Unit 4Reading2021 2022学年高一英语同步备课系列(译林牛津2020必修一)课件.pptx

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1、Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good,Welcome to the unit & Reading,Task1 整体理解1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks,语篇精读,2. Whats the main idea of this passage? The news report is about a teenage girl who fainted after _meals, which _us that it is important to have a healthy balanced _and get plenty

2、 of exercise to stay _and fit.,skipping,warns,diet,energetic,【阅读策略】抓结构, 快速读懂新闻报道: 新闻报道一般包括四个部分: 标题、导语、主体、结语。1. 标题: 新闻报道的标题要醒目、得体、生动。2. 导语: 新闻导语是一篇消息的开头部分。它用简短的语言介绍主要内容, 揭示新闻主题; 或采取其他生动形式引起读者的阅读兴趣。3. 主体: 主体是报道的主要部分, 要具体介绍事件的时间、地点、人物、经过等。4. 结语: 结语通常是对全文内容概括性的总结或对这一事件的简要评论。,Task2 细节探究1. Choose the best

3、 answer. (1)What does the news report mainly about? A. A teenage girl passed out after skipping meals. B. A teenage girl skipped meals to keep healthy. C. A teenage girl was rushed into the hospital because of illness. D. A teenage girl made her parents worried by fainting.,(2)Why did Jennifer pass

4、out in her PE lesson? A. She did too much exercise. B. She was injured. C. She skipped her meals. D. She was ill seriously.,(3)Why did Jennifer skip meals? A. To lose weight. B. To keep healthy. C. To fight her eating problems. D. To make her parents worried.,(4)What does the phrase “extreme methods

5、” mean in Paragraph 5? A. Methods that are very good and helpful. B. Approaches that can help teenagers lose weight. C. Means that can not solve the problems. D. Ways that are effective but harmful.,(5)What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. It is a good idea for teenagers to keep slim. B

6、. It is effective to skip meals for teenagers to lose weight. C. It is important for teenagers to have a healthy balanced diet. D. It is necessary to do some exercise.,2. Long sentence analysis. 译文: 她_父母告诉医生, 他们的女儿那天没吃早饭, _。,忧心忡忡的,前一天晚上的晚,饭也基本没吃,译文: 她指出, _, 因为青少年正在长身体, _。,健康、均衡饮食很重要,他们的身体需要,大量的营养才能正

7、常运转,Task3 主题深化Jennifer Jones, aged 15, (1) _and fainted in her morning PE lesson and was rushed to hospital. Without having breakfast that day, Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels. Fortunately, she was treated immediately and is now (2) _. Jennifer has struggled with eating

8、 problems for a long time. She thought that skipping meals would be a simple way (3) _her target weight. She had not eaten breakfast for months even though she (4) _in class.,felt unwell,out of,danger,to reach,had trouble concentrating,In a society (5) _being thin is often seen as being beautiful, m

9、any teenagers turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. Health experts (6) _ _ and are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly. (7)_ this case proves, these so-called quick-fix methods prove to be harmful to teenagers. (8) _for teenagers

10、to be slightly overweight and there is no need to worry about it. In fact, it is important to have a healthy balanced diet, so we strongly encourage all teenagers to follow the proper lifestyles and take effective ways to (9) _.,where,are,concerned,As,Its normal,get into shape,Task4 主题实践1. What is y

11、our opinion about the phenomenon that many teenagers turn to extreme methods to keep slim? (Critical Thinking批判性思维)_2. How do you think of the beauty of “slim”? (Critical Thinking批判性思维)_,It is harmful to their health. The teenagers should be educated properly to,follow the positive value of life.,Th

12、e inner beauty is more important than appearance.,3. What should we do to keep healthy? (Creative Thinking创造性思维)_,It is important to have a healthy balanced diet. Whats more we should take,regular exercise to stay energetic and fit.,1. immediately adv. 立即, 马上; conj. 一就*(2020天津高考)I cannot make my dec

13、ision immediately, but you will hear from me soon. 我不能立即做决定, 但你会很快收到我的信的。,要点理解,【图解词汇】,(1)Her manner _ set everyone at their ease. 她的态度立刻使大家轻松了。(2) _, I remembered her name. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。,immediately,As soon as/The moment/minute/instant/Immediately/Instantly/Directly shed,gone,2. concentrate vi. 全神贯

14、注*(教材原句)She told me she had trouble concentrating in class. 她告诉我她在课上注意力不集中。【词块积累】concentrate (sth. ) on (doing) sth. 集中于/专心于(做)某事concentrate ones attention on. . . 把某人的注意力集中到concentrate sth. + 介词/副词 使集中(或集合、聚集),(1)Water companies should _waste instead of building new reservoirs. 自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费, 而不

