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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?,六年级,Part ALets learnMake a map and talkLets tryLets talk,单元小结重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,Part BLets learnBe a tour guideLets tryLets talkRead and writeTips for pronunciationLets wrap it up,目 录,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,Part A Lets learn,science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,science mu

2、seum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,Lets play a game! Whats missing?,science museum,cinema,library,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,bookstore,ban

3、k,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,science museum,c

4、inema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,猜谜填空。1.We can send a letter in the ( ). 2.We can see the films at the ( ). 3.If we are sick, we s

5、hould go to the ( ).4.We can see a robot show in the ( ).5.We can buy some books in the ( ).,post office,cinema,hospital,science museum,bookstore,句型学习,句型:-Where is .? 哪儿?-Its next to/near . 在旁边/附近。讲解: 这个句型用来询问和回答某建筑物的位置,回答时经常会用到一些方位介词,用于提示所问的地点的具体位置。常用的方位介词有:near(距离近),next to(紧邻;在近旁),behind(在后面),in

6、front of(在前面),beside(在旁边),between(在中间)等。,Lets talkWu Yifan:Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. Robin:Its near the door. Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. Robin:I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir. Man:Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum

7、! Robin:Where is the post office? Man:Its next to the museum. Robin:Thanks.,Talk about the places in your city/town/village.,turn left,turn right,go straight,Part B Lets learn,crossing拓展:cross(交叉;使相交;横过),post office,bookstore,cinema,school,park,turn left,How can I get to the Italian restaurant?,go s

8、traight,Italian restaurant,hospital,bookstore,cinema,school,post office,park,How can I get to the hospital?,go straight,turn right,go straight,post office,bookstore,cinema,school,hospital,park,How can I get to the school?,turn leftgo straight,post office,bookstore,cinema,school,hospital,park,How can

9、 I get to the bookstore?,turn rightgo straight,Lets talk,Mike:What an interesting film!Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. Mike:Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant?Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. Mike:How can we get there? Robin:Turn left at th

10、e bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike:OK. Lets go!,pasta,steak,pizza,Italian dish,Italian food,Italian restaurant,an,Italian restaurant,How can we get there?,讲解:这个句子用来询问去一个地方的方式。注意 can在前,we在后,位置不要写反了哦。例句:-How can we get to the cinema? 我们怎么到电影院去? -Turn left at the school. Then go straigh

11、t. 在学校处向左转弯。然后笔直走。,Read and write,map,compass,GPS,stars,Read the text and answer the questions.,1.What is Robins new feature? He can find food. He can find the way.2.How many places did they pass by? _3.Which word under the fourth picture means 奏 效,起作用? _,Three.,works,Fill in the blanks.Then retell

12、the story.,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _and _. They _ and then turn right again.,go straight,turn left at the bookstore,turn right,behind,between,in front of,above,单元小结,hospital cinemapost office bookstoremuseum go straightturn right turn leftcrossi

13、ng scienceturn leftstraight right,医院,电影院,邮局,书店,博物馆,直走,右转,左转,十字路口,科学,转弯,左,笔直地,右,重点词汇:,重点句型:,1. Where is the.? 在哪里? Its near/next to the. 它在附近/ 与相邻。2.How can I get to the.? 我怎么去?3.Turn right./Turn left./Go straight. 右转。/左转。/直走。,选择合适的一项,补全单词。,( )1.c_ _ ssing A. er B. ro C. or( )2.t_ _ n A. ur B. or C.

14、er( )3.str_ _ ght A. ei B. ai C. ie( )4.r_ gh_ A. e, r B. c, t C. i, t( )5.Ita_ _ an A. il B. li C. ui,B,A,B,C,B,小练习,欢乐记单词,城市建筑多又多,我们一起说一说,science museum里寻科技,post office里把信寄,bookstore里游书海,cinema里看电影,hospital里把病看,restaurant里吃大餐,站在crossing四下望,turn left还是turn right,不确定就来把路问,原来是go straight到尽头。,轻松学语法,问(a

15、sk)路和指(tell)路英语中常见问路的表达方法:Excuse me, where is+地点, please?Excuse me, how can I get to+地点?Excuse me, can you tell me where+地点+is?英语中常见指路的表达方法:Its+表示位置的短语.Turn left/right at+地点.Go straight along+地点.,小贴士:常见的方位介词及短语:1. in表示“在里面”。2. on表示“在上面”,但两者互相接触。3. under表示“在下方”。 4. behind表示“在后面”。 5. in front of表示“在前面

