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1、unit 2,PEP人教版五年级英语上册优质课件,My week,PartA 第一课时,目 录,PartA 第二课时,PartA 第三课时,PartB 第一课时,PartB 第二课时,PartB 第三课时,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 上 册,Watch, listen and sing with it.,Listen and fill in the blank.,What do you have on Wednesdays?,I have _.,artChineseEnglishPE,art,Listen again an

2、d read in roles according to the following information.,Grandfather:Good morning, John. What day is it today?John:Wednesday.Grandfather:Oh, yes! What do you have on Wednesdays?John:I have art. I really like it.,Thur.,What do you have on Wednesdays?What do you have on Thursdays?What about John? Lets

3、have a look.,Free talk.,Look, answer and watch.,1. Who are they? They are John and his grandpa.2. Where are they? They are at home.3. What day is it? Its Wednesday.What are they talking about? Lets watch the video.,Watch again and answer.,1. What does John have on Thursdays? He has maths, English an

4、d music.2. What does his Grandpa do on Thursdays? His grandpa has a cooking class.,Listen to the tape and read after it.,John:Grandpa! Look at my picture.Grandfather:Great! What do you have on Thursdays? John:I have maths, English and music. Grandfather:Oh, I love music! Whos your music teacher?,Joh

5、n:Mr Young.Grandfather:Is he strict? John:No. Hes funny. What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa?Grandfather:Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma! John:Haha!,Listen to the tape and read after it.,Read and tick or cross.,1. John has many classes on Mondays. ( )2. His grandfather likes music very

6、 much. ( )3. Mr Young is funny. ( )4. Grandfather has a cooking class on Thursdays. ( ),1. What do you have on Thursdays? I have maths, English and music.,【详解】这组对话用来询问及回答某人某天的课程安排。可直 接用课程名称作答。,句型结构:What do/does + 主语 + have + on + 表示星期的名词? 主语 + have/has + 课程名称./课程名称.,e.g. What does he have on Wednesd

7、ays? He has PE and art.,强调每周的这一天都如此。,2. What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa? Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma!,【详解】这组对话用来询问及回答某人的日常安排。第一个do 是助动词,第二个do是实意动词。,句型结构:What do/does + 主语 + do on/in + 时间? 主语 + 动词/动词短语 + 其他.,e.g. What does your father do in the evening? He usually reads newspape

8、rs.,Read in roles according to the following information.,John:Grandpa! Look at my picture.Grandfather:Great! What do you have on Thursdays? John:I have maths, English and music. Grandfather:Oh, I love music! Whos your music teacher?,John:Mr Young.Grandfather:Is he strict? John:No. Hes funny. What d

9、o you do on Thursdays, Grandpa?Grandfather:Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma! John:Haha!,Lets act out.,Pair Work,Mike和妈妈正在讨论Mike的周四课程及任课老师。依据Lets talk所学,创编新的对话。,What do we have on Wednesdays and Thursdays?,What do we have on Wednesdays?,We have ,A. grandpa B. Thursday C. maths D. Wednesda

10、y E. cooking,1.,一、连一连。,2.,3.,4.,5.,二、选一选。,( ) 1. Tom! Look _ that elephant. Its tall and strong! A. in B. at C. on( ) 2. Is he funny? No, he _. A. is B. is not C. isnt ( ) 3. What do you have _ Wednesdays? A. on B. with C. in( ) 4. _ do you do on Thursdays? I have music and PE class. A. Where B. Wha

11、t C. When,B,A,C,B,1. Thursdays, what, they, do, on, have (?)_2. is, very, my, strict, teacher, English (.)_3. Chinese, on, we, Wednesdays, have, maths, and (.) _4. cooking, grandma, I, your, class, with, a, have (.) _,What do they have on Thursdays?,My English teacher is very strict.,We have maths a

12、nd Chinese on Wednesdays.,I have a cooking class with your grandma.,三、连词成句。,I want to know,我们应该珍惜时间,合理安排时间。珍惜宝贵的学习机会。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了两个星期单词:Wednesday, Thursday。 2.学习了下列句型: What do you have/do on ? I have ,七彩课堂 伴你成长,背本课时所学的关于星期的单词。,听、跟读“Lets talk”并与同伴角色扮演。,one,two,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 上 册,Sing a song

