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1、I. Definition of debate:Debate id defined as “exchange of reasoning” In other words, it is a questioning exploration that is changing, energetic and dynamic.II. Styles of debate:Parliamentary debate:(1) the standard American style: has two teams of two contestants making a total of 6 speeches becaus

2、e one speaker will speak twice by giving a “ reply” speech.,Part one:Overview,(2) the standard British style: it brings a greater level of complexity by having four competing teams, two teams on each side each compromising of two people making a total of 8 speeches. Each team has a specific role to

3、play depending on their order of speaking. For example; the summing up for the whole side is done by the last speaker of the second teams.,I. Definition of Motion:There are a number of different words to describe motions. They can be called, for example: topics, subjects, resolutions, moots, proposa

4、ls, propositions or issues. Motions are usually worded asthis house believes thatII. Purpose of motion:In parliamentary debate, the motion indentifies a problem or situation that could be changed. The purpose of the debate is to test whether the proposed change offered by,Part two:Preparation,affirm

5、ative side in their definition of the motion isworkable and reasonable.,Manner, Method, Matter,It is the delivery style a debater uses to persuade the audience. It is involved in physical and vocal aspects: Appearance( dress appropriately) Stance physical aspect Gestures Eye contact Style(be yoursel

6、f but plan for variety) Use of notes,Part Three:Manner-How you behave in debating,Use of notesTips:(1) Dont read(2) Do use notes: to remind you what to say, to remind you when to say it, to remind you how to say it.How to Use Notes:(1)Main points: the headings not a full script(2)The order of the po

7、ints: structure of speech,(3)The style: voice, speed, pause(to remind you when to use soft calm voice, when to more aggressive, when to slow down)(4)Leave some spaces(to renumber the order if necessary)(5)Evidence for each main point ( small cards, not paper)(6)Have spare cards to write rebuttal not

8、es(7)Difficult words for pronouncing or remembering (in big letters),Volume (dont shout but be heard) Voice (vary the pace and pitch ) Speed (dont gabble: slow down, clear, formal) PausesVocal aspect Language (keep language simple) signposting repetition Humor,I. Quality of definitionThe affirmative

9、 side has what is called its “ burden”. That is the duty to establish a debatable case for the motion.(1) It is necessary that all debaters agree on what is being debated and that what s being debated is understood by the audience.(2) It is necessary in parliamentary debating that the motion is inte

10、rpreted in a way that there is a case to answer. That is to say, the affirmative side must interpret the motion in a way that allows the opposition to challenge them,Part Four: Method-How to do it,II. The clashThe opposition must challenge by directly confronting the affirmative sides case. They do

11、not, however, have to stick to the exact conditions of the case as laid out by the affirmative. They can extend or narrow a topic if it helps them but must give clear reasons for doing so. If the negative side does not challenge the affirmative sides case, they will lose on Matter as well as Method.

12、,III. Allocation of tasks (1)American parliamentary debate a formal contest of reason, wit and rhetorical skill which simulates debate in a theoretical House of Parliament. Two teams, the Government and the Opposition, of two debaters each, consider a resolution proposed to the House.,1.1 .Each team

13、 will compromise the following members:1.1.1 Prime Minister : (PM) (7Minutes )Introduce the resolution /motion. Define any ambiguous words in the motion or narrow the motion to specifics Give clear and precise case statement.( It should be one sentence which indicates what the affirmative side wants

14、 to prove during the debate)Support case with several independent arguments.,1.1.2. Leader of Opposition: (LO) (8 Minutes):Evaluate the definition. Accept or reject the defintionAnnounce opposition strategy/counter case. Introduce independent analysis. Rebut PM argument.,1.1.3. Member of Government

15、(MG) (8 Minutes) :Provide overviews. Attack Opposition independent analysis. Rebuild/review Government case. Introduce new argument.,1.1.4. Member of Opposition:(MO) (8 Minutes ):Introduce new points and analysis. Counter Member of Government.,1.1.5. Leader of Opposition Rebuttal(LO) (4 Minutes):NO

16、NEW ARGUMENTS ALLOWEDCompare and contrast the two casesHighlight weaknesses by the affirmative sideEmphasize the strengths in the negative sides arguments . Conclusion.,1.1.6. Prime Minister Rebuttal (PMR) (5 Minutes): NO NEW ARGUMENTS ALLOWEDRebut the negative sides caseSummarize affirmative sides

17、case. Address crucial issues. Compare and contrast the arguments. Conclusion.,(2). Point of Information (POI):2.1 POIS are comments made by members directed at the speech of the member holding the floor; POI should be brief, pertinent and preferably witty. Points of order and points of personal priv