16、”,正好与behind相反。 6. beside 表示“在旁边”。7. above 表示“在上面”,但两者不接触。8. between 表示“在中间”。9. near表示“在附近”。 10. next to 表示“在附近”,相当于near。例:,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,六年级,目 录,Part ALets learnWrite and sayLets tryLets talk,Part BLets learnRole-playLets tryLets talkRead and writeTips for pronunciationLets checkLets w

17、rap it up,单元小结重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,Mrs Smith:Lets go to the nature park.John:Hooray!Sarah:How do we get there?Mrs Smith:By bus.,Lets learn,bus,plane,taxi,ship,Ship and Sheep,Lets Chant:A sheep is a sheep.A ship is a ship.A sheep is not a ship.A ship is not a sheep.Look at the ship, theres a she

18、ep.Look at the sheep, its on the ship.,subway,train,train,ai |ei| train wait rain painting,train,subway,地铁通常是地下的,而火车是在地面上的、户外的。,car,Guess: Whats this?,bus,I am a bird . I can fly.Im big and hard.I dont eat.What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,plane,I live on the sea.I can swim very fast.But Im not a fish.Im a traffic

19、tool.What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,ship,Im a kind of (一种) train.I work under the ground.I run fast.What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,subway,by bus,by plane,by taxi,by bike,by car,by train,by subway,by+交通工具:乘,坐,on foot,by,ship,taxi,bus,train,plane,subway,on foot,Mike:Good morning, Mrs Smith!Mrs Smith:Hi,children. Youre early. H

20、ow do you come to school? Amy:Usually,I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. Mike:I often come by bike. Amy:How do you come to school,Mrs Smith? By car?Mrs Smith:Sometimes,but I usually walk. Mike:Thats good exercise.,Lets talk, How do you come to school? I usually/ often/ sometimes.,usually 通常 of

21、ten 经常 sometimes 有时候,What are these?,guess,Part B Lets learn,traffic lights,red light,yellow light,green light,What do they mean?,Stop and wait at a red light.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.,Go at a green light.,Traffic rules 交通规则,green light,go at a green light,red light,stop and wait at a r

22、ed light,Dont go at a red light. You must stop and wait.,yellow light,slow down and stop at a yellow light,Dont go at a yellow light. You must slow down and stop.,traffic rules(规则),traffic lights,Remember the traffic rules.,Look at the traffic lights.,Go at a green light.,Stop and wait at a red ligh

23、t.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.,Remember(记住) the traffic rules.,the traffic rules.at the traffic lights.at a yellow light.at a green light.at a red light.,1. Look,5. Remember,3. Stop and wait,4. Slow down and stop,2. Go,请你连一连,helmet,Lets talk,traffic lights,We must pay attention to the traf

24、fic lights.We must wear the helmet on the bikes.,1. _ can I _ _ the Fuxing Hospital?2._ the No.57 bus _ there.3.So many pictures _ bikes!4.They _ _ my cousin _ the USA.,How,get to,Take,over,of,are from,in,读课文,填空,1.What _ this?2.In the USA people _ bikes must wear one.3.The bus is _.4._ go _ the red

25、light!5.I must _ the traffic lights!,is,on,coming,Dont,at,pay attention to,You must look right before you cross the road. You can see this on the road in Hong Kong.,It means “stop ”.,Dont turn right.,Dont turn left.,Dont touch the door.,You can see this in the subway. .,turn right,crosswalk,no cars,

26、no parking,no bikes,go straight,turn left,Traffic Signs,sled,Read and write,ferry,Papa Westray,Scotland,3,2,4,1,bus,train,stop,on foot,wait,单元小结,重点词汇busplaneTaxishipSubwaytrainByon footStopslow Downslow down,公共汽车,飞机,出租汽车,(大)船,地铁,火车,(表示方式)乘,步行,停下,慢的,减少;降低,慢下来,重点句型,1.How do you get to.? 你怎么去?2.I usual

27、ly/often/sometimes come to school on foot/by. 我通常/经常/有时候步行/乘来学校。3.Dont go at the red light! 别闯红灯!4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights! 我必须注意交通信号灯!,( )1.Dont go_ the red light! A.by B. at C.on ( )2.Please pay attention _ the traffic lights. A.on B. to C.at( )3.The yellow light means _. A.go B

28、.stop C.wait ( )4._ can I get to the zoo? A.What B.How C.How old ( )5.How _ Lily go to school? A.do B.is C.does,B,B,C,B,C,一、开心三选一。,小练习,二、连词成句。1. to park How can get the we ? _2. by can bus You No.15 go the . _3. the post do office go How to you ? _4. train I go usually by . _,How can we get to the p