13、: Days of the week.,Free talk.,What day is it today?What do you have today?Lets look at Wu Yifans schedule together.,Timetable,What do you have on Mondays?,I have Chinese, English, maths and music.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,Engli

14、sh,English,music,science,computer class,What are Robin and Wu Yifan talking about?,Lets listen and find.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,We have Chinese, English, maths and music on Monday.,

15、Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,We have maths, science, Chinese and art on Tuesday.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,E

16、nglish,music,science,computer class,We have Chinese, maths, art and English on Wednesday.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,We have maths, Chinese, English and computer class on Thursday.,Chin

17、ese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,We have PE, music, science and English on Friday.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English

18、,music,science,computer class,We have no classes on Saturday.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,sun(太阳) + day(天),= Sunday,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chine

19、se,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,week(周) + end(结束),= weekend,作比较,1. 首字母:2. 后三位:3. 复数形式:4. 缩写:,大写,day,+s,Mon.,Tues.,Wed.,Thur.,Fri.,Sat.,Sun.,Lets write.,1. Listen again. Read and imitate.,2. Act it out in groups and find the best group.,What do you have on Mond

20、ays?,I have Chinese, English, maths and music.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,我指你说,星期日,星期六,星期五,星期四,星期一,星期二,星期三,老师指图片,三名同学比赛说出英语,看谁反应

21、最快。,我说你拍,星期日,星期六,星期五,星期四,星期一,星期二,星期三,老师说英语,三名同学比赛拍图片,看谁反应最快。,Pair work.,Chinese,English,maths,music,maths,art,Chinese,PE,English,science,Chinese,maths,maths,art,Chinese,English,English,music,science,computer class,What do you have on ?I have ,传声筒八人一组站成一排。每组第一名同学任意抽取一张句卡,记在心里。老师发布开始指令“start”,首位同学开始把记

22、下的句子小声传给下一名组员,再由这位组员往下传。最后一名组员把听到的句子大声说出来。又快又准确的小组获胜!,Play a game.,Work out a schedule with your partner.,I have PE, music, science and English.,Is it Monday?,No.,Is it Friday?,Yes!,拿出上节课自制的课程表,同桌两人一人随机念课程表上一天的课程,另一名同学猜一猜说的是课程表中周几的课程。eg: A: I have PE, Music, science and English. B: Is it Monday? A:

23、No. B: Is it Friday? A: Yes.,Pair work.,I want to know,在中国,人们都把星期一作为一周的开始。在英、美等西方国家,人们习惯把Sunday作为一周的开始, Saturday作为一周的最后一天。,Wednesday,一、根据中文意思写出星期单词。,1.星期一 2.星期二 3.星期三 4.星期四,5.星期五 6.星期六 7.星期日,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Sunday,Monday,Saturday,Tuesday,Friday,Thursday,二、选一选。,( ) 1. What do you have _ Thursdays? A. i

24、n B. at C. on( ) 2. I _ English, maths, PE and art. A. am B. do C. have ( ) 3. Is it _? A. Saturday B. sunday C. saturday( ) 4. _ is the first of the week. A. Monday B. weekend C. Sunday,C,A,C,C,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了下列单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend。2.学习了询问某天课程安

25、排的句型: What do you have on Mondays? I have Chinese, English, maths and music.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,与同伴继续开展Lets learn和Lets play的对话。,one,two,熟记本节课所学的关于星期的单词。,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 上 册,萝卜蹲,Play a game.,Sunday蹲, Sunday蹲,Sunday蹲完了,Monday蹲。,八人一组,分别带上单词头饰,围成一个圈。从Sunday这里开始做。第一遍按照一周的先后顺序活动。第二遍再打乱顺序,随意指令某一个蹲。反应慢的同学将被淘汰。,W

26、atch and chant.,They are Mr Greens feet.,feet,/i:/,ee,Mr Green likes to eat beef.,Mr Lee likes to read books.,eat,beef,read,ea,Mr Green likes to eat beef.,meet,Mr Lee likes to read books.,tea,/i:/,ee/ea,When Mr Green and Mr Lee meet, What do they like to do?,They like to drink tea.,feet,beef,meet,te

27、a,read,eat,Watch and follow.,feet,beef,meet,tea,read,eat,ee,ea,/i:/,/i:/,feet,beef,meet,tea,read,eat,Listen and circle the words your hear. Then read them.,3,1,2,feet,meet,tea,read,eat,beef,repeat,feed,see,meet,feet,see,/i:/,ee,3,1,2,feet,meet,tea,read,eat,beef,repeat,feed,see,feed,beef,read,tea,eat

