Unit4Making the newsppt课件 重点单词短语详解和练习.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Making the news,基础知识自测,1._ vt.to tell the truth2._ vt.获得;学到3._ vt.评定;估价4._ vt.帮助;促进5._ vt.需要;查询6._ adj.欣喜的;高兴的,delighted,inform,acquire,assess,assist,demand,7._ vt.集中;聚集8._ vt.指责;控告9._ v.赞成;认可;批准10._ vt.加工;过程11.journalist n. _12.photographer n. _13.admirable adj. _,值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的,concentrate,acc

2、use,approve,process,记者;新闻工作者,摄影师,14.profession n. _15.amateur n. _16.update vt. _17.deliberately adv. _18.department n. _19.appointment n. _20.accurate adj. _,精确的;正确的,职业;专业,业余爱好者,更新;使现代化,故意地,部门;部;系,约会;任命,1.admire v. 佩服;羡慕;赞美 _n. 钦佩 _n. 崇拜者;爱慕者 _adj.令人钦佩的;值得赞扬的,admirable,admiration,admirer, His brave

3、ry is_ (admire). He came up with an _ (admire) idea.,admirable,admirable, The pop star has many _ (admire). She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with_ (admire).,admirers,admiration,2.eager adj. 热切的;渴望的;热心的_adv. 热切地_ n.渴望;热心_搭配渴望干某事,be eager to do sth.,eagerly,eagerness, He is eager

4、_knowledge about the party construction because he is eager_ (join) the party. These young people show great _ (eager) for new knowledge. The children were_ (eager) looking forward to the party,for,to join,eagerness,eagerly,3.gifted adj.有天赋的 _n.礼物;天赋 _搭配在有天赋,be gifted in或have a gift/talent for,gift,

5、 It is known that he was gifted _ painting when he was young.When he grew up,he turned _(gift) artist. He has a gift _ music.,for,in,gifted,4.appointment n.约会;任命 _vt.任命;委派_ 搭配与某人约会,make/fix an appointment with sb,appoint,Tom made an_ (appoint) with Kate to meet under that tree.Kate promised she _ (k

6、eep) an appointment,_at last she broke the appointment.,appointment,would keep,but,5.assist vt.帮助;协助 _n.助理;助手 _n.帮助;援助,assistance,assistant, The _ (assist) asked the boss for _ so that he could assist the workers _ improving the efficiency. Would you like to assist me_my English?,with,assistant,assi

7、stance,in,1.全神贯注于 _2.指控或控告 _3.为了(做) _4.把事情弄清楚 _5.对非常敏感 _6.拍照 _7.诀窍 _,a trick of the trade,concentrate on,accuse.of,so as to,get sth.straight,have a nose for,take a photograph,8.提前 _9.最后 _10.渴望做 _11.take a course _12.get absorbed in _13.set to work _14.cover/go on a story_,去采访,ahead of time,last of a

8、ll,be eager to do,上课,专心于,开始工作,15.depend on _16.tell the truth _17.look forward to _18.make an appointment_19.work experience _20.arrange an interview _,安排采访,依靠;取决于,说出真相,期待,约会,工作经验,1.The reporter was covering the accident while the photographer_ _.2.The driver_ killing two persons in the road acciden

9、t.,was taking photographs,was accused of,3.Concerned about the coming exam,Tom couldnt _what the teacher said though_ .4.My teacher says I_ good math materials and I have the_ to solving the problems.,concentrate on,taking a course,have a nose for,trick of the trade,5._,let me draw a conclusion of t

10、he activity.6.The manager asked the assistant _ and report it to him.,Last of all,to get the facts straight,7.The fans _ see their idol and waited long in front of the stadium.8.She regarded Tom the sort of person _ in all her life,so she _ him.,were eager to,to depend on,made an appointment with,9.

11、The new reporter without_ (工作经验)_ (期待) _ (采访) by himself.10.They_ (开始工作) early _finish the work_.,ahead of time,working experience,looks forward to,covering a story,set to work,so as to,ZhouYang will never forget his first assignment 1_ a reporter in China Daily. At the office his talk with his new

12、boss influenced his life strongly. His boss told him not to go out to cover an event 2 _ a professional photographer.,as,without,During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail 3 _ getting well prepared for the next question based on 4 _ the person said.If the person 5_ (interview

13、) agreed,he should use a recorder to record what the interviewee said.,when,what,interviewed,The boss also gave him 6 _example of the importance of a recorder.Once a footballer was accused of taking money for 7_ (deliberate) not scoring goals. He admitted that someone 8_ (try) to bribe him,but denie

14、d taking the money. With the recording,9 _ was proved that he was guilty. He was angry and tried to stop it,10 _ failed.,an,deliberately,had tried,it,but,1.We can make great achievement only in this way._ we make great achievement.2.I have never read a book like that._read a book like that.,Never ha

15、ve I,Only in this way can,3.The mother didnt leave the room until the child fell asleep._ did the mother leave the room.4.He not only made a promise,but also he made it come true._, but also he made it come true.,Not only did he make a promise,Not until the child fell asleep,5.He was so frightened t