29、ark?,You can go by the No.15 bus.,How do you go to the post office?,I usually go by train.,欢乐记单词,现代社会发展快,交通工具也换代,陆上穿行比较多,短程步行on foot,公交站里坐bus,紧急打车用taxi,畅通无阻选subway,路途遥远乘train, 水上航行靠ship,空中飞行是plane,便捷出行选择多,高新生活无限好。日常交通很重要,交通规则需记牢;红灯停(Stop at the red light),绿灯行(Go at the green light),黄灯亮了减速等一等(Slow do

30、wn and stop at the yellow light)。,轻松学语法,语法一:询问出行方式句型结构:How do/does+主语+come/go to+地点?答语:主语+come(s)/go(es) to+地点+by+交通工具.主语+ come(s)/go(es) to+地点+on foot.主语+take(s) a+交通工具.主语+take(s) the +车号+交通工具.,【小贴士】by后面一定要直接加交通工具的单数形式。另外,“小脚丫”foot与on搭配,即“步行”要用“on foot”表示。例:,语法二:频度副词 频度副词是用来表示动作频率的,但程度上有别。常用的频度副词频率

31、由高到低用图表示为: always usually often sometimes never 100% 80% 60% 40% 0%例:,语法三:情态动词must must是情态动词,意为“必须”,语气很强烈,没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形。句型结构:主语+must+动词原形+其他.例:,语法四:祈使句 祈使句主要用来表达请求、命令、建议、叮嘱或祝愿等。祈使句通常省略主语(you)。肯定祈使句1.Do型祈使句句型结构:动词原形+其他. 例:,2.Be型祈使句句型结构:Be+形容词. 例:3.Let型祈使句句型结构:Lets/Let me+动词原形+其他.例:,否定祈使句1.Dont型祈使

32、句句型结构:Dont+动词原形+其他.例:2.No型祈使句句型结构:(1)No+动词-ing形式+其他. (2)No+名词+其他. 例:,Unit 3My weekend plan,六年级,目 录,Part ALets learn Lets tryMake a plan Lets talk,Part BLets learn Read and write Role-play Tips for pronunciationLets try Lets check Lets talk Lets wrap it up,单元小结重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,What is Chen J

33、ie going to do?,She is going to see a film.,take a trip,go to the supermarket,see a film,visit my grandparents,-What are you going to do today?-Im going to .这个句型用来询问和回答将要做什么事,时态是一般将来时。,Im going to this weekend.,do homework,play computer games,read books,watch TV,play football,play ping-pong,swim,pla

34、y basketball,Were going to this weekend.,Make some sentences.,go on a picnic,plant flowers,Im going to .,What are you going to do tomorrow/this weekend?,plant trees,clean the street,?,小组对话,Lets try,1.Can Mike go swimming today? A.Yes,he can. B.No,he cant.2.Why or why not? A.He has homework to do. B.

35、He is fishing now.,Lets talk,Mike:What are you going to do tomorrow?Sarah:Im going to have an art lesson. Mike:What are you going to do in your lesson?Sarah:Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Mike:Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah:Have a good time! Mike:You too. I ha

36、ve to do my homework now. Bye.Sarah:OK. Bye.,1.Questions: a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? b. What is Mike going to do tomorrow?2.Read it again and fill in the blanks. a. Sarah and her classmates are going to _ in Renmin Park. b. Mike has to _now.,draw some pictures,do his homework,Talk about

37、our classmates weekend plan.,What is he/she going to do?He/She is going toWhat are they going to do?They are going to,Part B,book store,bookstore,What are you going to do?,Im going to buy an English book in the bookstore.,What books can you buy in a bookstore?,你知道这些书的名称吗?,postcard,dictionary,diction

38、aries,词典,连环画册,单词书,明信片,word book,comic book,dictionary,postcard,英汉连连看,Where are you going this afternoon?,练一练:用下面的句型分组对话。,Im going to the pet shop.,Lets tryJohn is on his way home. He sees Amy. Listen and answer.1.What is Amy going to do? _2.Is the ice cream for John? _,She is going to buy some food.

