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1、中医,Traditional Chinese Medicine,1,Chinese Medicines historyIntroduction of TCMThe philosophy of Chinese MedicineThe famouse heralist doctor in historyComparision between Western Medicine and TCMTraditional Chinese Medicine knowledge,2,Chinese Medicines history,As we all know,Chinese Medicine is a me

2、dical culture with a history of 5000 years.It has formed a deep and immernse knowledge of medical science,theory,diagnostic methods,prescripeions and cures.Four basic diagnostic methods:Observing,Auscultation and Olfaction,Interrogation,Pulse taking and palpation.,3,Three derivations about Chinese M

3、edicine,圣源说(Sheng Yuan Shuo):黄帝黄帝内经神创说(Creationism Say):伏羲制九针,神农尝百草巫源说(Wu source):即医巫不分说,世本,4,Diagnostic Method of CM LOOK(望) SMELL(闻) ASK(问) PALPATION(切),Introduction of TCM,5,Moxibustion(艾灸),Moxibustion is a traditiaonal therapy utillzing moxa(艾蒿)or mugwort.Mugwort is aged and grouped up to a fluf

4、f.Then the fluff is further processed into a stick that resembles a cigar and it is used to warm areas of the body and acupuncture points.,6,The philosophy of Chinese Medicine,阴阳说:The human bodys life is the result of the balance of Yin and Yang.五行说:Chinese medicine is based on WuXing Say:金(Jin),木(M

5、u),水(Shui) ,火(Huo),土(Tu)元气说:The world is made of air.天人合一说:“人与天地相应,与四时相副”,7,历史长河中的著名中医大师,The famous herbalist doctor in history,8,The famouse heralist doctor in history,Bian Que,Sun Simiao,9,Bian Que,Bian Que (Chinese: 扁鹊; Wade-Giles: Pien Cheh; the characters of his name are also often pronounced B

6、ian Qiao, Wade-Giles: Pien Chiao) was, according to legend, the earliest known Chinese physician (ca. 500 B.C.). His real name is said to be Qin Yueren (Simplified Chinese: 秦越人), but his medical skills were so amazing that the people gave him the same name as the legendary doctor Bian Que, from the

7、time of Huang Di.,The tomb of Bian Que,10,The storys of Bian Que,扁鹊见蔡桓公,Bian Que met with Cai Huangong,起死回生,Bian Que make the dead come back to life,11,Sun simiao,Sun Simiao, (581-682) was a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor of the Sui and Tang dynasty.Sun Simiao was called “the King of med

8、icine” in China. He wrote a lot of book. The most famous one of themis “Qian Jinyaofang”. The book told the differentways to cure different illness. Its not only effectivein China, but also in Japan, Korean, and many othercountries.,12,Qian Jinyifang,Yaowang Mountain,13,Comparision betweenWestern Me

9、dicine and TCM,Norman Bethune(白求恩),Ge Hong 葛洪,14,TCM : Used to apply “Four Diagnosis” (四诊), “Eight Principles“(八纲), based on mainly experience. WM : Use of modern scientific findings and advanced technology for a microscopic(微观的) investigation.TCM : Clinical Observation(临床观察) of negative and positiv

10、e dynamic of the body, classify the disease into a whole body or regional diseases WM : Pinpoint the causes of diseases, pathological change and severity of diseases,15,Advantage,The traditional Chinese medicine is treats the symptoms and the causes, but the curative effect is slow relatively. The w

11、estern medicine curative effect is quick, but mostly isnt a permanent cure, moreover the side effect cant be ignored. The union of Chinese and West , may treat the symptoms and the causes, and the curative effect is also quick.,16,Traditional ChineseMedicine knowledge,原则:春夏养阳,秋冬养阴夏病冬治,冬病夏治春夏温补阳气,调养心

12、肝 Heart and Liver秋冬滋养阴液,调理肺肾 Lung and kidney,17,如何吃? How to eat?,春夏以茶代药:菊花Chrysanthemum 金银花Honeysuckle 决明子Semen Cassiae秋冬四神健脾药膳:茯苓Tuckahoe 20g 莲子Lotus seed 25g 芡实Gorgon fruit 25g 薏仁Pearl barley 20g 山药Yam 25g养肺补肝:梨子Pear 麦冬Ophiopogon japonicus 百合Lily 枸杞Chinese wolfberry,18,如何睡?How to sleep?,子时At midnight(23:0001:00): 养胆Bile 丑时Chou period(01:0003:00): 养肝Liver,19,谢谢观赏,Thank you,20,


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