16、hat he didnt dare to touch the snake. _ that he didnt dare to touch the snake.6.He gets up at six.Kate gets up at six.He gets up at six,_ .,so does Kate,So frightened was he,7.Since then we have never seen him and we havent heard from him.Since then we have never seen him,_.8.A boy from behind the d

17、oor rushed out. _a boy.,From behind the door rushed out,neither/nor have we heard from him,9.Though we are successful,we mustnt be arrogant(骄傲自满)._,we mustnt be arrogant.10.If he had listened to me,he would have passed the exam._, he would have passed the exam.,Had he listened to me,Successful thoug

18、h/as we are,掌握重要考点,1. cover n.(书的)封皮;封面;覆盖物;v.覆盖;占用;包括;走过;采访;报导,be covered with 被覆盖under the cover of在的掩护下,趁着,运用:体会下列句子中cover 的不同含义。 He bought a book with a hard cover. She covered her face with her hands. This story written by Dan Brown covers only one day and is very interesting.,封皮(hard cover精装),

19、掩盖,遮盖,包括, We covered more than 60 miles before dark that day. A reporter must be sent to cover the national election. The troops marched under the cover of night.,趁着,行走,采访,2. acquire vt. 获得;养成;学到(get,gain,obtain),acquire a(good)knowledge of得到知识,精通,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验。Gradually we_ in how

20、 to do the work.,acquired experience, 我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。We should try to_. 我们必须用功学习才能精通英语。We must work hard to_ English.,acquire a good knowledge of,acquire good habits,3. accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告,accuse sb.of sth.因指责或控告某人the accused被告,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他被指控受贿。He was accused _ taking bribes. 很多员工指责老板不守信用。Many

21、workers _ having broken his words,accuse the boss of,of,4. demand n.需求;vt. 要求 强烈要求,demand to do要求做demand that sb.(should)do sth.要求某人做某事demand of sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事in(great)demand 非常需要的meet ones demands 满足某人的要求,运用:用介词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 他要求被告知一切事情。He demanded_ (tell) everything. 他要求我走之后关上大门。He demanded

22、_me _ (shut) the door when I left.,to be told,of,to shut, 我要求你放学前打扫完教室。I demand that you _ (finish) cleaning the class before school.,(should) finish,5. senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的 n. 年长者;前辈;毕业班学生be senior to 比年长反义:junior adj.年少的n.年少者,晚辈,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。迈克比我大五岁。Mike is five years senior_ me.,to,6. appro

23、ve v.赞成;认可;批准 approve of 赞成,赞许,同意说明:指正式批准或接受某个计划、请求或建议等时,是及物动词。派生:approval n. 同意;批准,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 恐怕你的父母不赞成你和他结婚。I am afraid your parents wont_ . 市议会批准了这项建设计划。The city council_ the building plan.,approved,approve of your marrying him,1. concentrate on(doing)sth.专心(干)某事拓展:concentrate ones efforts/

24、 attention on把集中在,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法专心学习。 _ with all that noise going on. 我们应该致力于改进教育工作。We should _ our efforts_ improving education.,on,I cant concentrate on my studies,concentrate,2. have a nose for 善于觉察/对很敏感例句:Reporters have a good nose for news.记者对新闻有很强的觉察力。归纳:结构类似的词组还有:have an eye for

25、 对有鉴赏能力have an ear for对有欣赏能力(听觉灵敏)have a gift/talent for对有天赋,运用:用nose,eye,ear,gift填空。 As a reporter,Mary has a _ for a story. Through the competition,the leader of the group can pick out some singers having a _ for music.,nose,gift, Being trained for many years,all the students have a good_ for diff

26、erent kinds of music. As a good artist,she has a/an _ for colour.,eye,ear,3. inform sb.of sth.把某事告诉某人运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他把你的决定告诉了我。He informed me_ your decision. 把我们的计划通知他,这事就交给你了。I will leave it to you_ .,to inform him of our plan,of,归纳:结构类似的词组还有: _ sb.of sth.提醒某人某事 _sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物 _sb.of sth.治愈某人某

27、病 _sb.of sth.警告某人某事 _sb.of sth.控告某人犯某罪,remind,rob,cure,warn,accuse,4. depend on依靠;依赖;取决于运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我不想依靠别人来处理这个件事。I dont want to_ _the matter. 一切取决于我是否喜欢这个老板。It all depends on_.,whether I like the boss or not,depend on others to cope with/coping with,5. so as to(do)为了(做)用法: so as to do不能放在句首,但

28、与之同义的in order to do却可以放在句首; 否定式是so as not to do。,运用:改写下面的句子 He came to school early so as to clean the classroom.He came to school early_ _clean the classroom. We ran all the way so as not to be late.We ran all the way_ _late.,in order not to be/so that we wouldnt be,in order to/so that he could,6.

29、look forward to + n.昐望运用:根据所给单词的正确形式填空I am looking forward to_ (hear) from you soon.,hearing,7. a head of 在前面;领先运用:理解划线部分的意思并翻译句子。 They managed to finish the assignment two weeks ahead of time. He is far ahead of his class in English. Two people were ahead of us,travelling fast.,有两个人在我们的前面,他们走得很快。,他们提前两周完成了任务。,他在英语方面远远超过其它同学的水平。,


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