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1、,雅思议论文写作简介,雅思作文构成,Task 1 Academic 一两幅图表进行描述,比如1980,1990,2010交通工具的使用情况,不少于150字。Task 2 General training 议论文,不少于250字,比如:科技发展导致文化传统的丧失。你是否同意?,雅思作文时间分配,1. 20 minutes 1+3+15 (+1)2. 40 minutes 1+5+30+2(+2)自由支配,60分钟必须交卷。,雅思写作要点,1. ideas (构思) 想出东西2. organization (组织)写出东西:语言的组织,思路的组织3. language (语言)基本的语法、句型和谚

2、语的运用,评分标准,1.内容:主题鲜明,切忌跑题 e.g.1 Is newspaper still an important media? e.g.2 The Influence of Nuclear Energy注:一定要有个人见解e.g.3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Single Child in a Familye.g.4 What is the most exciting moment in Beijing Olympic Games?,评分标准,2. 布局: (1)条理清晰 e.g.5 The Instance from

3、 Premier Zhu (2)论证严密 e.g.6 P121注:一定要有层次感 e.g.7 P144,评分标准,3. 语言:词汇、语法、标点 (!,)e.g. 8 “多”、“TV soap opera”, the instance from President Jiae.g.9 He is wise. He seldom makes mistakes. (非谓语动词、独立主格、复合句、并列句)注:一定先保准确,特别注意,1. 对议论文的定位:保6争72. 字迹工整、卷面整洁:推荐采用齐头式3. 不要照搬范文 e.g.10 P94. 正确对待模板式句型:很有效,但绝不是最有效5. 注意学术写作

4、规范:不用任何简写、拒绝口语化用词6. 写好头尾 A good beginning is half done. All is well that ends well.7. 合理分配时间8. 协调好准确与复杂之间的关系:准确第一注意:复杂不等于冗长,雅思议论文写作方法,小作文,柱状图 bar chart 饼状图 pie chart表格 table曲线图 line chart流程图 flow chart这些图表会以单独或者混合形式出现。读图的时候要注意横向(horizontally)和纵向(vertically),小作文总体策略,线图、柱状图、饼图,表格题1.介绍段introduction2.主体

5、段body 3. 结论段conclusion,E.g. The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.,小作文总体策略,Introduction: 换词(1)图:cha

6、rt, graph, diagram(雅思中完全等价)线:line / curve chart柱图:bar / column graph饼:pie diagram表:table / statistics / figures,(2)动词介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give information about虽然好但不能不再用。 可用reveal / indicate / demonstrate 选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格。第二段其余部分的替换因题而异,比如travel换成visit,the UK换成Britain,(3)并列句的使用 原句The line chart reveal

7、s visits to and from Britain and the bar graph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in 1999.,2.主体段body 信息出处:According to the line chart,As is shown in the line chart,The line chart shows that 表示逻辑:On the one hand, on the other hand等段内过渡词(1-2个)顺承:also, besides, in addition转折:however, on

8、 the other hand, conversely其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly,3. 总结段 (conclusion )Overall, thetable/chart/graph/diagram suggests that ,特殊词汇,1、趋势类词汇上升动词类: increase, go up, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency下降动词类: decrease, go down, decline, fall down, drop, si

9、nk, dip, keep a downward tendency波动动词类: fluctuate持平动词类: remain the same, stabilize, remain stable, remain constant,修饰动词的副词: slightly 轻微地, slowly 缓慢地, gradually 逐渐地, steadily 稳定地, rapidly 迅速地, moderately 温和地, 轻微地, significantly 明显地, sharply 明显地, dramatically急剧地, drastically 急剧地,2、极值类词汇和表达最高点: reach t

10、he peak/top/highest pointIncrease to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)最低点: reach the bottom/lowest pointdrop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的动词都可以替换掉drop),占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of 占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for t

11、he smallest proportion/number/percentage of,3、倍数的表达方式Double 是两倍/大一倍Increase/decrease three times 增长/减少了三倍4、大约的表达方式About/around + 数字数字 + or soApproximately + 数字,常用句式,句式一:The number of aged people over 65 increased significantly from 1940-2000。The number of aged people over 65 dropped slightly from 19

12、60-1980。The number of aged people over 65 fluctuated between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950。The number of aged people over 65 remained stable from 1930-1940。,句式二There was an significant increase in the number of aged people over 65 from 1940-2000。There was a slight decline in the number of

