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1、人教版七年级下英语全书漫画语法,how词组引导的特殊疑问句,漫画中有哪些特殊疑问句?How引导的特殊疑问句都有哪些?,how,how many,how much,how long,how soon,how often,how far,how about,how many/how much辨析,How many members are in EXO?Nine.,How much butter did you put on the bread?A spoon.,how long/how often/how soon辨析,how long/how often/how soon 辨析,how ofte

2、n ,“多久一次”,询问频率:,once a week, twice a day, three times a year, usually, never等。,how long/how often/how soon辨析,how long,how often,how soon,询问时间时,表示“多长时间”,回答用“for+时间段”或“since+时间点”;还可询问长度。多用于现在完成时。,“多久一次”,用来对表示频率的副词或短语提问。多用于一般现在时。,问“多久以后”,多用于一般将来时,how long/ how soon / how often,how long/how far辨析,How lo

3、ng is the bridge?Eight hundred meters.,How far is your home from school?3 kilometers.,3 km,1) How long is your ruler? Its 20 cm. How long did you stay in the town? About 2 weeks.2) How far is it from your home to school? About 5 kilometers.,how about的用法,how about“怎么样?”,表示请求或建议。,how about + 名词/代词/动名词

4、,Thats all for our lesson. How about taking a test?,I can do it well. How about you?,代词,动名词,典例1,_ pocket money do you usually get every month?Fifty yuan. How about you?A. How oftenB. How longC. How manyD. How much,典例2,Can you tell me _ your online shopping will arrive?In three days, I think.A. how l

5、ong B. how soon C. how far D. how much,there be句型,I am hungry. Are there any biscuits in the cupboard?,No, but there is plenty of bread here. You could make yourself a cheese sandwich.,There is no cheese in the fridge, but there are some tomatoes.,Now I need a knife.,There is one in that drawer. Be

6、careful-dont cut yourself.,there be句型有哪些用法呢?,看漫画找规律:,there is/are+其他,there was/were+其他,there will be+其他there is/are going to be+其他,there has/have been+其他,无am形式,there be的时态,Lets count!,There are two cows and three horses at the farm.,Lets count!,There is one hen and four sheep at the farm.,There are

7、two cows and three horses at the farm.,There is one hen and four sheep at the farm.,there be遵循就近原则,there be的单复数,there be 句型,构成,与have的区别,There is/are +其他。There was/were +其他。There will be/is going to be+其他。,be动词的单复数,由后面的名词决定;主语为多个名词时,遵循“就近原则”。,用法总结,典例1,There _ still some milk in the fridge. Its not ne

8、cessary to go to the store today.A. am B. is C. are D. be,there be的一般现在时,典 例 2,there be遵循就近原则, David, there _ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away. OK. Mum. Ill do it right away.A. is B. are C. has D. have,不可数名词,This is how you make bread.,不可数名词,First you mix flour, yeast,

9、water and other ingredients together in a bowl.,Then you knead the dough.,A few hours later, you will have a delicious loaf of bread.,漫画中的不可数名词有哪些?不可数名词有哪些分类和用法?,看漫画找规律,不可数名词,液体类,water, tea, coffee, juice, drink, orange,肉类,meat, beef, mutton, pork, chicken, fish,材料类,wood, metal, paper, cotton, glass

10、,抽象类,love, happiness, time, power, youth,其他,information, news, advice, homework,不可数名词如何量化呢?,不可数名词的特征无复数形式,表达数量时,要用到量词,表达公式为:数词 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词,He had much bread this morning.,Please give me a piece of paper.,There are three bottles of milk on the table.,量词可变化为复数,a black tea,有些不可数名词,可以转换为可数名词。,a ba

11、g of tea,rain a heavy rainsuccess a great success,There is no _ in the plate.A. appleB. orangesC. riceD. eggs,典例1,Would you like _, please?A. two glass of waterB. two glasses of waterC. two glass of watersD. two glasses of waters,典例2,可数名词,Mrs. Jones has many pets.,可数名词,She has two dogs called Rex an

12、d Rover.,She also has three cats, a parrot and four white mice.,Fortunately, she lives in a large house!,漫画中的可数名词有哪些?名词有哪些分类和变换规则呢?,看漫画找规律,名词,专有名词,There is a chair near the table.,不可数名词,可数名词,We need ten chairs for the meeting.,I had some milk and bread this morning.,Beijing is the capital of China.,

