1、英语主要修辞手法,英语修萨English Rhetoric Devices,English Rhetoric DevicesFigures of speech(修辞) are ways ofmaking our language figurative. Whenwe use words in other than theirordinary or literal sense to lend force toan idea, to heighten effect, or to createsuggestive imagery, we are said to bespeaking or writi
2、ng figuratively.,English Rhetoric DevicesRhetoric devices make your speeches,essays etc. more interesting and livelyand help you to get and keep yourreaders/ listeners attention. Now weare going to talk about some commonforms of figures of speech,Simile:(明愉)It is an expressed likeness, whichmakes a
3、comparison between twounlike elements having at least onequality M To make the comparison,r characteristic(特性)incommonwords like as, as. as, as if and likeare used to transfer the quality weassociate with one to the other,Simile:(明喻)e.g. As cold water is to a thirstysoul, so is good news from a farc
4、ountry.e Reason is to faith as the eye to thetelescopeHe bellowed like a bull seekingcombat,Metaphor:(喻)e It is like a simile, also makes acomparison between two unlikeelements, but unlike a simile. thiscomparison is implied rather thanstated,Metaphor:(喻)se.gThe world is a stage.The fountain of know
5、ledge will dry up unlessit is continuously replenished by streams ofnew learningYour eye is the lamp of your body; whenour eye is sound, your whole body is full ofight; but when it is not sound, your body is川 l of darkness.,Analogy:(类比e It is also a form of comparison, but unlikesimile or metaphor w
6、hich usually usescomparison on one point of resemblance,analogy draws a parallel between twounlike things that have several commonqualities or points of resemblance. Thepattern is:A is to B as C is to D借助一些共同的相似之点来做平行的比较,比明喻和暗喻着眼点更广阔。,Analogy:(类比)eeg.Shoe is to foot as tire is to wheelFollowers are
7、to a leader as planets areto a sune shells were to ancient cultures asdollar bills are to modern culture,Personification:(拟人)It gives human form of feelings toanimals, or life and personalattributes(赋予) to inanimate(无生命的)objects, or to ideas and abstractions(il象)把事、物、观念等拟作人,赋予它们以人的思想,感情与行为方式。,51、天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。陆游52、生命不等于是呼吸,生命是活动。卢梭53、伟大的事业,需要决心,能力,组织和责任感。易卜生54、唯书籍不朽。乔特55、为中华之崛起而读书。周恩来,谢谢!,