13、 aged people over 65 from 1960-1980。There was a fluctuation between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950。,表格,Table 步骤:1.总体概括2. 分析表格数据,对比 (横向,纵向)3. 进一步总结, 升华,第一段1句.The table shows us (that).The table compares A and B.2句.From the table, we can see.As can be seen from the table,.,第二段Based on the in

14、formation given in the table,.It is revealed in the table that .According to the table,选择一句过渡,然后横向,纵向比较,第三段To sum up, .General speaking,句子,1. 我们班男生的数量要比女生的数量多。2. 这个表格告诉我们女性就业率情况和男性就业率情况。3.这种电脑的价格和那种电脑的价格很接近。4. 在这三个国家,这两种比率很接近。,Example,Example,Sample,The table below shows the lost personal items and

15、the percentage of people in three different age groups. Write a report to the company management describing the information shown in the table. You should write at least 150 words.,Age groups,The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000 and the marital

16、 status of adult Americans in two of the years.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.,这两个柱状图对比了1970年至2000年30年里美国人结婚与离婚的人数以及1970和2000年美国成年人的整体婚姻状况。The two bar charts compare the number of married and divorced people in USA over a s

17、pan of 30 years from 1970 to 2000 and the overall marital status of US adults in 1970 and 2000.从图1可以看出,三十年间,结婚的人数逐步下跌,离婚人数呈现波动。图2显示,2000年美国成年人的婚姻状况较之1970年发生了巨大的变化。As can be seen from the first chart, over the designated 30 years, the number of marriages experienced a steady fall while the number of

18、divorces, however, fluctuated. The second chart shows that as compared with the situation in 1970, American adults marital status underwent dramatic changes.首先,1970和1980年,美国的婚姻数字相同,皆为250例,离婚数却分别高达100万例和140万例。1990年和2000年结婚数的对比是230万:200万,离婚数对比是110万:100万。我们看到,离婚数最多的年份是1980年,同时还看到,2000年的离婚数与1970年持平。To b

19、egin with, in 1970 and 1980, there was equal number of marriages in USA, both being 2.5 million. However, divorces were as high as 1 million and 1.4 million respectively. The numbers of marriages for the year 1990 and 2000 were 2.3 million versus 2 million while divorces were 1.1 million versus 1 mi

20、llion. We also find that the year 1980 witnessed the greatest number of divorces and meanwhile, the number of divorces in 2000 drew even with that in 1970.第二,纵览另一图表所示的美国成年人婚姻状况,我们看到:决意不结婚者和离婚者在2000年的百分比都要高于1970年,两组数据的对比分别是20%:14%,9%:3%。在结婚和丧偶两项上,1970年的数据高于2000年,数据对比是70%:60%,8%:3%。Secondly, as we loo

21、k at the other chart, we see that the percentages of those who were determined not to be in a marriage and those who chose to end their marriages by divorce in 2000 were both higher than figures in 1970. The two groups of figures are 20%:14% and 9%:3% respectively. In terms of the other two categori

22、es, namely, married and widowed, the figures for 1970 were higher than those for 2000 and they are 70%:60% and 8%:3% respectively.由此,我们了解了过去的几十年里美国人对待婚姻的态度以及他们多方面的婚姻状况。Thus, we have gained an insight into the attitudes of Americans towards marriage and their multifaceted statuses in the past decades

23、 of years.,II 流程图/示意图/地图1.介绍段:Theflow chart / diagram / map illustrates The whole procedure can be divided into stages.,* Introduction:Paraphrase the questionMain Feature* Body:* Conclusion (optional):,Body,一般过渡:时间、顺序、目的时间:to begin with, next, then, later, finally; at the same time / simultaneously顺

24、序:the first stage involves / in the second stage / in the third stage / in the last stage目的:in order to / in order that; so as to / so that,主要内容,审题构思导入段主体段(方法、组织)结尾段,审题,1.划关键词2.简化题目,Example,The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offe

25、r some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement. Give reasons to your answer. Simplified version: While going abroad for further s

26、tudy has many advantages, there are also unavoidable problems for students.,Exercise 1,In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clea

27、rly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer.,Recommended Answer,In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people c

28、an work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clearly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age.Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer. Simplif

29、ied Version: Different countries and people have different retirement ages and there is no universal standard.,Exercise 2,Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe wa

30、y. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.,Recommended Answer,Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.To what extent do you agree or disagree