18、ilege are prohibited. POI指在对方发言时,针对发言者正在申述的观点提出本方观点。POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题。,2.2 A “Point of Information” must be indicated by a member of an opposing team rising from his/her seat and extending hand towards the member holding the floor. A member offering a Point of Information may draw attenti

19、on to the offer by saying “on that point Sir/Madam,” or similar. 提出POI时要从座位上起立,将一只手指向发言的人。提问者可以用类似on that point Sir/Madam的话引起发言者的注意。,2.3 A member holding the floor must respond to an opposing member, or members offering Points of Information, in one of the following ways: A clear gesture or hand sig

20、nal rejecting the offer A verbal rejection of the offer A verbal acceptance of the offer,2.4 If a POI is accepted, the point should be phrased as clarification, or comment, and made in two sentences (or less) within 15 seconds. The speaker accepting it must frame an answer or response to it within t

21、he context of his/her speech. 2.5 POI may be offered during the first four constructive speeches, POI may not be offered during the first and last minutes of constructive speeches. POI may not be offered during final rebuttal (总结陈词阶段)speeches.,2.6 Each debater should attempt to take at least two POI

22、 during a speech. The opposing side should attempt to rise at least four times for POIS in each constructive speeches,II. The British Parliamentary Debate:Four teams of two debaters participate in each round. The teams supporting the motion are referred to as the “Proposition.” The teams arguing aga

23、inst the motion are known as the “Opposition” teams. Two teams represent the Proposition: the Opening Proposition and the Closing Proposition. Two teams represent the Opposition: the Opening Opposition and the Closing Opposition. Each of these teams competes against all other teams in the round and

24、will be ranked 1st through 4th at the conclusion of the debate.,(1)Speaker Order No.1 : Opening Proposition Team, 1st speaker: Prime Minister or “Leader of the Proposition”7 minutesNo.2 :Opening Opposition Team, 1st speaker :Leader of the Opposition“:-7 minutesNo.3: Opening Proposition Team, 2nd spe

25、aker: Deputy Prime Minister or Deputy Leader of the Proposition“7 minutesNo.4: Opening Opposition Team, 2nd speaker Deputy Leader of the Opposition 7 minutesNo.5: Closing Proposition Team, 1st speaker Member of the Proposition 7 minutes No.6: Closing Opposition Team, 1st speaker Member of the Opposi

26、tion 7 minutes,No. 7: Closing Proposition Team, 2nd speaker: Proposition Whip“ 7 minutes NO. 8:Closing Opposition Team, 2nd speaker: Opposition Whip 7 minutes(2) Speech timing Each speech will be 7 minutes. Points of Information are allowed after the first minute and before the last minute of all sp

27、eeches.,1:00Single ring of a bell (POIs allowed)6:00Single ring of a bell (POIs no longer allowed)7:00Double ring of a bell (Conclusion of speaking time)7:15Continuous ringing (Conclusion of grace period),(3)Speaker Roles: No.1 :“Prime Minister” or “Leader of the Proposition”: to present a case supp

28、orting the motion. The primary role of Opening Proposition team, initiated in this speech, is to establish the foundation for meaningful debate on the motion.No.2: “Leader of the Opposition The Opening Oppositions primary team role is to counter the first Proposition teams case through direct or ind

29、irect refutation and/or provide substantive arguments against the motion.,No.3: Deputy Prime Minister”:This speaker should refute the Leader of the Oppositions speech, and further develop the Opening Proposition teams case.No.4 : Deputy Leader of the Opposition This speaker supports his or her teamm

30、ate, answering objections from the other side and introducing additional arguments or support.,No. 5: Member of the Proposition : support the position developed by the Opening Proposition team by introducing an extension. A successful extension will develop a distinct argument identity for the Closi

31、ng Proposition team while supporting the Opening Proposition team. The Member of the Proposition may also refute the arguments made by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition.,No.6: Member of the Opposition :should support the position developed by the Opening Opposition team and must also introduce an

32、extension. As with the Member Proposition, the Member Oppositions extension will be most successful if it establishes a unique argument identity that distinguishes the Closing from the Opening Opposition while continuing the general direction of argument initiated by the Opening Opposition. The Memb

33、er Opposition may also directly or indirectly refute the arguments of the Member Proposition.,No.7: Proposition Whip“: summarizes the Propositions arguments and summarizes the refutation of the Opposition side. With the exception of refuting the Member Oppositions extension, the speaker should not i

34、ntroduce positive (new) matter.No. 8: Opposition Whip : summarizes opposition to the extension and makes reply to each teams position in the debate. This speaker should not introduce positive (new) matter.,Cautions: The Leader of the Proposition should provide any clarification of terms at the begin

35、ning of his or her speech.All debates shall commence 30 minutes after the motion has been announced. Debaters may consult any written materials during the preparation time.Debaters may request a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute, and before the last minute, of any speech.,


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