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1、国际商法 International Business Law,黎雨苗 2016年2月,你所理解的国际商法? Why Should You Study Law?,Why Should You Study Law?,The benefits from mastering the knonwledge and skills of law. In the domain of business, just as the pricing practices of competitors must be taken into account in formulating long- or short-te

2、rm strategy, so must the legal environment of business be considered. 在商务活动中,制定长期或短期战略时,就像必须考虑竞争者的定价情况一样,法律环境必须加以考虑。,For example, in considering whether to entering a foreign market, a manager must determine whether contracts entered into in that nation can be enforced, whether intellectual property

3、 such as trade secrets, trademarks, and patents can be protected, and whether taxation and the threat of expropriation present intolerable risks. 例如,在考虑是否进入某外国市场是,管理者必须确认在这个国家,合同是否能够执行;商业秘密、商标、专利等知识财产是否受到保护;税收和财产征收的威胁是否处于不能接受的风险之中。,Why Should You Study Law?,Case1:Microsoft Corporation, a fabulously

4、successful company in many ways, paid little attention to the antitrust laws in its early years. Because of that, it suffered several adverse judgments and spent tens of millions of dollars defending lawsuits. Yet IBM earns $1.5 billion per year in licensing revenue from its patents, trade secrets,

5、and other forms of intellectual property. 案例1:作为一家在很多方面都极为成功的公司,微软公司在其早期对反垄断法不太关注,因而遭到了几次不利的法庭审判,花去了上千万美元来应诉。而IBM公司每年通过发放专利、商业秘密以及其他形式的知识财产许可赚取了15亿美元。,Why Should You Study Law?,国际商法(INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW ),第一章 国际商法的概述(INTRODUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW )第二章 国际商事组织法(LAW OF BUSINESS ORGAN


7、INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS)第十章 国际商事纠纷解决(RESOLUTION OF INTERNATION BUSINESS DISPUTES),第一章 国际商法的概述(INTRODUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW ),1.1 Definition of International business law1.2 Sources of International business law1.3 Major Legal Systems of the World1.4 Legal Risk of International bus

8、iness Transaction1.5 Contents of International business law1.6 Introduction to the Civil and Commercial Laws of China,Key Terms,1、norms:标准、规范、法则、规则、准则。该词一般在组织或惯例中,不在立法机关所制定的法律中体现。2、law:法律、法令。3、code:法典、法规。集中体现的法规。4、regulation:条例、规则、规章。表示用以指导管理或控制某系统或某组织的规则或原则。5、rule:规则、规章。团体的规章、条例或比赛规则等,常与regulation互

9、换。6、prevision:规定、规范。具体部门的所制定的规定。7、procedures:程序、办法。具体部门或行业为实施某法律所制定的具体步骤。8、institutions:制度、法律、法令。制度、公共机构或诉讼的提起。9、legal doctrine:法律理论。10、legal validity:法律效力。,1.1 Definition of International business law,Generally,we can define international business law as the body of legal rules and norms that regul

10、ate international commercial trade and international business organizations. 国际商法是调整国际商事关系的法律规范的总称,既包括国际商事关系,又包括国际商事组织关系。,The Meaning of international,A commercial transaction is international if : 1. The parties have their place of business in different States or Countries;(不同的国家) 2.The parties hav

11、e their nationalities from Countries; (不同的国籍) 3.The commercial activities are performed in a State or District outside the Country or Countries of one or more parties;(非本国内进行商事活动) 4.The object of the commercial relationship is located in a State District outside the Country or Countries of one or mo

12、re parties;(商事关系的对象),The Meaning of Commercial,According to UNCITRAL Model Law on international Commercial Arbitration:(联合国国际商事仲裁示范法) The term commercialshould be given s wide interpretation so as to cover matters arising from all relationships of a commercial nature, whether contractual or not. 契约性

13、或非契约性的一切商事性质的关系所引起的种种事情。,The Meaning of Commercial,根据我国于1987年加入1958年在纽约通过的承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约(Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign arbitral Awards,the “New York” Convention)时所作的商事保留声明,所谓“商事”,包括货物买卖、财产租赁、工程承包、加工承揽、技术转让、合资经营、合作经营、勘探开发自然资源、保险、信贷、劳务、代理、咨询服务和海上、民用航空、铁路、公路的客货运输以及产品责任、环境污染、海上

