考点破解6 谓语动词课件.ppt

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1、1,在下列各句空白处填入所给词的正确形式,并说明理由。1.(2015卷I61) It was raining lightly when I _(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didnt care.,由主句谓语动词“was raining”和后句的谓语动词“didnt care”可知,arrive应用一般过去时。句意是“当我们在天亮前到达阳朔时,正在下着小雨”。,arrived,2,2.(2015卷I67) Yangshuo _ (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers conducted b

2、y the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.,指目前的状态或客观存在的状态,用一般现在时,下句谓语动词names是一般现在时,也有提示作用;主语Yangshuo是第三人称单数,故填is。,is,3,3.(2015卷II68) At the same time, they warm up again for the night. This cycle _ (go) day after day. The walls warm up during the day an

3、d cool off during the night and thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures.,因上句谓语动词“warm up”与下句中的谓语动词“warm up”和“cool off”都是一般现在时,故此处的go也用一般现在时才能保持时态一致;主语This cycle是第三人称单数,故填goes。,goes,4,4.(2014卷I61) In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio.

4、 It _(be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.,指1969年的情况,用一般过去时,上下句谓语动词的时态(was, could)也提示我们用一般过去时,指当时无法想象;又因主语It是第三人称单数,故填was。,was,5,5.(2014卷II45) A boy on a bike _ (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.,在句中作谓语,考虑时态和语态;a boy与catch是主动关系,又由语境(如was riding)可知用一

5、般过去时,故填caught。,caught,6,6.(2014样卷1) Mum: (putting on her coat) Im going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.Alan: Why?Mum: Im not sure what _ (happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table when I went to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because theyre

6、 gone.,在宾语从句中,what是主语,happen应为谓语动词,故要考虑其时态;从下文made, left, went, must have taken(一定已拿走)等可知,用一般过去时。,happened,7,7.(2014样卷9) Alan: (opening the fridge door) Well, it wasnt me. But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of the fridge?Mum: Are they there? Oh, my goodness. I _ _ (put

7、) them there when the phone rang.,从语境中可知,意思是“我一定是在电话铃响时把它们放进那里了”,对过去情况的推测,表示“一定已经”,用“must have done”。(注:像此题这样需要考生根据上下文语气增加情态动词且用完成式这种复杂形式,在高考语法填空中考查的可能性极小),must,have put,8,当句中缺少谓语动词时,括号中的动词就是谓语动词。此时要考虑时态、语态、语气、主谓一致等四个方面。1.时态 确定时态的四条依据:(1)依据上下文时态一致。看上下文谓语动词是什么时态(过去/现在/将来),空格要填的动词时态一般应与上下文的时态一致。这是高考语法

8、填空中确定时态的最重要的依据(如上述真题3和4) 但需注意:客观事实或真理可能时态不一致;直接引语的时态会与引号外的时态不一致。,9,(2)依据并列谓语动词的时态一致。如:(2015广东卷) While making great efforts to run away, she _ (fall) over the hill and died. 解析:由and died可知,与之并列的fall也用一般过去时,故填fell。,fell,10,(3)依据时间状语。如recently, so far, up to now, up to the present, in the past few year

9、s常与现在完成时连用;by the end of, since 1980, for three years常与完成时连用。(4)依据固定句式。请熟读以下句式并体会句中的时态。This is the second time that I have spoken to a foreigner.这是我第二次同外国人讲话。,11,It was the second time that I had spoken to a foreigner. 这是我第二次同外国人讲话。Hardly had I got on the bus when it started to move. 我一上公交车,就开动了。I h

10、ad no sooner lain down than the telephone rang.我刚躺下,电话铃就响了。,12,I was doing my homework when she suddenly walked in.我正在做作业,突然她走了进来。I was about to do my homework when she suddenly walked in.我正要做作业,突然她走了进来。I was on the point of going out when the phone rang.我正要出去,电话响了。,13,2.语态 主语是谓语动词的执行者,即谓语动词与主语在逻辑上是

11、主动关系,用主动语态;主语是谓语动词的承受者,即谓语动词与主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,用被动语态。如:,14,(2014广东卷) but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake. We _(tell) that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week解析:句中tell (告诉)后没有sb.(人)作宾语,由tell sb. sth.这一句型可知,要用被动语态;又由上下文的时态可知,用一般过去时;主语是we,构成被动语态的be用were,故填were told。,were told,

12、15,3.语气 是否用虚拟语气,主要由一些特殊的词或句式来决定,详见考点归纳。如:(2012广东卷) Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, wearing sunglasses. He walked in as if he _ _(buy) the school. And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.,had,bought,16,解析:因buy在主格人称代词he后,

