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1、托福口语提升开口表达前先理清楚逻辑架构 相信各位备考托福的小伙伴学习英语已经有些年头了,即便英语基础不是特别好对于英语的也应该有了一些了解,其实英语表达的逻辑性很强,下面就和大家分享开口表达前先理清楚逻辑架构,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。托福口语提升丨开口表达前先理清楚逻辑架构一.提升逻辑架构能力的重要性如何才能在托福口语考试中征服阅卷人,取得高分?相信这是所有准备参加口语考试的考生们都想解开的问题。托福口语考试,重在时刻保持语言的逻辑性,除了要酝酿出丰富内容外,还应灵活运用所学知识,合理安排出赋于逻辑的内容发展,才能在考试中脱颖而出,赢得考官的赞赏,取得高分。二.如何提升托福口语的逻辑

2、架构能力西方人说话之所以能够脱口而出、条理清晰,是因为他们在表达时都会事先在头脑中形成大致的一个逻辑框架,即对开头、中间和结尾进行规划。如果考生们能以这样的思维方式和逻辑与考官的思想达成共识,离高分也就近了一步。大家都知道,在托福口语考试的6个Task中,前2个是Independent Task,后4个为Integrated Task。前面2个可以直接根据指令来回答问题,而后面的4个要以综合听力和阅读的内容作答。在Task 5的时候,加入的是听力的内容,也就是先听对话,再根据对话内容回答问题,准备时间为20秒,答题时间为60秒。Task 5作为4个Integrated Task中唯一一个询问考

3、生观点的题目,自然要求考生观点阐述相对于内容要更为简单些。因此,攻破这关的要点应按照“复述问题-复述方案-选择方案-阐明理由”的步骤来进行,而这个步骤也就是我们开头所提到的逻辑框架。大致可以概括为以下四步:1.General Description of Main Problem2.Two Possible Solutions3.Personal Opinion / Choice4.Supporting Reasons托福口语开口表达之前先构思,利用好考场上给与大家的准备时间,快速理清思路,想好自己要表达的内容,只有这样托福口语才更有可能斩获高分。如果大家不知道如何构思,可以参照上文中为大家总

4、结的内容。托福口语范文:带外地来的朋友去哪里玩最新托福口语题目:带外地来的朋友去哪里玩Task2 When a friend is coming to visit your place, do you prefer a surprise visit or an informed one?Task 2Some people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to be informed ahead of the visit. Which one do you prefer?重复题目:1月31日中国大陆Task2:Some

5、 people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:Task2:If one of your friends is gonna visit you, which way do you prefer? a surprise drop-by or inform you in advance.I would definitely prefer to be informed in

6、advance. Coz even though people may say a surprise visit may give you some pleasant surprises, in fact, in todays fast-paced modern society, a surprise visit may just be a total day time nightmare; peoples lives are hectic nowadays, we have to deal with various workloads, and are always running out

7、of time for deadlines, a sudden visit may disrupt everything, like should I spend time with my friend coming from afar or continue to finish the urgent task at hand? It is really unpleasant and may even ruin our relationship.托福口语范文二:范例Personally speaking, I dont like surprises, especially a surprise

8、 visit. Because, first, it may throw up my schedule. I like following through a plan without interruptions. Making adjustments for the short notice are stressful. And if a friend wants to visit me, I would also need some time to clean up my room and prepare the food or something for a decent meal. S

9、ometimes, A well-intended surprise visit may also end up with embarrassment. Last week, I invited a bunch of friends for my birthday Party at my place except my best friend, well my girl friend, because she had told me about a business trip she had to take weeks before. So, we were having fun drinki

10、ng and playing games, then some one knocked on the door, it was her with a huge birthday cake, looking jealous.托福口语范文三:Sample:I would definitely prefer an informed visit. Sure, surprise visit could be fun, but it could also mean awkwardness. What if my place is messy or theres nothing to eat? Whats

11、worse, what if Im not home? That could be very disturbing for my friend and terribly embarrassing for me. On the other hand, if Im informed, I would have sufficient time to coordinate and plan. Therell be no conflict between our meeting and my work. And Im confident to prepare for a tidy and cozy di

12、ning environment, wouldnt that be great?托福口语范文:把寝室钥匙锁屋里后怎么办最新托福口语题目:把寝室钥匙锁屋里后怎么办Task 5题目女生把寝室钥匙锁屋里了进不去,室友的orchestra在排练,因要写社会学作业,而outline在房里。要么不打扰室友,去图书馆准备作业,等室友回去,但有的笔记还在宿舍,不太方便;要么去找室友要钥匙,但排练很重要,怕打扰她不太好。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:The girl locks her key in the dorm and couldnt get in, but she needs t

13、o write a paper on sociology, and her outline is left in the dorm. Her roomie is having a rehearsal with the orchestra right now, so she could either go to the library and wait for her roomie, or go find her roomie for the key to unlock the door. Id take the first option, cause its impolite to bump

14、into the rehearsal and interrupt her roomie, which could be embarrassing; it would be much better if she prepares her paper in the library and wait for her roomie there, as she could check up for some reference and info which may be helpful for her research. Even tho she doesnt have her outline at hand, it wont be a big deal, since she could still make the best use of her time in the library, and Im sure that it wont be long before her roomie finishes her rehearsal.托福口语提升开口表达前先理清楚逻辑架构


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