13、规则变化,不规则变化,规则变化,一般 名词词尾直接加-s。,student - students,二般 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾,词尾加-es。,box - boxes,三般 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加-es。,city - cities,五般 以o结尾,有生命加-es;,四般 以-f/-fe结尾,变-f/-fe为v,再加-es。,knife - knives,potato - potatoes,radio - radios,无生命加-s。,除a, e, i, o, u五个元音字母外,其余都是辅音字母。,注意这边!这些单词是例外喔!,boy - boystoy - toys,r

14、oof roofsbelief beliefsproof proofschief - chiefs,变元音“oo常要变ee,男人、女人a变e”,不规则变化,foot - feettooth - teethgoose - geese,man - menwoman - women,通常情况下,-man后缀,a都要变e。,policeman - policemenbusinessman - businessmen,词尾加上-(r)en的情况,child - childrenox - oxenchick - chicken,不规则变化,某国人“中日不变,英法变,其余-s加后面”,Chinese - C

15、hineseJapanese - Japanese,Englishman - EnglishmenFrenchman - Frenchmen,American - Americans,German,- Germans,German比较特殊哟!,不规则变化,Most of _ live in _.A. Germans; German B. German; GermenC. Germen; Germany D. Germans; Germany,典例1,How many _ do you see in the picture?tomatosB. tomatoesC. tomatoD. the to

16、mato,典例2,频度副词,We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.,P13,频度副词的定义,频度副词表示动作发生或状态存在的频率。,常用的频度副词及频度副词短语有:always, usually, often, sometimes, never, once a week, every day等。对频度副词或频度副词短语提问时,用how often,表示“多久一次”。,频度副词的分类,模

17、糊频度副词always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never,精确频度副词every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a year,always,often,usually,sometimes,hardly (ever),never,频度副词集结号,always“总是;永远地”,usually“通常;平常”,often“常常”,sometimes“有时”,hardly ever“几乎不;简直不”,never“从来不;永不”,I always do my cleaning on Su

18、ndays. Jenny usually goes to school on foot, but sometimes by bike.Li Ming never eats ice cream in winter.,漫画中的有哪些频度副词?仔细品味他们的区别,看漫画找规律,Mrs Green takes her dog, Max, for a walk every day.,She always keeps him on his lead so that he cannot run away.,One day he escaped from the garden and was missing

19、for several hours.,Mrs Green searched for him all day. She finally found him on the other side of the town.,how often/long/far辨析,(多用于一般现在时),(多用于完成时),易混点1,1) How often do you write to your brother? Twice a month.2) How long is your ruler? Its 20 cm. How long did you stay in the town? About 2 weeks.3)

20、 How far is it from your home to school? About 5 kilometers.,P10,Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.,How often do you have piano lessons?,sometimes/some times/some time/sometime辨析,Sometimes I go to school by bike.I have been to Beijing some times.Children need some time to play by themselves.Uncl

21、e Wang will come to see me sometime.,(有时),(几次),(一些时间),(将来某个时间),易混点2,hardly与hard辨析,易混点3,He hardly ever swims on Saturdays. The rock is hard enough for the road. The students work hard every day.,(几乎不),(坚硬),(努力),典例1,(2019临沂中考),“Left-behind” children _see their parents, because their parents work in th

22、e cities leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents.A. always B. hardly ever C. often,典例2,(2019铜仁中考),How often do you usually go to work by subway?_. I always take a bus, because there is no subway in this city. A. Sometimes B. Often C. Never D. Seldom,祈使句,漫画中有哪些祈使句

23、?祈使句的用法有哪些?,祈使句的定义,祈使句用来表示命令、请求、建议或劝告对方做某事或别做某事等。,Close the door, please. Be careful!Dont be late for school again!,Listen to me!,Let me see.,Be quiet!,No smoking!,祈使句的常见结构,1) “Be + 形容词”型肯定式:Be + 形容词否定式:Dont be + 形容词,Be quiet, please.Dont be late next time.,祈使句的常见结构,2) “行为动词开头”型肯定式:动词原形+其他否定式:Dont +

24、 动词原形+其他,Come here, please.Dont stand up.,祈使句的常见结构,3) Let型肯定式:Let + 人称代词宾格 +动词原形否定式:Let + 人称代词宾格 + not + 动词原形 Dont + let + 人称代词宾格 +动词原形,Lets go!Lets not say anything about it.Dont let them make any noise.,祈使句的常见结构,4) “No + 名词或动名词”型意义:表示“禁止”,含否定含义,经常用于公共场合。,No photos.No smoking.,易错点1,“Do祈使句”表示一种强烈的感情

