生产区每天工作7.5个小时,2班制, 因此, 它的TAKT时间是:有效时间/需求=8.5分钟(7.5小时/天 X 2班制/天 X 5 天/星期 X 4周/月)2100注意TAKT时间会因为流程不同而改变, 由加工零部件的数量决定.在做前面略述的准备工作时首先要明白工厂目前的状况, 更加重要的是要通过action workout制定一个实施的计划.以上那些所要求的信息都是用来制定“流动”生产线的基本信息.,


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