15、是修建新水库。(2)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to _ _ her study. 为了集中精力学习, 她数次拒绝演出邀请。(3)Kuang Heng _so much _his study that he made great achievements later. 匡衡把如此多的精力集中在学习上, 后来取得了很大的成就。,concentrate on reducing,concentrate,on,concentrated,energy on,【要点提示】concentrate作“专心于

16、”讲时, 可以是及物动词, 也可以是不及物动词。其宾语多为attention, mind, energy, effort, thought等词。concentrate源自法语 concentrer。词根词缀: con-共同 + -centr- 中心 + -ate 动词词尾, 除了“集中(注意力、思想等)”意义外, 还有“集合、聚集、浓缩”等意义。,【知识延伸】“专注”荟萃focus/fix ones attention on sth. put ones mind in. . . apply oneself/ones mind to. . . put ones heart into. . . b

17、e absorbed in. . . be lost in. . . be buried in. . .,一句多译我辞职是为了专心写小说。I am leaving to _writing fiction. I am leaving to _writing fiction. I am leaving to _writing fiction. I am leaving to _writing fiction.,concentrate on,fix/focus my attention on,put my heart into,apply my mind to,3. concerned adj. 担

18、心的, 忧虑的; 关注的, 关切的 *(2020全国卷)My mom is really concerned with the health of everyone in our families. 我妈妈非常关心我们家每个人的健康。,【词块积累】 (1)be/become concerned about 为担心; 对关注be concerned with 对感兴趣; 与有关as far as sb. be concerned 就某人而言, 在某人看来(2)concernn. 忧虑, 担心show/express concern for/over 对表示关心,(1)A teacher must

19、 _every student. 教师必须要关心每一个学生。(2)_, the young mans design isnt attractive at all. 在我看来, 这个年轻人的设计一点也不吸引人。(3)You should tell your parents that youre fine, otherwise, they would _you. 你应该告诉你的父母你很好, 不然他们会很担心你的。,show concern for,As far as I am concerned,be concerned about,4. effect n. 效果, 作用; 影响*(2019北京高

20、考)Individual talent will have positive effects on team performance. 个人才能对团队表现有积极影响。,【词块积累】 (1)in effect事实上, 实际上have an effect on对有影响come into effect 生效side effect副作用(2)effectiveadj. 有效的(3)effectivelyadv. 有效地,(1)The new law will _next month. 新的法律将于下个月生效。(2)According to an article in Newsweek, the dru

21、g could have _. 根据一篇新闻周刊上的文章, 这种药物可能有副作用。(3)That deal would create, _, the worlds biggest airline. 那笔交易实际上将造就世界最大的航空公司。,come into effect,side effects,in effect,5. diet n. 节食; 日常饮食*(2019天津高考) I eat what I consider a fairly healthy diet. 我吃我认为相当健康的食品。,【词块积累】be on a diet 节食(表状态)go on a diet 节食(表动作)a ba

22、lanced diet均衡的饮食,(1)I love food too much to _. 我太爱美食以至于无法节食。(2)As far as Im concerned, it is very important for our health to _. 依我看来, 均衡的饮食对我们的健康很重要。(3)It is very unhealthy and life-threatening to _. 节食是不健康的, 甚至会危及生命。,go on a diet,have a balanced,diet,be on a diet,【易混辨析】diet与food,6. function vi. 起作

23、用; 正常工作; 运转*(2020浙江高考)Every system in our body depends on water to function. 我们身体的每个系统都依赖水来运转。【词块积累】 (1)function as sb. /sth. 起作用; 具有功能(2)function n. 作用; 功能; 职能; 机能fulfil/perform a function 发挥功能,(1)(2019天津高考) A war injury has made his left hand stop _. 一场战争使他的左手不能正常使用了。(2)On weekdays, one third of t

24、he room _workspace. 在工作日, 这间屋子的三分之一充当工作场所。,functioning,functions as,7. frightened adj. 害怕的, 惊吓的, 受惊的*(教材原句)I was very frightened when I woke up in hospital last Thursday. 上周四当我在医院醒来时我很害怕。,【词块积累】 (1)be frightened of doing sth. 害怕做某事be frightened to do sth. 不敢做某事(2)frightenvt. 使惊吓, 使惊恐frighten sb. int

25、o/out of doing sth. 恐吓某人做/不做某事frighten sb. to death把某人吓坏了(3)frightn. 害怕, 惊恐(4)frightening adj. 令人恐惧的,(1)The child _by the violent thunderstorm. 那孩子被狂风暴雨吓得要命。(2)She _flying. 她害怕坐飞机。(3)(2019全国卷)He had tried to coax the dog to him but, _, it had run off. 他试图哄那条狗到他跟前, 但它吓坏了, 跑了。,was frightened to death,