14、事故和所有权争议等。,讨论,某英国籍贯男子和法国籍女子结婚,是否适用国际商法?某中国籍男子继承了其美国籍姑姑的一栋别墅,是否适用国际商法?某中国籍男子在美国购买了10部IPHONE 6 ,是否适用国际商法?,国际商法与其他部门的关系,国际公法(Public international law) 国际私法(Private international law) 国际经济法(International economic law),1.2 Sources of International business law and Principles of International business law

15、,渊源:水流起头的地方,引申为事物的本质。 法律渊源:1.法的起源,法律产生的依据; 2.法律规范的具体表现形式;国际商法的渊源:1.International conventions and treaties(国际商事条约)2.International customs and usages(国际商事惯例)3.National business laws(商事立法),1.International conventions and treaties,Treaties are binding agreements under international law entered into by a

16、ctor international law,namely states and international organizations.条约:是指两个或两个以上的国际法主体之间依照国际法缔结的据以确定其相互权利与义务的书面协议。Convention: legally binding agreements between states sponsored by an international organization.公约是指由国际组织发起的约束两个或更多的国家的法律协议。国际法主体构成三要件:A具有独立参与国际关系的资格 B具体直接享有国际法上权利的能力C具有直接承担国际法上义务的能力如国

17、家、国际组织、争取独立的民族等。,国际商法上的主要公约,1.1983年国际货物销售代理公约(convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods)2.1964年国际货物买卖统一法公约(convention on Uniform Law for the International Sale of Goods)3.1980年联合国国际货物销售合同公约(United Nations Convention on Contract of International Sales of Goods,CISG)4.海牙规则或称统一提单的若干法律规定的国

18、际公约(Hague Rules)(International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rule of Law Relating to Bill of Lading)5.1883年保护工业产权巴黎公约(Pairs Convention on the Proction of Industrial Property)6.1886年保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约(Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Words),International trade custo

19、m and usage,Custom and usage refer to the general rules and practices that practices that have become generally adopted thorugh unvarying habit and common use. 商事惯例:也称国际贸易惯例(trade usage),是国际商法的另一个重要渊源。是指具有相对确定的内容、对当事人不具有约束力但在一定领域内为大家所普遍遵循的商事性规范。 商事惯例应具备的三个条件: 1、具有确定的商事内容,即明确了当事人的权利和义务; 2、已成为国际商事活动中反

20、复使用的习惯; 3、是各国普遍承认具有约束力的通例。 注:custom ,usage and general practice区别。,International trade custom and usage,Custom is a long-established tradition or usage that becomes customary law if it is (a) consistently and regularly observed and (b) recognized by those states observing it as a practice that they

21、must obligatorily follow. 习惯是长期形成的传统和实践做法,如果满足以下条件,习惯就变成习惯法: (1)持续和经常性地遵守; (2)在实践中被义务性地遵从的国家承认。,国际商事惯例的效力,国际商事惯例是在国际商事活动的长期实践中逐渐形成和发展起来的商事规则,在性质上,它不是国际条约或公约,也不是国际立法,所以一般不具有法律拘束力。但是,某项具体的国际商事惯例规则,一旦被当事人选择适用,即对当事人具有相当法律的约束力,法院或仲裁机构可以据此裁决或强制执行。 较大影响的有:1935年华沙牛津规则(Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932)、1941年美国对外贸易定义

22、修正本(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms2000)、2007年跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600),国际贸易术语解释通则Incoterms2000,National business laws,Domestic law is the rules that govern actions of people, organizations and governments within a country. 国内法是规范一国之内个人、组织和政府行为的规则。 The difference be

23、tween international law and national law is that national law can be fully enforced by government authorities, but international law is voluntarily agreed to and obeyed by independent nations because there is no world government. 国际法与国内法的差别在于国内法可以由政府机构全权实施,而国际法则只能由独立主权的国家自愿同意和遵守,因为不存在世界政府。,procedura

24、l law,substantial law,public law,custom law,statute law,case law,private law,civil law,administrative law,constitutional law,criminal,criminal procedure,civil procedure,图1-1 Classifications of Law,national/domesic law,international law,程序法,Case study,2001年12月,中国深圳某进出口公司与某德国公司签订了6万箱芦笋罐头出口合同,价格条件为FOB青


26、已知道或理应知道的惯例,而这种惯例,在国际贸易上,已为有关特定贸易所涉同类合同的当事人所广泛知道并为他们所经常遵守。Incoterms2000是国际贸易领域最具影响且为此领域当事人所广泛知道和经常遵守的国际商事惯例。 从本案来看,由于中国和德国都是联合国国际货物买卖合同公约的成员国,该公约适用于本案。根据联合国国际货物买卖合同公约第9条之规定,本案当事人选用了FOB术语,而无其它另行约定,所以,应当认定Incoterms2000适用于本案。按照Incoterms2000的有关规定,FOB术语项下,联系船舶、签订运输合同是买方的义务。,案例分析:,但是,作为国际商事惯例, Incoterms20