25、或请求,do没有实际意义,起强调作用。,Do be careful when you cross the road. Do tell the truth!,“Do祈使句”表强调,do表强调,易错点2,祈使句中连接词的用法,and用在祈使句后,前后表示顺承,意为“那么”。,or用在祈使句后,前后表示转折,意为“否则”。,Work harder, and you will be better.,Hurry up, or well be late.,易错点3,祈使句的答语,Wish you good luck in this English exam.Thank you.,回答祈使句,不能简单的用Y

26、es/No来回答,要根据具体的场景予以回复。常见的祈使句答语包括,肯定回答:Thank you./ No Problem./ Id love to. / Of course.否定回答:Sorry./ I wont do that again./ I wont forget.,典例1,David, _ make trouble at school. A. cant B. dont C. doesnt D. be not,典例2,_ me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise.A. Give B. Giving C. Gives D. To give,情态动词

27、can的用法,情态动词can有什么用法呢?,看漫画找规律,When it rains, we can stay in the classroom during the lunch break.,My friend Alice and I sometimes play chess. I am quite a good player, but I cannot always beat her.,Sometimes we draw pictures. Alice can draw animals much better than I can.,Unfortunately, she cant spel

28、l as well as she can draw.,He can speak a little Japanese.,表示能力时,意为“能、会”。,1,Can you come to my birthday party?,表示请求或许可时,意为“可以”,2,表能力,can的基本用法,表请求,That man cant be my English teacher.,表示推测时,意为“可能”,常在否定句和疑问句中,3,表否定推测,can的基本句型,I can play the guitar. 我能弹吉他。,I cant play the guitar. 我不会弹吉他。,Can you play t

29、he guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?,肯定句:主语 + can+ V原形+其他,否定句:主语 + cant+ V原形+其他,一般疑问句:Can +主语 + V原形+其他?答语:Yes, 主语+can./No, 主语+cant.,(否定句),(一般疑问句),速记小筏,can可用来表能力,人称和数约束弃;不可单独作谓语,须和实动连动合一起。若是句中出现can,动词原形后边站;一般疑问can提前,否定can后not添。用can提问用can答,不可滥用别词加;Yes跟can,No cant,前后不一闹笑话。,情态动词,can,The little boy has just had lunch. He

30、_ be hungry already. A. must B. mustnt C. can D. cant,典例1,Helen, who _ fix up the computer in our class?I think Jeff can.A. should B. would C. must D. can,典例2,现在进行时的用法,I am drawing a picture of myself with my family.,In the picture, I am wearing my favourite T-shirt and jeans.,My brother is standing

31、 beside me. He is smiling.,My parents are sitting on the sofa. Mum is reading a newspaper.,现在进行时有什么用法呢?,看漫画找规律,提分点1,现在进行时的构成,The children are flying kites in the park.,The children arent flying kites in the park.,Are the children flying kites in the park?,肯定句:主语 + am/is/are + doing + ,否定句:主语 + am/is

32、/are + not + doing + ,疑问句:Am/Is/Are +主语 + doing + ,(否定句),(一般疑问句),提分点2,现在进行时的用法,May I speak to Mrs. Black?Sorry, mum cant come to the phone now. She is having a shower.,表示说话时正在进行的动作或存在的状态。,1,The foreigners are visiting Beijing this week.,表示现阶段发生,但此时此刻不一定正在进行的动作。,2,提分点2,现在进行时的用法,You are always changin

33、g your mind.,与always, usually, forever等词连用,表示反复发生的动作,常含有赞扬、不满、厌烦、奇怪等感情色彩。,4,We are flying to Paris tomorrow.,表示按计划将要发生的动作。主要用于短暂性动词:come, go, run, leave, begin, arrive等。,3,表责备,现在进行表将来,提分点3,现在进行时标志词,at the moment,right now,Look!,Listen!,this week/month,this/these,now,Listen! Lu Han is singing in his

34、studio.,Students are working hard for the final exam these days.,these days/years,典例1,What is your mother doing, Linda? She _ dinner in the kitchen now.is cooking B. was cooking C. cook D. cooking,现在进行时标志词,Look! They _ basketball on the playground.A. play B. plays C. are playing,典例2,选择疑问句,Is she goi

35、ng there by bike or on foot?,On foot.,Four Seasons in a Year,Do you like spring or winter?Spring.,Do you like spring winter?Spring.,Is she going there by bike on foot?On foot.,选择疑问句的结构:,一般疑问句+or+选择部分,or,or,Which would you like, the sweater or the handbag?,Which would you like, the scarf or the dress

36、?,The dress.,The handbag.,选择疑问句的结构:,特殊疑问句,选项A + or + 选项B,Which would you like, the scarf the dress? The dress.,Who will win in the race, the hare the tortoise?The tortoise.,or,or,典例1, Is this a Chinese book or an English book? Oh, _.A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. An English book D. A music book,选择疑