13、 显然是作谓语; 又由语境可知,他不是真的买下了这个学校, 只是他走进来时的那种气势好像是买下了这所学校一样,故应用虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,故填had bought。,17,4. 主谓一致 一般来说,主语是单数,谓语动词用单数; 主语是复数,谓语动词用复数。以上真题再练的第2, 3, 4题都涉及主谓一致。又如:(2008广东卷) Being too anxious to help an event develop often _ (result) in the contrary to our intention.解析:句中Being too anxious to help an event

14、develop是动名词短语作主语,result应是谓语动词;“急于求成,往往会事与愿违”是客观真理,应当用一般现在时;动名词短语作主语,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填results。,results,18,谓语动词涉及时态、语态、语气、主谓一致等四个考点。以下重点提醒其中两个。1.时态 尽管课标或考纲中列出了10种时态,但近两年全国卷和九年广东卷的高考真题只考查了一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。,19,尽管如此,以下8种时态的基本用法和构成还是应掌握的:,20,21,2.语气 掌握以下两类八条。,22,23,24,25,26,27,1. (2015广东卷) He sold or exchange

15、d some of the milk in the towns nearby for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what _ (leave).,介词with后应是宾语从句,连接代词what = the milk that,意为“(除了用于换其他食物的牛奶后)剩下的牛奶”;因what与leave (剩下)是被动关系,用被动语态;上下文都是过去时,也用一般过去时;what作主语,用第三人称单数,故填was left。,was left,28,2. (2013广东卷) Suddenly, he _ (find)

16、 that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt”,在主格人称代词he后,that引导的宾语从句之前,find应是谓语动词;由下文的called可判断find用一般过去时,故填found。,found,29,3. (2011广东卷) I noticed a man sitting at the front. He _ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.,在主语He后,prete

17、nd显然是谓语动词;giving it (the tiger) a voice的主语应当是He,因此,and giving与谓语动词是并列关系;由此推断, 谓语动词应是过去进行时, 故填was pretending。,was pretending,30,4. (2010广东卷) After a four-day journey, the young man _ (present) the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink,动词present(赠予)在主语the young man后,应是谓语动词;由语境及上下文的谓语动词的时

18、态可知,用一般过去时,故填presented。,presented,31,5. (2009广东卷)people stepped on your feet or _(push) you with their elbows (肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.,因主语people与push是主动关系,用主动语态;又由并列连词or可知,push与stepped应为并列谓语,时态要一致;stepped是一般过去时,push也应是一般过去时,故填pushed。,pushed,32,6. (2009广东卷) “Your father has at last d

19、ecided to stop smoking, ” Jane _ _ (inform).,因inform在主语Jane后作谓语,Jane与inform是被动关系,又是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was informed。,was,informed,33,7. (2007广东卷) I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car _(break) down near a remote village.,在when后的分句中,my car是主语,其后的break应为谓语动词;由全文可

20、知,这是叙述过去的经历,应用一般过去时;再说was / were doing when did是一个固定句型,when后面的句子的谓语用一般过去时,表示“正在做某事,就在这个时候突然发生了另外一事”,故填broke。,broke,34,8. Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, _(look) at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.,由and be可知与之并列的be是原形,由此可想到look也

21、用原形,是祈使句句型。,look,35,9. In the last few years, China _ (make) great achievements in environmental protection. 由In the last few years可知用现在完成时。10. I _(hear) nothing from him up to now.由up to now可知用现在完成时。,has made,have heard,36,11. He was about to tell me the secret when someone _ (pat) him on the shoul

22、der.由was /were about to do sth. when sb. did固定句型可知, when后句子用一般过去时。12. He _(think) about the problem when an apple fell to the ground.由was /were doing sth. when sb. did固定句型可知。,patted,was thinking,37,13. This is the first time that our whole class _ (go) out together for a picnic.在This/It is the first

23、 time that句型中,that后的谓语动词用现在完成时。,have gone,38,14. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone _ (interrupt) me that evening.在It/This was the second time (that)句型中,that从句的谓语动词用过去完成时。,had interrupted,39,15. Hardly had the game begun when it _ (start) raining. 由Hardlywhen句型可知,前面多用过去完成时

24、,when后谓语动词常用一般过去时。,started,40,16. It is reported that a space station _ _(build) on the moon in years to come. 因a space station与build之间是被动关系, 要用被动语态;又由“in years to come (未来的几年内)”可知用将来时,因此,用一般将来时的被动语态。句意:据报道, 一个空间站将在未来的几年内在月球上建成。,built,will be,41,17. As you go through this book, you _ _ (find) that e