31、 with this opinion.Simplified version: International sports games are beneficial for global peace and utility of a nation.,构思,1. 判断评论类(1)单边支持型(2)双边中立型2. 问题分析型,单边支持型,Introduction: Your Opinion (for or against) Main Body:Reason/ Evidence 1Reason/ Evidence 2Reason/ Evidence 3 (sometimes refuting)Summar

32、y: Opinion and Reasons,Example,The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping peoples ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.,Recommended Answer,Introduction: Peoples ideas about just anything are

33、greatly influenced by todays mass media such as television, radio and newspaper.Main Body:Mass media is a window through which people may acquire what has happened in and abroad rapidly.Mass media is also a scale which tells people what is right and what is wrong hence influences their world view.Ma

34、ss media is a powerful tool by which people can entertain themselves after a days hard working.Summary: Although the mass media have great influence on us, we should not be completely controlled by its manipulations.,Exercise,Some people say policeman should not carry guns in the street, while other

35、s believe the police must be equipped with guns to catch criminals and protect themselves. What is your opinion of the issue?,Recommended Answer,Introduction: I support the former without any reservation.Main Body:A. The gun is an indispensable weapon for the cops to deter the crime from happening.B

36、. The pistol serves as a safeguard for the police to defend the attack from the evildoers.Summary: In my opinion, the police, who endeavor to ensure that our individual freedoms are not hindered or infringed upon, are unquestionably entitled to carrying guns.,双边中立型,Introduction: Your Opinion ( not n

37、ecessarily neutral)Main Body: Advantages/ MeritsDisadvantages/ DemeritsSummary: Opinion of Advantages and Disadvantages,Exercise,Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are ju

38、st as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your answer.,Recommended Answer,Womens advantages and disadvantages of raising children:Women have more understanding of childrens needs. (A)Women can be more patient with young children. (A) Women can d

39、evote much time and energy to childcare. (A)Women tend to indulge their children and spoil them. (D)B. Mens advantages and disadvantages of raising children:Men can teach young children to be more creative. (A)Men often tell young children to be independent. (A)Men raise children by making them brav

40、e and decisive. (A)Men sometimes lose patience with children. (D),问题分析类,Introduction: Your Opinion (about the problem or phenomenon)Main Body:Causes of the problem/ phenomenonEffects of the problem/ phenomenonSolutions to the problem/ phenomenonSummary: Conclude the problem/ phenomenon as well as it

41、s causes, effects and solutions.,Example,The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the worlds cities can be contributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made

42、to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more.,Recommended Answer,Introduction: The fast growing number of private cars in cities has led to a lot of urban problems, such as congestion and pollution.Main Body: Causes of the rapid increase of private car numberThe great advance

43、 of peoples living standardsThe dramatic decrease of car prices due to mass productionThe rapid expansion of highway systems around the countryB. Some bad effects of this phenomenon1. Traffic jams in urban areas, especially during rush hours2. Increasingly severe air pollution caused by car exhaust3

44、. Acute shortage of parking lots in the city centerC. Some possible ways to encourage people to use public transports1. Create a more comfortable and convenient public transport system2. Raise the environmental awareness of the general public3. Impose heavier taxes on the ownership of private carsSu

45、mmary: Despite the rapid increase of car number and the problems caused by the phenomenon, we can take steps to curb the use of private cars and encourage people to use more public transport.,Exercise,Journalists have much influence on peoples opinions. Then, what kinds of limits shall we put on the

46、m?,Recommended Answer,Introduction: For the objectiveness of reports, some should be placed on journalists restrictions, as will be stated in this essay. Main Body: The information source needs to be accurate and reliable.The wording of reports needs to have some regulation.Journalists articles shou

47、ld not influence other peoples normal life.Summary: Journalists should try their best to keep our information reliable and objective, and thoroughly exert the positive effect of information.,a,Obligatory Task,Some people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, o

48、ffers more advantages than disadvantages. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.,Obligatory Task,Having several sisters or brothers(1) Advantage: learn how to live in a community and understand cooperative spiri

49、t (cf. learn them in school)(2) Disadvantage: bring quarrels and inequalities, population pressure2. Having just one childAdvantage: get more guidance from parents hence beneficial for growth, good for the societyDisadvantage: may be spoiled and feel lonely (cf. parents attitudes and behavior)- havi

50、ng just one child: the advantage of having several children can also be achieved and the disadvantage of having one child can be overcome depending on parents and the childs attitude (e.g. myself),Selected Task,The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as befor


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