37、问句回答不用yes/no,What size bowl of noodles would you like, small _ large?A. andB. butC. as well asD. or,考查选择疑问句连接词,典例2,一般过去时,I to the park last weekend.,I on a swing happily.,A ball into the water.,The monkeys naughty.,He me a lot.,We hungry and some bread.,went,were,ate,played,helped,fell,were,went,wer

38、e,ate,played,fell,were,helped,看一看变红的单词有什么变化规则?,规则变化,一般情况下,加-ed,以不发音的字母e结尾时,直接加-d,以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加-ed,以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写词尾辅音字母后加-ed,1,2,3,4,look looked,live lived,study studied,play played,stop stopped,不规则变化,let,let,原形,过去式,put,put,set,set,cut,cut,read,read,不变应万变,red,不规则变化,原形,过去式,若有双e去e加t,felt,fe


40、,sold,含有be动词的一般过去时构成形式是什么?,看漫画找规律,Once upon a time there were three sisters. Their names were Sally, Sarah and Sue.,Sally and Sue were twins, but they werent at all alike.,Sally was cleverer than Sue, but she wasnt as good at drawing.,Sarah was just a baby. Sally and Sue were very fond of her.,一般过去时

41、的构成-be,Jack was at school yesterday.,Jack wasnt at school yesterday.,Was Jack at school yesterday?,肯定句:主语 + was/were + ,否定句:主语 + was/were + not + ,疑问句:Was/Were +主语 + ,(否定句),(一般疑问句),含有实意动词的一般过去时构成形式是什么?,看漫画找规律,Joe kicked the football to his brother.,It went over the fence into their neighbours garden

42、.,They heard the sound of breaking glass and ran to the fence.,Their neighbour came out of his house, shouting angrily at them. “Look at my greenhouse“ he cried.,My grandpa visited Paris last year.,My grandpa didnt visit Paris last year.,Did your grandpa visit Paris last year?,肯定句:主语 + V过去式 + ,否定句:主

43、语 + didnt + V原 + ,疑问句:Did +主语 + V原 + ,(否定句),(一般疑问句),一般过去时的构成-实意动词,表过去发生的动作。,Tom broke the window yesterday.,表过去存在的状态。,He was very short when he was ten.,一般过去时的常见用法,She didnt go out last night, because she had a headache.,表示在过去确定的时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。,1,He often helped me out when we were in middle school.

44、,表示过去一段时间内经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。,2,经常性、习惯性,过去一段时间,易错点,过去确定的时间,一般过去时的常见用法,I never thought you arrived here on time.,Ken left his jacket in the gym. He has to get it back.,叙述没有过去具体时间的动作或状态。,3,发生在说话之前,发生在has to之前,语境中,根据上下文判断!,标 志 词,yesterday, just nowthe day before yesterday, in the past, in those days/years,i

45、n+过去年份 ( in 1990 ), ago ( three weeks ago),last ( last week ),一般过去时的标志词,改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange

46、in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup?,didnt do Did find any How long did stay Was any,典 例 1,Oh, my God! I _you were in Beijing, too! When did you come? I have lived in Beijing since 2015. A. dont know B. didnt knowC. havent known D. wasnt known,典 例 2,The headmaster is at the back of the c

47、lassroom. Do you know when he _ here?Sorry, I dont know either. A. comes B. cameC. is coming D. was coming,疑问副词引导的特殊疑问句,包含有疑问副词的特殊疑问句有哪些?用法是什么呢?,看漫画找规律,How much further is it?,Why are we going there?,When can we go for a sail?,疑问副词,when,Where are you taking us, Dad?,how,why,where,1,考点梳理,when的用法, Wha

48、t time do you usually get up? At seven.,2,考点梳理,why的用法,Why does he swim so fast?,Why are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition? To learn about different styles of school uniform.,用“because” 回答why的提问,用包含“to do” 的结构回答why的提问,Because he practices it every day.,3,考点梳理,How do you study for a math test

49、?By asking my teacher for help.,how的用法,How does your father go to work every day?By bus.,对方式进行提问,对交通工具进行提问,4,考点梳理,where的用法,Where are you going?,Where do you work?I work in a local hospital.,I am going to the library.,选词填空,where, when, how, why,1._did you hold the meeting? In the lecture hall.,3._do

50、you usually go to work? By bike.,Where,How,2. _ are you always staying up so late these days? To prepare for my final exam.,Why,4. _ will your brother come back? Im not sure. Maybe in a week.,When,地点,解释原因,方式,时间,典 例 1,_ do people like swimming?Because it is good for their health A. When B. Where C. W


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