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1、1,Unit 1Laughter is good for you,Word power,2,Where do stand-up comedian perform?,On the stage,3,What are the people on the stage doing?,They are performing a play.,4,Enjoy a play,5,Guess the meaning of words in blue on Page 6 part A,6,They are _.,actors,They are _.,actresses,7,actors,actresses,cast

2、,全体演员,8,directors,: people _ charge of a play,in,9,lines,台词,10,_(win) that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.,Winning,11,How do you say goodbye to someone you cant imagine _(live) without?,living,12,Lines can be found in the_.,script skript,剧本,13,Act 1Act 2,Scripts,Scene 1Scene 2,幕,

3、场,14,周朴园(惊愕)“什么?她还在?”“周朴园(徐徐立起)哦,你,你,你是。”周朴园不觉地望望柜上的相片,又望侍萍,半晌。,stage direction,舞台说明,15,Very short play in which all the action occurs at one time, in one place is called:,one-act play,独幕剧,16,Part B,Lets learn more words aboutperforming on a stage.,17,stage,wing,边厢,18,curtain k:tn,幕布,19,lights,20,co

4、stume,21,prop,道具,22,scenery si:nri,舞台布景,23,Read Part C and fill in the blanks.,24,Idiomsdim about smiling and laughing,习语,25,1. Laugh ones head off,literallyltrli照字面意思地,26,Laugh ones head offLaugh oneself s_Laugh oneself s_,illy,ick,27,The crowd booed him when he scored, but he just laugh it off.,Bo

5、o bu:,嘘声/喝倒彩,一笑置之,28,2. Smile on someoneLucky/Fortune was smiling on me that day.,好运降临,29,Smile from e_ to e_咧嘴笑; 笑得合不拢嘴,ar,ar,30,He has been all smiles these days.,笑容满面,31,Which picture shows a plastic smile?,假笑,32,Which one shows a _(force) smile?,forced,33,34,Most young people dont use these emoi

6、j because they w_ _ _ _ a fake/forced/artificial/plastic smile.,wear,35,Let your smile _(change) the world, but dont let the world _(change) your smile.,change,change,36,1. to have the last laugh: to make someone who has criticized or defeated you look stupid by succeeding in something more important or by seeing them fail.eg: They fired her last year, but she had the last laugh because she was taken on by their main rivals at twice the salary.,More idioms,


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