28、,/i:/,ea,repeat,I like to _ by the sea.,Have some _ and _.,_ the baby.,read,beef,tea,Feed,Listen and fill in the blanks.,Read the word as fast as you can.,read,meet,repeat,tea,beef,feet,eat,read,see,feed,I can read more words like these.,bee,feel,sea,wheel,please,meal,deal,meat,read,meet,repeat,tea,

29、beef,feet,eat,read,see,feed,teacher,/i:/的发音要领和发音口型图,字母组合ea还可以发/e/音:,如:weather(天气), bread(面包), sweater(毛衣), head(头), breakfast(早餐)等。,1. e r a d 2. t e m e 3. d e f e 4. t a e 5. e t e f 6. e s e,一、按正确顺序写出下列单词。,4. ( ),1. ( ),2. ( ),3. ( ),5. ( ),6. ( ),teachereat,headread,meat meet,weatherrepeat,readb

30、eef,seesea,二、判断各组单词中红色部分发音是否相同。,( ) 1. A. bee B. bear C. see,( ) 2. A. repeat B. beef C. bread,( ) 3. A. eat B. tea C. ready,( ) 4. A. head B. read C. eat,( ) 5. A. meat B. heavy C. meet,C,B,B,C,A,三、选出每组中划线部分发音不同的一项。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,七彩课堂 伴你成长,写五组字母组合ee与ea发/i:/音的单词。,听、跟读Read, listen and chant.,one,two,人 教

31、PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 上 册,Watch, listen and chant with it.,Play a game.,踩地雷Monday是地雷,出现时,不能读出来,而应发出“砰”的爆炸声。,Tuesday,Tuesday,Monday,Monday,Wednesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Saturday,weekend,Sunday,Sunday,Monday,Monday,weekend,Wednesday,Sunday,Saturday,Friday,Thursday,Monday,What

32、day is it today?,What do you have on Fridays?,Do you have any classes on Saturdays?,Do you have any classes on Sundays?,What do you often do on the weekend?,In our class, who likes playing football on the weekend?,Zhang Peng likes playing football too. He calls Oliver to play football with him. Lets

33、 have a look.,Free talk.,It is Saturday morning. Zhang Peng calls Oliver. Listen and tick.,Listen again and answer the questions.,1. Do they play football this afternoon? No, they dont.2. Does Oliver often clean his room on Saturdays? Yes, he does.,Listen again, then read in roles according to the f

34、ollowing information.,Zhang Peng:Hi, Oliver. This is Zhang Peng. Lets play football this afternoon. Oliver:Sorry. I will clean my room this afternoon.Zhang Peng:Do you often clean your room on Saturdays? Oliver:Yes, I do.Zhang Peng:OK, bye then. See you on Monday. Oliver:Bye.,Its Saturday afternoon.

35、 Some children are in the park.,1. Who are they? Zhang Peng and Sarah.2. Where are they? In the park.3. What do they have? Zhang Peng has a football. Sarah has a book.What are they talking about? Lets watch the video.,Watch again and tick or cross.,( ) Sarah often reads books in the park.( ) Zhang P

36、eng often plays football in the park.,Read and find the answer.,(Its Saturday afternoon.)Zhang Peng:Hi, Sarah. Whats that? Sarah:Its a storybook.Zhang Peng:Do you often read books in this park? Sarah:No, I dont. Do you often play football here?Zhang Peng:Yes, I do. I like this park very much. Sarah:

37、Me too.,Do you often read books in the park? No, I dont.,【详解】这组对话常用来询问及回答对方是否经常做某事。,句型结构:Do + 主语 + often + 动词/动词短语 + 其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + do.否定回答: No, 主语 + dont.,Listen and read in roles according to the following information.,(Its Saturday afternoon.)Zhang Peng:Hi, Sarah. Whats that? Sarah:Its a story

38、book.Zhang Peng:Do you often read books in this park? Sarah:No, I dont. Do you often play football here?Zhang Peng:Yes, I do. I like this park very much. Sarah:Me too.,Listen and read after it.,(Its Saturday afternoon.)Zhang Peng:Hi, Sarah. Whats that? Sarah:Its a storybook.Zhang Peng:Do you often r