25、ach of the millions of people who lived through World War had a different experience.,句中as引导的是时间状语从句, 从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时, 所以主句需用一般将来时。句意:当你读这本书时, 你就会发现那些经历过第二次世界大战的数百万人中的每一个人都有不同的经历。,find,will,42,18. Whatever she _ (say) will not make any difference to our arrangements.句意:无论她说什么都不会对我们的安排有影响。,says,43,1

26、9. The real reason why prices _ (be), and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. 根据空格后面的and still are(而且现在仍然是)判断, 前面是指物价过去的情况, 应用一般过去时。句意:物价过去很高, 现在依然居高不下, 其真正原因是复杂的, 不是两三句话能圆满解释的。,were,44,20. If only I _(listen) to my parents at that time! B

27、ut its too late now.因if only (但愿,要是就好了)与wish的意义和用法相同,后面的句子要用虚拟语气,由at that time可知是与过去事实相反的情况,故用过去完成时,填had listened。,had listened,45,21. If only I _(can) play the piano as well as Lang Lang.因if only后面的句子要用虚拟语气,由句意可知是与现在事实相反的情况,故用一般过去时,表示能力的can的过去时形式是could。,could,46,22. I wish I _(fly) freely in the sk

28、y like a bird.,因wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,从句意来看,是与现在事实相反的情况,“像鸟一样在蓝天飞翔”应是强调具备这种能力,故填could fly(能飞)。,could fly,47,23. But for your help we _ _ (be) late.,由but for (如果没有,要不是)可知要用虚拟语气,由句意可知是与过去事实相反的情况,故填would have been。,would have,been,48,24. The Gadfly insisted that the work _ (finish) by the middle of June.,句中i

29、nsisted作“坚持/坚决要求”,其后的宾语从句的谓语用“(should +)动词原形”;又因“工作”与“完成”是被动关系,要用被动语态,故填(should) be finished。,(should) be finished,49,25. He insisted that he _(be) not ill, but the doctor insisted that he _ _ (take) the medicine.,第一个insisted意为“坚持说,坚决认为(是怎么回事)”,其宾语从句的谓语不用虚拟语气,故填was;第二个insisted意为“坚持要求(要/该做某事)”,其宾语从句的

30、谓语要用虚拟语气,故填(should) take。,was,(should),take,50,26. I ordered that the gate _ _ (lock).,因order (命令,指示)后的宾语从句的谓语要用虚拟语气,且the gate与lock是被动关系,故填(should) be locked。,(should) be,locked,51,27. A lighted sign commanded that seat belts _ (fasten).,由commanded可知,其后的宾语从句的谓语要用(should+)动词原形,又因seat belts (安全带) 与fas

31、ten (系) 是被动关系,故填(should) be fastened。,(should) be fastened,52,28. Her pale face suggested that she _ (be) ill and her mother suggested she _ (see) a doctor.,因第一个suggest意为“显示,表明(=show)”, 其后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气,故填was;第二个suggest意为“建议”,其后的宾语从句的谓语要用(should+)动词原形,故填(should) see。,was,(should) see,53,29. They advise

32、 that a passport _ _ (carry) with you at all times.,因advise后的从句谓语要用(should+)动语原形,且a passport (护照)与carry (携带)是被动关系,故填(should) be carried。,(should) be,carried,54,30. She requested that no one _ _ (tell) of her decision until the next meeting.,因request后的从句谓语用(should+)动词原形,且on one与tell是被动关系,故填(should) b

33、e told。,(should) be,told,55,31. Oh, it is natural that she _ (have) different views.,因it is natural/ strange/ important/ necessary that句型中that从句的谓语通常用“(should+)动词原形”,故填(should) have。,(should) have,56,32. Tom was not there that day, but he described the scene as vividly as if he _(be) there.,由“Tom wa

34、s not there that day”可知,as if表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,故填had been。,had been,57,33. Would you mind if I _ (ask) you to do something?,因Would you mind if句型中用过去时的虚拟语气。注意,Do you mind if不用虚拟语气。请比较:Do you mind if I smoke here? /Would you mind if I smoked here? 我在这里抽烟你介意吗?,asked,58,34. I should apply for the post if I

35、 _ (be) you. I think you stand a good chance.,因“如果我是你”与现在事实相反,故说if I were you。,were,59,35. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, wed stay at home.,由tomorrow与主句谓语would stay可知,是与将来事实相反的情况,因此虚拟条件句的谓语用一般过去时或were to加动词原形或should加动词原形,故填rained或were to rain或should rain都可以。,rained/were to rain/should rain,60,36. If you _(listen) to me, you wouldnt have made so many mistakes.,由主句谓语wouldnt have made可知,是与过去事实相反的情况,因此虚拟条件句的谓语用过去完成时,故填had listened。,had listened,61,THANK YOU!,62,


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