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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom,Puzzles in GeographyReading lesson,Teaching Objectives,03,The key and difficult points,04,Teaching methods &Teaching aids,05,Blackboard Design,07,Teaching Reflection,08,Students analysis,02,Teaching Material Analysis,01,Teaching Procedures,06,Teaching Material Analysis,New

2、Senior English for China students Book 5Unit2 The United KingdomPuzzles in GeographyAn introduction to the United Kingdom about its foundation and development based on geography, history, politics and culture etc.,Students analysis,The second termjust adapt to the senior middle school lifemuch enthu

3、siasm on Englisha good English basisseek ways to learn English wellKnow a little about the United Kindom in their history class,Teaching Objectives,Knowledge aims:know how the UK formed and more detailed information about the four countries in the UK;the geographical division of England;the historic

4、al sites in London and some relevant history of England.Ability aims:improve reading ability such as skimming, scanning and intensive reading;summary ability.Emotional aims: maintain their interest and enthusiasm; get the sense of acheivement of using English;,Reasons: teaching material and ss analy

5、sis;the first peroid of this unit/ reading lesson;,the key and difficult points,The key points: know how the UK formed and more detailed information about the four countries in the UK; the geographical division of England; the historical sites in London and some relevant history of England.The diffi

6、cult points: use the information to write a short summary of this passage.,Why: not just know about UK via reading English text, but also summarize it. limit time,Teaching Methods and Aids,Teaching methods: Task-based Teaching Method Communicative Teaching approach Learning methods: reading strategy

7、 application summary method teaching aids: multi-media computer blackboard,Teaching procedures,Lead-in,While-reading,Post-reading,Pre-reading,Homework,Lead-in,(about 3min),(5min),(25 min),(10min),(2 min),Lead-in(3),Are you famililar with this picture? Which country does this picture take? (England,

8、Britain, UK)What are there in the picture?(Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria image, the golden Angel, the Emperor banner, rose)What are their special meanings?,intention: arouse students interest; desire to know more about UK,Pre-reading(5),Introduce the UK according the map. The guiding questions:1

9、. The UK consists of four countries, what are they?2.Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK?3.What do you know about any other cities or towns in the UK?4.England can be divided into three main areas. Do you know what they are? 5. The geography in the world.,intention: to activat

10、e students general knowledge about UK so as to pave the way for the following study, at the same time practicetheir oral English.,While-reading -skimming(4),intention: In this part, Ill invite individuals to give answers so as to improve their ability of grasping key informationin a limit time as we

11、ll as independent learning ability.,Task : To find out the answers as soon as possible.,1. The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kindom. Which country is left out? why? 2. What three countries does British Airways represents? 3. Which group of invaders did not influen

12、ces London?,Wales. Its usually considered to be part of England. England, Scotland and Wales. Vikings,While-reading -scanning(7),Task: Divide the passage and write down the main idea of each part. (individuals),intention: to have a clear picture to the frame of this text;improve their ability of sca

13、nning as well as the induction ability.,Task1. Discussion:( a group of four)(4) How do you understand the title of the text Puzzles in geography? Are there really any puzzles in geography of the UK? If so, what are they? If not, why does the writer use “Puzzles in Geography” as the title? Get the st

14、udents to discuss about it in pairs.,while-reading -intensive reading(14),intention: to further make clear of this text;learn to make clear of puzzles via discussing with others;foster their cooperative awareness; learn to communicate with others in English;,Task2: Fill in the following form.(7+3),i

15、ntention: to further understand the UK as well as this text; cultivate ss ability of intensive reading;,Post-reading(10),Task: Use the information to write a short summaryof the passage. Ss can work in pairs to do it. They have 7 minute to prepare it. Then its show-time.,intention: to enhance what w

16、e have learnt in this class; cultivate ss summary ability and get a sense of achievement of using English.,Homework(2),1. To search more information about UK.2. Do “Discovering useful structures” 1 and 2 on pages 13.,intention: learn to study through multiple channels and improve the indenpendent le

17、arning ability; feel learning joys.,The Uinted Kindom,Skimming Scanning three partsIntensive reading,vocabulary puzzle clarify break away to their credit,intention: have a clear frame of this class and have a deep impression of what we have learn.,Teaching Reflection,Overall, The goals of this class

18、 can mostly be reached. Most Ss can be engaged in this class. But in the post-reading part, some students didnt finish the summary in the given time. Maybe I should distribute a little more time to this part.,所谓说课是教师在备课的基础上,面对评委、同行、系统地口头表述自己的教学设计及其理论依据,然后由听者评说,达到相互交流,共同提高的目的的一种教学研究形式。说课的基本步骤,一、说教材1、

19、教材的地位:从地位上、结构上、内容上、教育意义上等方面论述本节教材在本课本书中的地位和作用。2、教学目标:根据新课程标准的要求、学生年龄特点、生活经验、认识问题的层次、程度、学生发展的需要等方面制定出三维学习目标。3、教学重点、难点:从教学内容、课标要求、学生实际、理论层次、对学生的作用等方面找出确立重点难点的依据并确定教学的重点和难点。二、说教法依据纲要、课标的四性、新理念、新教法等理论具体说明将在课堂设计中运用那些方法。这里可以从大的方面,从宏观上来说一下,具体详细可以放在下一个教学程序里说明。如:1、参与式 2、讨论式 3、互动式 4、体验式 5、研究性学习6、谈话、对话、辩论、调查、情





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