39、,No,it isnt.,Lets talk,Read and answer the questions:1.Who is going to visit John?2.Where are John and Jack going next week?3.When are they going?,讲解:1.new words: space travel 宇宙之旅 half price 半价2.lots of = a lot of = many 许多3.on Tuesday在周二 在星期几,在某一天用on。eg: on Monday, on September 1st, on a sunny day

40、,Team work,His aunt is going to make mooncakes.,His grandma is going to tell them a story.,They are going to read a poem.,see a film,read a comic book,going to the bookstore,buy a postcard,e.g. 1.What are you going to do? 2.Where is she going?,重点词汇:visit supermarketsee a film take a tripevening toni

41、ghttomorrow next weekdictionary postcardword book comic book,单元小结,拜访,超市,看电影,去旅行,晚上;傍晚,在今晚,明天,下周,词典,明信片,单词书,(儿童的) 连环画册,重点句型:,1.What are you going to do? 你打算做什么? I am going to. 我打算2.Where are you going? 你打算去哪里? I am going to. 我打算去3.When are you going?你打算什么时候去? This evening.今晚。,一、将下列单词与汉语连线。1.takeatrip

42、 a.去看电影2.readamagazine b.去旅行3.gotothecinema c.今晚4.thisevening d.明天5.tomorrow e.看杂志,小练习,二、根据画线部分写问句。,欢乐记单词,(一)周末要来到,计划巧安排,tonight早休息,tomorrow是周六,上午visit grandparents,下午see a film,晚上go to the supermarket,装好东西做准备,周日take a trip。(二)evening来书房,资料真是多,dictionary厚又大,comic book真有趣,word book助我学,postcard寄朋友,早早去

43、睡觉,next week好精神。,轻松学语法,一般将来时be going to be going to是一个固定结构,后面的动词为原形,用来表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思。另外,在be going to结构中,be动词要根据主语的人称和单复数做出相应的变化。,肯定句:主语+be(am/is/are) going to+动词原形+其他.例:否定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+going to+动词原形+其他.例:,一般疑问句:Be(Is/Are)+主语+ going to+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+be

44、(am/is/are).否定回答:No,主语+be(am/is/are) not.例:,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+going to+动词原形+其他?be going to与疑问词what连用时,用来询问他人打算做什么。例: be going to与疑问词where连用时,用来询问他人将要去哪。 例:,be going to与疑问词when连用时,用来询问他人打算做某事的时间。例: be going to与疑问词who连用时,用来询问谁将要做某事。例:,Unit 4I have a pen pal,六年级,Part ALets learn Do a surveyL

45、ets try Lets talk,Part BLets learn Listen,match and sayLets try Lets talkRead and write Tips for pronunciationLets check Lets wrap it up,单元小结重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,目 录,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,Part A Lets learn,dance,sing,read stories,play football,do kung fu,dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football,doing kung fu

46、,动词后面添加 ing,一般有三种常见的情况:,1.在动词后面直接添加,如:collectcollecting,playplaying等;2.动词去掉最后不发音的字母e,再加ing,如:rideriding,divediving等;3.重读闭音节结尾,动词双写最后一个字母,然后再添加ing,如:swimswimming,runrunning等。,Swimming,swimming,I like swimming.Drawing,drawing,I like drawing.Reading,reading,I like reading.Cooking,cooking,I like cooking

47、.Playing,playing,I like playing.Jumping,jumping,I like jumping.,读一读,Lets try,Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal. Listen and then write T (true) or F (false).1.( ) Peter likes basketball.2.( ) Peter isnt tall.,T,F,Lets talk,句型学习,句型“What are As hobbies?”用于询问一个人的爱好,A处用这个人的人名代替。注意:1.hob

48、by的复数变形是hobbies,不要拼写错了哦。2.“人物+撇号+s+物品”表示物品属于这个人,如果人物是像students、cats这样的复数名词,则可以只加撇号不加s。例:students books,I like riding a bike.,He likes riding a bike.,比较下面两个句子:,动词原形,动词第三人称单数形式,小组讨论学习,观察并总结,1.I like collecting stamps.2.He likes collecting stamps.3.Chen Dongshen likes collecting stamps.4.My pen pal lik

49、es collecting stamps.,下面这些句子有什么规律?,什么时候用动词三单形式?,句子主语是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式。,Good job!,livelives(居住,住)teachteaches(教)gogoes(去)watchwatches(看)readreads (读,看),常见的第三人称单数形式的变化,快来说说你的好朋友有哪些爱好吧!,Part B Lets learn,cooks Chinese food,goes hiking,does word puzzles,studies Chinese,Listen,match and say,Lets try,Sc

50、hool is over. Miss White is talking to Wu Yifan. Listen and circle.1.What are they talking about? A. A computer. B. A pen pal.2.How old is the student from Australia? A. He is 11 years old. B. He is 12 years old.,Lets talk,句型学习,想要和对话者讨论另外一个人是否喜欢做某事,你就要学会句型:Does he/she like + 动词(词组)的-ing形式 ?回答用Yes,he


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