26、was frightened of,frightened,【巧学助记】Last night I read a frightening story, which frightened me out of sleeping. I was really frightened at the ending of the story. All in all, I was frightened to death. I promised not to read such stories any more especially before going to bed. 昨晚我读了一个可怕的故事, 把我吓得睡不着

27、。到故事的结尾, 我真的吓坏了。总之, 我被吓死了。我保证以后不再看这类故事了, 尤其是在睡觉前。,8. out of danger 脱离危险*(经典例句)They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine. 他们吃药不久后就脱离了危险。,【词块积累】in danger 处于危险之中in danger of处于的危险之中put. . . in danger 将置于危险之中,(1)You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am _. 你心肠真好, 总是在我危

28、险时帮助我。(2)You are _catching a cold if you dont take any medicine. 如果你不吃药的话, 就有感冒的危险。(3)No doubt, if we ignore the problem, we _. 毋庸置疑, 如果我们忽视这个问题, 我们将会置于危险之中。,in danger,in danger of,will be put in danger,9. warn. . . against 警告某人不要做*(教材原句)They have also warned them against using such extreme methods.

29、 他们还警告他们不要使用这种极端方法。,【词块积累】 (1)warn sb. against=warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事warn sb. that. . . 警告某人(2)warningn. 警告, 警示,(1)They _the dangers of sailing alone. 他们警告他独自航行危险重重。(2)(2019天津高考)The professor _on no account should they use mobile phones in his class. 教授警告学生在他的课上决不允许

30、使用手机。(3)They _the mountain in such bad weather. 他们被警告不要在这么糟糕的天气去爬那座山。,warned him of,warned the students that,were warned not to climb,【知识延伸】与warn sb. of sth. 结构相同的短语remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人某物accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人某事suspect sb

31、. of sth. 怀疑某人某事,(1)You _me _your father when you say that. 你说这样的话, 使我想起了你的父亲。(2)The tomb _its treasures. 这座坟墓里的财宝已被盗走。(3)Please _ us _any change of address. 地址若有变动请通知我们。,remind,of,had been robbed of,inform,of,10. take in摄入, 吸收*(2020天津高考)It should be taken in colour and must not have been beautified

32、 with image filters (滤光镜). 它应该是彩色的, 不能用图像滤光镜美化。,【图解词汇】,(1)Plants certainly need to _plenty of water. 植物肯定需要吸收大量水分。(2)She _the grey dress so that it fit well. 她把那件灰色连衣裙改小了, 这样正好合身。(3)I could hardly _what the old man said. 我几乎听不懂那位老人说的话。,take in,had taken in,take in,【知识延伸】take off (飞机)起飞; 脱下; 取消; 请假ta

33、ke on 雇用; 呈现; 承担(责任)take up 占据; 从事take over 接任, 接管take back 收回take down 写下, 记下,用适当的介、副词填空(1)Im sorry. I take _what I said. (2)I didnt take _his phone number. (3)Her face took _a new expression. (4)Would you like me to take _the driving for a while? (5)For a long time I had wanted to take _writing.,b

34、ack,down,on,over,up,11. energetic adj. 精力充沛的, 充满活力的*(2020江苏高考)Humor can make one energetic in his work, study, and life. 幽默能使人在工作、学习和生活中充满活力。【词块积累】energy n. 能量; 精力; 活力full of energy精力充沛的, 充满活力的,(1)After swimming, I am always _and work more efficiently. 我游泳之后总是精力充沛, 工作效率更高。(2)It _throughout the whole

35、 day. 这让我一整天都觉得很清爽、精神, 充满活力。(3)Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite, which makes me free, excited and _. 在一年四季中, 我最喜欢夏季, 它使我自由、兴奋、充满活力。,full of energy,makes me feel fresh and energetic,full of energy/energetic,12. pressure n. 压力, 心理压力, 紧张, 要求, 催促*(经典例句)In order to release the pres

36、sure resulting from our study, I went to Xingxing Farm to pick some oranges together with my classmates last weekend. 为了释放学习带来的压力, 上周末我和同学们一起去星星农场摘橘子了。,【词块积累】under pressure 在压力下under the pressure of 在的压力下put pressure on/upon 对(某人)施加压力 relieve / ease the pressure缓解压力 cope with / deal with / handle th

37、e pressure应对压力,(1)He _too much _the door handle and it snapped. 他用力过猛, 把门把手弄断了。(2)Some people can only operate well _. 有些人只有在压力下才工作得好。(3)You had better open your mouth to _on your eardrums. 你最好张开嘴以减轻耳膜所受的压力。(4)If you cant _, people are going to walk all over you! 如果你不能处理压力, 其他人就会超过你!,put,pressure on,under pressure,relieve the pressure,handle the pressure,Thank you,


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