39、ead books in this park? Sarah:No, I dont. Do you often play football here?Zhang Peng:Yes, I do. I like this park very much. Sarah:Me too.,1. Read the text freely.,2. Act it out group by groups. We will find the best group.,Yes, I do,Do you often play ping-pong on the weekend?,No, I dont.,Do you ofte

40、n listen to music?,play ping-pongplay footballlisten to music,Pair work.,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, /No, ,Make dialogues.,周五,Amy遇见了John。他们开始谈论各自周末的活动及周内的课程。发现爱好相同,准备一起去活动。根据情境及所学句型,创编对话。,A: What do you have on ?B: I have A: Do you often on the weekend?B: Yes, A: Lets ,一、连一连。,A. play football B

41、. clean my room C. play ping-pong D. read books E. listen to music,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,二、选一选。,( ) 1. _ you often go to school on Mondays? A. Are B. Do C. Is( ) 2. Do you often play football on Tuesdays? No, I _. A. am B. dont C. do( ) 3. Do they listen to music _ the weekend? A. on B. at C. in,B,A,B,1. y

42、ou, this, often, park, books, do, read, in, (?)_2. you, on, do, play, the, often, football, weekend (?)_3. like, very, I, this, park, much (.)_,Do you often read books in this park?,Do you often play football on the weekend?,I like this park very much.,三、连词成句。,Oliver经常在周末打扫自己的房间;张鹏经常在周末踢足球锻炼身体;Sarah

43、周末读故事书。我们要合理安排自己的周末时间。既要注意坚持锻炼身体,又要学会打理自己的日常生活规范。合理安排自己的学习时间和日常生活活动,做到有张有弛,劳逸结合。,I want to know,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了下列单词:often, park。2. 学习了下列动词短语:read books, play football, clean ones room。3.学习了下列句型: Do you often ? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,听、跟读Lets talk。做到朗读流利。,与同伴运用句型Do you often ? Yes /No 互相询问

44、周末经常从事的活动。,one,two,画一些表示动词短语的图片。,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 上 册,Watch, listen and sing with it.,Play a game ”I do you say”.,Do you often read on Saturdays?No, I dont.Do you often play football on Saturdays?Yes, I do.,Free talk.,What do you have on Mondays?,What do you have on Wednesdays?,What about on the

45、weekend?,When do you do these activities?,Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?,Do you often watch TV on the weekend?,Do you often do homework on the weekend?,Do you often read books on the weekend?,Do you often play football on the weekend?,注意:play后跟球、棋、牌类等名词时,名词前不加任何冠词。,Lets write.,wash m

46、y clothes,watch TV,do homework,read books,play football,1. Listen and read after it.,2. Act it out in groups. Find the best group.,Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?,Yes, I do.,do homework,watch TV,draw pictures,wash my clothes,clean my room,read books,play the pipa,一名同学上台表演动作,其他同学猜,看谁反应

47、最快!,What do you often do on the weekend?,I often do my homework, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend.,I often read books on the weekend.,I often wash my clothes, clean my room and play the pipa on the weekend.,What about you?,I often ,开火车 一列同学为一组。第一名同学问第二名同学What do you often do on the weekend?

48、第二名同学回答后再问第三名同学。以此类推。最快的一列为获胜组。,滚雪球 教师提问What do you often do on the weekend? 第一名同学回答,如:I often do my homework. 第二名同学重复第一名同学后再加上新的词组,如:I often do my homework and read books.第三名同学在此基础上再加一个新的词组。以此类推。,Play a game “I am fast”.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,传话游戏 老师轻声告知第一名同学一个词组,这名学生把听到的词组悄悄传给下一名学生,以此类推。最后一名同学用动作表演出来,

49、看看本组猜词的同学能否正确地说出来。之后全班朗读。,Play a game.,小组内运用句型Do you often on the weekend?及What do you often do on the weekend?互相询问,并完成右边的调查表。,wash my clothes,一、写出图片所表示的动词短语。,watch TV,do homework,read books,play football,二、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。,( ) 1. I often do my homework on the weekend.,( ) 2. We often play footbal

50、l on Sundays.,( ) 3. We often read books in this park on the weekend.,T,F,F,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了下列动词短语:wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football。2. 学习了询问及描述自己周末安排的句子: What do you often do on the weekend? I often do homework, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend. 3. 学习了问同样问题避


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