27、00的规定可以被当事人通过明确约定而加以修改,即当事人另行明确约定的效力高于Incoterms2000的效力。在本案中,因为双方合同明确约定由作为卖方的深圳公司负责联系船舶其无权再以Incoterms2000的一般规定来推脱自己的责任。所以,德国公司关于要求深圳公司承担联系船舶的主张应该得到支持,深圳公司应承担合同未能履行的违约责任。,History of International Business Law,1、Ancient Roman Law stage (古罗马法阶段)2、Jus Mercatorum stage (商人习惯法阶段)3、Nationalized stage (商法本国化

28、阶段)4、The Development and Tendency of Modern International Business Law,National business laws(商事立法),国内立法仍调整国际商事关系原因:1.国际条约的参加国数量参差不齐2.商事关系不断发展,国际商法具有滞后性3.条约和惯例的非强制性效力:不具有域外效力,判决需相关国家承认,Case study,A公司是美国商人在中国厦门设立的独资企业。同年3月,A公司与营业地位于福州B公司签订1000台电脑买卖合同,同年6月前交货,交货地点在B公司营业地。除其他条款外,合同还约定:因本合同发生纠纷,双方应友好协商解

29、决。若协商不成,则提交厦门市中级人民法院根据联合国国际货物买卖合同公约解决。后由于A公司无法按时交货,福州B公司向A公司提出索赔要求,双方因赔偿金额问题发生争议,诉至厦门市中级人民法院。 请问:本案中,A与B所签合同对适用法律的约定是否有效?,案例分析:,A公司作为在中国设立的外商独资企业,是中国企业法人,其与同属中国企业法人的B公司之间的买卖关系,属于国内商事关系,而不是国际商事关系。联合国国际货物买卖合同公约作为调整国际商事关系的国际公约,适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物买卖合同。 因此,上述合同对适用法律的约定无效。本案不能适用联合国国际货物买卖合同公约,而应适用中华人民共

30、和国合同法。,Principles of International Business Law,1、Bona fides(Principle of good faith)2、Principle of autonomy of will od the parties3、Principle of fairness4、Principle of facilitating transaction5、Principle of recognition of international commercial customs and pratices,Comparative law is the study, a

31、nalysis, and comparison of the worlds municipal law systems. Comparative lawyers classify countries into legal families. 比较法是对世界上国内法体系进行研究、分析和比较的学科。比较法学家把国家分成不同的法系。,1.3 Major Legal Systems of the World,1.3 Major Legal Systems of the World,两大法系是西方国家法制长期发展的结果。 两大法系对世界各国法律制度,尤其是对 国际商事法律制度具有深远的影响。 英美法系,

32、又称(普通法系)Common-Law System 大陆法系,Civil-Law System,英美法系(普通法系)Common-Law System,Anglo-American Common Law system (also known as Common law system ) is the legal system of England and countries were once English colonies, which is based primarily on court-made rules or precedent. 盎格鲁-美利坚法系,又称为普通法法系,指的是英格

33、兰以及曾经是英国殖民地的国家的法律体系,法庭创制的规则或先例该法系法律的基本渊源。 由普通法和衡平法两部分组成。 The common law thus came to be made by judges.,衡平法 (Equity),衡平法 (Equity) ,也称平衡法、公平法、公正法。 根据公平与正义比普通法更重要的思想而建立的一些法则。因此,在裁决法律诉讼时,如果在法律原则和公平原则之间产生分歧,那么公平原则应占上风,法庭并会按此作出裁决。现时,所有法院可同时适用衡平法和普通法。而当衡平法与普通法出现矛盾,便以衡平法为归依。 “法越严时无辜者伤害也就越大 ” (Summum jus,su

34、mma injuria,summa lex,summa crux) ,通常指普通法过严,约束一人也就有害于他人,如无衡平法来调节,则不公道,所以衡平法代表公平 (Equity dele gate equality) 。,衡平法 (Equity),所谓“衡平法”是指大法官通过判决发展起来的一套独立于“普通法”之外特别规则。 衡平法规则并不与普通法规则相对抗。也不旨在废除或取代普通法规则,相反,衡平法是普通法的拾遗,注释和补充;衡平法规则极为重要,它有时起到了有效地缓解普通法规则过于严苛的作用,从而克服普通法的保守僵化,弥补普通法的空缺陈旧。 两者是法典与法典补充条款之间的关系,正文与注释之间的关

