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1、Hundred YearsWar英法百年战争,1,Its the longest war of the world.Lasted for 116 years,from 1337 to 1453.It began betweeen The Kingdom of England and The Kingdom of France.,2,The source is in the region Flanders(法兰德斯).At that time,Flanders is a famous industry advanced area of Europe.The businessmen of Flan

2、ders wanted to escape from the control of the emperor of France.But they darent to be rebels,so they thought out a good idea,they issued that the emperor of England is the feudal lord(领主)of France.Because England had a part of French land,so they could say they were English people.And just because o

3、f Flemish(法兰德斯人的)statement,England and France began the war that lasted for one hundred years.,Background,3,Primacord,In 1328,Charles IV died.Capetian Dynasty was without offspring. The house of Valoiss Philippe VI acceded to the throne. Edward III fight with Philippe VI for the throne in the quanli

4、fication of Charles IVs nephew.The war broke out.,4,Edward III,Philippe VI,5,Process,The First StageNevember 1337,Edward III(爱德华三世)leaded the military to attack France,the war began.1337-1360 year,England and France fighted for Flanders and Keane(基恩). 1340,England beat France in Battle of Sluys(斯鲁伊斯

5、海战),England controled the English channel(英吉利海峡). August 1346,England got a great victory in Battle of Crcy.The next year,in July,England captured Calais. 1348,the black death spread across the European,and the two contries stopped battling for 10 years. 1356,England invaded France again,and captrue

6、d Keane and Gasconha (加斯科涅),being in the south-west of France.1360,France was forced to conclude and sign(签订) the Treaty of Bretigny(布勒丁尼合约),which was a very unfair treaty.,6,1356,the Black Prince Edward(黑太子爱德华)arrived in Bordeaux(波尔多),invincibility(不可战胜地),in September,in Poitiers(普瓦捷),beat France,c

7、aught alive the emperor of France Jan II the prince Philippe and a lot of noblemen(贵族).The prince was forced to conclude and sign the Treaty of Brtigny,which mainly involved the following things: 1.the England emperor gave up the right of inheritance(纪承权) of the French emperor 2.France gave lots of

8、French territories(领土) to England 3.France must pay for a great deal of money to ransomed(赎回) Jan II.,Treaty of Bretigny,7,Battle of Crecy,The battle of Crecy(克雷西会战) happened on August 26 1346,and English sodiers who used England longbow(英格兰长弓)beat French heavy armour knights(重甲骑士)and sodiers holdin

9、g crossbow(十字弓).Its a most classical battle in the hundred years war.English emporer Edward III leaded 15 thousand sodiers to invade France through the sea.French emporer Philippe VI sent 30 thousand sodiers against England.In this battle,England longbow played a key function.They fought in forest,a

10、nd the knights couldnt work well. At the end,about 10 thousand people of French dead or were injured,but the number of England is around 2 hundred.,8,the Second Stage,1364,Prince Charlie(France) went to the throne(继位),who was exactly the Charlie V.For recapturing the land lost,he reformed a lot whic

11、h promoted the France to develop. 1369,Charlie V attacked England for some times,to recapture more land.Charlie V appointed Bertrand du Gai Kelan(贝特朗杜盖克兰)as the leader of military.He used some flexible tactics(战术) successfully beat England in Montiel Battle(蒙铁儿战役). 1396,the king of England warried a

12、bout that if contiued,he would lose all of his territories(领土),so the king conclued and signed a tready 20-year Armistice(二十年停战协定) with France.Form then on,England only kept down a few territories,which approximately was half of the former.,9,the Third Stage,From 1415 to 1429,in France broke out an

13、internal conflict(内讧),and many a farmer and prety of citizen rose up against the goverment as the same time.England seized the opportunity(乘机)to invade France again. In 1415,England invaded most of French territories,which was about all of the north. On 21st May,1420,England and France concluded and

14、 signed Treaty of Troyes(特鲁瓦条约).England became the prince regent(摄政王) of France,had the right to inherit the throne(王位) .France had reduced to be a part of British Commonwealth(英联邦).In October,1428,England invaded Orleans(奥尔良),French people raised guerrillas(游击队) to fight against the invaders.The wa

15、r had become a national liberation movement(民族解放运动).,10,In the fourth stage,Jeanne dArc(圣女贞德) led the French army to defeat the invaders,and got los of victories. In 1558,France recaptured Calais,which was the last point of England in Continental Europe(欧洲大陆). Until this moment,Hundred Years Wars en

16、ded,and France got the final victory.,the Fourth stage,11,Jeanne was caught,Before the punishment,12,13,Influnence,The victory of the war promoted the the unity of France and laid the foundation forthe expansionineurope.at the same time ,the Nationalism of was built and imposed the policy of banlancing power on the European continent.then The Kingdom of England switcheditsfocusto overseas and became the biggest empire in the world .,14,Thank you!,15,


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