35、系。,英美法系(普通法系)Common-Law System,特点:第一,法律渊源以判例为主。第二,没有严格区分公私法。第三,诉讼上以对抗制为主。第四,法律推理上以归纳法为主。第五,法官在法律发展中处于重要地位。法官造法。非“自动售货机”。,大陆法系,Civil-Law System,Romano-Germanic Civil Law system (also known as Civil law system , continental law system) refers to the legal system derived from roman and Germanic practic

36、e and set out in national law codes. 罗马-日尔曼法系,又称为民法法系,它们源自罗马和德国的法律实践,其国内法律规则通常都体现在法典之中。形成于西欧,以法国民法典和德国民法典为主要代表的法律体系的总称。 强调成文法的作用,结构上强调系统化,条理化、法典化好逻辑化,并将全部法律分为公法和私法。 公法:宪法、行政法、刑法、和国际公法等; 私法:民法和商法,大陆法系,Civil-Law System,罗马法:公元前7世纪前后的古代罗马简单商品经济时期最完备的法律(马克思) 市民法;万民法1804年法国民法典自由资本主义时期1896年德国民法典垄断资本主义时期,大陆

37、法系,Civil-Law System,(二)大陆法系的主要特点第一,法律的成文化。第二,公私法分野明确。第三,诉讼上以职权制为主。第四,法院组织层次基本相同。第五,法律推理上以演绎法为主。,1.4 Legal Risk of International business Transaction,(1)贸易国环境变化导致的风险 (2)贸易伙伴原因导致的风险 (3)国际市场价格波动带来的风险 (4)货物运输过程中带来的风险(5)货币汇兑中的风险(6)国际市场价格波动货物运输过程产品质量问题造成的风险及防范(7)知识产权纠纷引起的风险(8)货物交易中被骗风险,1.5 Contents of Int

38、ernational business law,1.Introduction to International Business Law2.Law of business Organizations3.Law of Agency4.International Sale of Goods5.International Contract law6.International Cargo Transportants and Insurance7.Finance of International trade8.Law of Intellectual Property Rights9.Internati

39、onal Commercial Arbitration,1.6 Introduction to the Civil and Commercial Laws of China,民法的概念,民法是调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间的财产关系和人身关系的法律规范的总称。(民法通则第2条)财产关系:物质性财产和非物质性财产。人身关系:人格关系和身份关系。,民法的基本原则,1、平等原则2、自愿原则3、公平原则4、诚实信用原则5、公序良俗原则,商法的概念,商法是调整有关商事关系的一系列法律规范的总称。作为商法调整对象的商事关系是一种财产关系,且只调整私人财产关系。 内容:公司法、合伙法、破产

40、法、海商法、保险法、票据法、外资企业法、中外合资经营企业法、中外合作经营企业法、个人独资企业法;,商法的特征,1、私法性和公法性2、国内性和国际性3、实体性和程序性4、冲突性和协调性5、伦理性和技术性6、稳定性和进步性,Case study :Gaskin v.Stumm Handel GMBH,Questions:1.Why did Gaskin claim he was not bound by the forum selection clause included in the contract to which he agreed?2.Would the outcome have be

41、en different had Gaskin been illiterate?3.Which party, if any ,is obligated to provide translation services when dealing with matters in two different languages?4.If prudent companies execute two copies of a contract ,one in each language, which is the operable and effecive document?,Case study :Gas

42、kin v.Stumm Handel GMBH,1.Why did Gaskin claim he was not bound by the forum selection clause included in the contract to which he agreed?Answer:Gaskin asserted that since he did not understand what a forum selection clause was,due to it being in German, he could not have agreed to it.2.Would the ou

43、tcome have been different had Gaskin been illiterate?Answer:No.In fact, Gaskin was illiterate - in German.One who signs a contract is bound by that agreement,otherwise Gaskin could simply nullify contractual provisions through his inattentiveness or purposeful neglect in reading them.,3.Which party,

44、 if any ,is obligated to provide translation services when dealing with matters in two different languages?Answer:Neither party is obligated,but translation services are available worldwide.The local offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce can assist a U.S. firm in arranging translation services abroad.One should clarify this in advance with the host.,Case study :Gaskin v.Stumm Handel GMBH,


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